I don't understand.. was just at this bar and a cute girl was talking to me for an hour

This is fucked up.. why would any cute girl with long blond hair talk to me for an hour?

And hug me and kiss me?

Dude...you're starting to sound like the Dallas Cowboy fan.
Knock it off!

I'm being serious guys.
While my post was meant in jest,Bear has gone from being supremely confident too damn near suicidal.

There's no reason to get depressed over being rejected by some girl in a bar, that's happened to me more times than I can remember. Besides, bar girls are a waste of time: Bear513 would have a better chance of finding a decent woman in church. Lots of available single or divorced women go to church on Sundays.
This is fucked up.. why would any cute girl with long blond hair talk to me for an hour?

And hug me and kiss me?

Dude...you're starting to sound like the Dallas Cowboy fan.
Knock it off!

I'm being serious guys.
While my post was meant in jest,Bear has gone from being supremely confident too damn near suicidal.

There's no reason to get depressed over being rejected by some girl in a bar, that's happened to me more times than I can remember. Besides, bar girls are a waste of time: Bear513 would have a better chance of finding a decent woman in church. Lot's of single or divorced women go to church.

I'm not disagreeing with you by any means.
I never met a chick in a bar that I wanted anything other than to wet my pistol.
But in this case we arent talking about that.
Did you check your pocket after she hugged you? That is an old pickpocket trick.

Dude really?
What? You think broads can't pick a guys pocket? I mean...she was a blonde...so the likely hood of her being a Gypsy or a Mexican is diminished...well... there is Shakira...but I am pretty sure the carpet doesn't match the drapes with her.

Anyway...I can't warn somebody?
Dear Bear,

Please get your fucking house in order.

All the best,

Okay Bear...
I'm catching flake defending you and I'd like to see you justifying your position.
Personally I dont think you're at the end of your rope.
You're just looking for confirmation I'm not gonna give.
Man the fuck up Dude!!!
I know you're better than this!!
Bear you need God my man. Drop everything you’re doing right this second and pray to God with every bit of your emotion. There’s such a simple and easy way out of this and it’s through Him.
Bear you need God my man. Drop everything you’re doing right this second and pray to God with every bit of your emotion. There’s such a simple and easy way out of this and it’s through Him.

He will have to pray with every bit of his emotion, because there is not one bit of logic or evidence to prove a God exists.

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