I don't think anyone would say that the Obama economy is perfect, but 73 months of unprecedented...

Probably GDP growth under 3% every year and record numbers of people not working and/or collecting benefits.
GDP growth is so low thanks to a pathetic stimulus and a lack of deficit spending.
LOL!!! Deficit spending was at record levels! It was the biggest demonstration of the failure of Keynesianism of all time.
Raw numbers mean nothing. The worst recession since the great depression and we respond with slightly lower taxes and a small amount of spending. Of course, the deficit will automatically increase either way thanks to stabilizers such as food stamps and unemployment. Look at our potential GDP. The pathetic Obama stimulus was far to small, and after the bush stimulus, which actually improved things, we literally did nothing until then, when the evidence showed the bush stimulus worked! Yet, we sat back and allowed us to sink further, until the obama stimulus which helped, but wasn't large enough, hence, our pathetic recovery.
It was the biggest intervention by the gov't in the economy in history. And it failed. Totally and completely. We ran record deficits for years. They're still higher than before the recession. Biggest stimulus ever and biggest failure ever.
In History? Bullshit, go back to the 1900's.
World war 2 was an example of massive government spending, and it pulled us out of the depression.
The stimulus didn't fail, ask any economist:
You can't argue with data either! In fact, many agree the stimulus was to small to handle the loss from the recession!
Yes, and the deficits helped save the private sector from continuing to spiral downward.
Now these idiots want to cut deficits and force the private sector to start building up debt again..
LOL. Record deficits plus a trillion dollar stimulus and growth never exceeded 3%. If that isnt failure I dont know what is.
And spending in WW2 did not bring us out of recession.
Discussing the economy in a political context is not really for serious people.
So politics can't effect the economy? LOL
I'll try again.

Partisans discussing economics have zero (0) credibility, because they're partisans and they only look at and leverage data, news, information and opinions that support their political position, and ignore and avoid all of the above that don't.

As they do with pretty much every other topic.

There. That's better.
It's an incredibly stupid point of view. You are declaring that no one can support a political ideology and look objectively at the data. All you are doing is preening yourself as some kind of moral high ground. That you think it's credible is what laughable.
Yes, I've come to the conclusion that adherence to a partisan ideology ultimately and literally distorts thought processes.

What I've not yet fully determined is whether hardcore partisans can't be objective due to this, or whether they consciously choose not to be objective and are simply dishonest. My guess, at this point, is that it's some combination therein, dependent upon the situation. Whichever, there is no reason to believe them on pretty much anything, because they are not rational.

And regarding the "moral high ground", I find that pretty ironic. Hardcore partisans are still the minority in this country, they're just much louder. In other words, there are far more of me than there are of you, so there is nothing special about me.

Rather, hardcore partisans have convinced themselves that they and their "side" have all the answers. That sounds pretty narcissistic to me. Yet another reason not to take them seriously.
So true.

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The economy sucks and libtards are polishing obama's turd furiously for the upcoming election. Anyone that isn't sniffing obama's anal fumes knows it.
Please explain what data you're looking at that leads you to believe the economy sucks?
Probably GDP growth under 3% every year and record numbers of people not working and/or collecting benefits.
GDP growth is so low thanks to a pathetic stimulus and a lack of deficit spending.

Three things Republicans are good for:

Tax cuts for the rich

Increased spending

Increasing the national debt

It's what they do

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It is unfortunate that so many people in this country actually believe that 'liberal' economic policies work. I fear this will be cycle that will widdle away to the end. One day we will see how bad things can get in this country and then people will see how much they have been fooled by the media in this country. It will be only be a matter of time before people figure this out. I believe our side is winning because most polls actually agree with conservative economic ideas so I'm not worried.

Here is an interesting fact. Youth unemployment is the highest it has ever been for any generation. What does that tell you about the health of the economy.
Here is something quite interesting. Obama did not save the auto industry because Ford wasn't going under. He actually saved a whole bunch of rich people. How does that feel.
The economy sucks and libtards are polishing obama's turd furiously for the upcoming election. Anyone that isn't sniffing obama's anal fumes knows it.
Please explain what data you're looking at that leads you to believe the economy sucks?
Probably GDP growth under 3% every year and record numbers of people not working and/or collecting benefits.
GDP growth is so low thanks to a pathetic stimulus and a lack of deficit spending.

Three things Republicans are good for:

Tax cuts for the rich

Increased spending

Increasing the national debt

It's what they do
Tax cuts for everybody translates into tax cuts for the rich in libspeak.

Spending goes through the roof when Democrats can get away with it and their base thinks Republicans are responsible, even though they don't support the social spending. It makes no sense but that's what they believe.

Liberals fight any attempt to balance the budget and blame debt on Republicans.

The Democrat party heads lie and their puppets mindlessly gobble it up. It's what they do.
Obama didn't do shit except to help union pension plans, he fucked everyone else.

He Slowed the recovery not helped it.

CBO: Stimulus added up to 3.3M jobs

Facts are facts.
Debunked many times over. The CBO just assumed that X dollars in spending would create Y number of jobs.
No one debunked if. Again you're pretending like a toddler would.
Why the Stimulus Failed
Zero job growth. Say it with me, Billy.
Lol this article offers nothing but fluff and its from a bullshjt rightwing blog. Here are actual numbers from an unbiased source:

Did the Stimulus Create Jobs?
The Annenburg Foundation is hardly unbiased, Lyin Billy.
It is unfortunate that so many people in this country actually believe that 'liberal' economic policies work. I fear this will be cycle that will widdle away to the end. One day we will see how bad things can get in this country and then people will see how much they have been fooled by the media in this country. It will be only be a matter of time before people figure this out. I believe our side is winning because most polls actually agree with conservative economic ideas so I'm not worried.

Here is an interesting fact. Youth unemployment is the highest it has ever been for any generation. What does that tell you about the health of the economy.

Go screw yourself. I can spot an Obama hater a mile away. How did this little jewel work for you right wingers?

Last edited:
Unemployment down, spending up, stock market up, housing market up...gee, things are so terrible we need "the Donald" to "Make America Great Again". Thanks, but the current President did that already.
Unemployment down, spending up, stock market up, housing market up...gee, things are so terrible we need "the Donald" to "Make America Great Again". Thanks, but the current President did that already.

Trump reminds me of a spoiled junior high school student.
It is unfortunate that so many people in this country actually believe that 'liberal' economic policies work. I fear this will be cycle that will widdle away to the end. One day we will see how bad things can get in this country and then people will see how much they have been fooled by the media in this country. It will be only be a matter of time before people figure this out. I believe our side is winning because most polls actually agree with conservative economic ideas so I'm not worried.

Here is an interesting fact. Youth unemployment is the highest it has ever been for any generation. What does that tell you about the health of the economy.

Go screw yourself. I can spot an Obama hater a mile away. How did this little jewel work for you right wingers?


Those are completely made up numbers. I know this because when their are actually plenty of jobs their are people actually working. It is an interesting phenomena that only seems to exist during the Obama years. We are told the economy is up yet everyone I know is looking for work and are working at jobs that they can't leave. Youth unemployment is the highest it has ever been and so is unemployment for blacks and hispanics. Usually, when we have maxed out the unemployment numbers for these groups approaches what it is for everyone else. That hasn't happened.

I do hate Obama. THe man is a piece of shit and so are his followers. They would much rather worship 'his glory' than actually care what is happening to the people in this country. It is all about Obama noand thing else which makes you a piece human shit. I hate people like you and I see it in almost all aspects of politics where we only care about how well our guy is doing and their carreers as politicians. You make it more about them than anything else and they makes you human drivel that should just shrivel up and fall off the face of humanity.
The economy sucks and libtards are polishing obama's turd furiously for the upcoming election. Anyone that isn't sniffing obama's anal fumes knows it.
Please explain what data you're looking at that leads you to believe the economy sucks?
Probably GDP growth under 3% every year and record numbers of people not working and/or collecting benefits.
GDP growth is so low thanks to a pathetic stimulus and a lack of deficit spending.

Three things Republicans are good for:

Tax cuts for the rich

Increased spending

Increasing the national debt

It's what they do
Tax cuts for everybody translates into tax cuts for the rich in libspeak.

Spending goes through the roof when Democrats can get away with it and their base thinks Republicans are responsible, even though they don't support the social spending. It makes no sense but that's what they believe.

Liberals fight any attempt to balance the budget and blame debt on Republicans.

The Democrat party heads lie and their puppets mindlessly gobble it up. It's what they do.

God forbid that people actually earn enough money to actually afford school, medical, housing and all the things the left promises to give to us for free from the government. Boooo! Rich people Booooo!
...job growth is anything but a "bad economy ".

I mean okay, the labor participation rate is pretty low and that does matter, but for republicans to pretend that means the economy is shit is just disingenuous bullshit. I mean, Christ the Great Recession began under Bush and ended 6 months into Obama's presidency. Most of that can be directly attributed to Obama's stimulus package. According to the CBO, the stimulus created 3 million private jobs. Since then, we have had NON STOP Jon growth. That is unheard of.

And sure, wages are low under Obama. However, like the labor participation rate, they began to decline BEFORE obama's presidency. Obama tried to fix this by raising the minimum wage to a very reasonable 10.10 per hour.

Face it repubs. Your party is a joke.

you need to get out of your parents basement more and see what life is like in the real world these days
I do hate Obama. THe man is a piece of shit and so are his followers. They would much rather worship 'his glory' than actually care what is happening to the people in this country.

LMAO. Obama hates you too dude. I asked him just yesterday. And yep, he hates you. Oh well. Haters gotta hate. Might as well be you.
...job growth is anything but a "bad economy ".

I mean okay, the labor participation rate is pretty low and that does matter, but for republicans to pretend that means the economy is shit is just disingenuous bullshit. I mean, Christ the Great Recession began under Bush and ended 6 months into Obama's presidency. Most of that can be directly attributed to Obama's stimulus package. According to the CBO, the stimulus created 3 million private jobs. Since then, we have had NON STOP Jon growth. That is unheard of.

And sure, wages are low under Obama. However, like the labor participation rate, they began to decline BEFORE obama's presidency. Obama tried to fix this by raising the minimum wage to a very reasonable 10.10 per hour.

Face it repubs. Your party is a joke.

you need to get out of your parents basement more and see what life is like in the real world these days

I really think that a lot of millenials need to be kicked out of there parents home. SOme of them are like 23+! It is time to move out and face the consequences of your decisions. If you don't have a job or a way of making it then tough shit. The pilgrims who settled the west knew what they were in for and they starved when they couldn't make it. Just practice holding up the sign that says "will work for food" or "I voted for Obama" that way we think you are retarded and it isn't necessarily your fault that you did vote for Obama.
I do hate Obama. THe man is a piece of shit and so are his followers. They would much rather worship 'his glory' than actually care what is happening to the people in this country.

LMAO. Obama hates you too dude. I asked him just yesterday. And yep, he hates you. Oh well. Haters gotta hate. Might as well be you.

Did you ask him before or after you licked his cock?
pilgrims who settled the west knew what they were in for and they starved when they couldn't make it.


Maybe some of them pilgrims ate their own. Kinda like what republicans are doing today. Eating their own.

You got a bad case of ODS. Seek help.

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