I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

Reaching how? Every statement of mine is an observable fact.

The cops observed the fact that Zimmerman was bleeding from the nose and the back of the head.

But, my belief that liberals have shit for brains isn't an observable fact, unless we crack their heads open. Or, maybe we can just look through the lenses of their eyes.
Reaching how? Every statement of mine is an observable fact.

The cops observed the fact that Zimmerman was bleeding from the nose and the back of the head.

But, my belief that liberals have shit for brains isn't an observable fact, unless we crack their heads open. Or, maybe we can just look through the lenses of their eyes.

Your up early mofo cracker. Pretty funny talk coming from someone who talks shit out of his mouth all day.
Was the black man charged? Incarcerated?

I thought you were better than this, Gadawg. The problem is not that a nutter with a gun killed an innocent kid, the problem is that there was a coverup and no charges for the gunman.

And given the video at the police station, Zimmerman's story, and any that corroberate it, are obvious lies. Also, we now know that the Sanford Police wanted to charge Zimmerman that night, and were told not to. For what reason? And why no charges brought since then?

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

On the run and witnesses are scared to come forward Rocks.
Who told police not to charge Zimmerman?
What coverup? There was NO coverup. Where, when and who covered up any evidence.
The incident report was written that day and released as public record.
Please tell me that is a coverup when the report was issued to the public.
Respectfully, charges do not mean a damn thing Rocks. INDICTMENT is what counts. And the grand jury is meeting.
And read my posts about what I believe is a possibility of what happened:
1. If Zimmerman had his gun pulled when Martin first saw him Martin has ever right to attack Zimmerman. Guns goes off or Zimmerman pulls the trigger we have strong case murder.
2. Zimmerman does not have his gun out and is attacked by Martin, pulls the gun and either shoots him or the gun goes off.
Now how the hell do you or I know what happened? Were either of us there?
You folks are hung up on "he was not charged" which means nothing as many times the crime lab results, as a factor of how back logged they are, may take 3 months to get to the DA to present to the grand jury.
Fact is this case was going to the grand jury from DAY ONE. Read the incident report.
Witnesses interviewd and statements taken THE DAY OF THE SHOOTING.
So how the HELL IS THAT A COVERUP? That is complete BULL SHIT.
Incident report written and filed the same day.
How is that a cover up. The police file a public report and you claim they covered it up.
Outright fabrication by you and I believe you know it.
Evidence gathered and some sent to the crime lab. CHAIN OF CUSTODY.
With a chain of custody of the evidence which is public record how is there a cover up?
As hard as you try the fact is the police did NOTHING wrong in this matter. They did their job. If it was as you say someone else told them not to charge him then how is that their fault?
If this would have been a black shooting another black there is NO way in hell there would be this kind of circus going on all over the country.
Would they be carrying signs stating "Police are racist" if this was a black on black crime?
This had nothing to do with racism although there is a strong possibility that facts will prove that Zimmerman had profiled Martin.
See, I am objective and open to ALL THE EVIDENCE. Try it, makes it easier with an open mind.
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Early on the media stated police did not properly document the evidence. Zimmerman's clothes were not withheld for example. This is a case of an inept police force at a minimum. Just looking at Zimmerman's personality, he will kill again.
I was the first here to point out the fact that if Zimmerman had his gun OUT then Martin has every right to attack him. Zimmerman had no authority to pull a gun on Martin. This is a possibility.
I have been hard and objective for and against BOTH SIDES in this.
That is what a seasoned investigator does. LOOKS AT ALL SIDES.
Early on the media stated police did not properly document the evidence. Zimmerman's clothes were not withheld for example. This is a case of an inept police force at a minimum. Just looking at Zimmerman's personality, he will kill again.

"media stated"
What else does media say when they want ratings and to inflame a story to grow nationwide?
They lied.
Respectfully, let me educate as to evidence gathering.
You have 2 people here, a dead boy and a man that admits shooting him.
So tell us Mr. Holmes for what reason would any police investigator want to hold Zimmerman's clothes?
For what? They have the shooter. What would the clothes prove?
Please, I have been doing this for 32 years and am trained professionally as a detective.
Hint: do not listen to media for legal advice and do not take any wooden nickels.
Early on the media stated police did not properly document the evidence. Zimmerman's clothes were not withheld for example. This is a case of an inept police force at a minimum. Just looking at Zimmerman's personality, he will kill again.

"media stated"
What else does media say when they want ratings and to inflame a story to grow nationwide?
They lied.
Respectfully, let me educate as to evidence gathering.
You have 2 people here, a dead boy and a man that admits shooting him.
So tell us Mr. Holmes for what reason would any police investigator want to hold Zimmerman's clothes?
For what? They have the shooter. What would the clothes prove?
Please, I have been doing this for 32 years and am trained professionally as a detective.
Hint: do not listen to media for legal advice and do not take any wooden nickels.

Not a damn thing. The police got everything they needed.
Early on the media stated police did not properly document the evidence. Zimmerman's clothes were not withheld for example. This is a case of an inept police force at a minimum. Just looking at Zimmerman's personality, he will kill again.

The media stated.

You must have missed the link I posted that listed the rumors that are abounding, offset by the truth.

The clothing rumor is just that, a rumor. They did take the clothes. Fail.
This case is Exhibit A why we need judicial reform in all states. Too many resources are allocated to the drug cases and not enough to the other criminal cases.
I guarantee you that is the hold up on all fronts in this matter. Crime lab and grand jury docket both.
We need drug courts where non violent crimes are handled with probation only and/or treatment and quit sending young folks, mostly black youth, to prison for non violent drug cases with mandatory sentences.
I am in and out of the prison and jail systems here in Georgia weekly and it troubles me greatly to see the waste of resources and, most importantly, the unfairness and inequities of imprisoning a generation of young blacks for "crimes" that are in reality health problems.
This fact has more to do with any lax time delay problems in this case and in most all criminal cases.
Early on the media stated police did not properly document the evidence. Zimmerman's clothes were not withheld for example. This is a case of an inept police force at a minimum. Just looking at Zimmerman's personality, he will kill again.

The media stated.

You must have missed the link I posted that listed the rumors that are abounding, offset by the truth.

The clothing rumor is just that, a rumor. They did take the clothes. Fail.

I would have probably taken them but since this is not a "who done it" then a sample of the clothing would suffice.
Sample of clothing where the blood was, if any.
But when you have the folks involved all identified with witnesses on scene and eye then the forensic evidence such as clothing is not as important except for samples or swabbing.
Within a stones' throw of the Traylon Martin rally at the Atlanta University campus yesterday a 3 year old black child was shot in the stomach and killed by a black man.
Where is the rally about this? Where is the public outrage in the black community about a 3 year old black child being killed?
They can not cry racism on that one. I am sure they are very upset about it but since whitey was not involved just another day.

The black community in Sanford FL is not concerned about white on black violence because it is rare. They are concerned about black on black violence, which is much more common.
Early on the media stated police did not properly document the evidence. Zimmerman's clothes were not withheld for example. This is a case of an inept police force at a minimum. Just looking at Zimmerman's personality, he will kill again.

The media stated.

You must have missed the link I posted that listed the rumors that are abounding, offset by the truth.

The clothing rumor is just that, a rumor. They did take the clothes. Fail.

Thank you for the information koshergrl. That will probably be important as this moves forward.
Early on the media stated police did not properly document the evidence. Zimmerman's clothes were not withheld for example. This is a case of an inept police force at a minimum. Just looking at Zimmerman's personality, he will kill again.

"media stated"
What else does media say when they want ratings and to inflame a story to grow nationwide?
They lied.
Respectfully, let me educate as to evidence gathering.
You have 2 people here, a dead boy and a man that admits shooting him.
So tell us Mr. Holmes for what reason would any police investigator want to hold Zimmerman's clothes?
For what? They have the shooter. What would the clothes prove?
Please, I have been doing this for 32 years and am trained professionally as a detective.
Hint: do not listen to media for legal advice and do not take any wooden nickels.

The Sanford police were at the scene from 8pm to 3am.
Early on the media stated police did not properly document the evidence. Zimmerman's clothes were not withheld for example. This is a case of an inept police force at a minimum. Just looking at Zimmerman's personality, he will kill again.

The media stated.

You must have missed the link I posted that listed the rumors that are abounding, offset by the truth.

The clothing rumor is just that, a rumor. They did take the clothes. Fail.

I would have probably taken them but since this is not a "who done it" then a sample of the clothing would suffice.
Sample of clothing where the blood was, if any.
But when you have the folks involved all identified with witnesses on scene and eye then the forensic evidence such as clothing is not as important except for samples or swabbing.
What is horrible is that witnesses who gave statements to the cops that night have to be in fear now.
Early on the media stated police did not properly document the evidence. Zimmerman's clothes were not withheld for example. This is a case of an inept police force at a minimum. Just looking at Zimmerman's personality, he will kill again.

What on earth do you know about his personality? He hasn't made any statements, he's hiding.

And here, educate yourself:

Fact vs. Rumor:

Statement: Sanford police failed to collect key evidence in the case: the clothing of George Zimmerman, the gunman who killed Trayvon.
Not true, police said. They took his clothing as well as Trayvon's and packaged it for crime-lab analysis. A spokeswoman for Special Prosecutor Angela Corey would not disclose Tuesday where the clothing is now, but she wrote in an email that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement "is assisting with the processing of physical evidence."

Oh and

Statement: The Volusia County Medical Examiner refused to release Trayvon's body to his family for three days, an unusually long wait.
Not true, according to the medical examiner. It picked up the body at the scene just after 10 p.m. Feb. 26 and notified a Fort Lauderdale funeral home 39 hours later that the body was ready. The funeral home, Roy Mizell and Kurtz, did not pick up the body for an additional 24 hours, the medical examiner reported."

Facts are funny things, aren't they...they so often don't fit in with a lynch mob agenda.

Nation & World | Rumors in Trayvon Martin case abound, but here are facts | Seattle Times Newspaper
Early on the media stated police did not properly document the evidence. Zimmerman's clothes were not withheld for example. This is a case of an inept police force at a minimum. Just looking at Zimmerman's personality, he will kill again.

"media stated"
What else does media say when they want ratings and to inflame a story to grow nationwide?
They lied.
Respectfully, let me educate as to evidence gathering.
You have 2 people here, a dead boy and a man that admits shooting him.
So tell us Mr. Holmes for what reason would any police investigator want to hold Zimmerman's clothes?
For what? They have the shooter. What would the clothes prove?
Please, I have been doing this for 32 years and am trained professionally as a detective.
Hint: do not listen to media for legal advice and do not take any wooden nickels.

Well here's some helpful information for you then. You need the clothing to help confirm the self defense story or determine it was murder. Apparently you're not as good a detective as you report.
Early on the media stated police did not properly document the evidence. Zimmerman's clothes were not withheld for example. This is a case of an inept police force at a minimum. Just looking at Zimmerman's personality, he will kill again.

"media stated"
What else does media say when they want ratings and to inflame a story to grow nationwide?
They lied.
Respectfully, let me educate as to evidence gathering.
You have 2 people here, a dead boy and a man that admits shooting him.
So tell us Mr. Holmes for what reason would any police investigator want to hold Zimmerman's clothes?
For what? They have the shooter. What would the clothes prove?
Please, I have been doing this for 32 years and am trained professionally as a detective.
Hint: do not listen to media for legal advice and do not take any wooden nickels.

Well here's some helpful information for you then. You need the clothing to help confirm the self defense story or determine it was murder. Apparently you're not as good a detective as you report.
According to a statement by prosecutor spokesperson, they took his clothes.
Well kosher, I know he was carrying a gun when the organization he was part of doesn't allow guns. I know he had charges of domestic assault at least once. I know he had a restraining order against him at least once. He assaulted a police officer at least once. I know he killed at least one person in his life so far. He has been characterized as a want-to-be cop. Enjoy the facts.
"media stated"
What else does media say when they want ratings and to inflame a story to grow nationwide?
They lied.
Respectfully, let me educate as to evidence gathering.
You have 2 people here, a dead boy and a man that admits shooting him.
So tell us Mr. Holmes for what reason would any police investigator want to hold Zimmerman's clothes?
For what? They have the shooter. What would the clothes prove?
Please, I have been doing this for 32 years and am trained professionally as a detective.
Hint: do not listen to media for legal advice and do not take any wooden nickels.

Well here's some helpful information for you then. You need the clothing to help confirm the self defense story or determine it was murder. Apparently you're not as good a detective as you report.
According to a statement by prosecutor spokesperson, they took his clothes.

No kidding? You mean when koshergrl corrected that point a few posts back, I didn't understand? Try reading the post I was responding to and then comment okay?
Well here's some helpful information for you then. You need the clothing to help confirm the self defense story or determine it was murder. Apparently you're not as good a detective as you report.
According to a statement by prosecutor spokesperson, they took his clothes.

No kidding? You mean when koshergrl corrected that point a few posts back, I didn't understand? Try reading the post I was responding to and then comment okay?
:lol: Touchy, eh?

But, that does nothing to change the fact that the prosecutor's office says his clothing was taken.

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