"I FELT VIOLATED"...Police Search Baltimore County House Over BB Gun in Virtual Class


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

Absolute madness. A school calls the police after a BB gun is seen in a boy’s home during a virtual lesson. Principal says having it in your home during virtual lesson is like bringing it to school. Cops came and searched the house.

Absolute madness. A school calls the police after a BB gun is seen in a boy’s home during a virtual lesson. Principal says having it in your home during virtual lesson is like bringing it to school. Cops came and searched the house.
What would they say if the camera caught sight of a picture of Columbus hanging on the wall or God forbid, an open Bible in the background?

Absolute madness. A school calls the police after a BB gun is seen in a boy’s home during a virtual lesson. Principal says having it in your home during virtual lesson is like bringing it to school. Cops came and searched the house.

You knew something like this was going to happen. With people seeing inside ones home and what have you. As a Canadian without your gun culture, I can understand the abundance of caution, but, as I said, I'm seeing all of this through a vastly different lens.

When I was in High School, I had a dirty, lying, filthy undercover animal Toronto Police officer (he was with Peel Region Police at the time, but that POS Chief Julien Fantino let the dirty animal move to TPS years later) who tried to set me up and he advised his force that I had a gun at school.

These kinds of activities really are traumatizing and my violation was worse. I remember the interaction quite well, being taken out of class and the Pearl Harbour body search against the wall by the cop hiding on the side, then the subsequent exploration of my locker with a fine toothed comb. The investigating officer apologized and I don't blame him at all, he seemed like an intelligent, fair guy, but I never knew who the filthy, son of a dog was until years later.

They even put him and another clown in the room with me while we waited, and I, being a young naive teen asked them "who the F would lie about this?" Turns out it was this scumbag who I am asking. None of them would say a word, most certainly the police in the other room were listening to the room, that was the point. Another one of our "finest" in action, still a dirty rat today scouring the streets of Toronto. I wonder how many peoples lives he's destroyed with his B.S.

This incident had a major impact on my life. I was thrown out of my house by my military father when the principal called my dad and told him I had a gun at school. That's the Canadian system of a principal trying to cover his ass (he was the one who was in on the set-up when he called me out of class). A complete lie or I wouldn't have been arrested, but talking to my dad as like talking to a brick wall.

So the dirty underdeveloped POS gets a lengthy career as a plain clothes officer, while I get tossed out into the streets for his lies and had to work and struggle through high school on my own just to get into university.

It is a violation, which is why I've been proudly libertarian, economically and to a lesser degree socially. I hope this kid remembers this and does well to stick up for others rights.

Absolute madness. A school calls the police after a BB gun is seen in a boy’s home during a virtual lesson. Principal says having it in your home during virtual lesson is like bringing it to school. Cops came and searched the house.
What would they say if the camera caught sight of a picture of Columbus hanging on the wall or God forbid, an open Bible in the background?

ANTIFA would be sent to his home to destroy the picture.
Police are hung ho and greenlighted to chase down B.B. guns and worshippers.
Rioters, looters and vandals are off limits.
The police have become a joke but not for the reasons that blacks suggest.
My son works from home. The two cats act as supervisors. One observes from the top of the chair behind his head. The other is more hands on from a lap position. He uses a fake background. That's what parents whose kids take on line classes should do.

Absolute madness. A school calls the police after a BB gun is seen in a boy’s home during a virtual lesson. Principal says having it in your home during virtual lesson is like bringing it to school. Cops came and searched the house.

In sixth through eighth grades (way back in the 80's) I belonged to an after school hunting club. The teacher who ran the club (a Korean War Vet) allowed us to bring our hunting rifles into school, store them in our lockers until after class was done for the day, and then taught us weapon and hunter safety and how to shoot at a makeshift range out by the school track—all on school property, of course. There were no school shootings. No mishandling of firearms. I was eleven when I joined the club. My grandfather gave me an M1903 .30-06 rifle to use for the club which had been sporterized for hunting deer and black bear—a weapon of war. Kids these days they're just so caught up and lost in a civilizational madness there's no escaping.

Absolute madness. A school calls the police after a BB gun is seen in a boy’s home during a virtual lesson. Principal says having it in your home during virtual lesson is like bringing it to school. Cops came and searched the house.

In sixth through eighth grades (way back in the 80's) I belonged to an after school hunting club. The teacher who ran the club (a Korean War Vet) allowed us to bring our hunting rifles into school, store them in our lockers until after class was done for the day, and then taught us weapon and hunter safety and how to shoot at a makeshift range out by the school track—all on school property, of course. There were no school shootings. No mishandling of firearms. I was eleven when I joined the club. My grandfather gave me an M1903 .30-06 rifle to use for the club which had been sporterized for hunting deer and black bear—a weapon of war. Kids these days they're just so caught up and lost in a civilizational madness there's no escaping.
We were allowed 1 rifle and 1 shotgun in the gun rack in the parking lot when I was in school.

We found that oppressive because several dudes had their gun racks fully populated. :auiqs.jpg:

We all made them in shop class.
It was reduced while I was in school.
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True story: I gave the police permission to search my mother's car once and they took a knife and slit the passenger side seat cushion from the back to the front. I'll never do that again, hopefully. :no_text11:

I know last time they asked for permission to search I told them to get fucked.
Well maybe second to last time. Last time they were being very reasonable, so I let them search for what they were, which they did not find.
One of those officers saved my life, pretty much, so..I respect that.

That was over a decade ago and it seems standards have fallen.
Absolute madness. A school calls the police after a BB gun is seen in a boy’s home during a virtual lesson. Principal says having it in your home during virtual lesson is like bringing it to school. Cops came and searched the house.

That is some serious, next-level bullshit.

Having something in one's home, is absolutely •NOT• like bringing it to school. A school absolutely does not have any authority whatsoever to dictate what a student may or may not have in his home.

The school had no just cause to contact the police, and the police had no just cause to enter the home, over this.

I hope this family sues the shit out of the school, and personally, the teacher and any school administrators who had any part in this.

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