I Feel Sorry For Democrats

Why should a company train anybody? Is that the job of the job creator?

Certainly some companies do depending on the skill needed, but for the most part, it's up to the applicant to get the training needed to do the job.
In the golden age of American industry most companies had in house training .
US car makers and light industry are fine examples.
One of my first jobs was making car filters and I had no training , till they trained me.
If you don't remember when companies advertised training , you're either lying or 5 years old.

Yes, and the high schools used to have vocational training for kids who wanted to work with their hands. We will always need plumbers, carpenters, electricians, AC mechanics, auto mechanics, welders, pipe fitters, etc.
Why does the left think that every American has to have a white collar job sitting behind a desk with diplomas on the wall ?
that would be you guys,along with the myth that liberals never work.

some liberals work, many don't. But tell me, is Hillary Clinton's current "work" worth the millions she is being paid? How about the libs in rap music, is their "work" worth what they are being paid? How about Whoopi?

Why don't you care that the Hollywood libs are being made obscenely rich at your expense? Do you think they are the most valuable people in our society?
sounds like jealousy to me.
everything you mentioned is your own personal and bias rationalizing.

nope, but its noted that you did not answer the question. Fear not, I am not, and will never be, jealous of any rich libtardian.
Yes, and the high schools used to have vocational training for kids who wanted to work with their hands. We will always need plumbers, carpenters, electricians, AC mechanics, auto mechanics, welders, pipe fitters, etc.
Why does the left think that every American has to have a white collar job sitting behind a desk with diplomas on the wall ?

Indeed. It's those college graduates that are unemployed. Most all those plumbers, HVAC repairmen, auto mechanics, etc. are fully employed and many of them have started very successful businesses of their own. I know a few who have become very wealthy. Most college courses teach someone how to be an employee of someone else.

Sadly, a college education used to teach a person how to think and analyze a situation using logic and reason, now a college education is mostly liberal indoctrination.
false .college still teaches logic and reason just not yours .
no one is more indoctrinated at this time then conservatives.

horseshit, are you really going to claim that the 'black lives matter' group is not indoctrinated?
no more or no less than any conservative group .
In the golden age of American industry most companies had in house training .
US car makers and light industry are fine examples.
One of my first jobs was making car filters and I had no training , till they trained me.
If you don't remember when companies advertised training , you're either lying or 5 years old.

Yes, and the high schools used to have vocational training for kids who wanted to work with their hands. We will always need plumbers, carpenters, electricians, AC mechanics, auto mechanics, welders, pipe fitters, etc.
Why does the left think that every American has to have a white collar job sitting behind a desk with diplomas on the wall ?
that would be you guys,along with the myth that liberals never work.

some liberals work, many don't. But tell me, is Hillary Clinton's current "work" worth the millions she is being paid? How about the libs in rap music, is their "work" worth what they are being paid? How about Whoopi?

Why don't you care that the Hollywood libs are being made obscenely rich at your expense? Do you think they are the most valuable people in our society?
sounds like jealousy to me.
everything you mentioned is your own personal and bias rationalizing.

nope, but its noted that you did not answer the question. Fear not, I am not, and will never be, jealous of any rich libtardian.
noted by who?
and yes I did answer the so called question, unless I agreed with you than no answer would satisfy.
textbook example of bias.
Yes, and the high schools used to have vocational training for kids who wanted to work with their hands. We will always need plumbers, carpenters, electricians, AC mechanics, auto mechanics, welders, pipe fitters, etc.
Why does the left think that every American has to have a white collar job sitting behind a desk with diplomas on the wall ?
that would be you guys,along with the myth that liberals never work.

some liberals work, many don't. But tell me, is Hillary Clinton's current "work" worth the millions she is being paid? How about the libs in rap music, is their "work" worth what they are being paid? How about Whoopi?

Why don't you care that the Hollywood libs are being made obscenely rich at your expense? Do you think they are the most valuable people in our society?
sounds like jealousy to me.
everything you mentioned is your own personal and bias rationalizing.

nope, but its noted that you did not answer the question. Fear not, I am not, and will never be, jealous of any rich libtardian.
noted by who?
and yes I did answer the so called question, unless I agreed with you than no answer would satisfy.
textbook example of bias.

I asked if you thought that Hillary Clinton and other libs were worth what they are currently being paid by society. you did not answer that.

But if I asked if the Koch brothers were worth what they are being paid, you would post a paragraph long rant.

That's bias, my little left wing friend.
that would be you guys,along with the myth that liberals never work.

some liberals work, many don't. But tell me, is Hillary Clinton's current "work" worth the millions she is being paid? How about the libs in rap music, is their "work" worth what they are being paid? How about Whoopi?

Why don't you care that the Hollywood libs are being made obscenely rich at your expense? Do you think they are the most valuable people in our society?
sounds like jealousy to me.
everything you mentioned is your own personal and bias rationalizing.

nope, but its noted that you did not answer the question. Fear not, I am not, and will never be, jealous of any rich libtardian.
noted by who?
and yes I did answer the so called question, unless I agreed with you than no answer would satisfy.
textbook example of bias.

I asked if you thought that Hillary Clinton and other libs were worth what they are currently being paid by society. you did not answer that.

But if I asked if the Koch brothers were worth what they are being paid, you would post a paragraph long rant.

That's bias, my little left wing friend.
both question are bias .and yes I did answer it "
sounds like jealousy to me.
everything you mentioned is your own personal and bias rationalizing."
btw never been any kind of little and the crotch bros don't get paid.
some liberals work, many don't. But tell me, is Hillary Clinton's current "work" worth the millions she is being paid? How about the libs in rap music, is their "work" worth what they are being paid? How about Whoopi?

Why don't you care that the Hollywood libs are being made obscenely rich at your expense? Do you think they are the most valuable people in our society?
sounds like jealousy to me.
everything you mentioned is your own personal and bias rationalizing.

nope, but its noted that you did not answer the question. Fear not, I am not, and will never be, jealous of any rich libtardian.
noted by who?
and yes I did answer the so called question, unless I agreed with you than no answer would satisfy.
textbook example of bias.

I asked if you thought that Hillary Clinton and other libs were worth what they are currently being paid by society. you did not answer that.

But if I asked if the Koch brothers were worth what they are being paid, you would post a paragraph long rant.

That's bias, my little left wing friend.
both question are bias .and yes I did answer it "
sounds like jealousy to me.
everything you mentioned is your own personal and bias rationalizing."
btw never been any kind of little and the crotch bros don't get paid.

you never answered the question about liberals and their income.

your "crotch" response verified your bias. no surprise there.

sorry, but I can't tell that you are fat over the internet.
sounds like jealousy to me.
everything you mentioned is your own personal and bias rationalizing.

nope, but its noted that you did not answer the question. Fear not, I am not, and will never be, jealous of any rich libtardian.
noted by who?
and yes I did answer the so called question, unless I agreed with you than no answer would satisfy.
textbook example of bias.

I asked if you thought that Hillary Clinton and other libs were worth what they are currently being paid by society. you did not answer that.

But if I asked if the Koch brothers were worth what they are being paid, you would post a paragraph long rant.

That's bias, my little left wing friend.
both question are bias .and yes I did answer it "
sounds like jealousy to me.
everything you mentioned is your own personal and bias rationalizing."
btw never been any kind of little and the crotch bros don't get paid.

you never answered the question about liberals and their income.

your "crotch" response verified your bias. no surprise there.

sorry, but I can't tell that you are fat over the internet.
yes I did sounds like jealousy was my answer.
I'm no more bias than you are, the crotch bros are criminals.
oh yeah I'm not fat , not very bright are you ?.
Also they were liberals.
if our Founders were liberals then why did they give us a very very tiny govt??
Below please find some of their "liberal" ideas?? Feel stupid yet??

That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.

The path we have to pursue[when Jefferson was President ] is so quiet that we have nothing scarcely to propose to our Legislature."
Also they were liberals.
if our Founders were liberals then why did they give us a very very tiny govt??
Below please find some of their "liberal" ideas?? Feel stupid yet??

That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.

The path we have to pursue[when Jefferson was President ] is so quiet that we have nothing scarcely to propose to our Legislature."

The Founding Liberals
Today is the Fourth of July, a time when we as Americans celebrate our nations independence. Conservatives across the country are pretending to be patriotic. Liberals on the other hand are celebrating the biggest achievement that appears on their resume’: the founding of America and its government. You see, the Founding Fathers were, and always will be, liberals. And here are seven reasons why.

1. Although Thomas Jefferson didn’t know it at the time, when he wrote the Declaration of Independence, he created the document that would be used as the basis for universal human rights, which liberals wholeheartedly support. Today’s conservatives are more interested in stripping away human rights, and have fought relentlessly to repeal rights from women, religious groups, and minorities. I understand that the Founding Fathers owned slaves, but I never said they were perfect either. The Founders, however, did believe that slavery had to end at some point and they knew that progress could not happen all at once, especially when they were just trying to keep the new nation afloat, but they intended us to progress. It would take another liberal to end slavery almost 100 years later, and yet another liberal would grant women the vote in the early 20th century.

2. Conservatives always claim that liberals are the supporters of big government. Well, the Founding Fathers also supported big government. Oh sure, they tried small government at one point but The Articles of Confederation didn’t cut it. The Federal Government under that document was useless and powerless. General chaos reigned among the states. Revenue couldn’t be raised. Laws conflicted between the states. Small government had failed. So, the Founders had an idea. They met in secret in 1787 and wrote the Constitution which created a bigger, stronger central government. Conservatives would call that growing the government.

3. Within the Constitution, the Founders gave power to the Congress to levy taxes as necessary. The Founding Fathers never had an issue with taxes. On the contrary, the founding generation waged the American Revolution because they felt that they were not properly represented in the British Parliament. The legislative branch established in the Constitution, however, properly represents every American. We vote for who represents us. Therefore when Congress raises taxes, they are doing the job we voted for them to do. Conservatives today consistently associate tax hikes with liberal policies. So, according to Republicans, the Founders are liberals. James Monroe, our fifth President, once said, “To impose taxes when the public exigencies require them is an obligation of the most sacred character, especially with a free people.” It most certainly applies today.
4. The Founding Fathers made it possible for us to change the Constitution when necessary. That is the beauty of the document. But Republicans are only lobbying to change the Constitution so that only the original document applies. They would repeal most of the amendments and many of the rights. Liberals on the other hand are all about change for the better and seek to perfect the Constitution which is what the Founders intended.

5. Republicans have claimed time and time again that health care mandates and government run health care is unconstitutional. They have also consistently slammed liberals for being the ones that introduce such programs and laws. What they fail to recognize is that health care mandates and government run health care dates all the way back to the Founding Fathers. In 1798, John Adams signed the very first health care mandate into law. The law required sailors to pay a tax to the United States government which in turn would provide medical care to them. The next President, Thomas Jefferson, apparently approved of this program as well, since he never challenged it, nor did he ever try to repeal it. According to Republican logic, Adams and Jefferson are a couple big government liberals.

6. Republicans are currently owned by corporations. They have not only defended corporations but have worked tirelessly to push corporate sponsored legislation through Congress. The Founding Fathers feared this kind of relationship and viewed corporations with suspicion and largely kept them at arms length. In fact, one reason the founding generation went to war with Britain is because of the influence that the East India Trading Company had on the British Parliament. A corporation even once governed Massachusetts on behalf of England. The Revolutionary War ended this practice. After the nation’s founding, corporations were granted charters by the state as they are today. Unlike today, however, corporations were only permitted to exist 20 or 30 years and could only deal in one commodity, could not hold stock in other companies, and their property holdings were limited to what they needed to accomplish their business goals. And perhaps the most important facet of all this is that most states in the early days of the nation had laws on the books that made any political contribution by corporations a criminal offense. When you think about it, the regulations imposed on corporations in the early days of America were far harsher than they are now. Still not convinced? Here is some advice from Thomas Jefferson that all Americans should take to heart.

“I hope that we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.”

7. Separation of church and state is not just a liberal concept, the Founding Fathers made it part of America’s sacred foundation. Freedom of Religion was not included in the Constitution just to protect Christianity. Freedom of Religion protects ALL religions, even if you do not practice any religion at all. The idea that a wall between church and state doesn’t exist is absurd and the idea that the Founders meant America to be a Christian state is equally absurd. Nowhere in the Constitution can you find God, Jesus, or any mention of a specific religion whatsoever. The only mention of religion is that we all have the freedom to practice whatever religion we want and that government cannot make any law that puts one religion over the other, even Christianity.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
~First Amendment, Bill of Rights of the Constitution

Even our Founding Fathers interpreted Freedom of Religion as being the wall between church and state. Take these quotes for instance.

“The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe with blood for centuries.”
~James Madison

“I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibit the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state.”
~Thomas Jefferson, as President, in a letter to the Baptists of Danbury, Connecticut, 1802

In the present day, Republicans are heavily allied with Christian right wing extremists that would require Bible studies in every school across the country. Considering how diverse America is today, even the Founders would reject that. Christianity is a dying religion and the extremists have only themselves to blame for that. Their hard line stance is disgusting and un-American. It goes against everything the framers of the Constitution envisioned when they wrote the first amendment. If these fundamentalist Christians want to teach the Bible in private schools, let them. But stay out of public schools. People do not pay school taxes so that their child can be indoctrinated into barbaric and outdated religions. Religion is not what our children need to be learning. Our country needs more men and women of science, mathematics, and history. Not Bible thumpers.

Each of these seven items represent precedents set by the Founders. Their vision has carried us forward and we owe it to them to not let that vision die.
The Founding Fathers were not conservatives as Republicans would have us believe. Not even Republicans began as conservatives. Early Republicans believed that they were doing what the Founders would have done. That is precisely why they fought against slavery and fought for women’s rights. In the ever continuing quest to perfect the American experiment, the liberal Republicans of the 1850′s and 1860′s took over the torch that the Founders lit and carried it forward to brighten the future. Liberals have carried the torch forward ever since and now are under the Democratic Party banner. If the Founders had been conservatives, that torch would have remained unlit and we would still be under British rule. So as you celebrate America’s independence, remember that it was a bunch of liberals that gave us freedom and the ability to change and perfect our nation. The very word “liberal” means favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties. Conservatives certainly have no interest in concepts of maximum freedom. They only seek to strip freedom and rights away. Liberals have not changed much since the founding era. Liberals still believe in the power of government to help and care for its people. They still strive to increase civil rights and still believe in bringing the American Dream to every man, woman, and child living in this country. Liberalism is the embodiment of what makes America great and is something we should all celebrate and cherish with our lives today.


  • now shut the fuck up
Also they were liberals.
if our Founders were liberals then why did they give us a very very tiny govt??
Below please find some of their "liberal" ideas?? Feel stupid yet??

The Founding Liberals
Today is the Fourth of July, a time when we as Americans celebrate our nations independence. Conservatives across the country are pretending to be patriotic. Liberals on the other hand are celebrating the biggest achievement that appears on their resume’: the founding of America and its government. You see, the Founding Fathers were, and always will be, liberals. And here are seven reasons why.

1. Although Thomas Jefferson didn’t know it at the time, when he wrote the Declaration of Independence, he created the document that would be used as the basis for universal human rights, which liberals wholeheartedly support. Today’s conservatives are more interested in stripping away human rights, and have fought relentlessly to repeal rights from women, religious groups, and minorities. I understand that the Founding Fathers owned slaves, but I never said they were perfect either. The Founders, however, did believe that slavery had to end at some point and they knew that progress could not happen all at once, especially when they were just trying to keep the new nation afloat, but they intended us to progress. It would take another liberal to end slavery almost 100 years later, and yet another liberal would grant women the vote in the early 20th century.

2. Conservatives always claim that liberals are the supporters of big government. Well, the Founding Fathers also supported big government. Oh sure, they tried small government at one point but The Articles of Confederation didn’t cut it. The Federal Government under that document was useless and powerless. General chaos reigned among the states. Revenue couldn’t be raised. Laws conflicted between the states. Small government had failed. So, the Founders had an idea. They met in secret in 1787 and wrote the Constitution which created a bigger, stronger central government. Conservatives would call that growing the government.

3. Within the Constitution, the Founders gave power to the Congress to levy taxes as necessary. The Founding Fathers never had an issue with taxes. On the contrary, the founding generation waged the American Revolution because they felt that they were not properly represented in the British Parliament. The legislative branch established in the Constitution, however, properly represents every American. We vote for who represents us. Therefore when Congress raises taxes, they are doing the job we voted for them to do. Conservatives today consistently associate tax hikes with liberal policies. So, according to Republicans, the Founders are liberals. James Monroe, our fifth President, once said, “To impose taxes when the public exigencies require them is an obligation of the most sacred character, especially with a free people.” It most certainly applies today.
4. The Founding Fathers made it possible for us to change the Constitution when necessary. That is the beauty of the document. But Republicans are only lobbying to change the Constitution so that only the original document applies. They would repeal most of the amendments and many of the rights. Liberals on the other hand are all about change for the better and seek to perfect the Constitution which is what the Founders intended.

5. Republicans have claimed time and time again that health care mandates and government run health care is unconstitutional. They have also consistently slammed liberals for being the ones that introduce such programs and laws. What they fail to recognize is that health care mandates and government run health care dates all the way back to the Founding Fathers. In 1798, John Adams signed the very first health care mandate into law. The law required sailors to pay a tax to the United States government which in turn would provide medical care to them. The next President, Thomas Jefferson, apparently approved of this program as well, since he never challenged it, nor did he ever try to repeal it. According to Republican logic, Adams and Jefferson are a couple big government liberals.

6. Republicans are currently owned by corporations. They have not only defended corporations but have worked tirelessly to push corporate sponsored legislation through Congress. The Founding Fathers feared this kind of relationship and viewed corporations with suspicion and largely kept them at arms length. In fact, one reason the founding generation went to war with Britain is because of the influence that the East India Trading Company had on the British Parliament. A corporation even once governed Massachusetts on behalf of England. The Revolutionary War ended this practice. After the nation’s founding, corporations were granted charters by the state as they are today. Unlike today, however, corporations were only permitted to exist 20 or 30 years and could only deal in one commodity, could not hold stock in other companies, and their property holdings were limited to what they needed to accomplish their business goals. And perhaps the most important facet of all this is that most states in the early days of the nation had laws on the books that made any political contribution by corporations a criminal offense. When you think about it, the regulations imposed on corporations in the early days of America were far harsher than they are now. Still not convinced? Here is some advice from Thomas Jefferson that all Americans should take to heart.

“I hope that we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.”

7. Separation of church and state is not just a liberal concept, the Founding Fathers made it part of America’s sacred foundation. Freedom of Religion was not included in the Constitution just to protect Christianity. Freedom of Religion protects ALL religions, even if you do not practice any religion at all. The idea that a wall between church and state doesn’t exist is absurd and the idea that the Founders meant America to be a Christian state is equally absurd. Nowhere in the Constitution can you find God, Jesus, or any mention of a specific religion whatsoever. The only mention of religion is that we all have the freedom to practice whatever religion we want and that government cannot make any law that puts one religion over the other, even Christianity.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
~First Amendment, Bill of Rights of the Constitution

Even our Founding Fathers interpreted Freedom of Religion as being the wall between church and state. Take these quotes for instance.

“The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe with blood for centuries.”
~James Madison

“I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibit the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state.”
~Thomas Jefferson, as President, in a letter to the Baptists of Danbury, Connecticut, 1802

In the present day, Republicans are heavily allied with Christian right wing extremists that would require Bible studies in every school across the country. Considering how diverse America is today, even the Founders would reject that. Christianity is a dying religion and the extremists have only themselves to blame for that. Their hard line stance is disgusting and un-American. It goes against everything the framers of the Constitution envisioned when they wrote the first amendment. If these fundamentalist Christians want to teach the Bible in private schools, let them. But stay out of public schools. People do not pay school taxes so that their child can be indoctrinated into barbaric and outdated religions. Religion is not what our children need to be learning. Our country needs more men and women of science, mathematics, and history. Not Bible thumpers.

Each of these seven items represent precedents set by the Founders. Their vision has carried us forward and we owe it to them to not let that vision die.
The Founding Fathers were not conservatives as Republicans would have us believe. Not even Republicans began as conservatives. Early Republicans believed that they were doing what the Founders would have done. That is precisely why they fought against slavery and fought for women’s rights. In the ever continuing quest to perfect the American experiment, the liberal Republicans of the 1850′s and 1860′s took over the torch that the Founders lit and carried it forward to brighten the future. Liberals have carried the torch forward ever since and now are under the Democratic Party banner. If the Founders had been conservatives, that torch would have remained unlit and we would still be under British rule. So as you celebrate America’s independence, remember that it was a bunch of liberals that gave us freedom and the ability to change and perfect our nation. The very word “liberal” means favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties. Conservatives certainly have no interest in concepts of maximum freedom. They only seek to strip freedom and rights away. Liberals have not changed much since the founding era. Liberals still believe in the power of government to help and care for its people. They still strive to increase civil rights and still believe in bringing the American Dream to every man, woman, and child living in this country. Liberalism is the embodiment of what makes America great and is something we should all celebrate and cherish with our lives today.


  • now shut the fuck up
Dear stupid liberal, if our Founders where for tiny tiny govt how on earth could they be liberals who are for the exact opposite which liberals proved by spying for Hitler and Stalin and even giving the bomb to Stalin?

Our Founder's liberal thoughts:l
That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.

The path we have to pursue[when Jefferson was President ] is so quiet that we have nothing scarcely to propose to our Legislature."
Also they were liberals.
if our Founders were liberals then why did they give us a very very tiny govt??
Below please find some of their "liberal" ideas?? Feel stupid yet??

The Founding Liberals
Today is the Fourth of July, a time when we as Americans celebrate our nations independence. Conservatives across the country are pretending to be patriotic. Liberals on the other hand are celebrating the biggest achievement that appears on their resume’: the founding of America and its government. You see, the Founding Fathers were, and always will be, liberals. And here are seven reasons why.

1. Although Thomas Jefferson didn’t know it at the time, when he wrote the Declaration of Independence, he created the document that would be used as the basis for universal human rights, which liberals wholeheartedly support. Today’s conservatives are more interested in stripping away human rights, and have fought relentlessly to repeal rights from women, religious groups, and minorities. I understand that the Founding Fathers owned slaves, but I never said they were perfect either. The Founders, however, did believe that slavery had to end at some point and they knew that progress could not happen all at once, especially when they were just trying to keep the new nation afloat, but they intended us to progress. It would take another liberal to end slavery almost 100 years later, and yet another liberal would grant women the vote in the early 20th century.

2. Conservatives always claim that liberals are the supporters of big government. Well, the Founding Fathers also supported big government. Oh sure, they tried small government at one point but The Articles of Confederation didn’t cut it. The Federal Government under that document was useless and powerless. General chaos reigned among the states. Revenue couldn’t be raised. Laws conflicted between the states. Small government had failed. So, the Founders had an idea. They met in secret in 1787 and wrote the Constitution which created a bigger, stronger central government. Conservatives would call that growing the government.

3. Within the Constitution, the Founders gave power to the Congress to levy taxes as necessary. The Founding Fathers never had an issue with taxes. On the contrary, the founding generation waged the American Revolution because they felt that they were not properly represented in the British Parliament. The legislative branch established in the Constitution, however, properly represents every American. We vote for who represents us. Therefore when Congress raises taxes, they are doing the job we voted for them to do. Conservatives today consistently associate tax hikes with liberal policies. So, according to Republicans, the Founders are liberals. James Monroe, our fifth President, once said, “To impose taxes when the public exigencies require them is an obligation of the most sacred character, especially with a free people.” It most certainly applies today.
4. The Founding Fathers made it possible for us to change the Constitution when necessary. That is the beauty of the document. But Republicans are only lobbying to change the Constitution so that only the original document applies. They would repeal most of the amendments and many of the rights. Liberals on the other hand are all about change for the better and seek to perfect the Constitution which is what the Founders intended.

5. Republicans have claimed time and time again that health care mandates and government run health care is unconstitutional. They have also consistently slammed liberals for being the ones that introduce such programs and laws. What they fail to recognize is that health care mandates and government run health care dates all the way back to the Founding Fathers. In 1798, John Adams signed the very first health care mandate into law. The law required sailors to pay a tax to the United States government which in turn would provide medical care to them. The next President, Thomas Jefferson, apparently approved of this program as well, since he never challenged it, nor did he ever try to repeal it. According to Republican logic, Adams and Jefferson are a couple big government liberals.

6. Republicans are currently owned by corporations. They have not only defended corporations but have worked tirelessly to push corporate sponsored legislation through Congress. The Founding Fathers feared this kind of relationship and viewed corporations with suspicion and largely kept them at arms length. In fact, one reason the founding generation went to war with Britain is because of the influence that the East India Trading Company had on the British Parliament. A corporation even once governed Massachusetts on behalf of England. The Revolutionary War ended this practice. After the nation’s founding, corporations were granted charters by the state as they are today. Unlike today, however, corporations were only permitted to exist 20 or 30 years and could only deal in one commodity, could not hold stock in other companies, and their property holdings were limited to what they needed to accomplish their business goals. And perhaps the most important facet of all this is that most states in the early days of the nation had laws on the books that made any political contribution by corporations a criminal offense. When you think about it, the regulations imposed on corporations in the early days of America were far harsher than they are now. Still not convinced? Here is some advice from Thomas Jefferson that all Americans should take to heart.

“I hope that we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.”

7. Separation of church and state is not just a liberal concept, the Founding Fathers made it part of America’s sacred foundation. Freedom of Religion was not included in the Constitution just to protect Christianity. Freedom of Religion protects ALL religions, even if you do not practice any religion at all. The idea that a wall between church and state doesn’t exist is absurd and the idea that the Founders meant America to be a Christian state is equally absurd. Nowhere in the Constitution can you find God, Jesus, or any mention of a specific religion whatsoever. The only mention of religion is that we all have the freedom to practice whatever religion we want and that government cannot make any law that puts one religion over the other, even Christianity.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
~First Amendment, Bill of Rights of the Constitution

Even our Founding Fathers interpreted Freedom of Religion as being the wall between church and state. Take these quotes for instance.

“The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe with blood for centuries.”
~James Madison

“I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibit the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state.”
~Thomas Jefferson, as President, in a letter to the Baptists of Danbury, Connecticut, 1802

In the present day, Republicans are heavily allied with Christian right wing extremists that would require Bible studies in every school across the country. Considering how diverse America is today, even the Founders would reject that. Christianity is a dying religion and the extremists have only themselves to blame for that. Their hard line stance is disgusting and un-American. It goes against everything the framers of the Constitution envisioned when they wrote the first amendment. If these fundamentalist Christians want to teach the Bible in private schools, let them. But stay out of public schools. People do not pay school taxes so that their child can be indoctrinated into barbaric and outdated religions. Religion is not what our children need to be learning. Our country needs more men and women of science, mathematics, and history. Not Bible thumpers.

Each of these seven items represent precedents set by the Founders. Their vision has carried us forward and we owe it to them to not let that vision die.
The Founding Fathers were not conservatives as Republicans would have us believe. Not even Republicans began as conservatives. Early Republicans believed that they were doing what the Founders would have done. That is precisely why they fought against slavery and fought for women’s rights. In the ever continuing quest to perfect the American experiment, the liberal Republicans of the 1850′s and 1860′s took over the torch that the Founders lit and carried it forward to brighten the future. Liberals have carried the torch forward ever since and now are under the Democratic Party banner. If the Founders had been conservatives, that torch would have remained unlit and we would still be under British rule. So as you celebrate America’s independence, remember that it was a bunch of liberals that gave us freedom and the ability to change and perfect our nation. The very word “liberal” means favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties. Conservatives certainly have no interest in concepts of maximum freedom. They only seek to strip freedom and rights away. Liberals have not changed much since the founding era. Liberals still believe in the power of government to help and care for its people. They still strive to increase civil rights and still believe in bringing the American Dream to every man, woman, and child living in this country. Liberalism is the embodiment of what makes America great and is something we should all celebrate and cherish with our lives today.


  • now shut the fuck up
Dear stupid liberal, if our Founders where for tiny tiny govt how on earth could they be liberals who are for the exact opposite which liberals proved by spying for Hitler and Stalin and even giving the bomb to Stalin?

Our Founder's liberal thoughts:l
That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.

The path we have to pursue[when Jefferson was President ] is so quiet that we have nothing scarcely to propose to our Legislature."
as always Ed what they said and what you want them to have said , have no relation in reality.
As to being stupid a jellyfish is smarter than you and they have no brain.
I don't feel sorry for him at all, but Barry is coming unhinged on this latest apology tour...He makes the stupid claim ISIS is contained, then ISIS attacks and reinforces the fact that he's clueless. So how does Barry respond? By melting down and lashing out at the media.

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They call them sin taxes for a reason

Republicans are making poverty a sin and seeking to raise taxes on it

Yes, they call them sin taxes for a reason. And the reason is it's a sin to try and control people through taxation.

So how is it Republicans are making poverty a sin and Democrats not? Did any Democrat consider what burning up our food supply would do to the cost of food for poor people when they came out with ethanol? Of course not. They didn't care. As long as it promotes a greener environment, that's all that matters.

Actually cigarette smoking is way down. The price of a pack is a big contributor

Seems Republicans are trying the same tactic....making it too expensive to be poor

The problem we Republicans have is that these poor people will vote for anybody that promises to take money away from somebody else to give to them. That tactic would be brought to a halt if everybody had to contribute.

With my consumption tax suggestion, if you want socialized health care, then we all pay more tax. If you want free college, then we all pay more tax. If you want to go to war with ISIS, then we all pay more tax. If you want to give 45 million Americans food stamps, then we all pay more tax.

Our social programs are out of control, and the reason is Democrats promise to give goodies to the majority at the expense of the minority, therefore, the minority has no way to protect themselves from this robbery.

If everybody had to pay for all these goodies, you would see how less compassionate those Democrats would be, and we would finally be able to reign in our excessive social program spending.

Give poor people jobs and they will vote Republican forever

What is stopping you?

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. There are plenty of jobs out there but the lazy society suckers are sitting at home in front of their big screen with their Obama phone. They don't want to work because in many cases, being on the dole is just as advantageous as working.

The only way some of these people will take a job is if there are no other choices. But given the choice, they will stay unemployed.
No there are not a lot of jobs in impoverished communities

That is a Republican myth
Yes, they call them sin taxes for a reason. And the reason is it's a sin to try and control people through taxation.

So how is it Republicans are making poverty a sin and Democrats not? Did any Democrat consider what burning up our food supply would do to the cost of food for poor people when they came out with ethanol? Of course not. They didn't care. As long as it promotes a greener environment, that's all that matters.

Actually cigarette smoking is way down. The price of a pack is a big contributor

Seems Republicans are trying the same tactic....making it too expensive to be poor

The problem we Republicans have is that these poor people will vote for anybody that promises to take money away from somebody else to give to them. That tactic would be brought to a halt if everybody had to contribute.

With my consumption tax suggestion, if you want socialized health care, then we all pay more tax. If you want free college, then we all pay more tax. If you want to go to war with ISIS, then we all pay more tax. If you want to give 45 million Americans food stamps, then we all pay more tax.

Our social programs are out of control, and the reason is Democrats promise to give goodies to the majority at the expense of the minority, therefore, the minority has no way to protect themselves from this robbery.

If everybody had to pay for all these goodies, you would see how less compassionate those Democrats would be, and we would finally be able to reign in our excessive social program spending.

Give poor people jobs and they will vote Republican forever

What is stopping you?

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. There are plenty of jobs out there but the lazy society suckers are sitting at home in front of their big screen with their Obama phone. They don't want to work because in many cases, being on the dole is just as advantageous as working.

The only way some of these people will take a job is if there are no other choices. But given the choice, they will stay unemployed.
No there are not a lot of jobs in impoverished communities

That is a Republican myth

Trust me, you take away welfare, take away food stamps, take away the Obama phones, people will find work.

My city was rated the poorest city twice in three years. If not for the problems in Detroit, it would have been three out of three. Yet in this impoverished area, there are all kinds of jobs that employers can't fill. And if you live in such an area that has no jobs, join my field of work and you can live on the road. That's besides the fact that every single day in this country, people move to where the work is all the time.

There is no such thing as a successful excuse maker. All excuse makers were and are failures.
I don't feel sorry for him at all, but Barry is coming unhinged on this latest apology tour...He makes the stupid claim ISIS is contained, then ISIS attacks and reinforces the fact that he's clueless. So how does Barry respond? By melting down and lashing out at the media.

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