I don't think the Jan 6 "hearings" are to distract from the Admininstration's terrible performance

his weakness and war of fossil fuel has caused much of the inflation around the world ! Putin sees weakness he invades when a dem is in office ....AGAIN !
That is just plain stupid
Are you making shit up or are you really that stupid?
When will you people ever realize that our entire political system has devolved into nothing but bread and circus?
He spat on the Constitution
He did?... I didn't see that....
He made up a lie, a big fat lie, out of whole cloth, that the election was stolen from him,
Its not a lie its his opinion... can't you tell the difference?... learn what a real lie is... listen to Biden....
He made every thing up....so he could stay in office
If that were true he would still be in office... Trump was already packing up before 1-6... you have fallen for Pelosi BS....
And y'all just sucked it all up.... Good little Simon Says followers, as you are
You are the suck up... Hows Biden working out for you?....
I'm sick of it! I used to feel sorry for you, because you've all been brainwashed by him, but here it is 6 years later, and you are now under his spell, and you're his....mind,body, and soul
Go fuck yourself... you never felt sorry for anyone but yourself.... you are what is wrong with our country and payback is at your doorstep fool....
Its not a lie its his opinion... can't you tell the difference?... learn what a real lie is... listen to Biden....
Trump has never stated that “In my Opinion” the election was stolen
He repeatedly states it as a FACT, a fact he has repeatedly been shown not to be true

The election was not stolen
Trump did not win in a landslide

Those are LIES, not opinions
Trump has never stated that “In my Opinion” the election was stolen
He repeatedly states it as a FACT, a fact he has repeatedly been shown not to be true

The election was not stolen
Trump did not win in a landslide

Those are LIES, not opinions
If I say that cake taste bad is that a lie?.... If I say I think the 2020 election had issues... is that a lie?....
Biden says we are in the best economic shape of his life... Is that a lie?....
You pricks are just butthurt because its obvious that this latest effort to get Trump is not working.....
You tards are watching another attempt to get Trump FAIL....

If I say that cake taste bad is that a lie?.... If I say I think the 2020 election had issues... is that a lie?....
Biden says we are in the best economic shape of his life... Is that a lie?....
You pricks are just butthurt because its obvious that this latest effort to get Trump is not working.....
William Barr gave to options

1. Trump is lying
2. Trump is delusional

There is no option that the election was actually stolen
That is a fantasy
William Barr gave to options

1. Trump is lying
2. Trump is delusional

There is no option that the election was actually stolen
That is a fantasy
You didn't answer my questions.... until you do I won't read what you have to say about this....
You didn't answer my questions.... until you do I won't read what you have to say about this....

Trump did not say the election had issues
He said it was stolen from him and that he had won in a landslide

That is a LIE

Trump did not say the election had issues
He said it was stolen from him and that he had won in a landslide

That is a LIE
Its his opinion not a lie... I'm sure you have had opinions others disagreed with... were you lying?...
You libs sure have to leap far to try and nab Trump... and that's why its not working...
Do fish require bicycles?

Its not a lie its his opinion... can't you tell the difference?... learn what a real lie is... listen to Biden....
an opinion?

well, the libtards should at least let Trump have hs opinion but

the election WAS stolen... there a re facts to back that up... It's scary how the Pravda... I mean cnn and co...

and newspapers.. some of them just flat out call election fraud theories lies...

it's getting so i don't want to read newspapers anymore... not that i ever did want to read lib rags.. OK, maybe they don't say LIE, they just quote others who say that it's a lie but whatever... Gullible poeple read that and believe its a lie... and I'm getting very freaking fed up with it..

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