I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

There's one thing that has been pointed numerous times. The dispatcher told Zimmerman that he did not need to follow Trayvon. Zimmerman said "OK" and headed back to his SUV to wait for the police. Now why would Zimmerman shoot somebody when he knew the police were in route unless Trayvon assaulted Zimmerman? What I just posted was submitted in the investigation.

First we heard from media and all the circus promoters: "He was ORDERED not to pursue"
Then we hear another made up version "Well, they meant to tell him not to do it"
At least you got it right.
You do not have to means you do not have to which means they were telling him he does not have to possibly put himself in danger.
And 911 operators have no authority to tell someone what they can do or can not do if what they are doing is legal.
But I agree that possibly Zimmerman was walking back to his vehicle but we DO NOT know if that was after the preliminary confrontation.
Witnesses folks, witnesses. This case boils down to the witnesses and what happened after the first confrontation.
But he can not get away from HE pursued this kid and the kid HAD NO criminal intent that day. I believe that to be fact.

Yes the witness that what it boils down too. And what have the witnesses thus far stated?
I will add that we do know according to the 911 tapes Zimmerman was waiting on the police to arrive. Now why would he shoot Trayvon without due cause?

I believe Zimmerman is asking himself that question as we post.
"Why didn't I just let that kid go?"
I see this as a manslaughter case 100%. He was not breaking the law during the pursuit but the net result of it caused the death.
And when the crime lab is done with their work there will be an indictment.
If Zimmerman is not willing to cop a plea and that is his right he goes to trial.
If he is acquitted at trial how many folks will burn their own neighborhoods down protesting that verdict?
There's one thing that has been pointed numerous times. The dispatcher told Zimmerman that he did not need to follow Trayvon. Zimmerman said "OK" and headed back to his SUV to wait for the police. Now why would Zimmerman shoot somebody when he knew the police were in route unless Trayvon assaulted Zimmerman? What I just posted was submitted in the investigation.

First we heard from media and all the circus promoters: "He was ORDERED not to pursue"
Then we hear another made up version "Well, they meant to tell him not to do it"
At least you got it right.
You do not have to means you do not have to which means they were telling him he does not have to possibly put himself in danger.
And 911 operators have no authority to tell someone what they can do or can not do if what they are doing is legal.
But I agree that possibly Zimmerman was walking back to his vehicle but we DO NOT know if that was after the preliminary confrontation.
Witnesses folks, witnesses. This case boils down to the witnesses and what happened after the first confrontation.
But he can not get away from HE pursued this kid and the kid HAD NO criminal intent that day. I believe that to be fact.

Yes the witness that what it boils down too. And what have the witnesses thus far stated?
I will add that we do know according to the 911 tapes Zimmerman was waiting on the police to arrive. Now why would he shoot Trayvon without due cause?

No idea why someone murders another. To think there is a valid reason is probably not realistic.
I hope he gets at least the max 30 years based on that analysis.

You're a pig.

I hope Trayvon's parents find some peace and joy in the rest of their lives, despite this tragedy.

I bet his parents do not want that much time.
I believe them to be reasonable people.
There is a victims rights statute in Florida and they will be asked their opinion.
I favor those laws in most instances.
What this will end up as and I believe it to be correct and valid is:
Zimmerman has NO authority to pursue Martin even though Zimmerman was breaking NO law doing so.
Martin WAS NOT doing anything illegal that day.
A lot of gray area in between. I believe Zimmerman was a pain in the ass as he was known for making nusance calls to 911 all the time.
Having read the Florida statute 20 times I NOW have this take on it also: Martin ALSO HAS THE BENEFIT of this statute. Zimmerman pursues Martin and Martin STANDS HIS GROUND. He confronts his pursuer. He can LEGALLY do that under this statute sports fans is my take. Now how far can he do that is subject to interpretation and what the witnesses say.
The pursuit resulted in the death. Could have been in self defense BUT I see it as at most 2nd degree murder and most likely VOLUNTARY manslaughter.
Depends on the witnesses as to how far Martin went on top of Zimmerman.
If Zimmerman does not pursue this kid that was not doing anything criminal the kid is walking today.
This is not a planned killing, this is most likely involuntary or voluntary manslaughter, if that. I believe the pursuit most likely, as this is my opinion based on the fact this kid HAD NO CRIMINAL intent that day because IF HE DID we damn sure would have heard about it by now from the police, makes this a voluntary manslaughter case as voluntary manslaughter statute states "from a provacation of some kind" and I believe Martin was the one FIRST provoked..
Folks, a manslaughter conviction in Florida can carry 30 years under certain circumstance but the max is 15 years otherwise. I see this as voluntary manslaughter as Zimmerman PURSUED Martin, not illegal as there is no law against it BUT that pursuit caused the gun to be used and this kid is dead.
15 to do 5 minimum with the opening offer more like 15 to do 10.
As usual, I am the one in the middle and open to any and all facts and I call them as I see them.
For those that do not like it or can not take it, the hell with ya.

There's one thing that has been pointed numerous times. The dispatcher told Zimmerman that he did not need to follow Trayvon. Zimmerman said "OK" and headed back to his SUV to wait for the police. Now why would Zimmerman shoot somebody when he knew the police were in route unless Trayvon assaulted Zimmerman? What I just posted was submitted in the investigation.

That is Zimmerman's story. We will never know the kids side of the story.
The 'pursuit' in my mind is not the point. The witness states that Zimmerman was on the ground being beaten. Both parties parents attest that the voice yelling for help on the 911 tape is Zimmerman

Clearly Zimmerman was being attacked and was looking for help from anyone. He had a gun and did not shot when he confronted him. There was a scuffle, some rolling around on the ground ... And a gun shot happened even as he was yelling for help (meaning the scuffle was still going on) ... This is self defense

On the 911 tape you hear the yells for help as the gun goes off ... There was no 'help' ... Wait 5 seconds ... Then a gunshot ... which could indicate Zimmerman getting the upper hand and firing on a defenseless teen .... As it stands based on the 911 the fight was happening, Zimmerman was loosing, he felt his life in danger, he shoots
Moral of the story:

Don't get in a fight with someone that may be armed. If you do, you take your chances.

It may sound cold, but it's real world stuff. I personally don't start fights in biker bars ... It's not that I couldn't win, it's that I don't carry a gun and I know that in a biker bar, winning a fight just means getting shot or stabbed.

It's a bad way to learn that lesson. A dead teenager is never good. But if he would have walked away after putting Zimmerman on the ground, he would likely still be walking around today
What this will end up as and I believe it to be correct and valid is:
Zimmerman has NO authority to pursue Martin even though Zimmerman was breaking NO law doing so.
Martin WAS NOT doing anything illegal that day.
A lot of gray area in between. I believe Zimmerman was a pain in the ass as he was known for making nusance calls to 911 all the time.
Having read the Florida statute 20 times I NOW have this take on it also: Martin ALSO HAS THE BENEFIT of this statute. Zimmerman pursues Martin and Martin STANDS HIS GROUND. He confronts his pursuer. He can LEGALLY do that under this statute sports fans is my take. Now how far can he do that is subject to interpretation and what the witnesses say.
The pursuit resulted in the death. Could have been in self defense BUT I see it as at most 2nd degree murder and most likely VOLUNTARY manslaughter.
Depends on the witnesses as to how far Martin went on top of Zimmerman.
If Zimmerman does not pursue this kid that was not doing anything criminal the kid is walking today.
This is not a planned killing, this is most likely involuntary or voluntary manslaughter, if that. I believe the pursuit most likely, as this is my opinion based on the fact this kid HAD NO CRIMINAL intent that day because IF HE DID we damn sure would have heard about it by now from the police, makes this a voluntary manslaughter case as voluntary manslaughter statute states "from a provacation of some kind" and I believe Martin was the one FIRST provoked..
Folks, a manslaughter conviction in Florida can carry 30 years under certain circumstance but the max is 15 years otherwise. I see this as voluntary manslaughter as Zimmerman PURSUED Martin, not illegal as there is no law against it BUT that pursuit caused the gun to be used and this kid is dead.
15 to do 5 minimum with the opening offer more like 15 to do 10.
As usual, I am the one in the middle and open to any and all facts and I call them as I see them.
For those that do not like it or can not take it, the hell with ya.

There's one thing that has been pointed numerous times. The dispatcher told Zimmerman that he did not need to follow Trayvon. Zimmerman said "OK" and headed back to his SUV to wait for the police. Now why would Zimmerman shoot somebody when he knew the police were in route unless Trayvon assaulted Zimmerman? What I just posted was submitted in the investigation.

That is Zimmerman's story. We will never know the kids side of the story.

We have eye witnesses.
Moral of the story:

Don't get in a fight with someone that may be armed. If you do, you take your chances.

It may sound cold, but it's real world stuff. I personally don't start fights in biker bars ... It's not that I couldn't win, it's that I don't carry a gun and I know that in a biker bar, winning a fight just means getting shot or stabbed.

It's a bad way to learn that lesson. A dead teenager is never good. But if he would have walked away after putting Zimmerman on the ground, he would likely still be walking around today

Don't carry a gun and pursue those that are not breaking the law playing wannabe cop.
You may accidentally kill someone that did not deserve to die.
I believe this is what happened.
What this will end up as and I believe it to be correct and valid is:
Zimmerman has NO authority to pursue Martin even though Zimmerman was breaking NO law doing so.
Martin WAS NOT doing anything illegal that day.
A lot of gray area in between. I believe Zimmerman was a pain in the ass as he was known for making nusance calls to 911 all the time.
Having read the Florida statute 20 times I NOW have this take on it also: Martin ALSO HAS THE BENEFIT of this statute. Zimmerman pursues Martin and Martin STANDS HIS GROUND. He confronts his pursuer. He can LEGALLY do that under this statute sports fans is my take. Now how far can he do that is subject to interpretation and what the witnesses say.
The pursuit resulted in the death. Could have been in self defense BUT I see it as at most 2nd degree murder and most likely VOLUNTARY manslaughter.
Depends on the witnesses as to how far Martin went on top of Zimmerman.
If Zimmerman does not pursue this kid that was not doing anything criminal the kid is walking today.
This is not a planned killing, this is most likely involuntary or voluntary manslaughter, if that. I believe the pursuit most likely, as this is my opinion based on the fact this kid HAD NO CRIMINAL intent that day because IF HE DID we damn sure would have heard about it by now from the police, makes this a voluntary manslaughter case as voluntary manslaughter statute states "from a provacation of some kind" and I believe Martin was the one FIRST provoked..
Folks, a manslaughter conviction in Florida can carry 30 years under certain circumstance but the max is 15 years otherwise. I see this as voluntary manslaughter as Zimmerman PURSUED Martin, not illegal as there is no law against it BUT that pursuit caused the gun to be used and this kid is dead.
15 to do 5 minimum with the opening offer more like 15 to do 10.
As usual, I am the one in the middle and open to any and all facts and I call them as I see them.
For those that do not like it or can not take it, the hell with ya.

There's one thing that has been pointed numerous times. The dispatcher told Zimmerman that he did not need to follow Trayvon. Zimmerman said "OK" and headed back to his SUV to wait for the police. Now why would Zimmerman shoot somebody when he knew the police were in route unless Trayvon assaulted Zimmerman? What I just posted was submitted in the investigation.

That is Zimmerman's story. We will never know the kids side of the story.

Notice the part where I also said "OK" that was when Zimmerman acknowledged that he would stop. Why would he continue to look for the guy when he was going to a location to meet with cops that were in route?
First we heard from media and all the circus promoters: "He was ORDERED not to pursue"
Then we hear another made up version "Well, they meant to tell him not to do it"
At least you got it right.
You do not have to means you do not have to which means they were telling him he does not have to possibly put himself in danger.
And 911 operators have no authority to tell someone what they can do or can not do if what they are doing is legal.
But I agree that possibly Zimmerman was walking back to his vehicle but we DO NOT know if that was after the preliminary confrontation.
Witnesses folks, witnesses. This case boils down to the witnesses and what happened after the first confrontation.
But he can not get away from HE pursued this kid and the kid HAD NO criminal intent that day. I believe that to be fact.

Yes the witness that what it boils down too. And what have the witnesses thus far stated?
I will add that we do know according to the 911 tapes Zimmerman was waiting on the police to arrive. Now why would he shoot Trayvon without due cause?

I believe Zimmerman is asking himself that question as we post.
"Why didn't I just let that kid go?"
I see this as a manslaughter case 100%. He was not breaking the law during the pursuit but the net result of it caused the death.
And when the crime lab is done with their work there will be an indictment.
Why didn't he let him go? why did Trayvon go after Zimmerman?
Man slaughter does not fit when it's self defense
The 'pursuit' in my mind is not the point. The witness states that Zimmerman was on the ground being beaten. Both parties parents attest that the voice yelling for help on the 911 tape is Zimmerman

Clearly Zimmerman was being attacked and was looking for help from anyone. He had a gun and did not shot when he confronted him. There was a scuffle, some rolling around on the ground ... And a gun shot happened even as he was yelling for help (meaning the scuffle was still going on) ... This is self defense

On the 911 tape you hear the yells for help as the gun goes off ... There was no 'help' ... Wait 5 seconds ... Then a gunshot ... which could indicate Zimmerman getting the upper hand and firing on a defenseless teen .... As it stands based on the 911 the fight was happening, Zimmerman was loosing, he felt his life in danger, he shoots

Well under the law it is a problem.
Zimmerman provoked the entire scenario with the first pursuit. He had no valid reason to do it. Not illegal but it is cause of the provacation, probably I think but the witnesses will tell us. Looks like it.
But that does not make this murder. However, that pursuit gives Martin every reason to stand his ground.
And if the kid was not breaking the law here we have a fight with one guy armed that should not have been pursuing the kid to begin with.
Not murder at all but manslaughter it is. Maybe involuntary but I believe there is acase for voluntary, maybe.
But this is not murder as Zimmerman could have killed the kid during the pursuit.
First we heard from media and all the circus promoters: "He was ORDERED not to pursue"
Then we hear another made up version "Well, they meant to tell him not to do it"
At least you got it right.
You do not have to means you do not have to which means they were telling him he does not have to possibly put himself in danger.
And 911 operators have no authority to tell someone what they can do or can not do if what they are doing is legal.
But I agree that possibly Zimmerman was walking back to his vehicle but we DO NOT know if that was after the preliminary confrontation.
Witnesses folks, witnesses. This case boils down to the witnesses and what happened after the first confrontation.
But he can not get away from HE pursued this kid and the kid HAD NO criminal intent that day. I believe that to be fact.

Yes the witness that what it boils down too. And what have the witnesses thus far stated?
I will add that we do know according to the 911 tapes Zimmerman was waiting on the police to arrive. Now why would he shoot Trayvon without due cause?

No idea why someone murders another. To think there is a valid reason is probably not realistic.

Self defense is not murder and thats what the evidence that has been release shows.
The 'pursuit' in my mind is not the point. The witness states that Zimmerman was on the ground being beaten. Both parties parents attest that the voice yelling for help on the 911 tape is Zimmerman

Clearly Zimmerman was being attacked and was looking for help from anyone. He had a gun and did not shot when he confronted him. There was a scuffle, some rolling around on the ground ... And a gun shot happened even as he was yelling for help (meaning the scuffle was still going on) ... This is self defense

On the 911 tape you hear the yells for help as the gun goes off ... There was no 'help' ... Wait 5 seconds ... Then a gunshot ... which could indicate Zimmerman getting the upper hand and firing on a defenseless teen .... As it stands based on the 911 the fight was happening, Zimmerman was loosing, he felt his life in danger, he shoots

Well under the law it is a problem.
Zimmerman provoked the entire scenario with the first pursuit. He had no valid reason to do it. Not illegal but it is cause of the provacation, probably I think but the witnesses will tell us. Looks like it.
But that does not make this murder. However, that pursuit gives Martin every reason to stand his ground.
And if the kid was not breaking the law here we have a fight with one guy armed that should not have been pursuing the kid to begin with.
Not murder at all but manslaughter it is. Maybe involuntary but I believe there is acase for voluntary, maybe.
But this is not murder as Zimmerman could have killed the kid during the pursuit.

Zimmerman as far as we know and what the facts show stopped following Trayvon.
Moral of the story:

Don't get in a fight with someone that may be armed. If you do, you take your chances.

It may sound cold, but it's real world stuff. I personally don't start fights in biker bars ... It's not that I couldn't win, it's that I don't carry a gun and I know that in a biker bar, winning a fight just means getting shot or stabbed.

It's a bad way to learn that lesson. A dead teenager is never good. But if he would have walked away after putting Zimmerman on the ground, he would likely still be walking around today

Don't carry a gun and pursue those that are not breaking the law playing wannabe cop.
You may accidentally kill someone that did not deserve to die.
I believe this is what happened.

If I lived in an area such as a sub division with limited entry points and that area had a some break ins I would ask someone whom I have never seen before who they were and where they were going. But thats just me.
The 'pursuit' in my mind is not the point. The witness states that Zimmerman was on the ground being beaten. Both parties parents attest that the voice yelling for help on the 911 tape is Zimmerman

Clearly Zimmerman was being attacked and was looking for help from anyone. He had a gun and did not shot when he confronted him. There was a scuffle, some rolling around on the ground ... And a gun shot happened even as he was yelling for help (meaning the scuffle was still going on) ... This is self defense

On the 911 tape you hear the yells for help as the gun goes off ... There was no 'help' ... Wait 5 seconds ... Then a gunshot ... which could indicate Zimmerman getting the upper hand and firing on a defenseless teen .... As it stands based on the 911 the fight was happening, Zimmerman was loosing, he felt his life in danger, he shoots

Well under the law it is a problem.
Zimmerman provoked the entire scenario with the first pursuit. He had no valid reason to do it. Not illegal but it is cause of the provacation, probably I think but the witnesses will tell us. Looks like it.
But that does not make this murder. However, that pursuit gives Martin every reason to stand his ground.
And if the kid was not breaking the law here we have a fight with one guy armed that should not have been pursuing the kid to begin with.
Not murder at all but manslaughter it is. Maybe involuntary but I believe there is acase for voluntary, maybe.
But this is not murder as Zimmerman could have killed the kid during the pursuit.

Zimmerman as far as we know and what the facts show stopped following Trayvon.

Prpbably but they may have had an altercation before that also.
We do not know.
But who had the gun and who didn't?
Depends on the witnesses.
I am open to all evidence.
Was the black man charged? Incarcerated?

I thought you were better than this, Gadawg. The problem is not that a nutter with a gun killed an innocent kid, the problem is that there was a coverup and no charges for the gunman.

And given the video at the police station, Zimmerman's story, and any that corroberate it, are obvious lies. Also, we now know that the Sanford Police wanted to charge Zimmerman that night, and were told not to. For what reason? And why no charges brought since then?

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

I thought you were better also and could and see through chicken shit that is presented as chicken salad.
You give the race pimps a FREE PASS.
They come out of the wood work in masses to exploit this tragedy where Traylon Martin is dead, rushing out of their dens to exploit it and then all of a sudden they find out Zimmerman is Hispanic. But wait, the race pimps all of a sudden see their exploitation value of this incident is reduced SIGNIFICANTLY if the killer can not be shown to be WHITE.
Zimmerman's friends and family say he IS HISPANIC and he LOOKS HISPANIC so what do the race pimps do? They LABEL HIM as WHITE Hispanic.
Gotta get that "white" thing in there somehow, someway, anyplace, someplace, anywhere or the entire cause is LOST to the race whores.
And that flies 20 feet over your head as you completely ignore that from the start.
Well under the law it is a problem.
Zimmerman provoked the entire scenario with the first pursuit. He had no valid reason to do it. Not illegal but it is cause of the provacation, probably I think but the witnesses will tell us. Looks like it.
But that does not make this murder. However, that pursuit gives Martin every reason to stand his ground.
And if the kid was not breaking the law here we have a fight with one guy armed that should not have been pursuing the kid to begin with.
Not murder at all but manslaughter it is. Maybe involuntary but I believe there is acase for voluntary, maybe.
But this is not murder as Zimmerman could have killed the kid during the pursuit.

Zimmerman as far as we know and what the facts show stopped following Trayvon.

Prpbably but they may have had an altercation before that also.
We do not know.
But who had the gun and who didn't?
Depends on the witnesses.
I am open to all evidence.
Fine they had an altercation in that scenario since Zimmerman was going to his vehicle would make Trayvon the aggressor

But who had the gun and who didn't?
That's not against the law and Zimmerman was lawfully carring

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