I dont get to do this very often so here goes.....I TOLD YOU SO

I have NEVER expressed support for Romney you uninformed idiot.

Oh......my bad. He's the one you haven't supported, then.

Again completely lost to the facts. Shouldn't surprise me I guess.

Let me help you.

I supported Cain till his abortion and terrorist stances. I then switched to Newt. Still basically leaning Newt. That amounts to me changing my mind ONCE YOU FUCKING MORON.

I suppose you've never changed your mind huh.

Fuck off

For someone who is innocent of the charge you sure are getting upset. I think you have understated your waffling just a tad. You seem to be feeling froggy this evening. Would you like some attention? I have a pretty uneventfull weekend planned.......I can spend a little time having fun at your expense if you like.
Oh......my bad. He's the one you haven't supported, then.

Again completely lost to the facts. Shouldn't surprise me I guess.

Let me help you.

I supported Cain till his abortion and terrorist stances. I then switched to Newt. Still basically leaning Newt. That amounts to me changing my mind ONCE YOU FUCKING MORON.

I suppose you've never changed your mind huh.

Fuck off

For someone who is innocent of the charge you sure are getting upset. I think you have understated your waffling just a tad. You seem to be feeling froggy this evening. Would you like some attention? I have a pretty uneventfull weekend planned.......I can spend a little time having fun at your expense if you like.

unless you have pig tails I can hang onto your as useless as old cum stained hotel sheets.

Sorry, I missed that post.

I'm California Girl and I endorse Mitt Romney as President of these United States.

That clear enough for ya?

I've considered his record, in Mass and in the private sector... I've looked at all the evidence I can find, and.... unless there is a smoking gun waiting in the wings.... I'm comfortable with Romney.

Fair enough. But expecting middle America to "get a fucking spine" is not the best campaign slogan.

Just sayin

I'd just like Americans to think, instead of being spoon fed by the media.
In another thread about Romney sheltering money, I told you guys just the mere appearance of impropriety on this subject was going to hurt him. I said that when you combine this story with the Bain issue and the I "may" release my taxes issues that it would hurt him. I was right.....

PRINCETON, NJ -- Mitt Romney is a considerably weaker front-runner among Republican registered voters nationally than he was at the beginning of the week. Romney now leads Newt Gingrich by 30% to 20%, with Rick Santorum and Ron Paul tied at 13%. At the beginning of the week, Romney had a 23-percentage-point lead over Gingrich and Santorum.
Romney's National Lead Down to 10 Points

And this latest issue with the Cayman Islands hasn't even made it into any commercials yet. Once it hits the political ads on TV the damage will multiply.

I think this all combined gives Obama far too much ammo to use in the general. I think it severely hampers his chances at beating Obama. The left have been beating the class warfare drums for some time now. And one could attribute Obamas rise in the polls to part of this tactic. Now he could have a totally refreshed reason to keep pounding on the issue if Romney is our nominee.

I'm beginning to think nominating Romney may be a mistake.

Ya think? Like the general populace is warm hearted towards a Wall Street guy right now..
Again completely lost to the facts. Shouldn't surprise me I guess.

Let me help you.

I supported Cain till his abortion and terrorist stances. I then switched to Newt. Still basically leaning Newt. That amounts to me changing my mind ONCE YOU FUCKING MORON.

I suppose you've never changed your mind huh.

Fuck off

For someone who is innocent of the charge you sure are getting upset. I think you have understated your waffling just a tad. You seem to be feeling froggy this evening. Would you like some attention? I have a pretty uneventfull weekend planned.......I can spend a little time having fun at your expense if you like.

unless you have pig tails I can hang onto your as useless as old cum stained hotel sheets.

I'll take that as a yes.
Ok Grandpa,
You finally figured out Romney. When you going to figure out Newt. Based on his somewhat radical past he is also unelectable. That leaves Paul and Santorum. Paul has some good ideas but they at time escape him (may have something to do with his age). In my mind that leaves Santorum as the only viable candidate and he appears to still need some maturing.
The GOP should grow a fucking spine and stop looking for a flawless, perfect candidate.... I have news for ya.... ya ain't gonna find one. The Democrats can't and nor can you.

Get your fucking backbone out - for once - nominate the best man to fix the clusterfuck that is America and get your fucking message out. It is not overly complicated. Just, for once, stay the fucking distance and stop fucking whining.
Yep. None on any side are perfect. None will ever be. Guess that the fact that each human is an individual and unique give fodder to what the Founders thought too...Point is picking the best one that follows closely your beliefs/values.
Better the primaries than the GE, address the issues, speak to the American people like they are grown ups and move on.

I know... it's an original concept - telling the truth and allow Americans to consider the facts.

If only both sides would do it, we would have a far more rational political discourse, and we would have more rational politicians instead of a the current bunch of bottomfeeders. I appreciate the electing bottomfeeders is acceptable to you - and to the GOP but it is a large part of the reason that the rest of the country disengages with both your parties.

It's true, he SHOULD address it in the primaries. Much better for him that way. But if that's the case, he should also bring out his tax returns, to put the matter behind him fully.
Sorry, I missed that post.

I'm California Girl and I endorse Mitt Romney as President of these United States.

That clear enough for ya?

I've considered his record, in Mass and in the private sector... I've looked at all the evidence I can find, and.... unless there is a smoking gun waiting in the wings.... I'm comfortable with Romney.

Fair enough. But expecting middle America to "get a fucking spine" is not the best campaign slogan.

Just sayin

I'd just like Americans to think, instead of being spoon fed by the media.

How condescending. since you are the only one capable of thinking why don't you run?
In another thread about Romney sheltering money, I told you guys just the mere appearance of impropriety on this subject was going to hurt him. I said that when you combine this story with the Bain issue and the I "may" release my taxes issues that it would hurt him. I was right.....

PRINCETON, NJ -- Mitt Romney is a considerably weaker front-runner among Republican registered voters nationally than he was at the beginning of the week. Romney now leads Newt Gingrich by 30% to 20%, with Rick Santorum and Ron Paul tied at 13%. At the beginning of the week, Romney had a 23-percentage-point lead over Gingrich and Santorum.
Romney's National Lead Down to 10 Points

And this latest issue with the Cayman Islands hasn't even made it into any commercials yet. Once it hits the political ads on TV the damage will multiply.

I think this all combined gives Obama far too much ammo to use in the general. I think it severely hampers his chances at beating Obama. The left have been beating the class warfare drums for some time now. And one could attribute Obamas rise in the polls to part of this tactic. Now he could have a totally refreshed reason to keep pounding on the issue if Romney is our nominee.

I'm beginning to think nominating Romney may be a mistake.

Of all people, you should know better then to be a poll smoker.:doubt:
In another thread about Romney sheltering money, I told you guys just the mere appearance of impropriety on this subject was going to hurt him. I said that when you combine this story with the Bain issue and the I "may" release my taxes issues that it would hurt him. I was right.....

PRINCETON, NJ -- Mitt Romney is a considerably weaker front-runner among Republican registered voters nationally than he was at the beginning of the week. Romney now leads Newt Gingrich by 30% to 20%, with Rick Santorum and Ron Paul tied at 13%. At the beginning of the week, Romney had a 23-percentage-point lead over Gingrich and Santorum.
Romney's National Lead Down to 10 Points

And this latest issue with the Cayman Islands hasn't even made it into any commercials yet. Once it hits the political ads on TV the damage will multiply.

I think this all combined gives Obama far too much ammo to use in the general. I think it severely hampers his chances at beating Obama. The left have been beating the class warfare drums for some time now. And one could attribute Obamas rise in the polls to part of this tactic. Now he could have a totally refreshed reason to keep pounding on the issue if Romney is our nominee.

I'm beginning to think nominating Romney may be a mistake.

Of all people, you should know better then to be a poll smoker.:doubt:

All right,
Y'all ready to face the fact that you fielded a 'parade of clowns'?
In another thread about Romney sheltering money, I told you guys just the mere appearance of impropriety on this subject was going to hurt him. I said that when you combine this story with the Bain issue and the I "may" release my taxes issues that it would hurt him. I was right.....

PRINCETON, NJ -- Mitt Romney is a considerably weaker front-runner among Republican registered voters nationally than he was at the beginning of the week. Romney now leads Newt Gingrich by 30% to 20%, with Rick Santorum and Ron Paul tied at 13%. At the beginning of the week, Romney had a 23-percentage-point lead over Gingrich and Santorum.
Romney's National Lead Down to 10 Points

And this latest issue with the Cayman Islands hasn't even made it into any commercials yet. Once it hits the political ads on TV the damage will multiply.

I think this all combined gives Obama far too much ammo to use in the general. I think it severely hampers his chances at beating Obama. The left have been beating the class warfare drums for some time now. And one could attribute Obamas rise in the polls to part of this tactic. Now he could have a totally refreshed reason to keep pounding on the issue if Romney is our nominee.

I'm beginning to think nominating Romney may be a mistake.

Of all people, you should know better then to be a poll smoker.:doubt:

All right,
Y'all ready to face the fact that you fielded a 'parade of clowns'?

Too far, friend. This field is hardly "clowns" when we see who is occupying the WH.
Everyone who is running in the GOP race has different traits and backgrounds for this job. I think these debates are great, for we get to see them prepared, unprepared, under pressure and clarify their stances on the issues more or show that they tailor their speeches for the audience they are addressing. We learn more about each candidate after each debate.

What I want to see is the CIC debate and not just three. There's too much more for him to explain than can be done in a few hours separated by commercials.

And I want more of a representation of our nation select the nominee, not just the Eastern coast.
Everyone who is running in the GOP race has different traits and backgrounds for this job. I think these debates are great, for we get to see them prepared, unprepared, under pressure and clarify their stances on the issues more or show that they tailor their speeches for the audience they are addressing. We learn more about each candidate after each debate.

What I want to see is the CIC debate and not just three. There's too much more for him to explain than can be done in a few hours separated by commercials.

And I want more of a representation of our nation select the nominee, not just the Eastern coast.
And it should be done with as little moderation as possible...especially by media types.

I'd prefer Lincoln-Doulas type and let the chips fall where they may.
Anyone ever consider that the reason Romney is so loathe to release his tax returns (as well as hiding money in offshore accounts) is because his BISHOP would like to see them as well?

Tithing always comes first in Mormonism. Any member who is struggling in any way (job loss, broken down car, depression, etc) will always be counseled to pay tithing in order to receive blessings. All blessings, privileges and callings in the LDS Church are centered around tithing. Without paying a full tithe, a member cannot be a “member in good standing”.

Mormons are required by Commandment of God to pay 10% of all their GROSS income to the LDS church. This includes all income, including, employment, social security, Medicare, food stamps and trust funds and any other form of income, even including finding money on the ground.

The Church Of Jesus-Christ of Latter-Day Saints brings in an estimated 6.5 to 7.0 billion dollars a year in annual tithing revenues. The Church refuses to disclose to the public or its members how much money it receives annually and what those funds are used for. Because the LDS Church is a tax-exempt organization, it does not have to publicly disclose financial books.

In 2005 the LDS Church purchased two shopping malls in Downtown Salt Lake City for $500 million dollars. The Church plans to spend $1 to $3.5 billion dollars renovating them. In official statements from LDS Church, the Church claims that not one dollar of member tithing funds went into the deal.

Mormons are required to attend a Tithing Settlement with the Bishop each year. A member is questioned in a one-on-one interview with the Bishop to ensure the member is paying a full 10%. Those members who are not paying a full 10% loose their temple recommends and are prevented from entering the Temple.

Mormons who loose their temple recommends are in serious jeopardy of loosing their Celestial blessings. A Mormon who does not pay tithing cannot enter the temple. If a member cannot get into the temple, the member cannot learn the secret handshake, secret password, secret "new name" and special “sealings”. Without these, the member will be unable to pass Joseph Smith and the angels who guard the entrance to the Celestial Kingdom.

Mormons are commanded that tithing must come first before anything else. Utah has the highest rate of bankruptcies in the United States. Mormons often are told "I cannot pay my bills until I've paid my tithing." Mormons will even pay their tithing rather than give the money to a relative who is on the verge of eviction. Mormon published magazines (Ensign, New Era) constantly stress that tithing must always be paid.

The Mormon Curtain - MORMON TITHING
The GOP should grow a fucking spine and stop looking for a flawless, perfect candidate.... I have news for ya.... ya ain't gonna find one. The Democrats can't and nor can you.

Get your fucking backbone out - for once - nominate the best man to fix the clusterfuck that is America and get your fucking message out. It is not overly complicated. Just, for once, stay the fucking distance and stop fucking whining.

actually, it is overly complicated because none of the current candidates (save maybe paul) is gonna do anything but ADD to our current fiscal problems. truth.
Well, looks like Gramps was right.

Gingrich kicked this Mormon's magic underpants in SC.

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