I dont get the confederate flag hysteria

Bolshoi. You're so much in fear you're willing to circumvent the First Amendment by selectively classifying religions you don't care for into "un-religions" based on a blatatly transparent association fallacy. That's skeeeeered.
Think what you like.

I know the truth of it.

There's a huge difference between being afraid of an enemy and recognizing it and contemplating ways to prevent it from damaging your own society.

Re-awakening and re-militarizing Islam - especially its more militant and radical elements - is, indeed, The Enemy.

And, if things get bad enough with Muslims in this country, we may, indeed, consider re-classifying Islam, so that it is no longer protected by the First.

When Constitutionality and Safety are at sword's point, Safety wins nearly every time.

See: suspension of Habeus Corpus by Abraham Lincoln.

See: concentration of Japanese into camps by Franklin D. Roosevelt.

See: <fill in the blank, for the future>

It doesn't take a whole lot of imagination to conjure-up a Muslim-centric filler for that blank.

It's always safer to Act Now and Apologize Later, if need be, isn't it?

If by the word "safer" you mean "less Constitutional", then yes, definitely.
No... "safer", as in "safer".
Thanks for your service and if they'd take the gloves off it would be a different story. But the left is timid and the result is we fight wars we cannot win. By the way I'm a Navy brat, my father was USN MCPO. I know military

I'm not sure how "taking off the gloves" is going to make a difference. We've been at war with them for 15 years now.

Also, taking off the gloves would mean starting a draft, taxing people at WWII levels, rationing gasoline, etc.

Nobody wants their country to be occupied by a foreign army. We couldn't subdue the Vietnamese after dropping more bombs on them than we dropped in WWII.
Muslims murder thousands of americans in the name of Allah and the Koran, but there doesnt seem to be anyone wanting to ban the Koran or Mosques?

In a way you have a point. Dylan Roof didn't slaughter nine people in the name of a flag--- he slaughtered nine people because he's too fucking stupid to see through the bigoted hate bullshit he picked up dumpster-diving on the internet.

You know -- like the rest of your post here with that Muslim malarkey.

Riigghhht. Admit it asshole - you, and those mouth breathing liberals like you, are scared shitless of Muslims because, unlike Christians, they will lop your head off.

This idiotic, unwarranted fear of 'Muslims' is the sole purview of you and most others on the ridiculous right.
Muslims murder thousands of americans in the name of Allah and the Koran, but there doesnt seem to be anyone wanting to ban the Koran or Mosques?

In a way you have a point. Dylan Roof didn't slaughter nine people in the name of a flag--- he slaughtered nine people because he's too fucking stupid to see through the bigoted hate bullshit he picked up dumpster-diving on the internet.

You know -- like the rest of your post here with that Muslim malarkey.

Riigghhht. Admit it asshole - you, and those mouth breathing liberals like you, are scared shitless of Muslims because, unlike Christians, they will lop your head off.

This idiotic, unwarranted fear of 'Muslims' is the sole purview of you and most others on the ridiculous right.

The far left admires the racial 'Muslims'. They wish they could do the same things to their enemies here in the US..
It will be fascinating to see what the targets are after this, and how the dominoes fall.
That will depend on if Hilary becomes president in 2016 with a republican congress..
What's happening isn't political, it's cultural.

A big ol' cleansing that will throw the baby out with the bathwater.

When it's cultural, it's pretty much impossible to stop.

Muslims murder thousands of americans in the name of Allah and the Koran, but there doesnt seem to be anyone wanting to ban the Koran or Mosques?

In a way you have a point. Dylan Roof didn't slaughter nine people in the name of a flag--- he slaughtered nine people because he's too fucking stupid to see through the bigoted hate bullshit he picked up dumpster-diving on the internet.

You know -- like the rest of your post here with that Muslim malarkey.

He killed people because he spent 21 years listening to racist tripe from those around him. Many of those racists he's listening to stand behind a flag as a symbol of white supremacism.

The Koran is worshiped by 1 billion Muslims or so. Only a few of them are terrorists. The KKK were also terrorists and they did what they did in the name of Christianity. No one's calling for the end of Christianity either.
Give it time... they're working on it... best to step on the head of a viper-hatchling before it matures.

Guy, the Islamic World controls less territory than it did 300 years ago.

The best way to deal with a viper is to not disturb its nest.

Wrong, if left alone its left to multiply. Hunt it down and kill it before that happens. Like we should be doing with radical goat fuggers
As was the case with 'communism' and the war the United States won in Vietnam...

The ignorance of history common to most on the warmongering right is what contributed to the disaster that is currently the ME.
It will be fascinating to see what the targets are after this, and how the dominoes fall.
That will depend on if Hilary becomes president in 2016 with a republican congress..
What's happening isn't political, it's cultural.

A big ol' cleansing that will throw the baby out with the bathwater.

When it's cultural, it's pretty much impossible to stop.


It is political. It is always political.

Just like many issues out there.

Like I said it will depend on Hilary winning the 2016 elections and if she has a republican congress.

There is really no need to remove anything due to Political Correctness.

Anyone comparing the Confederate flag to a Nazi flag is certainly political. The republicans will still not gain any cross over votes for their efforts to remove a certain flag..
Give it time... they're working on it... best to step on the head of a viper-hatchling before it matures.

Guy, the Islamic World controls less territory than it did 300 years ago.

The best way to deal with a viper is to not disturb its nest.

Wrong, if left alone its left to multiply. Hunt it down and kill it before that happens. Like we should be doing with radical goat fuggers
As was the case with 'communism' and the war the United States won in Vietnam...

The ignorance of history common to most on the warmongering right is what contributed to the disaster that is currently the ME.

Says the far left drone= that supports Obama's illegal wars..
Muslims murder thousands of americans in the name of Allah and the Koran, but there doesnt seem to be anyone wanting to ban the Koran or Mosques?

In a way you have a point. Dylan Roof didn't slaughter nine people in the name of a flag--- he slaughtered nine people because he's too fucking stupid to see through the bigoted hate bullshit he picked up dumpster-diving on the internet.

You know -- like the rest of your post here with that Muslim malarkey.

He killed people because he spent 21 years listening to racist tripe from those around him. Many of those racists he's listening to stand behind a flag as a symbol of white supremacism.

The Koran is worshiped by 1 billion Muslims or so. Only a few of them are terrorists. The KKK were also terrorists and they did what they did in the name of Christianity. No one's calling for the end of Christianity either.

Says the far left drone!

Yes that is why the far left bashes Christianity endlessly and ignores any other religion.

When the far left bashes Islam like they do Christianity then your point maybe true..
It will be fascinating to see what the targets are after this, and how the dominoes fall.
That will depend on if Hilary becomes president in 2016 with a republican congress..
What's happening isn't political, it's cultural.

A big ol' cleansing that will throw the baby out with the bathwater.

When it's cultural, it's pretty much impossible to stop.


Oh, Mac, you can still be a bigot.

You just can't be a bigot at work.

Or in the Public Square.

Here's the real problem. What should have been done with the Confederate Flag was to regulate it to the same dustbin of history as the Swastika.

Instead, we've allowed the South to retain the illusion that they had fought for a "noble cause", when they hadn't.

The discussion we are having now we should have had 150 years ago, and it should have ended with hanging Davis and Lee and the rest of them.
It will be fascinating to see what the targets are after this, and how the dominoes fall.
That will depend on if Hilary becomes president in 2016 with a republican congress..
What's happening isn't political, it's cultural.

A big ol' cleansing that will throw the baby out with the bathwater.

When it's cultural, it's pretty much impossible to stop.


Oh, Mac, you can still be a bigot.

You just can't be a bigot at work.

Or in the Public Square.

Here's the real problem. What should have been done with the Confederate Flag was to regulate it to the same dustbin of history as the Swastika.

Instead, we've allowed the South to retain the illusion that they had fought for a "noble cause", when they hadn't.

The discussion we are having now we should have had 150 years ago, and it should have ended with hanging Davis and Lee and the rest of them.

Yes as the far left has displayed by electing a racist/bigoted president twice..
A re-awakened and re-militarizing Islam - especially its more dogmatic and aggressive and fundamentalist militant elements - is one of the primary threat-vectors of the future.

Right. Where did you read that, in a comic book?
Thank you, Tokyo Rose... or was it Lord Haw-Haw?

again, you keep sticking your dick into a hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung.
A re-awakened and re-militarizing Islam - especially its more dogmatic and aggressive and fundamentalist militant elements - is one of the primary threat-vectors of the future.

Right. Where did you read that, in a comic book?
Thank you, Tokyo Rose... or was it Lord Haw-Haw?

again, you keep sticking your dick into a hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung.
Nope... that particular hornet's nest is now abroad in the world and looking for trouble... re-awakened by the departure of European Imperialism in the late 1940s.

Caliphates and theocratic autocracies and dictatorships based upon Islam are the matter which rushes in to fill the vacuum, and those are dangerous to The West.

Today, and, even more so, tomorrow.

Best to squash such beastly vulgarities as they arise, rather than waiting until they're too dug-in, and impossible to dislodge.

Pacifism, appeasement and delusional hiding of our heads in the sand are not the answer, for ourselves, nor our descendants.

War-making for its own sake - or for profit - is not the answer.

Neither is cowering under our collective bed, and pretending that a very serious threat-vector doesn't exist, or that it will leave us alone, if only we leave it alone.

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