I don't not know how to feel about this. Obama moves troops to Russian border

What do other people think? I just really don't know how I feel about this one. Just fear it was politically motivated.

We have had troops in the Baltics for years- this is a few dozen more.

VILNIUS, Lithuania — Dozens of United States Special Operations forces are now in the Baltics to bolster the training and resolve of troops who are confronting a looming threat from Russia, and to enhance the Americans’ ability to detect Moscow’s shadowy efforts to destabilize the former Soviet republics.

“They’re scared to death of Russia,” Gen. Raymond T. Thomas, the head of the Pentagon’s Special Operations Command, who visited here recently, said of the tiny militaries of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. “They are very open about that. They’re desperate for our leadership.”

As a result, General Thomas said, American commandos now have a “persistent” presence here with Baltic special operations troops, after forging close ties with them over the past decade while fighting together in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Americans bring sophisticated surveillance technology and broad sources of intelligence. The Baltic partners have a deep understanding of conventional Russian military might as well as Moscow’s increasing use of cyberwarfare, information subterfuge and other means less than all-out war to weaken the Western-backed governments.

4,000 seems like more than a dozen.

Wow your math skills are mad.

Dozens of United States Special Operations forces are now in the Baltics to bolster the training and resolve of troops who are confronting a looming threat from Russia,

Well the NYT reported this number. Seems to be between 3600 and 4800 troops. That is substantial.

"The US and its Nato allies will send battalions of up to 1,200 to each of the three Baltic states – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia – and Poland by spring this year, reports the New York Times."

US sends special forces to Russian border as NATO is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin's 'aggression'
Vlad the Impaler did threaten the Baltic nations with hint of taking back the old empire..
We have a right to send and deploy as many troops as the Commanders on the ground and Pentagon decides is needed fulfill the mission. The number one mission and priority is to protect the American troops already there by treaty or our own national security interest. Russia is the one doing flybys of our aircraft and harassing our Naval ships in international waters. Russia is the one deploying large military contingents on the borders. Putin started the mess by his bullying tactics against Ukraine with an invasion of that country. Ukraine wasn't a NATO country. The Baltic countries are.
We have a right to send and deploy as many troops as the Commanders on the ground and Pentagon decides is needed fulfill the mission. The number one mission and priority is to protect the American troops already there by treaty or our own national security interest. Russia is the one doing flybys of our aircraft and harassing our Naval ships in international waters. Russia is the one deploying large military contingents on the borders. Putin started the mess by his bullying tactics against Ukraine with an invasion of that country. Ukraine wasn't a NATO country. The Baltic countries are.
No, the number one mission and priority is to protect the US. That sometimes requires intelligence instead of kneejerk warring. This is an obvious attempt to goad or bait Trump into maintaining an unsustainable action against Russia so that election 2018 pans out to be more rosy for democrats. You know, in lieu of actually purging their party of the value system that lost them election 2016.

Disturbing if true, it means that the dems are willing to shed not just American enlisted blood for their depraved value system, but will also be asking Europeans kick in. It's a blatant attempt to manipulate Trump's one-upmanship "showing balls" in comparison to old mom-jeans Obama. Trump's handlers had better appraise him that he's being blatantly manipulated by the DNC via Obama.
We have a right to send and deploy as many troops as the Commanders on the ground and Pentagon decides is needed fulfill the mission. The number one mission and priority is to protect the American troops already there by treaty or our own national security interest. Russia is the one doing flybys of our aircraft and harassing our Naval ships in international waters. Russia is the one deploying large military contingents on the borders. Putin started the mess by his bullying tactics against Ukraine with an invasion of that country. Ukraine wasn't a NATO country. The Baltic countries are.
No, the number one mission and priority is to protect the US. That sometimes requires intelligence instead of kneejerk warring. This is an obvious attempt to goad or bait Trump into maintaining an unsustainable action against Russia so that election 2018 pans out to be more rosy for democrats. You know, in lieu of actually purging their party of the value system that lost them election 2016.

Disturbing if true, it means that the dems are willing to shed not just American enlisted blood for their depraved value system, but will also be asking Europeans kick in. It's a blatant attempt to manipulate Trump's one-upmanship "showing balls" in comparison to old mom-jeans Obama. Trump's handlers had better appraise him that he's being blatantly manipulated by the DNC via Obama.
Every military base in a foriegn nation is considered American soil...
We have a right to send and deploy as many troops as the Commanders on the ground and Pentagon decides is needed fulfill the mission. The number one mission and priority is to protect the American troops already there by treaty or our own national security interest. Russia is the one doing flybys of our aircraft and harassing our Naval ships in international waters. Russia is the one deploying large military contingents on the borders. Putin started the mess by his bullying tactics against Ukraine with an invasion of that country. Ukraine wasn't a NATO country. The Baltic countries are.
No, the number one mission and priority is to protect the US. That sometimes requires intelligence instead of kneejerk warring. This is an obvious attempt to goad or bait Trump into maintaining an unsustainable action against Russia so that election 2018 pans out to be more rosy for democrats. You know, in lieu of actually purging their party of the value system that lost them election 2016.

Disturbing if true, it means that the dems are willing to shed not just American enlisted blood for their depraved value system, but will also be asking Europeans kick in. It's a blatant attempt to manipulate Trump's one-upmanship "showing balls" in comparison to old mom-jeans Obama. Trump's handlers had better appraise him that he's being blatantly manipulated by the DNC via Obama.
Putin surrender monkey.^^ NATO forever DUH. Luckily, Trump is not brainwashed or bought off. We hope.
We have a right to send and deploy as many troops as the Commanders on the ground and Pentagon decides is needed fulfill the mission. The number one mission and priority is to protect the American troops already there by treaty or our own national security interest. Russia is the one doing flybys of our aircraft and harassing our Naval ships in international waters. Russia is the one deploying large military contingents on the borders. Putin started the mess by his bullying tactics against Ukraine with an invasion of that country. Ukraine wasn't a NATO country. The Baltic countries are.

The west started this bullshit with the Ukraine by backing a violent coup. Crimeans are very happy to be working with Moscow instead of being under the thumb of nazi loving assholes in Kiev. Anyone who isn't a blind partisan fool would know that Crimeans are ethic Russians and were at risk from Kiev who were ready right from the get go to strip their autonomy and their language rights.

Crimeans wanted to be repatriated to Russia. Wise move.

New York Times did an interesting piece on the Ukraine. The EU agreement that they rushed to sign after the coup has quotas that kicked in.

Just killing the agriculture sector of the Uk economy which used to be 40% of the economy. Whoopsies!
We have a right to send and deploy as many troops as the Commanders on the ground and Pentagon decides is needed fulfill the mission. The number one mission and priority is to protect the American troops already there by treaty or our own national security interest. Russia is the one doing flybys of our aircraft and harassing our Naval ships in international waters. Russia is the one deploying large military contingents on the borders. Putin started the mess by his bullying tactics against Ukraine with an invasion of that country. Ukraine wasn't a NATO country. The Baltic countries are.

The west started this bullshit with the Ukraine by backing a violent coup. Crimeans are very happy to be working with Moscow instead of being under the thumb of nazi loving assholes in Kiev. Anyone who isn't a blind partisan fool would know that Crimeans are ethic Russians and were at risk from Kiev who were ready right from the get go to strip their autonomy and their language rights.

Crimeans wanted to be repatriated to Russia. Wise move.

New York Times did an interesting piece on the Ukraine. The EU agreement that they rushed to sign after the coup has quotas that kicked in.

Just killing the agriculture sector of the Uk economy which used to be 40% of the economy. Whoopsies!
How many internationally monitored national elections have been held in Ukraine since that coup you always whine about, but the Ukrainians claim was a constitutional and legal change of power when the corrupt leader fled the country rather than face arrest? There have been four or five elections and the Ukrainians keep reelecting what you call the "coup" government. The fact is the whole coup blather and ranting is Russian propaganda. The people flooded into the streets and despite the corrupt leader using snipers to kill dozens of demonstrators they won when the guy physically deserted his office and fled to Russia with billions of dollars stolen from the people of Ukraine. The government that replaced him is still there, ya, after all of those internationally monitored free elections.
How many internationally monitored national elections have been held in Ukraine since that coup you always whine about...

Ukrainians, who separated from the Junta in Kiev, did not participate in these elections, they were boycotting them.

So how are these "elections" relevant, if the old Ukraine- Family (state) was already destroyed by the Junta?

If a husband beats his wife and the wife separates, how can you demand from the mistreated wife any further family relations with the former brutal husband?
US sends special forces to RUSSIAN BORDER as Nato is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin’s ‘aggression’

PRESIDENT Obama has deployed US special forces troops along Lithuania’s border with “aggressive” Russia.

Tensions between Washington and the Kremlin have reached Cold War levels amid reports Vladimir Putin is deploying nuke-ready missiles in the Russian province of Kaliningrad – which borders Poland, Belarus and Lithuania.


I just do not know how to feel. I mean I really don't.

It's bad enough Obama has created a new Cold War with Russia, he now seems determined to cause a hot war.

Can Obama be that petulant about Trump winning the election he would cause a war with Russia just to hamper the incoming president?

I mean the move may have been necessary by Obama. I'm no fan of Russia or Putin (just don't buy they hacked the election).

But shouldn't this move have been left to the incoming president and not taken by a lame duck president from the losing side?

I fear there is more politics than necessity in this move.

What do other people think? I just really don't know how I feel about this one. Just fear it was politically motivated.
These are just war games.

NATO plays these games all the time, at least annually.

Putin then has to counter by deploying his own regular troops in formations across his border from them.

The funny thing is that Putin has more tanks and arty than all of NATO combined.

So the threat to Russia is not real it is just a chess game.

Tank Strength by Country

Self-Propelled Gun (SPG) Strength by Country

Towed Artillery Strength by Country
US sends special forces to RUSSIAN BORDER as Nato is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin’s ‘aggression’

PRESIDENT Obama has deployed US special forces troops along Lithuania’s border with “aggressive” Russia.

Tensions between Washington and the Kremlin have reached Cold War levels amid reports Vladimir Putin is deploying nuke-ready missiles in the Russian province of Kaliningrad – which borders Poland, Belarus and Lithuania.


I just do not know how to feel. I mean I really don't.

It's bad enough Obama has created a new Cold War with Russia, he now seems determined to cause a hot war.

Can Obama be that petulant about Trump winning the election he would cause a war with Russia just to hamper the incoming president?

I mean the move may have been necessary by Obama. I'm no fan of Russia or Putin (just don't buy they hacked the election).

But shouldn't this move have been left to the incoming president and not taken by a lame duck president from the losing side?

I fear there is more politics than necessity in this move.

What do other people think? I just really don't know how I feel about this one. Just fear it was politically motivated.

/--- Fear for the worse. And with Obozo anything that could possibly go wrong -- will.
US and NATO troops are already deployed to this region and country. We operating facilities. Any further deployments are reinforcements.
The last time this specific area was in the news was when Russian jets were launched to make simulated runs on a US Navy destroyer.
Russia has been building its forces in this area for some time. Any deployment of any additional US or NATO forces is a response to Russian increases in its own forces to the area.

I agree that Russia is a bad actor.

Should we be doing this NOW before a new president comes in?

That seems very irresponsible and politically motivated.
These war maneuvers were probably already scheduled.

Has nothing to do with the lame duck BHO.

Much ado about nothing.
US and NATO troops are already deployed to this region and country. We operating facilities. Any further deployments are reinforcements.
The last time this specific area was in the news was when Russian jets were launched to make simulated runs on a US Navy destroyer.
Russia has been building its forces in this area for some time. Any deployment of any additional US or NATO forces is a response to Russian increases in its own forces to the area.

I agree that Russia is a bad actor.

Should we be doing this NOW before a new president comes in?

That seems very irresponsible and politically motivated.
These war maneuvers were probably already scheduled.

Has nothing to do with the lame duck BHO.

Much ado about nothing.

On this you might in fact be correct. The US is always running drills for everything conceivable scenario, terrorism, against China, Russia, Iran. . . even a possible domestic meltdown.

That said, does the media cover it in this manner every year? Why the timing, why now?

In politics, there generally aren't any coincidences.

So on this point we must then ask ourselves, why is the establishment media causing a fuss? What is with the fear mongering THIS year, in conjunction with this fake story about the "Russian Hacking?"

Hopefully it will all blow over, hopefully the global population is becoming more wise. . .

We shall have to wait and see.
How many internationally monitored national elections have been held in Ukraine since that coup you always whine about...

Ukrainians, who separated from the Junta in Kiev, did not participate in these elections, they were boycotting them.

So how are these "elections" relevant, if the old Ukraine- Family (state) was already destroyed by the Junta?

If a husband beats his wife and the wife separates, how can you demand from the mistreated wife any further family relations with the former brutal husband?
Bullshit. The only people who boycotted the elections were two of the twenty-four provinces (Oblast) who had demanded independence. The other twenty-two provinces voted overwhelmingly to keep the government installed when the corrupt prime minister fled the country,
Bullshit. The only people who boycotted the elections were two of the twenty-four provinces (Oblast) who had demanded independence. The other twenty-two provinces voted overwhelmingly to keep the government installed when the corrupt prime minister fled the country,

You agree that the people who decided to separate refused to vote.

So how can the elected people represent them?

It seams that you do not understand basic things, the old Ukraine stopped its existence with the putsch.

The new Ukraine is smaller than the old ex-Ukraine, and this government is not the government of people that separated from the old Ukraine.

Old Ukraine is dead, it was killed by the Junta.
Bullshit. The only people who boycotted the elections were two of the twenty-four provinces (Oblast) who had demanded independence. The other twenty-two provinces voted overwhelmingly to keep the government installed when the corrupt prime minister fled the country,

You agree that the people who decided to separate refused to vote.

So how can the elected people represent them?

It seams that you do not understand basic things, the old Ukraine stopped its existence with the putsch.

The new Ukraine is smaller than the old ex-Ukraine, and this government is not the government of people that separated from the old Ukraine.

Old Ukraine is dead, it was killed by the Junta.
The Oblast or provinces that rebelled are still part of Ukraine. Large numbers of the people who lived in them fled and now live in other parts of Ukraine or Russia. Other than the Crimea the borders remain the same. Technically, since the annexation of Crimea is not internationally recognized as legitimate, Crimea is still part of Ukraine.
US and NATO troops are already deployed to this region and country. We have operating facilities there. Any further deployments are reinforcements.
The last time this specific area was in the news was when Russian jets were launched to make simulated runs on a US Navy destroyer.
Russia has been building its forces in this area for some time. Any deployment of any additional US or NATO forces is a response to Russian increases in its own forces to the area.
Barry is fuck up...
The Oblast or provinces that rebelled are still part of Ukraine.

The people who live in these regions would spit into your face for saying that. Their cities were destroyed by the Junta, their children were killed, they will rather die than be part of the old Ukraine that was killed by the Junta, and therefore does not exist any more.

Large numbers of the people who lived in them fled and now live in other parts of Ukraine or Russia.

Most of them had to flee to Russia.

Other than the Crimea the borders remain the same. Technically, since the annexation of Crimea is not internationally recognized as legitimate, Crimea is still part of Ukraine.

Technically the British colonies in North America, like Virginia, were still part of the British Empire, after the rebels declared their independence from Great Britain.

If the people in American colonies cared about the technicalities, they would still have to kiss the ass of the British Queen!

But the left told me Trump would force WWIII. Perhaps Obama is just helping him along?
But the left told me Trump would force WWIII. Perhaps Obama is just helping him along?

Trump is not suicidal, he wants to make America great again.
And America is going down the drain not because of Russia.
Russians did not invade America with Third World people, and they did not destroy American industry and disenfranchise the founding white population of the USA. Russians did not wage the War on Christmas in the USA, they did not prohibit Christian symbols there.

The enemies of America are the oligarchs of the global financial establishment, people with double citizenship who hate the Christian America.

The Russian are not the enemies of white American Christians, they are white Christians themselves.
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