I don't understand why Republicans can't carry loaded weapons at their convention.

Carrying a high powered rifle is not enough. In order to properly make their case, republicans should carry bazookas to their convention.
Awww....some 'lil guy afwaid of a gun??? Awww....poor baby. If freedom and the second amendment frightens you, Cuba is waiting. You can go there anytime. The U.S. sure as hell won't miss you and Cuba would love another mindless little minion to add to their collection :lol:
I don't understand why Republicans can't carry loaded weapons at their convention.
because the powers to be do not want the liberal protesters to be shot when they attack the Delegates going to the convention.

You can take your gun with you, just not inside of the building. Outside (where liberals have caused the most problems) there will be armed citizens there more than likely.

The reasoning behind an armed citizenry is that police do not follow every citizen around to protect them. You are on your own in most cases. Where there is proper security, an armed citizen is not needed.

The liberals are trying to make the point that it's hypocritical for conservatives to obey the law; that we should show those people we have rights by breaking the law and going to jail.

Mind you these are the people who worship those who preach against armed citizens, but are with armed security everywhere they go. Who is the hypocrite now???
I don't know how many times I have to post that it's our law that private entities can make their business gun free by simply posting a sign by the doorways. Outside of those doorways, it's not a gun-free zone. People will be able to arm as they desire.

Oh, I'm sure you're correct.....and just as many times as you state the above, some of us will repeat stating that WHERE was it written that the GOP should actually "choose" a venue that went AGAINST your core belief?

I realize that you wanted Ohio to boost your chances....but surely there must be ONE large venue in Ohio where you guys could march around as cowboys in the 1880s in the Wyoming territory....don't you think???
You have to love desperate libtard "logic":

If you'll take your rifle into a restaurant where it is legal, why won't you take your rifle into a venue where the Secret Service will not permit it, making it illegal? One is legal, the other is not. What is the problem here? :dunno:

Um....didn't you just answer your own desperate libtard question. Because it is illegal. I carry a gun almost everywhere I go. But about half a year ago or so I was selected for jury duty. There was a metal detector and guns were not permitted inside of the court room. So you know what I did? I obeyed the law. That's the difference between conservatives and libtards. Why is this so difficult for you people?
Oh, I'm sure you're correct.....and just as many times as you state the above, some of us will repeat stating that WHERE was it written that the GOP should actually "choose" a venue that went AGAINST your core belief?

I realize that you wanted Ohio to boost your chances....but surely there must be ONE large venue in Ohio where you guys could march around as cowboys in the 1880s in the Wyoming territory....don't you think???

No, because I'm sure it was never considered when they began the process to determine where they want to hold their convention. The problem only came up a few months ago, and you can't change things this late in the game.
Liberals have resorted to violence all over America when Trump has spoken (how sad that they resort to violence over free speech) so it's only natural that the Secret Service is worried about them.

Hey, moron......who stated:

"I'd like to punch him in the face".....or

"I'll pay for your legal fees after you rough up protesters"
I don't know how many times I have to post that it's our law that private entities can make their business gun free by simply posting a sign by the doorways. Outside of those doorways, it's not a gun-free zone. People will be able to arm as they desire.

Oh, I'm sure you're correct.....and just as many times as you state the above, some of us will repeat stating that WHERE was it written that the GOP should actually "choose" a venue that went AGAINST your core belief?

I realize that you wanted Ohio to boost your chances....but surely there must be ONE large venue in Ohio where you guys could march around as cowboys in the 1880s in the Wyoming territory....don't you think???
Keep flaggingly around wild and desperately on the ground trying to come up with that "gotcha" moment. So far you've failed pretty miserably and made yourself look astoundingly stupid in the process. But hey, maybe you'll come up with something that will make it all worth it? :lol:

I guess I understand to some degree. Given that we've been able to expose the extraordinary hypocrisy of the liberal ideology, I guess they are desperate for some "payback".
No, because I'm sure it was never considered when they began the process to determine where they want to hold their convention. The problem only came up a few months ago, and you can't change things this late in the game.

In other words......the GOP convention organizers are not too sharp and chose a venue that would not comply with their core belief.........Well, an honest admission by a somewhat disappointed gun-toting right winger. Thanks
Liberals have resorted to violence all over America when Trump has spoken (how sad that they resort to violence over free speech) so it's only natural that the Secret Service is worried about them.

Hey, moron......who stated:

"I'd like to punch him in the face".....or

"I'll pay for your legal fees after you rough up protesters"
Hey moron....did anyone actually get punched in the face? Word are not the same thing as violence.

What a stupid and desperate response by Nads... :eusa_doh:
I think we should hang up "gun free zone" signs, outside of the convention! :p
Just like schools and such...
I know as many liberal's with concealed carry permits as conservative's. The right of gun ownership transcends party lines, however, to some it's a banner to waive with the ill-conceived belief that restricting, curtailing, or prohibiting ownership will somehow end the senseless violence. Face it as one of my liberal friends likes to point out his only defense is a gun, waiting for the thin line of law enforcement to arrive is a deadly proposition. It's a dangerous world and unless your prepared you are nothing more then a soft target ripe for the picking.
So, the GOP who have chosen Ohio as their venue for their convention......A state that has a Republican governor...a state whose senate has 23 Rs versus 10 Ds...a state whose House has 65 Rs versus 34Ds...
STILL managed to find a venue where their precious weapons are NOT allowed???
I know as many liberal's with concealed carry permits as conservative's. The right of gun ownership transcends party lines, however, to some it's a banner to waive with the ill-conceived belief that restricting, curtailing, or prohibiting ownership will somehow end the senseless violence. Face it as one of my liberal friends likes to point out his only defense is a gun, waiting for the thin line of law enforcement to arrive is a deadly proposition. It's a dangerous world and unless your prepared you are nothing more then a soft target ripe for the picking.
Buy more guns and ammo... It's good for everyone
I know as many liberal's with concealed carry permits as conservative's. The right of gun ownership transcends party lines, however, to some it's a banner to waive with the ill-conceived belief that restricting, curtailing, or prohibiting ownership will somehow end the senseless violence. Face it as one of my liberal friends likes to point out his only defense is a gun, waiting for the thin line of law enforcement to arrive is a deadly proposition. It's a dangerous world and unless your prepared you are nothing more then a soft target ripe for the picking.

True....Right wing Americans are MUCH, much more scared than citizens of other countries....(well, maybe Somalia is also up there.)
So, the GOP who have chosen Ohio as their venue for their convention......A state that has a Republican governor...a state whose senate has 23 Rs versus 10 Ds...a state whose House has 65 Rs versus 34Ds...
STILL managed to find a venue where their precious weapons are NOT allowed???
There is always a threat of a progressive wack job to pull off a mass shooting... Career politicians with their political correctness always see the need to cling to progressive weaknesses.
I know as many liberal's with concealed carry permits as conservative's. The right of gun ownership transcends party lines, however, to some it's a banner to waive with the ill-conceived belief that restricting, curtailing, or prohibiting ownership will somehow end the senseless violence. Face it as one of my liberal friends likes to point out his only defense is a gun, waiting for the thin line of law enforcement to arrive is a deadly proposition. It's a dangerous world and unless your prepared you are nothing more then a soft target ripe for the picking.

True....Right wing Americans are MUCH, much more scared than citizens of other countries....(well, maybe Somalia is also up there.)
True....Right wing Americans are MUCH, much more scared than citizens of other countries....(well, maybe Somalia is also up there.)

Maybe because other countries don't have liberals. Liberals are very violent people you know. So we need guns to protect ourselves from them.

Being prepared is not the same thing as being scared. That's like saying locking your door at night when you go to sleep is because you're scared.
Maybe because other countries don't have liberals. Liberals are very violent people you know. So we need guns to protect ourselves from them.

Well, you're right....What this world needs is MORE right wing, bigoted nitwits with lots of weapons.....
Perhaps somewhat like Germany in the 1930s???

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