I don't get the Democrats, Republicans, or Libertarians!

I believe that most people who choose to enter politics are decent and honest an uncorrupted individuals.

Problem is that if they stay in politics long enough they all will lose their decency, honesty and succumb to the irresistible temptation of corruption.

What America needs is TERM LIMITS for all elected officials.
I am quickly discovering, I am a man without a party. Oh, I very much am aware that I'm a constitutional conservative, but there simply doesn't seem to be any political party that viewpoint fits with anymore. Certainly it's not the Democrats, who have essentially become Marxists, Maoists and Communists. These people have become rabid sociopaths and narcissists, full of hubris and unshakable in their determination to never compromise. I don't know what their ultimate goal and objective is, honestly. I guess it's to push us into a state of civil war, whereby they believe their side will ultimately prevail, killing off all opposition, and ushering in liberal utopia? Because it's certainly not a reasoned bipartisan approach at all. They get elected to power, and immediately start ramming their agenda down our throats like little dictators, without any regard for the law or the constitution, whatsoever. And it doesn't seem to matter how badly their ideas fail, they continue to push for more and more of the same. You try and have a reasoned debate with them here, and they just ridicule and hurl insults, refusing to be civil in any manner. I've never seen anything like it in my lifetime.

Then we have the Libertarians, who I happen to share many common viewpoints with, but these people tend to be whack jobs, who take everything to the most bizarre extremes, like the idea that we should just legalize heroin and disband our military entirely, and let society do whatever the hell it pleases, with no moral or ethical boundaries whatsoever. As with the left, you try to communicate with these people, and it's like talking to a brick wall. They are all about standing on their principles, and consequence be damned. Refusing to accept any other alternative than total and complete libertarianism, without consideration that 96% of the country aren't voting for libertarian government.

Finally, we have the glorious GOP... The Grand Old Party. Once was a time, I believed the Republicans were the party who represented my viewpoints the best, and I have been a fairly consistent supporter of the party in recent years. However, what I see today makes me absolutely sick at my stomach. The current crop of mealy-mouthed leaders, have simply abandoned every conservative principle for the sake of trying to cater to special interest groups and minorities, none of which are ever going to vote Republican, because they never have. They have bailed on illegal immigration, nationalized health care, defense, taxes... you name it, if Bohner can cave on it, he's proven he will. McCain and Graham are running around acting like New Age Democrats, lecturing the rest of the right on how we have to be this way now, or else there will be hell to pay come election time...but....it's not about politics, noooo!

I used to think I could vote for Chris Christie, but he has pretty much cooked his goose, trying to be a "moderate" and play both sides of the fence, whenever it's convenient. I thought for a while, maybe I could support Rubio, he seemed like the "future" of the GOP, but he sold out on the so-called "immigration" bill, which was just outright amnesty. I liked Ron Paul for a bit, until he went totally batty during the 2008 primaries. I like a lot of what Sarah Palin has to say, but I think the presidency is a bit over her head. I am never in my life, going to vote for another Bush, sorry Jeb. I'm down to Ted Cruz, who simply has no experience to speak of, and Rand Paul, who came from the seed of a nutball. So, I am thinking the Republican party might not be the answer.

I'm simply a man without a party at this time, and it's a bit frustrating, to say the least. I'm only reassured by the fact that I don't believe I am alone. I think a growing number of people who are like myself, are disillusioned and searching for an answer, but where is it?

Rand Paul! While daddy Ron was the epitome of the whack job libertarians that you mentioned, Rand is a rational constitutional conservative.

There are more too. Paul Ryan is phenomenal as well. Ted Cruz has been doing some exceptional work (though I don't know enough about him yet to put him up there with Rand Paul and Paul Ryan). Mia Love. The Tea Party has been the best thing to ever happen to American politics. It's infused a group of people into government who have actually read the Constitution and have integrity.
The only way you will ever find the "perfect" candidate is to run for office yourself.

Because of our two party system that narrows the field of candidates through primaries, most voters are picking between the lessor of evils with the final election.

That is the root of the problem with our duopoly, the field is narrowed, first by the election for the monied special interests then by the partisan popularity contests (aka "the primaries"), until finally all that is left to choose from are lowest common denominators.

"Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil." -- Jerry Garcia

The "root" of the problem in this country is that we are continually allowing money to be speech and corporations to be treated as people.

Practically every modern problem we are facing is the result of this ridiculous thinking.

Apparently there is an echo in this thread.
I have a suggestion for those of you who occupy the higher ground. You know who you are.

Instead of spending your time telling everyone with a less than 100% cynical outlook that they are dupes and stooges, how about putting your efforts into helping get the money out of politics.

Uh-Oh, I think we hurt it's feelings. :(

"If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions." -- Jules, Pulp Fiction

A "Constitutional Conservative"?

That's sort of an Oxymoron.

The Constitution is not a conservative document.

I'm going to assume you're just being a dickhead.
Because it's pretty obvious what was meant by Constitutional Conservative.
A "Constitutional Conservative"?

That's sort of an Oxymoron.

The Constitution is not a conservative document.

As usual, Callow.

Everybody gets it but you.

Nobody said the Constitution itself was/is Conservative. But the person who might like the Constitution to be interpreted as it was written usually is.

Unlike the idiots on the left who claim it's a "Living Document"

You're like Pavlov's dog

It is a living document in terms that it is subject to change.

Read it. The Constitution allows for it.

A "Conservative" interpretation of the Constitution is a misinterpretation of the Constitution.

Because it really is not written in stone. Nor was it ever meant to be static.
I am quickly discovering, I am a man without a party. Oh, I very much am aware that I'm a constitutional conservative, but there simply doesn't seem to be any political party that viewpoint fits with anymore. Certainly it's not the Democrats, who have essentially become Marxists, Maoists and Communists. These people have become rabid sociopaths and narcissists, full of hubris and unshakable in their determination to never compromise. I don't know what their ultimate goal and objective is, honestly. I guess it's to push us into a state of civil war, whereby they believe their side will ultimately prevail, killing off all opposition, and ushering in liberal utopia? Because it's certainly not a reasoned bipartisan approach at all. They get elected to power, and immediately start ramming their agenda down our throats like little dictators, without any regard for the law or the constitution, whatsoever. And it doesn't seem to matter how badly their ideas fail, they continue to push for more and more of the same. You try and have a reasoned debate with them here, and they just ridicule and hurl insults, refusing to be civil in any manner. I've never seen anything like it in my lifetime.

That's one serious fainting spell.
A "Constitutional Conservative"?

That's sort of an Oxymoron.

The Constitution is not a conservative document.

I'm going to assume you're just being a dickhead.
Because it's pretty obvious what was meant by Constitutional Conservative.

Obviously not.

Because you offer no retort other than an insult and "Well everyone knows that"..

A "Constitutional Conservative"?

That's sort of an Oxymoron.

The Constitution is not a conservative document.

As usual, Callow.

Everybody gets it but you.

Nobody said the Constitution itself was/is Conservative. But the person who might like the Constitution to be interpreted as it was written usually is.

Unlike the idiots on the left who claim it's a "Living Document"

You're like Pavlov's dog

It is a living document in terms that it is subject to change.

Read it. The Constitution allows for it.

A "Conservative" interpretation of the Constitution is a misinterpretation of the Constitution.

Because it really is not written in stone. Nor was it ever meant to be static.

Everyone has an opinion....yours just happen to be wrong 99.9 percent of the time.
A "Constitutional Conservative"?

That's sort of an Oxymoron.

The Constitution is not a conservative document.

Well lets see...

  • The Constitution dictates that the federal government must be small (that's conservative)

  • The Constitution dictates that the federal government must be limited in it's powers (that's conservative)

  • The Constitution dictates that the people have the RIGHT to firearms (that's conservative)

  • The Constitution dictates that the people have the RIGHT to religion (that's conservative)

  • The Constitution dictates that the people have the RIGHT to free speech (that's conservative)
Swallow, I swear, just when I think you've peaked at the epitome of stupid, you find a way to take it to a whole new level. Do you not realize that the entire premise of "conservative" is not to change - or to change very slowly and limited (hence the Constitution is by that very definition conservative) while the entire premise of "liberal" or "progressive" is to perpetually change (hence the Constitution is by that very definition not progressive) :cuckoo:
What we need to do is get rid of the Progressives in both parties.
The Progressives in both parties are passing bills that gives power to the Government Departments.
It will make the House and Senate obsolete and then there will be no voice of the people.
Then we need to elect people who will get the spending under control.
If we don't do these 2 things first & formost, then our ideology will not matter what so ever.
I vote for the lessor of the Two Evils at elections.

Basically, I vote against one of them.

Some stay home with this mindset, and thus help idiots like Obama to get elected.

The Rhino's need to go, and REAL FISCAL CONSERVATIVES need to retake the GOP party. Yet the special interests don't want this so we continue to vote for the Lessor of Evils.
Lone laugher wants to get the money out of politics and into her pocket IAW the obabble redistribution scheme.

Idiot. I am a 48 year old man and you would kill for my net worth.

One who becomes incrementally more vapid by the post, do yourself a favor and take a vacation, it's obvious that you're badly in need of one.

You are just too smart for me fox. I wish I could say nothing using as many words as you. ”incrementally more vapid by the post", huh?

Get over yourself.
The Constitution is not a conservative document.

Preservation of established institutions, traditions and standards, constitutional strict constructionism falls into that category thus "constitutional conservative" is not an oxymoron if one stops and thinks about what the phrase is intended to mean by those professing to follow the doctrine.

And that was never original intent.

If it were, there would be no ability to change the Constitution, and the language would be alot more exact.

The Constitution isn't dogmatic.

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