I Feel Sorry For Democrats

total bullshit !
there are not near enough jobs to go around.
the rest except the "Obama phone" is a right tard myth.

There may not be enough jobs for every American, but there are certainly enough job openings that are not being filled. Does it make sense that employers are looking for workers, but the people that are capable of working are sitting home on government programs?
again that's bullshit .

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs
Hundreds of thousands of U.S. high-tech factory jobs are not filled because employers can't find qualified people

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
Catey Hill
Published: Dec 20, 2014 12:11 p.m. ET

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
You just proved my point the operative word being Skilled.
How many of those companies train?
Answer not many.

IBM became largest company in human history in computers long before schools offered computer science. If a company needs a skill they will obviously teach that skill rather than go bankrupt
Wrong as always Ed.
The world has changed since then companies want employees to have all the training before they even start.
Since you're sedated most of the time and obviously never had a real job, you as always are talking out your ass.
The world has changed since then companies want employees to have all the training before they even start.

of course its much cheaper for someone else to train them but if someone else does not train them they will obviously train them themselves rather than go bankrupt. Now do you understand??
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. There are plenty of jobs out there but the lazy society suckers are sitting at home in front of their big screen with their Obama phone. They don't want to work because in many cases, being on the dole is just as advantageous as working.

The only way some of these people will take a job is if there are no other choices. But given the choice, they will stay unemployed.
total bullshit !
there are not near enough jobs to go around.
the rest except the "Obama phone" is a right tard myth.

There may not be enough jobs for every American, but there are certainly enough job openings that are not being filled. Does it make sense that employers are looking for workers, but the people that are capable of working are sitting home on government programs?
again that's bullshit .

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs
Hundreds of thousands of U.S. high-tech factory jobs are not filled because employers can't find qualified people

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
Catey Hill
Published: Dec 20, 2014 12:11 p.m. ET

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
You just proved my point the operative word being Skilled.
How many of those companies train?
Answer not many.

Why should a company train anybody? Is that the job of the job creator?

Certainly some companies do depending on the skill needed, but for the most part, it's up to the applicant to get the training needed to do the job.
total bullshit !
there are not near enough jobs to go around.
the rest except the "Obama phone" is a right tard myth.

There may not be enough jobs for every American, but there are certainly enough job openings that are not being filled. Does it make sense that employers are looking for workers, but the people that are capable of working are sitting home on government programs?
again that's bullshit .

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs
Hundreds of thousands of U.S. high-tech factory jobs are not filled because employers can't find qualified people

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
Catey Hill
Published: Dec 20, 2014 12:11 p.m. ET

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
You just proved my point the operative word being Skilled.
How many of those companies train?
Answer not many.

Why should a company train anybody? Is that the job of the job creator?

Certainly some companies do depending on the skill needed, but for the most part, it's up to the applicant to get the training needed to do the job.
In the golden age of American industry most companies had in house training .
US car makers and light industry are fine examples.
One of my first jobs was making car filters and I had no training , till they trained me.
If you don't remember when companies advertised training , you're either lying or 5 years old.
There may not be enough jobs for every American, but there are certainly enough job openings that are not being filled. Does it make sense that employers are looking for workers, but the people that are capable of working are sitting home on government programs?
again that's bullshit .

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs
Hundreds of thousands of U.S. high-tech factory jobs are not filled because employers can't find qualified people

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
Catey Hill
Published: Dec 20, 2014 12:11 p.m. ET

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
You just proved my point the operative word being Skilled.
How many of those companies train?
Answer not many.

Why should a company train anybody? Is that the job of the job creator?

Certainly some companies do depending on the skill needed, but for the most part, it's up to the applicant to get the training needed to do the job.
In the golden age of American industry most companies had in house training .
US car makers and light industry are fine examples.
One of my first jobs was making car filters and I had no training , till they trained me.
If you don't remember when companies advertised training , you're either lying or 5 years old.

Well I'm sure I'm much older than you and yes I remember those days. But we live in a technological world now, and on job training is only good after you get the education first.

Years ago you went to a factory. They showed you how to operate the drill press. They showed you how to take measurements and set the clamps so you didn't have to remeasure with each and every piece you drilled. Today? You need to be pretty good at a computer to operate a drill press. You have to be educated and fluent with multiple programs.

Then insurance companies got involved. You have to be "certified" in nearly everything you do.

My sister worked her way up to supervisor at the Cleveland Clinic in the food department. She did the job for several years. Then they decided she didn't have the qualifications to do that job any longer. She had two choices: get a college degree or lose her job. So with a new family with young children, she was forced to go to college after work to keep her job.

The funny thing was that during that time, she had to train all these college graduates on how to perform the job that she needed to be done. She did the exact same job she did before going to college, except they wanted that piece of paper on the wall of her office.
dear, money goes into the welfare recipients pocket and out of the tax payers pocket. Does the politican use his own money and put it into the taxpayers pocket??

See how stupid you are??
Not really, no. Bush put extra money in my pocket when he got elected in the form of tax rebates and tax cuts. And I'm fairly certain it wasn't his own money.

Now you're starting to catch on.

no the fool is not catching on he thinks it was Bushs money! He does not realize the "extra" money he got was his own money all along.
No further proof was needed that you're crazy, Crazy Eddie. Who knows what you read in my posts to conclude I think Bush reached down into his own pocket to fill mine with money? :cuckoo:

Stupid liberal: "Bush put extra money in my pocket"
Poor, demented, Crazy Eddie ... where's the rest of the sentence...?

"Bush put extra money in my pocket when he got elected in the form of tax rebates and tax cuts."

See now why no one will bet with a welching dishonest lunatic like you?
Last edited:
There may not be enough jobs for every American, but there are certainly enough job openings that are not being filled. Does it make sense that employers are looking for workers, but the people that are capable of working are sitting home on government programs?
again that's bullshit .

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs
Hundreds of thousands of U.S. high-tech factory jobs are not filled because employers can't find qualified people

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
Catey Hill
Published: Dec 20, 2014 12:11 p.m. ET

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
You just proved my point the operative word being Skilled.
How many of those companies train?
Answer not many.

Why should a company train anybody? Is that the job of the job creator?

Certainly some companies do depending on the skill needed, but for the most part, it's up to the applicant to get the training needed to do the job.
In the golden age of American industry most companies had in house training .
US car makers and light industry are fine examples.
One of my first jobs was making car filters and I had no training , till they trained me.
If you don't remember when companies advertised training , you're either lying or 5 years old.

Yes, and the high schools used to have vocational training for kids who wanted to work with their hands. We will always need plumbers, carpenters, electricians, AC mechanics, auto mechanics, welders, pipe fitters, etc.
Why does the left think that every American has to have a white collar job sitting behind a desk with diplomas on the wall ?
again that's bullshit .

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs
Hundreds of thousands of U.S. high-tech factory jobs are not filled because employers can't find qualified people

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
Catey Hill
Published: Dec 20, 2014 12:11 p.m. ET

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
You just proved my point the operative word being Skilled.
How many of those companies train?
Answer not many.

Why should a company train anybody? Is that the job of the job creator?

Certainly some companies do depending on the skill needed, but for the most part, it's up to the applicant to get the training needed to do the job.
In the golden age of American industry most companies had in house training .
US car makers and light industry are fine examples.
One of my first jobs was making car filters and I had no training , till they trained me.
If you don't remember when companies advertised training , you're either lying or 5 years old.

Yes, and the high schools used to have vocational training for kids who wanted to work with their hands. We will always need plumbers, carpenters, electricians, AC mechanics, auto mechanics, welders, pipe fitters, etc.
Why does the left think that every American has to have a white collar job sitting behind a desk with diplomas on the wall ?

Indeed. It's those college graduates that are unemployed. Most all those plumbers, HVAC repairmen, auto mechanics, etc. are fully employed and many of them have started very successful businesses of their own. I know a few who have become very wealthy. Most college courses teach someone how to be an employee of someone else.
again that's bullshit .

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs
Hundreds of thousands of U.S. high-tech factory jobs are not filled because employers can't find qualified people

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
Catey Hill
Published: Dec 20, 2014 12:11 p.m. ET

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
You just proved my point the operative word being Skilled.
How many of those companies train?
Answer not many.

Why should a company train anybody? Is that the job of the job creator?

Certainly some companies do depending on the skill needed, but for the most part, it's up to the applicant to get the training needed to do the job.
In the golden age of American industry most companies had in house training .
US car makers and light industry are fine examples.
One of my first jobs was making car filters and I had no training , till they trained me.
If you don't remember when companies advertised training , you're either lying or 5 years old.

Well I'm sure I'm much older than you and yes I remember those days. But we live in a technological world now, and on job training is only good after you get the education first.

Years ago you went to a factory. They showed you how to operate the drill press. They showed you how to take measurements and set the clamps so you didn't have to remeasure with each and every piece you drilled. Today? You need to be pretty good at a computer to operate a drill press. You have to be educated and fluent with multiple programs.

Then insurance companies got involved. You have to be "certified" in nearly everything you do.

My sister worked her way up to supervisor at the Cleveland Clinic in the food department. She did the job for several years. Then they decided she didn't have the qualifications to do that job any longer. She had two choices: get a college degree or lose her job. So with a new family with young children, she was forced to go to college after work to keep her job.

The funny thing was that during that time, she had to train all these college graduates on how to perform the job that she needed to be done. She did the exact same job she did before going to college, except they wanted that piece of paper on the wall of her office.
contradict yourself much?
again that's bullshit .

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs
Hundreds of thousands of U.S. high-tech factory jobs are not filled because employers can't find qualified people

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
Catey Hill
Published: Dec 20, 2014 12:11 p.m. ET

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
You just proved my point the operative word being Skilled.
How many of those companies train?
Answer not many.

Why should a company train anybody? Is that the job of the job creator?

Certainly some companies do depending on the skill needed, but for the most part, it's up to the applicant to get the training needed to do the job.
In the golden age of American industry most companies had in house training .
US car makers and light industry are fine examples.
One of my first jobs was making car filters and I had no training , till they trained me.
If you don't remember when companies advertised training , you're either lying or 5 years old.

Yes, and the high schools used to have vocational training for kids who wanted to work with their hands. We will always need plumbers, carpenters, electricians, AC mechanics, auto mechanics, welders, pipe fitters, etc.
Why does the left think that every American has to have a white collar job sitting behind a desk with diplomas on the wall ?
that would be you guys,along with the myth that liberals never work.
ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs
Hundreds of thousands of U.S. high-tech factory jobs are not filled because employers can't find qualified people

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
Catey Hill
Published: Dec 20, 2014 12:11 p.m. ET

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
You just proved my point the operative word being Skilled.
How many of those companies train?
Answer not many.

Why should a company train anybody? Is that the job of the job creator?

Certainly some companies do depending on the skill needed, but for the most part, it's up to the applicant to get the training needed to do the job.
In the golden age of American industry most companies had in house training .
US car makers and light industry are fine examples.
One of my first jobs was making car filters and I had no training , till they trained me.
If you don't remember when companies advertised training , you're either lying or 5 years old.

Yes, and the high schools used to have vocational training for kids who wanted to work with their hands. We will always need plumbers, carpenters, electricians, AC mechanics, auto mechanics, welders, pipe fitters, etc.
Why does the left think that every American has to have a white collar job sitting behind a desk with diplomas on the wall ?

Indeed. It's those college graduates that are unemployed. Most all those plumbers, HVAC repairmen, auto mechanics, etc. are fully employed and many of them have started very successful businesses of their own. I know a few who have become very wealthy. Most college courses teach someone how to be an employee of someone else.
ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs
Hundreds of thousands of U.S. high-tech factory jobs are not filled because employers can't find qualified people

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
Catey Hill
Published: Dec 20, 2014 12:11 p.m. ET

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
You just proved my point the operative word being Skilled.
How many of those companies train?
Answer not many.

Why should a company train anybody? Is that the job of the job creator?

Certainly some companies do depending on the skill needed, but for the most part, it's up to the applicant to get the training needed to do the job.
In the golden age of American industry most companies had in house training .
US car makers and light industry are fine examples.
One of my first jobs was making car filters and I had no training , till they trained me.
If you don't remember when companies advertised training , you're either lying or 5 years old.

Yes, and the high schools used to have vocational training for kids who wanted to work with their hands. We will always need plumbers, carpenters, electricians, AC mechanics, auto mechanics, welders, pipe fitters, etc.
Why does the left think that every American has to have a white collar job sitting behind a desk with diplomas on the wall ?
that would be you guys,along with the myth that liberals never work.

some liberals work, many don't. But tell me, is Hillary Clinton's current "work" worth the millions she is being paid? How about the libs in rap music, is their "work" worth what they are being paid? How about Whoopi?

Why don't you care that the Hollywood libs are being made obscenely rich at your expense? Do you think they are the most valuable people in our society?
You just proved my point the operative word being Skilled.
How many of those companies train?
Answer not many.

Why should a company train anybody? Is that the job of the job creator?

Certainly some companies do depending on the skill needed, but for the most part, it's up to the applicant to get the training needed to do the job.
In the golden age of American industry most companies had in house training .
US car makers and light industry are fine examples.
One of my first jobs was making car filters and I had no training , till they trained me.
If you don't remember when companies advertised training , you're either lying or 5 years old.

Yes, and the high schools used to have vocational training for kids who wanted to work with their hands. We will always need plumbers, carpenters, electricians, AC mechanics, auto mechanics, welders, pipe fitters, etc.
Why does the left think that every American has to have a white collar job sitting behind a desk with diplomas on the wall ?

Indeed. It's those college graduates that are unemployed. Most all those plumbers, HVAC repairmen, auto mechanics, etc. are fully employed and many of them have started very successful businesses of their own. I know a few who have become very wealthy. Most college courses teach someone how to be an employee of someone else.

Sadly, a college education used to teach a person how to think and analyze a situation using logic and reason, now a college education is mostly liberal indoctrination.
You just proved my point the operative word being Skilled.
How many of those companies train?
Answer not many.

Why should a company train anybody? Is that the job of the job creator?

Certainly some companies do depending on the skill needed, but for the most part, it's up to the applicant to get the training needed to do the job.
In the golden age of American industry most companies had in house training .
US car makers and light industry are fine examples.
One of my first jobs was making car filters and I had no training , till they trained me.
If you don't remember when companies advertised training , you're either lying or 5 years old.

Yes, and the high schools used to have vocational training for kids who wanted to work with their hands. We will always need plumbers, carpenters, electricians, AC mechanics, auto mechanics, welders, pipe fitters, etc.
Why does the left think that every American has to have a white collar job sitting behind a desk with diplomas on the wall ?
that would be you guys,along with the myth that liberals never work.

some liberals work, many don't. But tell me, is Hillary Clinton's current "work" worth the millions she is being paid? How about the libs in rap music, is their "work" worth what they are being paid? How about Whoopi?

Why don't you care that the Hollywood libs are being made obscenely rich at your expense? Do you think they are the most valuable people in our society?
sounds like jealousy to me.
everything you mentioned is your own personal and bias rationalizing.
Why should a company train anybody? Is that the job of the job creator?

Certainly some companies do depending on the skill needed, but for the most part, it's up to the applicant to get the training needed to do the job.
In the golden age of American industry most companies had in house training .
US car makers and light industry are fine examples.
One of my first jobs was making car filters and I had no training , till they trained me.
If you don't remember when companies advertised training , you're either lying or 5 years old.

Yes, and the high schools used to have vocational training for kids who wanted to work with their hands. We will always need plumbers, carpenters, electricians, AC mechanics, auto mechanics, welders, pipe fitters, etc.
Why does the left think that every American has to have a white collar job sitting behind a desk with diplomas on the wall ?

Indeed. It's those college graduates that are unemployed. Most all those plumbers, HVAC repairmen, auto mechanics, etc. are fully employed and many of them have started very successful businesses of their own. I know a few who have become very wealthy. Most college courses teach someone how to be an employee of someone else.

Sadly, a college education used to teach a person how to think and analyze a situation using logic and reason, now a college education is mostly liberal indoctrination.
false .college still teaches logic and reason just not yours .
no one is more indoctrinated at this time then conservatives.
In the golden age of American industry most companies had in house training .
US car makers and light industry are fine examples.
One of my first jobs was making car filters and I had no training , till they trained me.
If you don't remember when companies advertised training , you're either lying or 5 years old.

Yes, and the high schools used to have vocational training for kids who wanted to work with their hands. We will always need plumbers, carpenters, electricians, AC mechanics, auto mechanics, welders, pipe fitters, etc.
Why does the left think that every American has to have a white collar job sitting behind a desk with diplomas on the wall ?

Indeed. It's those college graduates that are unemployed. Most all those plumbers, HVAC repairmen, auto mechanics, etc. are fully employed and many of them have started very successful businesses of their own. I know a few who have become very wealthy. Most college courses teach someone how to be an employee of someone else.

Sadly, a college education used to teach a person how to think and analyze a situation using logic and reason, now a college education is mostly liberal indoctrination.
false .college still teaches logic and reason just not yours .
no one is more indoctrinated at this time then conservatives.

horseshit, are you really going to claim that the 'black lives matter' group is not indoctrinated?

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