I expect a new shit storm a day


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
ZOMG DIDJA SEE WHAT TRUMP DID TODAY! is and will be the LMSM and Opposition Party new mantra every single day.

They refuse to accept the results of the election. They will spend everyday attempting to undermine President Trump and the will of the American people. They are hoping we'll surrender to them, that we'll toss Trump to the CommieProgs in a futile effort for 5 minutes of peace. It won't happen. Trump is here to stay, the swamp is getting drained, America is becoming great again.

Dems are horrifying and refuse to accept how our democracy works. There was an election, they lost. They are talking down and dragging down our government.

Today a politics appointee tried to undermine the President, so she's fired and we're supposed to think that's some kind of Big Deal. Accordingly, Dems the Party > Country Party are all over this non-event, the firing of a political hack, like it's meaningful. They will do everything in their power to sew chaos and subversion.

Just set your mind that the Progressive Daily Whine is the new normal.

Tomorrow they'll hyperventilate about something else.

Big Fucking Deal
The MSM has collectively lost its mind.

The hysterical response to President Trump's perfectly reasonable immigration initiative should be enough to institutionalize the lot of them.

Is anybody other than extreme Leftists en even listening anymore? Apparently not. Polling indicates majority support for Trump's order despite the explosion of negative coverage. I wonder if they fret among themselves at how powerless they obviously are. They should indeed fret. They have been neutered by a Reality TV Star.
Manufactured dissent. The Democrats are in full sabotage-mode. They're gonna manufacture a new 'scandal' every day. But Trump just has to stay strong and continue delivering for his supporters. He'll be fine.

The Democrats have played these games before. Reasonable common sense-thinking Americans know the Democrats are gonna play these games. They got Trump's back.
If they keep it up, I expect to see a lot of regressives being sent packing come 2018. It's so nice going to bed smiling, and expecting the same for tomorrow. :beer:
Trump is using shock and awe on them and sooner than later we will have a full surrender...Schumer cant keep up haha
But, but... executive orders... reeeee

Remember a week or so ago when every 15 minutes there was breathless news of a new POLL that showed a majority of Americans disapproving of Trump.

Now that a majority of Americans like what he's doing on immigration, the only network that is mentioning surveys is FOX NEWS. It's like they want to hide the fact that most people disagree with the vocal, deluded protesters.
ZOMG DIDJA SEE WHAT TRUMP DID TODAY! is and will be the LMSM and Opposition Party new mantra every single day.

They refuse to accept the results of the election. They will spend everyday attempting to undermine President Trump and the will of the American people. They are hoping we'll surrender to them, that we'll toss Trump to the CommieProgs in a futile effort for 5 minutes of peace. It won't happen. Trump is here to stay, the swamp is getting drained, America is becoming great again.

Dems are horrifying and refuse to accept how our democracy works. There was an election, they lost. They are talking down and dragging down our government.

Today a politics appointee tried to undermine the President, so she's fired and we're supposed to think that's some kind of Big Deal. Accordingly, Dems the Party > Country Party are all over this non-event, the firing of a political hack, like it's meaningful. They will do everything in their power to sew chaos and subversion.

Just set your mind that the Progressive Daily Whine is the new normal.

Tomorrow they'll hyperventilate about something else.

Big Fucking Deal

The thing that scares them the most is that the idea of lesser federal government coupled with pro-american populism would start showing tangible results.

They can't have that happen.
Trump has DC turned upside-down... it's amazing. They can't keep up.

All they have is anger-theater.

The firing of the AG is a perfect example of this. She could have asked for a sit down with him to go over her concerns, instead she went public. It was purely a political act, nothing more.
The MSM has collectively lost its mind.

The hysterical response to President Trump's perfectly reasonable immigration initiative should be enough to institutionalize the lot of them.

Is anybody other than extreme Leftists en even listening anymore? Apparently not. Polling indicates majority support for Trump's order despite the explosion of negative coverage. I wonder if they fret among themselves at how powerless they obviously are. They should indeed fret. They have been neutered by a Reality TV Star.
the MSM and Democrats are freaking out because their lies are being ignored cause most everyone now knows about how they lie. Only the true puppets will continue to respond.

I watched Tucker Carlson last night and the Protest dude he had on made a great comment, Trump is going so fast he couldn't read all of the changes that have been done since Trump took office. I was laughing my ass off. He admitted how busy Trump has been fulfilling his campaign promises. He can't figure out how that is possible. I supposed after watching nothing for eight years I could see his confusion.
The one thing Hillary got right is that not accepting the results of the election and supporting the President picked by the American people is both horrifying and unpatriotic

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