I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

or you could just shut your yap and look at the statute

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

For all the babbling that people are doing, you would think that they had read the statute. At least, they act like they've read the statute. But anyone who has read the statute clearly sees that no part of it applies to a person out in public who pursues another person on the false belief that said other person is about to commit a crime.
Is a gated community considered public or private property, and what about if the community had given Zimmerman the responsibility of being their watchman, and this all due to the breakins and burgurlaries that had been taken place in that gated community ? Who appointed Zimmerman ?

Was Trayvon a suspicous looking character, who needed to be checked out by the watchman, once he was seen walking in the area with a hoodie on, and looking or acting as a suspicious character to the watchman?

Did Trayvons association with BOW, cause him to be upset about being looked at as a suspect in the area, when Zimmerman began surveilence on him, and if so, did it make for a powder keg situation, where these two people came together with all their suspicions combined, where they next began the process of mis-interpretation, confusion, bad analysis, wrongful profiling and etc. in the situation, and this upon each other in the dance in which they began doing around each other, for which next led to a confrontation that ended in tragedy for both men involved in this situation ?
Is a gated community considered public or private property, and what about if the community had given Zimmerman the responsibility of being their watchman, and this all due to the breakins and burgurlaries that had been taken place in that gated community ? Who appointed Zimmerman ?

Was Trayvon a suspicous looking character, who needed to be checked out by the watchman, once he was seen walking in the area with a hoodie on, and looking or acting as a suspicious character to the watchman?

Did Trayvons association with BOW, cause him to be upset about being looked at as a suspect in the area, when Zimmerman began surveilence on him, and if so, did it make for a powder keg situation, where these two people came together with all their suspicions combined, where they next began the process of mis-interpretation, confusion, bad analysis, wrongful profiling and etc. in the situation, and this upon each other in the dance in which they began doing around each other, for which next led to a confrontation that ended in tragedy for both men involved in this situation ?

There is no evidence - ZERO, that Trayvon Martin had any association with BOW.

None at all.
or you could just shut your yap and look at the statute

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

For all the babbling that people are doing, you would think that they had read the statute. At least, they act like they've read the statute. But anyone who has read the statute clearly sees that no part of it applies to a person out in public who pursues another person on the false belief that said other person is about to commit a crime.
Is a gated community considered public or private property, and what about if the community had given Zimmerman the responsibility of being their watchman, and this all due to the breakins and burgurlaries that had been taken place in that gated community ? Who appointed Zimmerman ?

Was Trayvon a suspicous looking character, who needed to be checked out by the watchman, once he was seen walking in the area with a hoodie on, and looking or acting as a suspicious character to the watchman?

Did Trayvons association with BOW, cause him to be upset about being looked at as a suspect in the area, when Zimmerman began surveilence on him, and if so, did it make for a powder keg situation, where these two people came together with all their suspicions combined, where they next began the process of mis-interpretation, confusion, bad analysis, wrongful profiling and etc. in the situation, and this upon each other in the dance in which they began doing around each other, for which next led to a confrontation that ended in tragedy for both men involved in this situation ?

Any stats on break ins; here is more on justifiable homicides since STAND YOUR GROUND:

Deaths Nearly Triple Since “Stand Your Ground” Enacted « CBS Miami
You are a lying idiot most of what you said is untrue or based on racial emotions.

A whackjob will retort without facts or even addressing positions. They simply insult the poster. So do you have anything to counter what Marc actually posted?

A person can kill while defending them self

1. People who speak English as a first language, use "themselves".
2. Generally you're not defending yourself from someone if you're following them.

He stopped when told to do so.

You know this how?

There is Nothing wrong with observing a stranger who has entered your neighborhood, which has had some recent break-ins.

Where are you from? You really should learn our language if you're going to live here. So wait. A moment ago, you said he stopped following Trayvon because your magical psychic powers told you so. Now you say it's okay that he was pursuing him. Please make up your mind.

We have a 17 year old who hit another person and went for his gun

You know this how? Oh yeah. Forgot. Psychic powers and all that...

Not enough evidence to arrest

Let's see. Hmmm. Unarmed teen shot by adult. Nah, we shouldn't even investigate!

Since when is defending your self wrong?

You know he was defending himself how? Oh yeah. Forgot. Psychic Conservative Powers let you know that anything that will back up the Conservative position must be the facts.
At least you're entertaining!

And how the victim threatened DEADLY FORCE:

However, a person is justified in the use of deadly force and does not have a duty to retreat if:

(1) He or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony; or
For all the babbling that people are doing, you would think that they had read the statute. At least, they act like they've read the statute. But anyone who has read the statute clearly sees that no part of it applies to a person out in public who pursues another person on the false belief that said other person is about to commit a crime.
Is a gated community considered public or private property, and what about if the community had given Zimmerman the responsibility of being their watchman, and this all due to the breakins and burgurlaries that had been taken place in that gated community ? Who appointed Zimmerman ?

Was Trayvon a suspicous looking character, who needed to be checked out by the watchman, once he was seen walking in the area with a hoodie on, and looking or acting as a suspicious character to the watchman?

Did Trayvons association with BOW, cause him to be upset about being looked at as a suspect in the area, when Zimmerman began surveilence on him, and if so, did it make for a powder keg situation, where these two people came together with all their suspicions combined, where they next began the process of mis-interpretation, confusion, bad analysis, wrongful profiling and etc. in the situation, and this upon each other in the dance in which they began doing around each other, for which next led to a confrontation that ended in tragedy for both men involved in this situation ?

Any stats on break ins; here is more on justifiable homicides since STAND YOUR GROUND:

Deaths Nearly Triple Since “Stand Your Ground” Enacted « CBS Miami

People have a basic right to defend them self. If deaths are on the rise so be it.
You are a lying idiot most of what you said is untrue or based on racial emotions.

A whackjob will retort without facts or even addressing positions. They simply insult the poster. So do you have anything to counter what Marc actually posted?

A person can kill while defending them self

1. People who speak English as a first language, use "themselves".
2. Generally you're not defending yourself from someone if you're following them.

He stopped when told to do so.

You know this how?

There is Nothing wrong with observing a stranger who has entered your neighborhood, which has had some recent break-ins.

Where are you from? You really should learn our language if you're going to live here. So wait. A moment ago, you said he stopped following Trayvon because your magical psychic powers told you so. Now you say it's okay that he was pursuing him. Please make up your mind.

We have a 17 year old who hit another person and went for his gun

You know this how? Oh yeah. Forgot. Psychic powers and all that...

Not enough evidence to arrest

Let's see. Hmmm. Unarmed teen shot by adult. Nah, we shouldn't even investigate!

Since when is defending your self wrong?

You know he was defending himself how? Oh yeah. Forgot. Psychic Conservative Powers let you know that anything that will back up the Conservative position must be the facts.
At least you're entertaining!

What the fuck ? who are you posting too? everything you post is jibberish and about nothing dealing with the topic.
You are on ignore. You post nothing worth commenting about you arrogant son of a bitch. Do you understand this?
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Any stats on break ins; here is more on justifiable homicides since STAND YOUR GROUND:

Deaths Nearly Triple Since “Stand Your Ground” Enacted « CBS Miami

Since I showed you earlier that the TOTAL NUMBER OF FIREARM DEATHS IS DOWN - then your complaint must be that the victims aren't cooperating and dying, the way you want them to.

People are defending themselves, and that upsets you....

You have the right to be a victim
You have the right to die
You have the right to submit
You have the right to be raped
You have the right to be robbed
You have the right to be assaulted

(The leftists bill of rights!)
For all the babbling that people are doing, you would think that they had read the statute. At least, they act like they've read the statute. But anyone who has read the statute clearly sees that no part of it applies to a person out in public who pursues another person on the false belief that said other person is about to commit a crime.
Is a gated community considered public or private property, and what about if the community had given Zimmerman the responsibility of being their watchman, and this all due to the breakins and burgurlaries that had been taken place in that gated community ? Who appointed Zimmerman ?

Was Trayvon a suspicous looking character, who needed to be checked out by the watchman, once he was seen walking in the area with a hoodie on, and looking or acting as a suspicious character to the watchman?

Did Trayvons association with BOW, cause him to be upset about being looked at as a suspect in the area, when Zimmerman began surveilence on him, and if so, did it make for a powder keg situation, where these two people came together with all their suspicions combined, where they next began the process of mis-interpretation, confusion, bad analysis, wrongful profiling and etc. in the situation, and this upon each other in the dance in which they began doing around each other, for which next led to a confrontation that ended in tragedy for both men involved in this situation ?

Any stats on break ins; here is more on justifiable homicides since STAND YOUR GROUND:

Deaths Nearly Triple Since “Stand Your Ground” Enacted « CBS Miami
Ok, so deaths nearly trippled since "stand your ground" came into being ?? Ok I will ask this then, why did "stand your ground" down in florida come into being in the first place ? Was Florida a place in certain areas, that had gotten totally out of control, where burgularies, murders and crime had exploded over the years ? Did Floridians think next that they needed a "stand your ground" law, because to many innocents were being abused, robbed, killed/murdered etc. down in Florida? Did this law benefit the state on whole, or has it been a curse on the state since it's inception?

Does anyone know the true stories and the stats to be found in the light in which they should be placed in, or are we going to get the biased version since this event made national headlines now ?
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Is a gated community considered public or private property, and what about if the community had given Zimmerman the responsibility of being their watchman, and this all due to the breakins and burgurlaries that had been taken place in that gated community ? Who appointed Zimmerman ?

Was Trayvon a suspicous looking character, who needed to be checked out by the watchman, once he was seen walking in the area with a hoodie on, and looking or acting as a suspicious character to the watchman?

Did Trayvons association with BOW, cause him to be upset about being looked at as a suspect in the area, when Zimmerman began surveilence on him, and if so, did it make for a powder keg situation, where these two people came together with all their suspicions combined, where they next began the process of mis-interpretation, confusion, bad analysis, wrongful profiling and etc. in the situation, and this upon each other in the dance in which they began doing around each other, for which next led to a confrontation that ended in tragedy for both men involved in this situation ?

There is no evidence - ZERO, that Trayvon Martin had any association with BOW.

None at all.
Thanks on the BOW issue, because I saw that in these threads lately, and it didn't look good as far as a character analysis goes, and especially upon us trying to get an idea of these two guy's characters, in which we are all dealing with on the issue here...We can only hope that Trayvon wasn't involved in a blanket hatred of whites (or) Zimmerman also in the opposite for that matter, and especially in some sort of club type of thing, thinking or something to that affect. Justice must prevail for all in the situation, and then the nation can get on with the lessons learned from it all, and get on with the healing process for the family and the friends finally. I sure am sorry for what has happened in this situation, and it is my hopes that justice will be found soon in it all, but we must have impartial-non-biased justice to be what is used, and not biased lynch mob justice, that can involve the same types of confusion in which was found in the events of that day.
You can't "confront" someone if you're actively trying to get away from them.

When and if they catch up with you after pursuing you, you aren't "confronting" them when you stand your ground.

What we have here is a case of standing your ground, and a criminal then gunning down the lawful citizen who was rightfully standing their ground.

Zimmerman is toast...TOAST I said!

Not very often do I agree with you--but I do here. I think we had a wanna-be--cop assigned to neighborhood duty--that had called the police 47 times to make a variety of complaints that was looking for a problem that he could solve.

Zimmerman was told by the police dispatcher not to pursue--Zimmerman told the dispatcher that Martin was running----not running toward Zimmerman but away from him--Zimmerman pursued him in his car--got out of the car to confront Martin--a fight ensued--and then he shot and killed Martin.

It's like if I pick a fight with you--you respond with some punches--I pull my gun--shoot you-and I get to walk away free over the Stand your ground law. UNBELIEVABLE.

Now what I don't agree with is the accusation that Martin is dead because he was black. Zimmerman would have pursued anyone that looked suspicious and was wearing a hoodie--and I am certain that those 47 different complaints to the cops--were not only revolving around blacks--but whites and hispanics too--that he was suspicious of. IOW--the elevator in Zimmerman's head didn't quite hit the top floor--47 calls to the police tells me there were some screws loose in Zimmerman's brain.
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pay attention to the video

a little over half way through the video (50 seconds in), a police officer takes a look at the back of Zimmerman's head .. looking at something on Zimmerman's head. then he asks him to stand back against the wall

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

pay attention people. stop being so R-a-v-i .....looks like a spot or two on back of head. fuzzy video

Zimmerman doesn't look like he was touched in this video--his nose certainly isn't broken--no blood there--and I sure didn't see any evidence of any trauma--scratch's or other to his head or anywhere on his body. IOW--anyone who is a fist fight for their lives--would certainly have proof of it by bleeding--scratch's--and lots of bruising. Zimmerman is clean as a whistle.
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You are a lying idiot most of what you said is untrue or based on racial emotions.

A whackjob will retort without facts or even addressing positions. They simply insult the poster. So do you have anything to counter what Marc actually posted?

A person can kill while defending them self

1. People who speak English as a first language, use "themselves".
2. Generally you're not defending yourself from someone if you're following them.

He stopped when told to do so.

You know this how?

There is Nothing wrong with observing a stranger who has entered your neighborhood, which has had some recent break-ins.

Where are you from? You really should learn our language if you're going to live here. So wait. A moment ago, you said he stopped following Trayvon because your magical psychic powers told you so. Now you say it's okay that he was pursuing him. Please make up your mind.

We have a 17 year old who hit another person and went for his gun

You know this how? Oh yeah. Forgot. Psychic powers and all that...

Not enough evidence to arrest

Let's see. Hmmm. Unarmed teen shot by adult. Nah, we shouldn't even investigate!

Since when is defending your self wrong?

You know he was defending himself how? Oh yeah. Forgot. Psychic Conservative Powers let you know that anything that will back up the Conservative position must be the facts.
At least you're entertaining!

What the fuck ? who are you posting too? everything you post is jibberish and about nothing dealing with the topic.
You are on ignore. You post nothing worth commenting about you arrogant son of a bitch. Do you understand this?

LOL!!!! owned...
You can't "confront" someone if you're actively trying to get away from them.

When and if they catch up with you after pursuing you, you aren't "confronting" them when you stand your ground.

What we have here is a case of standing your ground, and a criminal then gunning down the lawful citizen who was rightfully standing their ground.

Zimmerman is toast...TOAST I said!

BREAKING NEWS: The lead investigator at the scene wanted to arrest Zimmerman and charge him with homicide/manslaughter but was overruled by the state AG.

The special prosecutor in the Trayvon Martin case said that the Sanford Police Department asked the state attorney's office for an arrest warrant to charge George Zimmerman early in the investigation, but the state's attorney's office decided to wait.

The Miami Herald reported that the local police initially went to the Seminole State Attorney with a request to file charges and the police report labeled the case as "homicide/negligent manslaughter."

"The state attorney impaneled a grand jury, but before anything else could be done, the governor stepped in and asked us to pick it up in mid-stream," Angela Corey, the special prosecutor on the case said.

Chris Serino, the lead detective on the case, expressed doubts around Zimmerman's account of the shooting, according to ABC News. Serino filed an affidavit on the night of the shooting in which he said that he was unconvinced of Zimmerman's version of events.

Serino told MSNBC Tuesday night that he was not at liberty to discuss the case, but he feels very encouraged by the new investigation into the shooting, and he was "looking forward to the truth coming out."

Martin, 17, hailed from Miami Gardens, Fla. He was staying with his father in Sanford, an Orlando suburb, when he was shot and killed on Feb. 26 by Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer. Zimmerman was never charged or arrested in the shooting, which has sparked a national uproar.

Another source in the state attorney's office told the Herald that the prosecutor's office routinely receives requests for warrants. "That doesn't mean we file charges right away," the source said. "We investigate to see if it's appropriate."

"If you go with what was reported in the press the first night, there would have been an arrest right away, but obviously something gave investigators pause," the source said to the Herald.

Bill Lee, Sanford's police chief, had previously given a very different account of the investigation. He said that his department had neither the evidence nor legal grounds to arrest Zimmerman, who he said was legally carrying the concealed 9 mm pistol the night of the shooting, and said Zimmerman had the right to defend himself with deadly force.

Lee had come under considerable criticism for the way his department handled the investigation, and stepped down from his post last week following a no-confidence vote from the city commission.

Norm Wolfinger, the state attorney who was initially handling the investigation, removed himself from the case last week "with the intent of toning down the rhetoric and preserving the integrity of this investigation." Gov. Rick Scott replaced him with Corey.

In this is an instance--they should have investigated within a couple of hours and filed charges on Zimmerman. Here is the lead investigator on the scene stating he didn't believe Zimmerman's account of this incident-and wanted him charged for homicide/manslaughter--and they wait for over a month--until it explodes in their faces is absolutely no excuse.

And who would believe Zimmerman with this video of the way he looked afterwards. I don't see any blood--I don't see a broken nose--I don't see any bruises or scratch's. Nothing that would indicate that he was attacked by anyone.

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News
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I couldn't find the same link but here is an article discussing it:

According to Florida state records, justifiable homicides by private citizens - not law enforcement officers - have risen steadily under the stand your ground law. In 2010, there were 40; in 2004, there were eight. FBI statistics on justifiable homicides nationwide show similar increases, from 196 in 2005 to 278 in 2010.
Florida killing raises questions about 'stand your ground' laws - KansasCity.com

Have the total number of firearm homicides increased or decreased?

They have decreased.

Gun crime statistics by US state: download the data. Visualised | World news | guardian.co.uk

Since the total has decreased, is your complaint that it's the bad guys instead of innocent victims, who are dying?
I clicked on the link and they do not have Florida in their figures???
You know he was defending himself how? Oh yeah. Forgot. Psychic Conservative Powers let you know that anything that will back up the Conservative position must be the facts.
At least you're entertaining!

What the fuck ? who are you posting too? everything you post is jibberish and about nothing dealing with the topic.
You are on ignore. You post nothing worth commenting about you arrogant son of a bitch. Do you understand this?

LOL!!!! owned...

The only thing you own is maybe the shoes on your feet and that may be doubtful. Do you want to try that post one more time instead of editing what I wrote?
You can't "confront" someone if you're actively trying to get away from them.

When and if they catch up with you after pursuing you, you aren't "confronting" them when you stand your ground.

What we have here is a case of standing your ground, and a criminal then gunning down the lawful citizen who was rightfully standing their ground.

Zimmerman is toast...TOAST I said!

BREAKING NEWS: The lead investigator at the scene wanted to arrest Zimmerman and charge him with homicide/manslaughter but was overruled by the state AG.

The special prosecutor in the Trayvon Martin case said that the Sanford Police Department asked the state attorney's office for an arrest warrant to charge George Zimmerman early in the investigation, but the state's attorney's office decided to wait.

The Miami Herald reported that the local police initially went to the Seminole State Attorney with a request to file charges and the police report labeled the case as "homicide/negligent manslaughter."

"The state attorney impaneled a grand jury, but before anything else could be done, the governor stepped in and asked us to pick it up in mid-stream," Angela Corey, the special prosecutor on the case said.

Chris Serino, the lead detective on the case, expressed doubts around Zimmerman's account of the shooting, according to ABC News. Serino filed an affidavit on the night of the shooting in which he said that he was unconvinced of Zimmerman's version of events.

Serino told MSNBC Tuesday night that he was not at liberty to discuss the case, but he feels very encouraged by the new investigation into the shooting, and he was "looking forward to the truth coming out."

Martin, 17, hailed from Miami Gardens, Fla. He was staying with his father in Sanford, an Orlando suburb, when he was shot and killed on Feb. 26 by Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer. Zimmerman was never charged or arrested in the shooting, which has sparked a national uproar.

Another source in the state attorney's office told the Herald that the prosecutor's office routinely receives requests for warrants. "That doesn't mean we file charges right away," the source said. "We investigate to see if it's appropriate."

"If you go with what was reported in the press the first night, there would have been an arrest right away, but obviously something gave investigators pause," the source said to the Herald.

Bill Lee, Sanford's police chief, had previously given a very different account of the investigation. He said that his department had neither the evidence nor legal grounds to arrest Zimmerman, who he said was legally carrying the concealed 9 mm pistol the night of the shooting, and said Zimmerman had the right to defend himself with deadly force.

Lee had come under considerable criticism for the way his department handled the investigation, and stepped down from his post last week following a no-confidence vote from the city commission.

Norm Wolfinger, the state attorney who was initially handling the investigation, removed himself from the case last week "with the intent of toning down the rhetoric and preserving the integrity of this investigation." Gov. Rick Scott replaced him with Corey.

In this is an instance--they should have investigated within a couple of hours and filed charges on Zimmerman. Here is the lead investigator on the scene stating he didn't believe Zimmerman's account of this incident-and wanted him charged for homicide/manslaughter--and they wait for over a month--until it explodes in their faces is absolutely no excuse.

And who would believe Zimmerman with this video of the way he looked afterwards. I don't see any blood--I don't see a broken nose--I don't see any bruises or scratch's. Nothing that would indicate that he was attacked by anyone.

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

Thing about that video was when was it taken how many hours and was he cleaned up before transported to the police station? His face looked like it has some abrasions on it with some swelling around the nose.
There was no fight.

Were you there?

I didn't need to be.

Zimmerman lied.

He said he was getting beaten down so badly that he needed to kill the kid. Well the kid had one minute to accomplish that feat. One minute to beat a muscular 240 lb adult to within an inch of his life. Zimmerman said his nose was broken, he had a huge gash on the back of his head that should have been stitched and his clothes were a mess from the struggle. None of that is even remotely visible in the police video. And Zimmerman doesn't look sore at all.

The police lied too.

This is going to be huge.

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