I don't think anyone would say that the Obama economy is perfect, but 73 months of unprecedented...

The economy sucks and libtards are polishing obama's turd furiously for the upcoming election. Anyone that isn't sniffing obama's anal fumes knows it.
Please explain what data you're looking at that leads you to believe the economy sucks?
Probably GDP growth under 3% every year and record numbers of people not working and/or collecting benefits.
LOL. You are literally the dumbest poster on here, BIlly. You dont know what an economist is.

Rick joined NPQ in 2006, after almost eight years as the executive director of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP). Before that he played various roles as a community worker and advisor to others doing community work. He also worked in government. Cohen pursued investigative and analytical articles, advocated for increased philanthropic giving and access for disenfranchised constituencies, and promoted increased philanthropic and nonprofit accountability.]
Lol you are desperate man. This guy is just the author of the article that summarizes studies by economists. Good god.
You mean he cherry picked studies that agreed with his POV.
You're such a fucking toolbag you'd believe anything,
Hey BIlly, try this link:
Obama for Messiah '08
The economy sucks and libtards are polishing obama's turd furiously for the upcoming election. Anyone that isn't sniffing obama's anal fumes knows it.
Please explain what data you're looking at that leads you to believe the economy sucks?
Probably GDP growth under 3% every year and record numbers of people not working and/or collecting benefits.
GDP growth is so low thanks to a pathetic stimulus and a lack of deficit spending.
The economy sucks and libtards are polishing obama's turd furiously for the upcoming election. Anyone that isn't sniffing obama's anal fumes knows it.
Please explain what data you're looking at that leads you to believe the economy sucks?
Probably GDP growth under 3% every year and record numbers of people not working and/or collecting benefits.
GDP growth is so low thanks to a pathetic stimulus and a lack of deficit spending.
LOL!!! Deficit spending was at record levels! It was the biggest demonstration of the failure of Keynesianism of all time.
. It failed to fix the recession but that doesn't mean it didn't create millions of jobs you doofus.l.
LOL!! You cannot make this shit up!!!
Yes I know you have trouble with nuance. It's okay. I'm used to it. Here's more from, you know, actual economists:

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure?
LOL. You are literally the dumbest poster on here, BIlly. You dont know what an economist is.

Rick joined NPQ in 2006, after almost eight years as the executive director of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP). Before that he played various roles as a community worker and advisor to others doing community work. He also worked in government. Cohen pursued investigative and analytical articles, advocated for increased philanthropic giving and access for disenfranchised constituencies, and promoted increased philanthropic and nonprofit accountability.]
Lol you are desperate man. This guy is just the author of the article that summarizes studies by economists. Good god.
You mean he cherry picked studies that agreed with his POV.
You're such a fucking toolbag you'd believe anything,
Hey BIlly, try this link:
Obama for Messiah '08
Give it up. You're done.
The economy sucks and libtards are polishing obama's turd furiously for the upcoming election. Anyone that isn't sniffing obama's anal fumes knows it.
Please explain what data you're looking at that leads you to believe the economy sucks?
Probably GDP growth under 3% every year and record numbers of people not working and/or collecting benefits.
GDP growth is so low thanks to a pathetic stimulus and a lack of deficit spending.

Three things Republicans are good for:

Tax cuts for the rich

Increased spending

Increasing the national debt

It's what they do
The economy sucks and libtards are polishing obama's turd furiously for the upcoming election. Anyone that isn't sniffing obama's anal fumes knows it.
Please explain what data you're looking at that leads you to believe the economy sucks?
Probably GDP growth under 3% every year and record numbers of people not working and/or collecting benefits.
GDP growth is so low thanks to a pathetic stimulus and a lack of deficit spending.
LOL!!! Deficit spending was at record levels! It was the biggest demonstration of the failure of Keynesianism of all time.
Raw numbers mean nothing. The worst recession since the great depression and we respond with slightly lower taxes and a small amount of spending. Of course, the deficit will automatically increase either way thanks to stabilizers such as food stamps and unemployment. Look at our potential GDP. The pathetic Obama stimulus was far to small, and after the bush stimulus, which actually improved things, we literally did nothing until then, when the evidence showed the bush stimulus worked! Yet, we sat back and allowed us to sink further, until the obama stimulus which helped, but wasn't large enough, hence, our pathetic recovery.
LOL!! You cannot make this shit up!!!
Yes I know you have trouble with nuance. It's okay. I'm used to it. Here's more from, you know, actual economists:

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure?
LOL. You are literally the dumbest poster on here, BIlly. You dont know what an economist is.

Rick joined NPQ in 2006, after almost eight years as the executive director of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP). Before that he played various roles as a community worker and advisor to others doing community work. He also worked in government. Cohen pursued investigative and analytical articles, advocated for increased philanthropic giving and access for disenfranchised constituencies, and promoted increased philanthropic and nonprofit accountability.]
Lol you are desperate man. This guy is just the author of the article that summarizes studies by economists. Good god.
You mean he cherry picked studies that agreed with his POV.
You're such a fucking toolbag you'd believe anything,
Hey BIlly, try this link:
Obama for Messiah '08
Give it up. You're done.
Translation: I dropped another turd of a thread.
The economy sucks and libtards are polishing obama's turd furiously for the upcoming election. Anyone that isn't sniffing obama's anal fumes knows it.
Please explain what data you're looking at that leads you to believe the economy sucks?
Probably GDP growth under 3% every year and record numbers of people not working and/or collecting benefits.
GDP growth is so low thanks to a pathetic stimulus and a lack of deficit spending.
LOL!!! Deficit spending was at record levels! It was the biggest demonstration of the failure of Keynesianism of all time.
Raw numbers mean nothing. The worst recession since the great depression and we respond with slightly lower taxes and a small amount of spending. Of course, the deficit will automatically increase either way thanks to stabilizers such as food stamps and unemployment. Look at our potential GDP. The pathetic Obama stimulus was far to small, and after the bush stimulus, which actually improved things, we literally did nothing until then, when the evidence showed the bush stimulus worked! Yet, we sat back and allowed us to sink further, until the obama stimulus which helped, but wasn't large enough, hence, our pathetic recovery.
It was the biggest intervention by the gov't in the economy in history. And it failed. Totally and completely. We ran record deficits for years. They're still higher than before the recession. Biggest stimulus ever and biggest failure ever.
Yes I know you have trouble with nuance. It's okay. I'm used to it. Here's more from, you know, actual economists:

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure?
LOL. You are literally the dumbest poster on here, BIlly. You dont know what an economist is.

Rick joined NPQ in 2006, after almost eight years as the executive director of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP). Before that he played various roles as a community worker and advisor to others doing community work. He also worked in government. Cohen pursued investigative and analytical articles, advocated for increased philanthropic giving and access for disenfranchised constituencies, and promoted increased philanthropic and nonprofit accountability.]
Lol you are desperate man. This guy is just the author of the article that summarizes studies by economists. Good god.
You mean he cherry picked studies that agreed with his POV.
You're such a fucking toolbag you'd believe anything,
Hey BIlly, try this link:
Obama for Messiah '08
Give it up. You're done.
Translation: I dropped another turd of a thread.

Never fear Billy will post 50,000 more threads like this before he dies in hopes he can rewrite history.

Please explain what data you're looking at that leads you to believe the economy sucks?
Probably GDP growth under 3% every year and record numbers of people not working and/or collecting benefits.
GDP growth is so low thanks to a pathetic stimulus and a lack of deficit spending.
LOL!!! Deficit spending was at record levels! It was the biggest demonstration of the failure of Keynesianism of all time.
Raw numbers mean nothing. The worst recession since the great depression and we respond with slightly lower taxes and a small amount of spending. Of course, the deficit will automatically increase either way thanks to stabilizers such as food stamps and unemployment. Look at our potential GDP. The pathetic Obama stimulus was far to small, and after the bush stimulus, which actually improved things, we literally did nothing until then, when the evidence showed the bush stimulus worked! Yet, we sat back and allowed us to sink further, until the obama stimulus which helped, but wasn't large enough, hence, our pathetic recovery.
It was the biggest intervention by the gov't in the economy in history. And it failed. Totally and completely. We ran record deficits for years. They're still higher than before the recession. Biggest stimulus ever and biggest failure ever.
In History? Bullshit, go back to the 1900's.
World war 2 was an example of massive government spending, and it pulled us out of the depression.
The stimulus didn't fail, ask any economist:
You can't argue with data either! In fact, many agree the stimulus was to small to handle the loss from the recession!
Yes, and the deficits helped save the private sector from continuing to spiral downward.
Now these idiots want to cut deficits and force the private sector to start building up debt again..
I don't know why everyone is upset about unemployment. There are plenty of jobs available in the Imperial valley, CA. So many, in fact, that they have to hire Mexicans with green cards. They especially need table grape pickers. Help make American grapes again!
Obama must be the most racist president in history because most the job growth came from redstates.

Most of the Job Growth in the past 6 years has been in big cities.


The United States is on track to be the most competitive manufacturing country in the world by 2020. Cheap Labor is losing it's appeal as automation takes over.

SportsOneSource.com - SGB Media

  • [*]U.S. projected to take number one spot by end of decade
    [*]The U.S. improved its ranking from 4th in 2010 to 2nd in this year's study, and is expected to reach No.1 by 2020.
    [*]As the U.S. invests heavily in talent and technology, the nation ranks highest as an advanced manufacturing economy. The country is highly competitive in terms of the share of high skill and technology contribution to exports and labor productivity as measured to gross domestic product (GDP).
    [*]The U.S. continues to position itself among the global leaders in research and development (R&D) activities by investing in top universities, R&D talent and venture capital.
That's why I've been saying those Chinese jobs won't come back. China is building a million robots. Republicans work hard to stop any kind of advance here. They want an ignorant third world country because that's who they get to vote for them.
We were at Rock bottom when Obama took over dufus. There was only one way to go. It was just a matter of how fast. Cheetah or Tortise. The results speak for themselves & Obama's ineptitude
Probably GDP growth under 3% every year and record numbers of people not working and/or collecting benefits.
GDP growth is so low thanks to a pathetic stimulus and a lack of deficit spending.
LOL!!! Deficit spending was at record levels! It was the biggest demonstration of the failure of Keynesianism of all time.
Raw numbers mean nothing. The worst recession since the great depression and we respond with slightly lower taxes and a small amount of spending. Of course, the deficit will automatically increase either way thanks to stabilizers such as food stamps and unemployment. Look at our potential GDP. The pathetic Obama stimulus was far to small, and after the bush stimulus, which actually improved things, we literally did nothing until then, when the evidence showed the bush stimulus worked! Yet, we sat back and allowed us to sink further, until the obama stimulus which helped, but wasn't large enough, hence, our pathetic recovery.
It was the biggest intervention by the gov't in the economy in history. And it failed. Totally and completely. We ran record deficits for years. They're still higher than before the recession. Biggest stimulus ever and biggest failure ever.
In History? Bullshit, go back to the 1900's.
World war 2 was an example of massive government spending, and it pulled us out of the depression.
The stimulus didn't fail, ask any economist:
You can't argue with data either! In fact, many agree the stimulus was to small to handle the loss from the recession!
Yes, and the deficits helped save the private sector from continuing to spiral downward.
Now these idiots want to cut deficits and force the private sector to start building up debt again..

The only reason why it didn't fail...

Because uhm I don't know, could it just possibly be that the rest of the world was in ruins?

GDP growth is so low thanks to a pathetic stimulus and a lack of deficit spending.
LOL!!! Deficit spending was at record levels! It was the biggest demonstration of the failure of Keynesianism of all time.
Raw numbers mean nothing. The worst recession since the great depression and we respond with slightly lower taxes and a small amount of spending. Of course, the deficit will automatically increase either way thanks to stabilizers such as food stamps and unemployment. Look at our potential GDP. The pathetic Obama stimulus was far to small, and after the bush stimulus, which actually improved things, we literally did nothing until then, when the evidence showed the bush stimulus worked! Yet, we sat back and allowed us to sink further, until the obama stimulus which helped, but wasn't large enough, hence, our pathetic recovery.
It was the biggest intervention by the gov't in the economy in history. And it failed. Totally and completely. We ran record deficits for years. They're still higher than before the recession. Biggest stimulus ever and biggest failure ever.
In History? Bullshit, go back to the 1900's.
World war 2 was an example of massive government spending, and it pulled us out of the depression.
The stimulus didn't fail, ask any economist:
You can't argue with data either! In fact, many agree the stimulus was to small to handle the loss from the recession!
Yes, and the deficits helped save the private sector from continuing to spiral downward.
Now these idiots want to cut deficits and force the private sector to start building up debt again..

The only reason why it didn't fail...

Because uhm I don't know, could it just possibly be that the rest of the world was in ruins?

View attachment 70008
Massive government spending led to full employment and the economy boomed.
...job growth is anything but a "bad economy ".

I mean okay, the labor participation rate is pretty low and that does matter, but for republicans to pretend that means the economy is shit is just disingenuous bullshit. I mean, Christ the Great Recession began under Bush and ended 6 months into Obama's presidency. Most of that can be directly attributed to Obama's stimulus package. According to the CBO, the stimulus created 3 million private jobs. Since then, we have had NON STOP Jon growth. That is unheard of.

And sure, wages are low under Obama. However, like the labor participation rate, they began to decline BEFORE obama's presidency. Obama tried to fix this by raising the minimum wage to a very reasonable 10.10 per hour.

Face it repubs. Your party is a joke.
Obama has established new low expectations for what a good economy is.

Before, 4-5% growth was a fair economy. Now just being above zero growth is a booming economy.
Before $200 billion in deficit spending was terrible. Now $1.3 trillion in deficit spending is great.
When Obama ran for office the debt was $9 trillion....and this was terrible.....now it's close to $20 trillion and don't you dare talk about it, or you're a damned terrorist.
Before 25 million people on food stamps was terrible. Now 45 million on food stamps isn't worth mentioning.
Before 40% of the population not working was bad.....now fewer and fewer of us are working. More and more are collecting benefits.......and this just means they have time to paint. Unemployment is good for the economy.

I guess if you want to be honest you can't say our economy is doing great. But if you feel that lying is the only way to stay in power, then everything is doing swell.....and there are hundreds of unicorns flying around in the clouds, and farts smell like pink sunshine.
Obama must be the most racist president in history because most the job growth came from redstates.

Most of the Job Growth in the past 6 years has been in big cities.


The United States is on track to be the most competitive manufacturing country in the world by 2020. Cheap Labor is losing it's appeal as automation takes over.

SportsOneSource.com - SGB Media

  • [*]U.S. projected to take number one spot by end of decade
    [*]The U.S. improved its ranking from 4th in 2010 to 2nd in this year's study, and is expected to reach No.1 by 2020.
    [*]As the U.S. invests heavily in talent and technology, the nation ranks highest as an advanced manufacturing economy. The country is highly competitive in terms of the share of high skill and technology contribution to exports and labor productivity as measured to gross domestic product (GDP).
    [*]The U.S. continues to position itself among the global leaders in research and development (R&D) activities by investing in top universities, R&D talent and venture capital.
That's why I've been saying those Chinese jobs won't come back. China is building a million robots. Republicans work hard to stop any kind of advance here. They want an ignorant third world country because that's who they get to vote for them.

Keep being ignorant Rderp it serves you well

China-Based TDC Cutting Tools Invests $8.2 million To Establish Overseas Headquarters In Seneca, South Carolina - Area Development

China-Based TDC Cutting Tools Invests $8.2 million To Establish Overseas Headquarters In Seneca, South Carolina
Area Development News Desk (06/06/2014)
LOL!!! Deficit spending was at record levels! It was the biggest demonstration of the failure of Keynesianism of all time.
Raw numbers mean nothing. The worst recession since the great depression and we respond with slightly lower taxes and a small amount of spending. Of course, the deficit will automatically increase either way thanks to stabilizers such as food stamps and unemployment. Look at our potential GDP. The pathetic Obama stimulus was far to small, and after the bush stimulus, which actually improved things, we literally did nothing until then, when the evidence showed the bush stimulus worked! Yet, we sat back and allowed us to sink further, until the obama stimulus which helped, but wasn't large enough, hence, our pathetic recovery.
It was the biggest intervention by the gov't in the economy in history. And it failed. Totally and completely. We ran record deficits for years. They're still higher than before the recession. Biggest stimulus ever and biggest failure ever.
In History? Bullshit, go back to the 1900's.
World war 2 was an example of massive government spending, and it pulled us out of the depression.
The stimulus didn't fail, ask any economist:
You can't argue with data either! In fact, many agree the stimulus was to small to handle the loss from the recession!
Yes, and the deficits helped save the private sector from continuing to spiral downward.
Now these idiots want to cut deficits and force the private sector to start building up debt again..

The only reason why it didn't fail...

Because uhm I don't know, could it just possibly be that the rest of the world was in ruins?

View attachment 70008
Massive government spending led to full employment and the economy boomed.

And who did they sell to?

Do you honestly think that would work today?

Raw numbers mean nothing. The worst recession since the great depression and we respond with slightly lower taxes and a small amount of spending. Of course, the deficit will automatically increase either way thanks to stabilizers such as food stamps and unemployment. Look at our potential GDP. The pathetic Obama stimulus was far to small, and after the bush stimulus, which actually improved things, we literally did nothing until then, when the evidence showed the bush stimulus worked! Yet, we sat back and allowed us to sink further, until the obama stimulus which helped, but wasn't large enough, hence, our pathetic recovery.
It was the biggest intervention by the gov't in the economy in history. And it failed. Totally and completely. We ran record deficits for years. They're still higher than before the recession. Biggest stimulus ever and biggest failure ever.
In History? Bullshit, go back to the 1900's.
World war 2 was an example of massive government spending, and it pulled us out of the depression.
The stimulus didn't fail, ask any economist:
You can't argue with data either! In fact, many agree the stimulus was to small to handle the loss from the recession!
Yes, and the deficits helped save the private sector from continuing to spiral downward.
Now these idiots want to cut deficits and force the private sector to start building up debt again..

The only reason why it didn't fail...

Because uhm I don't know, could it just possibly be that the rest of the world was in ruins?

View attachment 70008
Massive government spending led to full employment and the economy boomed.

And who did they sell to?

Do you honestly think that would work today?

Who would who sell to?

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