i feel as if god is talking through my heart

im talking about god's word, which clearly states that marriage is between a man and a woman

I guess anyone of faith is ill informed and stupid to you sir

defending traditional marriage of the last 2,000 years, which has always been between a man and a woman

okay, you're too uninformed to ever speak again.

That';s a recent form of marriage, and polygamy with mistresses was long the Western and middle-eastern standard, including areas dominated by Christian thought.

Go, and do not return until you have educated yourself.
Can you give chapter and verse, where God said marriage is between a man and a woman?
im talking about god's word, which clearly states that marriage is between a man and a woman

Don't you mean MAN's word written under the penname GOD in the collection of ancient short stories of fiction, called the BIBLE?

I object!

Some of those stories are actually quite long. I demand that the word 'short' be removed from your description :evil:
first of all, you are a complete arrogant jerk. and second, i will talk to you the way i wanna talk to you, and if you dont like it, you can go suck a cock for all i care :lol:
way to denigrate tradational marriage, simply because you dont agree with preserving the traditional marriage.

So, unable to respond to any of my points, you accuse me of denigrating a system that's a joke of itself :lol:

o its the pick and chose bible type....pick this out to hate this group but ignore what they wish to ignore

'You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to strollingbones again.'


o my....god spoke to your heart? perhaps you best discuss that name calling with him....bearing false witness and all that....are do you not choice to listen to that part of your god?
im talking about god's word, which clearly states that marriage is between a man and a woman

Really? Because that's not how the patriarchs of the OT married, and early Christians followed Jewish laws, save for those jesus taught were no longer applicable (such as the sacrifice of animals and the ritual washing of hands) or where )in areas of practice) Roman laws and customs were dominant and overshadowed jewish teachings. (recall that even the gentiles who were converted had to accept the Jewish god, messiah, and laws that were applicable to the Jews who followed yeshua)

I guess anyone of faith is ill informed and stupid to you sir

You certainly are, now stay on topic.

Actually, between a man and a woman is exactly how it was in the OT. Between a man and this woman, and between a man and that woman..but always between a man and a woman.
and saying, defend the most vulnerable, defend marriage,

and its strange but I feel it
Senator Ensign went to the floor of Congress to defend marriage ... then had an affair.

I guess we shouldn't bother with defending what's right and good, then. We should just wallow in despondency, cynicism, and hatred.

That sounds like a recipe for success.:clap2:
Actually, between a man and a woman is exactly how it was in the OT. Between a man and this woman, and between a man and that woman..but always between a man and a woman.

Actually marriage was between a man and several women- with a few mistresses/concubines on the side ;)

Please show me an OT reference which shows one man marrying multiple wives using one contract/ceremony.
and saying, defend the most vulnerable, defend marriage,

and its strange but I feel it

Same way the guys who wrote the bible were "inspired by god". They thought they felt it too.

Same way the guy who wrote the book of mormons, or jehova witness', or scientologists.

It's perfectly normal to talk to God. The problem is when you think he's talking back.
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Except they were right.

No they weren't. All religions can't be right at the same time. One can be right and everyone else wrong, or else everyone is a little right, but nobody is completely right. Or everyone is wrong. Take your pick.

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