I Finally Saw The Promo Video

So we may have for the first time in 70 years, peace in Korea


the leftist warmongers got to hate on a video.

Why do you hate NK children?

Unlike Kim, right? Our glorious president tells us that Kim loves his people.
that's diplomacy

oh, you want him to talk shit about him and blow any chance at peace, so you can bitch about him doing that as well.

you'd rather see this fail, you would be just over joyed at the idea that NK children will suffer all their lives, just to see peace fail.

that's a special kind of evil

The leftists always put their ideology and feelings above people. Just the way it works.
I knew they'd be butthurt, but they are clearly hoping this fails.

It's just so evil. Who routes for peace to fail?
If the Trump video works better than the hundreds of millions of dollars (some estimates are in the billions) spent on the Obamacare website, it will be well worth the expense.

"Today’s GAO report confirms our worst fears — hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars were wasted to build a website that didn’t work all because of bureaucratic incompetence. Simply put, the Administration put contractors ahead of American taxpayers when it came to the rollout of HealthCare.gov by signing a blank check to big business,”"

Rushed HHS Let Contractors Fumble Obamacare Website, GAO Says


Epic deflection.

Your post seems to express a concern about government waste.

Can you show me your post during the Obama administration expressing your disapproval of a no-bid contract being given without proper oversight and the resulting loss of hundreds of millions (much more in other estimates) of taxpayer money?

Obviously you can't and the reason is clear. You are only upset when the other guy does it.


i had heard that Trump showed Kim a video of some kind during my their summit earlier this week.

Well, I finally took a look at it.

It is awesome. I am so proud that my tax dollars paid for it and I am overcome by feelings of patriotism and love for our wonderful leader.

Take a look below. Tell us what you think. Is this not the greatest thing you’ve ever seen? I say we make it compulsory viewing in elementary schools.

Watch the full, bizarre video Trump showed Kim to persuade him to 'come into the light'
"Featuring President,Donald Trump!"

I've seen prom invite videos that were better.
If the Trump video works better than the hundreds of millions of dollars (some estimates are in the billions) spent on the Obamacare website, it will be well worth the expense.

"Today’s GAO report confirms our worst fears — hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars were wasted to build a website that didn’t work all because of bureaucratic incompetence. Simply put, the Administration put contractors ahead of American taxpayers when it came to the rollout of HealthCare.gov by signing a blank check to big business,”"

Rushed HHS Let Contractors Fumble Obamacare Website, GAO Says


Epic deflection.

Your post seems to express a concern about government waste.

Can you show me your post during the Obama administration expressing your disapproval of a no-bid contract being given without proper oversight and the resulting loss of hundreds of millions (much more in other estimates) of taxpayer money?

Obviously you can't and the reason is clear. You are only upset when the other guy does it.



The subject is government waste. I asked if you expressed concern about ALL government waste or only that done by administrations you don't like?

If the Trump video works better than the hundreds of millions of dollars (some estimates are in the billions) spent on the Obamacare website, it will be well worth the expense.

"Today’s GAO report confirms our worst fears — hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars were wasted to build a website that didn’t work all because of bureaucratic incompetence. Simply put, the Administration put contractors ahead of American taxpayers when it came to the rollout of HealthCare.gov by signing a blank check to big business,”"

Rushed HHS Let Contractors Fumble Obamacare Website, GAO Says


Epic deflection.

Your post seems to express a concern about government waste.

Can you show me your post during the Obama administration expressing your disapproval of a no-bid contract being given without proper oversight and the resulting loss of hundreds of millions (much more in other estimates) of taxpayer money?

Obviously you can't and the reason is clear. You are only upset when the other guy does it.



The subject is government waste. I asked if you expressed concern about ALL government waste or only that done by administrations you don't like?


No. The subject is the video. I want you to discuss your thoughts on the video.
So we may have for the first time in 70 years, peace in Korea


the leftist warmongers got to hate on a video.

Why do you hate NK children?

Unlike Kim, right? Our glorious president tells us that Kim loves his people.
that's diplomacy

oh, you want him to talk shit about him and blow any chance at peace, so you can bitch about him doing that as well.

you'd rather see this fail, you would be just over joyed at the idea that NK children will suffer all their lives, just to see peace fail.

that's a special kind of evil

No. That isn't diplomacy. That is a bad YouTube worthy video.
i had heard that Trump showed Kim a video of some kind during my their summit earlier this week.

Well, I finally took a look at it.

It is awesome. I am so proud that my tax dollars paid for it and I am overcome by feelings of patriotism and love for our wonderful leader.

Take a look below. Tell us what you think. Is this not the greatest thing you’ve ever seen? I say we make it compulsory viewing in elementary schools.

Watch the full, bizarre video Trump showed Kim to persuade him to 'come into the light'

Well there's 4 minutes i'll never get back.

So Trump is playing the economic card , which is the only one he has TO play with Mr Insanity Un Jung

Simple carrot /stick approach (elementary schools indeed)

" Dismantle those icbm's that go off course and kill your own people, and we'll start importing a NK KIA version Mr Insanity"

Quite the carrot ,eh?

The Obvious 'stick' being sanctions.

But sanctions mean other countries agree with the USA, so just how many are really 'in' ,given Trump plays 'lone wolf' enough to have PO'ed 1/2 the world in a years time?

Go ahead, explain how sanctions are going to work against Mr Insanity, who has millions of his own starving, and those who complain launguishing in gulags

I won't hold my breath.....

And while you're at it , pick out what is offensive to the flag here>

If the Trump video works better than the hundreds of millions of dollars (some estimates are in the billions) spent on the Obamacare website, it will be well worth the expense.

"Today’s GAO report confirms our worst fears — hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars were wasted to build a website that didn’t work all because of bureaucratic incompetence. Simply put, the Administration put contractors ahead of American taxpayers when it came to the rollout of HealthCare.gov by signing a blank check to big business,”"

Rushed HHS Let Contractors Fumble Obamacare Website, GAO Says


Epic deflection.

Your post seems to express a concern about government waste.

Can you show me your post during the Obama administration expressing your disapproval of a no-bid contract being given without proper oversight and the resulting loss of hundreds of millions (much more in other estimates) of taxpayer money?

Obviously you can't and the reason is clear. You are only upset when the other guy does it.



The subject is government waste. I asked if you expressed concern about ALL government waste or only that done by administrations you don't like?


No. The subject is the video. I want you to discuss your thoughts on the video.

It reminds me of one I saw on Cheers once when they were trying to convince Woody's father to let him stay in Boston. Only the one on Cheers was better.
i had heard that Trump showed Kim a video of some kind during my their summit earlier this week.

Well, I finally took a look at it.

It is awesome. I am so proud that my tax dollars paid for it and I am overcome by feelings of patriotism and love for our wonderful leader.

Take a look below. Tell us what you think. Is this not the greatest thing you’ve ever seen? I say we make it compulsory viewing in elementary schools.

Watch the full, bizarre video Trump showed Kim to persuade him to 'come into the light'
I watched it on mute. Destiny Pictures should keep its day job.
Two Thumbs down for that video. I thought it had to be a joke....

Hopefully, (and I would be the least surprised person in the room if it didn't) they gave the murderous dicator/trump's buddy a version that was in Korean....
i had heard that Trump showed Kim a video of some kind during my their summit earlier this week.

Well, I finally took a look at it.

It is awesome. I am so proud that my tax dollars paid for it and I am overcome by feelings of patriotism and love for our wonderful leader.

Take a look below. Tell us what you think. Is this not the greatest thing you’ve ever seen? I say we make it compulsory viewing in elementary schools.

Watch the full, bizarre video Trump showed Kim to persuade him to 'come into the light'
I watched it on mute. Destiny Pictures should keep its day job.

Any idea who the production company is...who the narrator was...why they showed a guy dunking a basketball????
If the Trump video works better than the hundreds of millions of dollars (some estimates are in the billions) spent on the Obamacare website, it will be well worth the expense.

"Today’s GAO report confirms our worst fears — hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars were wasted to build a website that didn’t work all because of bureaucratic incompetence. Simply put, the Administration put contractors ahead of American taxpayers when it came to the rollout of HealthCare.gov by signing a blank check to big business,”"

Rushed HHS Let Contractors Fumble Obamacare Website, GAO Says


Epic deflection.

Your post seems to express a concern about government waste.

Can you show me your post during the Obama administration expressing your disapproval of a no-bid contract being given without proper oversight and the resulting loss of hundreds of millions (much more in other estimates) of taxpayer money?

Obviously you can't and the reason is clear. You are only upset when the other guy does it.



The subject is government waste. I asked if you expressed concern about ALL government waste or only that done by administrations you don't like?


No. The subject is the video. I want you to discuss your thoughts on the video.

You stated in your first post: "I am so proud that my tax dollars paid for it", which is sarcasm indicating that you feel that this is a waste of taxpayer money.

I feel that it may prove to be a waste of taxpayer money if the NK negotiations fail to move forward but is it really that significant when you look at government waste in general?

I doubt the video cost $100 million dollars to make. Would spending even a million dollars to make a video be worse than the very questionable judgment to build a "bridge to nowhere" or a website that cost hundreds of millions and didn't work?

I tried to find it on You Tube and got this. :p

By the way, anyone watch Tucker lately? Barry Hussaine had the FAA hire totally unqualified idiots to work in airport control towers simply because he felt there were not enough non-Whites.

Tucker always makes that look on his face like somebody just pooped on his rug, whenever he's talking to some nut.

He's probably the only one I like to watch.

Perfect description of Tucker's face. LOL
So we may have for the first time in 70 years, peace in Korea


the leftist warmongers got to hate on a video.

Why do you hate NK children?

no reason to think that. The great negotiator already gave away the store.
Bulldog, I heard somebody say that Kim never says 'yes' and he never says 'no', he just stalls into infinity. But evidently, simply saying we have a deal to maybe make a deal is a Trumpian fait accompli to his supporters.
i had heard that Trump showed Kim a video of some kind during my their summit earlier this week.

Well, I finally took a look at it.

It is awesome. I am so proud that my tax dollars paid for it and I am overcome by feelings of patriotism and love for our wonderful leader.

Take a look below. Tell us what you think. Is this not the greatest thing you’ve ever seen? I say we make it compulsory viewing in elementary schools.

Watch the full, bizarre video Trump showed Kim to persuade him to 'come into the light'
I watched it on mute. Destiny Pictures should keep its day job.

Any idea who the production company is...who the narrator was...why they showed a guy dunking a basketball????
Are you giving me clues? Was it Dennis Rodman's buddies?
Epic deflection.

Your post seems to express a concern about government waste.

Can you show me your post during the Obama administration expressing your disapproval of a no-bid contract being given without proper oversight and the resulting loss of hundreds of millions (much more in other estimates) of taxpayer money?

Obviously you can't and the reason is clear. You are only upset when the other guy does it.



The subject is government waste. I asked if you expressed concern about ALL government waste or only that done by administrations you don't like?


No. The subject is the video. I want you to discuss your thoughts on the video.

You stated in your first post: "I am so proud that my tax dollars paid for it", which is sarcasm indicating that you feel that this is a waste of taxpayer money.

I feel that it may prove to be a waste of taxpayer money if the NK negotiations fail to move forward but is it really that significant when you look at government waste in general?

I doubt the video cost $100 million dollars to make. Would spending even a million dollars to make a video be worse than the very questionable judgment to build a "bridge to nowhere" or a website that cost hundreds of millions and didn't work?


Continued deflection is deflection.
i had heard that Trump showed Kim a video of some kind during my their summit earlier this week.

Well, I finally took a look at it.

It is awesome. I am so proud that my tax dollars paid for it and I am overcome by feelings of patriotism and love for our wonderful leader.

Take a look below. Tell us what you think. Is this not the greatest thing you’ve ever seen? I say we make it compulsory viewing in elementary schools.

Watch the full, bizarre video Trump showed Kim to persuade him to 'come into the light'
I watched it on mute. Destiny Pictures should keep its day job.

Any idea who the production company is...who the narrator was...why they showed a guy dunking a basketball????
Are you giving me clues? Was it Dennis Rodman's buddies?

No...I was asking if you had heard of them--the production company. I never had. I don't know who the narrator was or why they had a guy dunking a basketball.

I thought it was just a joke at first.

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