I don't think anyone would say that the Obama economy is perfect, but 73 months of unprecedented...

Still trying to throw shit to the wall hoping to make it stick?

Obama had the slowest recovery ever, Obozo care hurt job growth not helped it

Obama must be the most racist president in history because most the job growth came from redstates.

Obama administration fought tooth and nail to prevent 100s of jobs going to south carolina ie...Boeing

The stimulus didn't do shit except a few thousand temporary jobs planting stupid trees and then putting up signs saying it was a stimulus job.

Obama's piece of shit EPA till this day is killing and trying to kill 1000s of more coal mining jobs..

Obama didn't do crap .....you fool.

The recovery was slow because of the massive number of jobs lost you dick head. We lost 8 million jobs in 9 months. Obviously it would take a while to get all those jobs back. There is nothing to compare it to post Great Depression. Why is this so hard to figure out? And no, the stimulus created 3 million private jobs on its own. The facts indicate it.
Idiot. Steep drops are followed by equally steep rises. That didnt happen this time.
High unemployment ititially gets higher as people get lured back into the work place. That didnt happen this time either, as the workforce participation rate is lower than when Obama took office.
The stimulus created nothing but waste and deficit. A total failure.
Oh Christ you just make up shit as you go along. The economy adds up to 200,000 jobs per month and your dumbass pretends that doesn't matter.
Reagan created over 15k jobs. Obama, 9k.
What the fuck? 9k? It's amazing how you just pull shit out of your ass.
"Shit out of your ass"=facts I cannot refute.
That's why you're BIlly Triple Fail--most failed poster here.
Still trying to throw shit to the wall hoping to make it stick?

Obama had the slowest recovery ever, Obozo care hurt job growth not helped it

Obama must be the most racist president in history because most the job growth came from redstates.

Obama administration fought tooth and nail to prevent 100s of jobs going to south carolina ie...Boeing

The stimulus didn't do shit except a few thousand temporary jobs planting stupid trees and then putting up signs saying it was a stimulus job.

Obama's piece of shit EPA till this day is killing and trying to kill 1000s of more coal mining jobs..

Obama didn't do crap .....you fool.

The recovery was slow because of the massive number of jobs lost you dick head. We lost 8 million jobs in 9 months. Obviously it would take a while to get all those jobs back. There is nothing to compare it to post Great Depression. Why is this so hard to figure out? And no, the stimulus created 3 million private jobs on its own. The facts indicate it.

No shit for brains the recovery was slow because of the uncerntly of obozo care by the supreme court , business had to fuckin wait for the decision. It would have been over years earlier.
Um no we lost 8 million private jobs. Do you honestly think recovering from that would be quick. Hell the economy is adding up to 250,000 jobs per month at best. Obviously that's a good thing! Just admit it. Quit being a toddler about this.

Obama didn't do shit except to help union pension plans, he fucked everyone else.

He Slowed the recovery not helped it.

CBO: Stimulus added up to 3.3M jobs

Facts are facts.
Debunked many times over. The CBO just assumed that X dollars in spending would create Y number of jobs.
The recovery was slow because of the massive number of jobs lost you dick head. We lost 8 million jobs in 9 months. Obviously it would take a while to get all those jobs back. There is nothing to compare it to post Great Depression. Why is this so hard to figure out? And no, the stimulus created 3 million private jobs on its own. The facts indicate it.

No shit for brains the recovery was slow because of the uncerntly of obozo care by the supreme court , business had to fuckin wait for the decision. It would have been over years earlier.
Um no we lost 8 million private jobs. Do you honestly think recovering from that would be quick. Hell the economy is adding up to 250,000 jobs per month at best. Obviously that's a good thing! Just admit it. Quit being a toddler about this.

Obama didn't do shit except to help union pension plans, he fucked everyone else.

He Slowed the recovery not helped it.

CBO: Stimulus added up to 3.3M jobs

Facts are facts.
Debunked many times over. The CBO just assumed that X dollars in spending would create Y number of jobs.
No one debunked if. Again you're pretending like a toddler would.
No shit for brains the recovery was slow because of the uncerntly of obozo care by the supreme court , business had to fuckin wait for the decision. It would have been over years earlier.
Um no we lost 8 million private jobs. Do you honestly think recovering from that would be quick. Hell the economy is adding up to 250,000 jobs per month at best. Obviously that's a good thing! Just admit it. Quit being a toddler about this.

Obama didn't do shit except to help union pension plans, he fucked everyone else.

He Slowed the recovery not helped it.

CBO: Stimulus added up to 3.3M jobs

Facts are facts.
Debunked many times over. The CBO just assumed that X dollars in spending would create Y number of jobs.
No one debunked if. Again you're pretending like a toddler would.
Why the Stimulus Failed
Zero job growth. Say it with me, Billy.
Um no we lost 8 million private jobs. Do you honestly think recovering from that would be quick. Hell the economy is adding up to 250,000 jobs per month at best. Obviously that's a good thing! Just admit it. Quit being a toddler about this.

Obama didn't do shit except to help union pension plans, he fucked everyone else.

He Slowed the recovery not helped it.

CBO: Stimulus added up to 3.3M jobs

Facts are facts.
Debunked many times over. The CBO just assumed that X dollars in spending would create Y number of jobs.
No one debunked if. Again you're pretending like a toddler would.
Why the Stimulus Failed
Zero job growth. Say it with me, Billy.
Lol this article offers nothing but fluff and its from a bullshjt rightwing blog. Here are actual numbers from an unbiased source:

Did the Stimulus Create Jobs?
Obama didn't do shit except to help union pension plans, he fucked everyone else.

He Slowed the recovery not helped it.

CBO: Stimulus added up to 3.3M jobs

Facts are facts.
Debunked many times over. The CBO just assumed that X dollars in spending would create Y number of jobs.
No one debunked if. Again you're pretending like a toddler would.
Why the Stimulus Failed
Zero job growth. Say it with me, Billy.
Lol this article offers nothing but fluff and its from a bullshjt rightwing blog. Here are actual numbers from an unbiased source:

Did the Stimulus Create Jobs?
From your own link.
Simply put, more people would be unemployed if not for the stimulus bill. The exact number of jobs created and saved is difficult to estimate, but nonpartisan economists say there’s no doubt that the number is positive.
The stimulus was a failure. No one can even say how many jobs were created, thus the administration's meme "created or saved". How do you measure a job saved? You cant. It's bullshit, like everything else you post.
...job growth is anything but a "bad economy ".

I mean okay, the labor participation rate is pretty low and that does matter, but for republicans to pretend that means the economy is shit is just disingenuous bullshit. I mean, Christ the Great Recession began under Bush and ended 6 months into Obama's presidency. Most of that can be directly attributed to Obama's stimulus package. According to the CBO, the stimulus created 3 million private jobs. Since then, we have had NON STOP Jon growth. That is unheard of.

And sure, wages are low under Obama. However, like the labor participation rate, they began to decline BEFORE obama's presidency. Obama tried to fix this by raising the minimum wage to a very reasonable 10.10 per hour.

Face it repubs. Your party is a joke.

Yet our economy continues to sink. There hasn't been unprecedented job growth. There are 100 million out of work. There are record numbers of poverty and real unemployment is 15 percent. You can't whitewash facts.

'Real unemployment'? You're retarded.

You're delusional and gullible.

You're the one making shit up. What's the formula for real unemployment?

Im not making anything up goofus. Be glad that I refrained from thumping you in the head on your ignorant free stuff posts.

Current U-6 Unemployment Rate

You walked right into it.

U-6, what you call the real unemployment rate, is currently 10%

It was 16% when Bush left office.

The 'real' unemployment rate is down by 6 percentage points since Obama took office.
Debunked many times over. The CBO just assumed that X dollars in spending would create Y number of jobs.
No one debunked if. Again you're pretending like a toddler would.
Why the Stimulus Failed
Zero job growth. Say it with me, Billy.
Lol this article offers nothing but fluff and its from a bullshjt rightwing blog. Here are actual numbers from an unbiased source:

Did the Stimulus Create Jobs?
From your own link.
Simply put, more people would be unemployed if not for the stimulus bill. The exact number of jobs created and saved is difficult to estimate, but nonpartisan economists say there’s no doubt that the number is positive.
The stimulus was a failure. No one can even say how many jobs were created, thus the administration's meme "created or saved". How do you measure a job saved? You cant. It's bullshit, like everything else you post.
Here's more. You're way over your head on this.

Economists agree: Stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs - USATODAY.com
Debunked many times over. The CBO just assumed that X dollars in spending would create Y number of jobs.
No one debunked if. Again you're pretending like a toddler would.
Why the Stimulus Failed
Zero job growth. Say it with me, Billy.
Lol this article offers nothing but fluff and its from a bullshjt rightwing blog. Here are actual numbers from an unbiased source:

Did the Stimulus Create Jobs?
From your own link.
Simply put, more people would be unemployed if not for the stimulus bill. The exact number of jobs created and saved is difficult to estimate, but nonpartisan economists say there’s no doubt that the number is positive.
The stimulus was a failure. No one can even say how many jobs were created, thus the administration's meme "created or saved". How do you measure a job saved? You cant. It's bullshit, like everything else you post.
Here's more. You're way over your head on this.

Economists agree: Stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs - USATODAY.com
The Five Biggest Failures From President Obama's Stimulus Law
How the $800B stimulus failed
White House Still Defending Failed Stimulus Plan Five Years Later
Why Obama's Stimulus Failed: A Case Study of Silver Spring, Maryland
...job growth is anything but a "bad economy ".

I mean okay, the labor participation rate is pretty low and that does matter, but for republicans to pretend that means the economy is shit is just disingenuous bullshit. I mean, Christ the Great Recession began under Bush and ended 6 months into Obama's presidency. Most of that can be directly attributed to Obama's stimulus package. According to the CBO, the stimulus created 3 million private jobs. Since then, we have had NON STOP Jon growth. That is unheard of.

And sure, wages are low under Obama. However, like the labor participation rate, they began to decline BEFORE obama's presidency. Obama tried to fix this by raising the minimum wage to a very reasonable 10.10 per hour.

Face it repubs. Your party is a joke.

My portfolio dropped 45% in value under baby Bush. It is now 100% recovered, under Obama.

Works for me!

Really? What will it be after the Obama crash this fall? It's coming!
If a Republican were president, the RWnuts would be raving about this economy 10 threads a day.

Wrong. It would be just as shitty under an R.

No, it'd be a lot worse because we'd have started a war with Iran by now.

Huh? O has already started two with libya and syria.

Spoken like a real Republican. You folks have never seen a tax cut or a war you didn't like. You don't fight in the wars......you send some poor family's kids to do that!

Remind us how many lbj sent to their death.

As a matter of fact I was voting Republican during those years. I even voted for Nixon three times before I changed my ways. When Reagan came along to working men and women in this country suffered their Waterloo. Republicans evidently have trouble reading:

Last edited:
No one debunked if. Again you're pretending like a toddler would.
Why the Stimulus Failed
Zero job growth. Say it with me, Billy.
Lol this article offers nothing but fluff and its from a bullshjt rightwing blog. Here are actual numbers from an unbiased source:

Did the Stimulus Create Jobs?
From your own link.
Simply put, more people would be unemployed if not for the stimulus bill. The exact number of jobs created and saved is difficult to estimate, but nonpartisan economists say there’s no doubt that the number is positive.
The stimulus was a failure. No one can even say how many jobs were created, thus the administration's meme "created or saved". How do you measure a job saved? You cant. It's bullshit, like everything else you post.
Here's more. You're way over your head on this.

Economists agree: Stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs - USATODAY.com
The Five Biggest Failures From President Obama's Stimulus Law
How the $800B stimulus failed
White House Still Defending Failed Stimulus Plan Five Years Later
Why Obama's Stimulus Failed: A Case Study of Silver Spring, Maryland
All these articles are stating is that it was a political failure. It failed to fix the recession but that doesn't mean it didn't create millions of jobs you doofus. Of course leave it to you to randomly Google rightwing blogs. I love your last one by the way lol. A case study of town in Maryland. You obviously didn't even read these lol.
No one debunked if. Again you're pretending like a toddler would.
Why the Stimulus Failed
Zero job growth. Say it with me, Billy.
Lol this article offers nothing but fluff and its from a bullshjt rightwing blog. Here are actual numbers from an unbiased source:

Did the Stimulus Create Jobs?
From your own link.
Simply put, more people would be unemployed if not for the stimulus bill. The exact number of jobs created and saved is difficult to estimate, but nonpartisan economists say there’s no doubt that the number is positive.
The stimulus was a failure. No one can even say how many jobs were created, thus the administration's meme "created or saved". How do you measure a job saved? You cant. It's bullshit, like everything else you post.
Here's more. You're way over your head on this.

Economists agree: Stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs - USATODAY.com
The Five Biggest Failures From President Obama's Stimulus Law
How the $800B stimulus failed
White House Still Defending Failed Stimulus Plan Five Years Later
Why Obama's Stimulus Failed: A Case Study of Silver Spring, Maryland
Lol hell one of those is from the RNC chair. You're such a joke you know that right
Why the Stimulus Failed
Zero job growth. Say it with me, Billy.
Lol this article offers nothing but fluff and its from a bullshjt rightwing blog. Here are actual numbers from an unbiased source:

Did the Stimulus Create Jobs?
From your own link.
Simply put, more people would be unemployed if not for the stimulus bill. The exact number of jobs created and saved is difficult to estimate, but nonpartisan economists say there’s no doubt that the number is positive.
The stimulus was a failure. No one can even say how many jobs were created, thus the administration's meme "created or saved". How do you measure a job saved? You cant. It's bullshit, like everything else you post.
Here's more. You're way over your head on this.

Economists agree: Stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs - USATODAY.com
The Five Biggest Failures From President Obama's Stimulus Law
How the $800B stimulus failed
White House Still Defending Failed Stimulus Plan Five Years Later
Why Obama's Stimulus Failed: A Case Study of Silver Spring, Maryland
. It failed to fix the recession but that doesn't mean it didn't create millions of jobs you doofus.l.
LOL!! You cannot make this shit up!!!
Lol this article offers nothing but fluff and its from a bullshjt rightwing blog. Here are actual numbers from an unbiased source:

Did the Stimulus Create Jobs?
From your own link.
Simply put, more people would be unemployed if not for the stimulus bill. The exact number of jobs created and saved is difficult to estimate, but nonpartisan economists say there’s no doubt that the number is positive.
The stimulus was a failure. No one can even say how many jobs were created, thus the administration's meme "created or saved". How do you measure a job saved? You cant. It's bullshit, like everything else you post.
Here's more. You're way over your head on this.

Economists agree: Stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs - USATODAY.com
The Five Biggest Failures From President Obama's Stimulus Law
How the $800B stimulus failed
White House Still Defending Failed Stimulus Plan Five Years Later
Why Obama's Stimulus Failed: A Case Study of Silver Spring, Maryland
. It failed to fix the recession but that doesn't mean it didn't create millions of jobs you doofus.l.
LOL!! You cannot make this shit up!!!
Yes I know you have trouble with nuance. It's okay. I'm used to it. Here's more from, you know, actual economists:

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure?
I mean if Trump is going to make Mexico pay for something at least build a hair factory that makes real-life hair and have them pay for that so the rest of us can at least have the f%^king illusion that Donald Trump isn't a patient that got loose from the nearby asylum.

Trump would be trying to find anybody who might have anything to do with him if his Daddy hadn't given him nearly $200 million. Look at his face! Look at his body! Listen to him for five minutes. The women I dated 50 years ago would have told him to get lost!
From your own link.
Simply put, more people would be unemployed if not for the stimulus bill. The exact number of jobs created and saved is difficult to estimate, but nonpartisan economists say there’s no doubt that the number is positive.
The stimulus was a failure. No one can even say how many jobs were created, thus the administration's meme "created or saved". How do you measure a job saved? You cant. It's bullshit, like everything else you post.
Here's more. You're way over your head on this.

Economists agree: Stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs - USATODAY.com
The Five Biggest Failures From President Obama's Stimulus Law
How the $800B stimulus failed
White House Still Defending Failed Stimulus Plan Five Years Later
Why Obama's Stimulus Failed: A Case Study of Silver Spring, Maryland
. It failed to fix the recession but that doesn't mean it didn't create millions of jobs you doofus.l.
LOL!! You cannot make this shit up!!!
Yes I know you have trouble with nuance. It's okay. I'm used to it. Here's more from, you know, actual economists:

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure?
LOL. You are literally the dumbest poster on here, BIlly. You dont know what an economist is.

Rick joined NPQ in 2006, after almost eight years as the executive director of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP). Before that he played various roles as a community worker and advisor to others doing community work. He also worked in government. Cohen pursued investigative and analytical articles, advocated for increased philanthropic giving and access for disenfranchised constituencies, and promoted increased philanthropic and nonprofit accountability.]
The economy sucks and libtards are polishing obama's turd furiously for the upcoming election. Anyone that isn't sniffing obama's anal fumes knows it.
Please explain what data you're looking at that leads you to believe the economy sucks?
LOL. You are literally the dumbest poster on here, BIlly. You dont know what an economist is.

Rick joined NPQ in 2006, after almost eight years as the executive director of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP). Before that he played various roles as a community worker and advisor to others doing community work. He also worked in government. Cohen pursued investigative and analytical articles, advocated for increased philanthropic giving and access for disenfranchised constituencies, and promoted increased philanthropic and nonprofit accountability.]
Lol you are desperate man. This guy is just the author of the article that summarizes studies by economists. Good god.
From your own link.
Simply put, more people would be unemployed if not for the stimulus bill. The exact number of jobs created and saved is difficult to estimate, but nonpartisan economists say there’s no doubt that the number is positive.
The stimulus was a failure. No one can even say how many jobs were created, thus the administration's meme "created or saved". How do you measure a job saved? You cant. It's bullshit, like everything else you post.
Here's more. You're way over your head on this.

Economists agree: Stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs - USATODAY.com
The Five Biggest Failures From President Obama's Stimulus Law
How the $800B stimulus failed
White House Still Defending Failed Stimulus Plan Five Years Later
Why Obama's Stimulus Failed: A Case Study of Silver Spring, Maryland
. It failed to fix the recession but that doesn't mean it didn't create millions of jobs you doofus.l.
LOL!! You cannot make this shit up!!!
Yes I know you have trouble with nuance. It's okay. I'm used to it. Here's more from, you know, actual economists:

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure?

Compared to Bush??


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