I don't not know how to feel about this. Obama moves troops to Russian border

The US was attacked by Iraq and Afghanistan? The history books seem to have left those actions out..

Actually the Taliban ruled Afghanistan and AQ was a big deal over there.

So you could say Afghanistan attacked America.
You could say that Saudi Arabia attacked the US, but it didn't..

Well since most of the attackers were Saudi's some would say they attacked us.

How bout you??
It was individuals from those countries, but they were not representative or combatants of that nation..Which is why invading Iraq was a military catastrophic on a strategic level..

Oh I agree on Iraq. It was something Bush never should have done.

Oh and if you don't think the Saud Princes knew about 9-11 then I think you are sadly mistaken.
There are several thousand princes in Saudi Arabia, so they probably did...
Yet you people are here bitching and whining that because of what he has done will start a war.. Do you dip shits ever consider that Russia had a part to play in why it happened at all?
I didn't say anything of the sort. I know after eight years of the US looking like a punching bag by russia, obummer ain't doing jack shit.
A punching bag that help put the Russian economy in a recession through sanctions, and stopped the power grab of the Russians in Ukraine..yeah, not bad for doing nothing...
The ongoing financial crisis in Russia is the result of the collapse of the Russian ruble beginning in the second half of 2014.[1][2][3][4][5][6] A decline in confidence in the Russian economy caused investors to sell off their Russian assets, which led to a decline in the value of the Russian ruble and sparked fears of a Russian financial crisis. The lack of confidence in the Russian economy stemmed from at least two major sources. The first is the fall in the price of oil in 2014. Crude oil, a major export of Russia, declined in price by nearly 50% between its yearly high in June 2014 and 16 December 2014. The second is the result of international economic sanctions imposed on Russia following Russia's annexation of Crimea and the Russian military intervention in Ukraine.[1][7]
Russian financial crisis (2014–present) - Wikipedia
i didn't see anything about obummer there. and hitlery did business with them in Ukraine.
You also don't see your ass that often either..
No one has a crush on Putin. It is a recognition that in the closing days of the obama presidency he has lost what tenuous hold he had on sanity. obama is crazed, lashing about like a wounded bear. He's going to get Israel, no it's republicans, it's voters, it's flyover states, it's Trump, it's Russia. He has to leave office and someone is going to pay. He is all but frothing at the mouth.

The ruler has gone mad and we must put up with him for 15 days. The hope is that Putin will exercise good judgment and not let obama's crazed flailings in the death throes of his term start a real war. The hope is that the military commanders will put his orders into the bottom drawer. The hope is, that Biden will quietly have obama spirited away to someplace where he can't hurt anyone.
Actually the Taliban ruled Afghanistan and AQ was a big deal over there.

So you could say Afghanistan attacked America.
You could say that Saudi Arabia attacked the US, but it didn't..

Well since most of the attackers were Saudi's some would say they attacked us.

How bout you??
It was individuals from those countries, but they were not representative or combatants of that nation..Which is why invading Iraq was a military catastrophic on a strategic level..

Oh I agree on Iraq. It was something Bush never should have done.

Oh and if you don't think the Saud Princes knew about 9-11 then I think you are sadly mistaken.
There are several thousand princes in Saudi Arabia, so they probably did...

Of course there are thousands of royal princes but you can bet some of them knew about 9-11.

Its something no one could prove I'm sure. .
You can actually see the schoolgirl BLUSH during this 2013 interview, even though all his orange makeup.

Q: Do you have a relationship with Vladimir Putin? A conversational relationship, or anything that you feel you have sway or influence over his government?

TRUMP: I do have a relationship, and I can tell you that he's very interested in what we're doing here today. He's probably very interested in what you and I are saying today, and I'm sure he's going to be seeing it in some form. But I do have a relationship with him, and I think it's very interesting to see what's happened. Look, he's done a very brilliant job in terms of what he represents and who he's representing. If you look at what he's done with Syria, if you look at so many of the different things (sniff), he has really eaten our President's lunch. Let's not kid ourselves. He's done an amazing job. He's put himself, really, a lot of people would say he's put himself at the forefront of the world as a leader.

there you go with your school girl admirations again, sicko.
I didn't say anything of the sort. I know after eight years of the US looking like a punching bag by russia, obummer ain't doing jack shit.
A punching bag that help put the Russian economy in a recession through sanctions, and stopped the power grab of the Russians in Ukraine..yeah, not bad for doing nothing...
The ongoing financial crisis in Russia is the result of the collapse of the Russian ruble beginning in the second half of 2014.[1][2][3][4][5][6] A decline in confidence in the Russian economy caused investors to sell off their Russian assets, which led to a decline in the value of the Russian ruble and sparked fears of a Russian financial crisis. The lack of confidence in the Russian economy stemmed from at least two major sources. The first is the fall in the price of oil in 2014. Crude oil, a major export of Russia, declined in price by nearly 50% between its yearly high in June 2014 and 16 December 2014. The second is the result of international economic sanctions imposed on Russia following Russia's annexation of Crimea and the Russian military intervention in Ukraine.[1][7]
Russian financial crisis (2014–present) - Wikipedia
i didn't see anything about obummer there. and hitlery did business with them in Ukraine.
You also don't see your ass that often either..
nope, I do like myself but not like you like yourself I guess. you like your butt eh? You look at it frequently do you?

You could say that Saudi Arabia attacked the US, but it didn't..

Well since most of the attackers were Saudi's some would say they attacked us.

How bout you??
It was individuals from those countries, but they were not representative or combatants of that nation..Which is why invading Iraq was a military catastrophic on a strategic level..

Oh I agree on Iraq. It was something Bush never should have done.

Oh and if you don't think the Saud Princes knew about 9-11 then I think you are sadly mistaken.
There are several thousand princes in Saudi Arabia, so they probably did...

Of course there are thousands of royal princes but you can bet some of them knew about 9-11.

Its something no one could prove I'm sure. .
In about 50 years when they release all of the 9/11 report from the inquiry, without the censored parts, we may know...
A punching bag that help put the Russian economy in a recession through sanctions, and stopped the power grab of the Russians in Ukraine..yeah, not bad for doing nothing...
The ongoing financial crisis in Russia is the result of the collapse of the Russian ruble beginning in the second half of 2014.[1][2][3][4][5][6] A decline in confidence in the Russian economy caused investors to sell off their Russian assets, which led to a decline in the value of the Russian ruble and sparked fears of a Russian financial crisis. The lack of confidence in the Russian economy stemmed from at least two major sources. The first is the fall in the price of oil in 2014. Crude oil, a major export of Russia, declined in price by nearly 50% between its yearly high in June 2014 and 16 December 2014. The second is the result of international economic sanctions imposed on Russia following Russia's annexation of Crimea and the Russian military intervention in Ukraine.[1][7]
Russian financial crisis (2014–present) - Wikipedia
i didn't see anything about obummer there. and hitlery did business with them in Ukraine.
You also don't see your ass that often either..
nope, I do like myself but not like you like yourself I guess. you like your butt eh? You look at it frequently do you?

Care for another serving of metaphor?
What do other people think? I just really don't know how I feel about this one. Just fear it was politically motivated.

We have had troops in the Baltics for years- this is a few dozen more.

VILNIUS, Lithuania — Dozens of United States Special Operations forces are now in the Baltics to bolster the training and resolve of troops who are confronting a looming threat from Russia, and to enhance the Americans’ ability to detect Moscow’s shadowy efforts to destabilize the former Soviet republics.

“They’re scared to death of Russia,” Gen. Raymond T. Thomas, the head of the Pentagon’s Special Operations Command, who visited here recently, said of the tiny militaries of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. “They are very open about that. They’re desperate for our leadership.”

As a result, General Thomas said, American commandos now have a “persistent” presence here with Baltic special operations troops, after forging close ties with them over the past decade while fighting together in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Americans bring sophisticated surveillance technology and broad sources of intelligence. The Baltic partners have a deep understanding of conventional Russian military might as well as Moscow’s increasing use of cyberwarfare, information subterfuge and other means less than all-out war to weaken the Western-backed governments.

4,000 seems like more than a dozen.
What do other people think? I just really don't know how I feel about this one. Just fear it was politically motivated.

We have had troops in the Baltics for years- this is a few dozen more.

VILNIUS, Lithuania — Dozens of United States Special Operations forces are now in the Baltics to bolster the training and resolve of troops who are confronting a looming threat from Russia, and to enhance the Americans’ ability to detect Moscow’s shadowy efforts to destabilize the former Soviet republics.

“They’re scared to death of Russia,” Gen. Raymond T. Thomas, the head of the Pentagon’s Special Operations Command, who visited here recently, said of the tiny militaries of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. “They are very open about that. They’re desperate for our leadership.”

As a result, General Thomas said, American commandos now have a “persistent” presence here with Baltic special operations troops, after forging close ties with them over the past decade while fighting together in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Americans bring sophisticated surveillance technology and broad sources of intelligence. The Baltic partners have a deep understanding of conventional Russian military might as well as Moscow’s increasing use of cyberwarfare, information subterfuge and other means less than all-out war to weaken the Western-backed governments.

4,000 seems like more than a dozen.

Wow your math skills are mad.

Dozens of United States Special Operations forces are now in the Baltics to bolster the training and resolve of troops who are confronting a looming threat from Russia,
It's amazing how the pseudocons sound so much like the pants shitting liberals of Reagan's era.

"Don't be putting those MX missiles in Yurp, Ronnie! Yer gonna get us all nukt!"

Did I miss when we returned to a state of war, cold or otherwise, with Russia?

This posture makes about as much sense as sending troops to the Canadian border. Unless there is something we aren't being told.
obama wants to start a very serious war because his feelings are hurt.

With the world "capitalist" economic system under duress and social unrest on the rise? Yeah, your world "leaders", bankers, and arms dealers are looking forward to war. It's a great business, everyone who matters makes money, and the masses are a bit preoccupied.
A war with Russia will not enrich anyone.
It's amazing how the pseudocons sound so much like the pants shitting liberals of Reagan's era.

"Don't be putting those MX missiles in Yurp, Ronnie! Yer gonna get us all nukt!"

Did I miss when we returned to a state of war, cold or otherwise, with Russia?

This posture makes about as much sense as sending troops to the Canadian border. Unless there is something we aren't being told.

This makes as much sense as deploying more troops in a NATO country- which we do all the time.

Why did we do it?

According to the article in response for additional assistance from the Baltic members of NATO.
What do other people think? I just really don't know how I feel about this one. Just fear it was politically motivated.

We have had troops in the Baltics for years- this is a few dozen more.

VILNIUS, Lithuania — Dozens of United States Special Operations forces are now in the Baltics to bolster the training and resolve of troops who are confronting a looming threat from Russia, and to enhance the Americans’ ability to detect Moscow’s shadowy efforts to destabilize the former Soviet republics.

“They’re scared to death of Russia,” Gen. Raymond T. Thomas, the head of the Pentagon’s Special Operations Command, who visited here recently, said of the tiny militaries of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. “They are very open about that. They’re desperate for our leadership.”

As a result, General Thomas said, American commandos now have a “persistent” presence here with Baltic special operations troops, after forging close ties with them over the past decade while fighting together in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Americans bring sophisticated surveillance technology and broad sources of intelligence. The Baltic partners have a deep understanding of conventional Russian military might as well as Moscow’s increasing use of cyberwarfare, information subterfuge and other means less than all-out war to weaken the Western-backed governments.

4,000 seems like more than a dozen.

Wow your math skills are mad.

Dozens of United States Special Operations forces are now in the Baltics to bolster the training and resolve of troops who are confronting a looming threat from Russia,

Well the NYT reported this number. Seems to be between 3600 and 4800 troops. That is substantial.

"The US and its Nato allies will send battalions of up to 1,200 to each of the three Baltic states – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia – and Poland by spring this year, reports the New York Times."

US sends special forces to Russian border as NATO is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin's 'aggression'
It's amazing how the pseudocons sound so much like the pants shitting liberals of Reagan's era.

"Don't be putting those MX missiles in Yurp, Ronnie! Yer gonna get us all nukt!"

Reagan didn't get a Nobel Peace Price before he ever took office with the idea he was going to bring peace.

Given Obama re-deploying troops to Iraq, causing more problems in Israel now, re-igniting the Cold War, and now moving troops to a possible hot war, I think Obama needs to give that prize back.

Reagan never got that prize but he ENDED the Cold War without firing a shot.

Looks like the peace prize is politically motivated as well.
I have no idea why you brought up the Nobel. I agree that was a blatantly obvious political cookie given to Obama just for being a really cool looking guy in shades with a Blackberry.

However, all this pants shitting over a handful of troops in the Baltic states from the usual tards is amusing, and so reminiscent of the pants shitting liberals panicked over everything Reagan ever did.

Reagan's moves brought about the downfall of the USSR, and anything that upsets the fucking KGB mass murdering thug today is also a GOOD thing.

My feeling is, along with Obama ejecting diplomats this is a politically motivated move to upset the balance and leave this for Trump to deal with.

It just seems more than suspect that Obama does ZERO about the Russians, except that embarrassing "reset" button episode and then he does this!.

Under President Obama, economic sanctions have been put in place against Russia for Russia's actions in the Ukraine.

You remember- when Russia invaded the Ukraine?

Now we have Russia trying to hack our election- and none of you care. As long as Trump got elected you don't give a damn about what Russia did.

Now you snowflakes wig out over 2 dozen troops being added to our troop presence in the Baltics?

You would have loved Chamberlain.
I think of Chamberlain often when these pseudocons shit their pants. They are quintessential appeasers.
And isolationist..

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