I Finally Saw The Promo Video

i had heard that Trump showed Kim a video of some kind during my their summit earlier this week.

Well, I finally took a look at it.

It is awesome. I am so proud that my tax dollars paid for it and I am overcome by feelings of patriotism and love for our wonderful leader.

Take a look below. Tell us what you think. Is this not the greatest thing you’ve ever seen? I say we make it compulsory viewing in elementary schools.

Watch the full, bizarre video Trump showed Kim to persuade him to 'come into the light'
I watched it on mute. Destiny Pictures should keep its day job.

Any idea who the production company is...who the narrator was...why they showed a guy dunking a basketball????
Or speed boats?
i had heard that Trump showed Kim a video of some kind during my their summit earlier this week.

Well, I finally took a look at it.

It is awesome. I am so proud that my tax dollars paid for it and I am overcome by feelings of patriotism and love for our wonderful leader.

Take a look below. Tell us what you think. Is this not the greatest thing you’ve ever seen? I say we make it compulsory viewing in elementary schools.

Watch the full, bizarre video Trump showed Kim to persuade him to 'come into the light'
I watched it on mute. Destiny Pictures should keep its day job.

Any idea who the production company is...who the narrator was...why they showed a guy dunking a basketball????
Or speed boats?

I was especially taken with the images of Trump as the leader of the free world. Majestic.
I guess there are two questions about the video that will remain for a while.

What is Destiny Productions and...

What is Destiny Production's bizarre, shady tie to the Kremlin and when will it be leaked?
Perfect description of Tucker's face. LOL

Watch him. He makes this face...

i had heard that Trump showed Kim a video of some kind during my their summit earlier this week.

Well, I finally took a look at it.

It is awesome. I am so proud that my tax dollars paid for it and I am overcome by feelings of patriotism and love for our wonderful leader.

Take a look below. Tell us what you think. Is this not the greatest thing you’ve ever seen? I say we make it compulsory viewing in elementary schools.

Watch the full, bizarre video Trump showed Kim to persuade him to 'come into the light'
I watched it on mute. Destiny Pictures should keep its day job.

Any idea who the production company is...who the narrator was...why they showed a guy dunking a basketball????
Or speed boats?

I forgot about the speed boats....

Its almost like a criminally bad attempt at brainwashing
This is at least the second thread on this and the butt hurt is still strong, thanks for the daily laughs by the left wing nuts, I need your comic relief today.
i had heard that Trump showed Kim a video of some kind during my their summit earlier this week.

Well, I finally took a look at it.

It is awesome. I am so proud that my tax dollars paid for it and I am overcome by feelings of patriotism and love for our wonderful leader.

Take a look below. Tell us what you think. Is this not the greatest thing you’ve ever seen? I say we make it compulsory viewing in elementary schools.

Watch the full, bizarre video Trump showed Kim to persuade him to 'come into the light'

Here's someone else who has no clue about psychological warfare.
Normal people, the butthurt people are trying to soothe the butthurt without Prep H. Let them do what they need to do. Us normal people are compassionate.
i had heard that Trump showed Kim a video of some kind during my their summit earlier this week.

Well, I finally took a look at it.

It is awesome. I am so proud that my tax dollars paid for it and I am overcome by feelings of patriotism and love for our wonderful leader.

Take a look below. Tell us what you think. Is this not the greatest thing you’ve ever seen? I say we make it compulsory viewing in elementary schools.

Watch the full, bizarre video Trump showed Kim to persuade him to 'come into the light'
I watched it on mute. Destiny Pictures should keep its day job.

Any idea who the production company is...who the narrator was...why they showed a guy dunking a basketball????
Or speed boats?

I was especially taken with the images of Trump as the leader of the free world. Majestic.
The last thIng Trump wants and the last thing he can be regarded as, is the Leader of the Free World. He disses the Free World and regards tyrants as honorable.
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Your post seems to express a concern about government waste.

Can you show me your post during the Obama administration expressing your disapproval of a no-bid contract being given without proper oversight and the resulting loss of hundreds of millions (much more in other estimates) of taxpayer money?

Obviously you can't and the reason is clear. You are only upset when the other guy does it.



The subject is government waste. I asked if you expressed concern about ALL government waste or only that done by administrations you don't like?


No. The subject is the video. I want you to discuss your thoughts on the video.

You stated in your first post: "I am so proud that my tax dollars paid for it", which is sarcasm indicating that you feel that this is a waste of taxpayer money.

I feel that it may prove to be a waste of taxpayer money if the NK negotiations fail to move forward but is it really that significant when you look at government waste in general?

I doubt the video cost $100 million dollars to make. Would spending even a million dollars to make a video be worse than the very questionable judgment to build a "bridge to nowhere" or a website that cost hundreds of millions and didn't work?


Continued deflection is deflection.

I'll make it simple for you. Do you believe that the video is a waste of taxpayer money?

Here's someone else who has no clue about psychological warfare.

I think when they fondle our balls at the airport, too. I'm pretty sure, anyway. It's the feet things that we have to stand on that makes me think they planned it before I got there. Plus they act like it's no big deal. Like pay no attention to that man fondling your balls. That's gotta be some kind of psychological warfare. No doubt. I get out of there as fast as I can.
i had heard that Trump showed Kim a video of some kind during my their summit earlier this week.

Well, I finally took a look at it.

It is awesome. I am so proud that my tax dollars paid for it and I am overcome by feelings of patriotism and love for our wonderful leader.

Take a look below. Tell us what you think. Is this not the greatest thing you’ve ever seen? I say we make it compulsory viewing in elementary schools.

Watch the full, bizarre video Trump showed Kim to persuade him to 'come into the light'
I watched it on mute. Destiny Pictures should keep its day job.

Any idea who the production company is...who the narrator was...why they showed a guy dunking a basketball????
Are you giving me clues? Was it Dennis Rodman's buddies?

No...I was asking if you had heard of them--the production company. I never had. I don't know who the narrator was or why they had a guy dunking a basketball.

I thought it was just a joke at first.
I agree. I assume it was the CIA. "Destiny" pictures--get it? They've had guys cutting and pasting video clips for weeks to come up with that.
Maybe they thought where Kim is in his 30's, he'd relate to a video?

The reason for the guy dunking the basketball is, Kim is a basketball fanatic. That's probably how Dennis Rodman got the green light to visit Kim and become a friend. These negotiations are a slam dunk, yes?

Weird Rules in North Korean Basketball
This is at least the second thread on this and the butt hurt is still strong, thanks for the daily laughs by the left wing nuts, I need your comic relief today.

Check out any mirror. Vs. the 11 you guys make anytime Trump walks and chews bubble gum at the same time...this is nothing.

The subject is government waste. I asked if you expressed concern about ALL government waste or only that done by administrations you don't like?


No. The subject is the video. I want you to discuss your thoughts on the video.

You stated in your first post: "I am so proud that my tax dollars paid for it", which is sarcasm indicating that you feel that this is a waste of taxpayer money.

I feel that it may prove to be a waste of taxpayer money if the NK negotiations fail to move forward but is it really that significant when you look at government waste in general?

I doubt the video cost $100 million dollars to make. Would spending even a million dollars to make a video be worse than the very questionable judgment to build a "bridge to nowhere" or a website that cost hundreds of millions and didn't work?


Continued deflection is deflection.

I'll make it simple for you. Do you believe that the video is a waste of taxpayer money?


Well of course. But that is not the subject of this thread and pointing at other wastes of taxpayer money does not make this waste disappear.

You are trying to avoid discussing the video. You can’t face the embarrassment of expressing support for that weird, cheesy piece of propaganda. You will never admit that it makes us look like fucking morons, glorifies our president and puts Kim on an equal footing with the leader of the United States.


The subject is government waste. I asked if you expressed concern about ALL government waste or only that done by administrations you don't like?


No. The subject is the video. I want you to discuss your thoughts on the video.

You stated in your first post: "I am so proud that my tax dollars paid for it", which is sarcasm indicating that you feel that this is a waste of taxpayer money.

I feel that it may prove to be a waste of taxpayer money if the NK negotiations fail to move forward but is it really that significant when you look at government waste in general?

I doubt the video cost $100 million dollars to make. Would spending even a million dollars to make a video be worse than the very questionable judgment to build a "bridge to nowhere" or a website that cost hundreds of millions and didn't work?


Continued deflection is deflection.

I'll make it simple for you. Do you believe that the video is a waste of taxpayer money?


My 2 cents was that it wasn't a waste of money, it was just a bizarrely nutty video to make in the first place and to show it off as if you had just made Raging Bull was pretty silly.
Normal people, the butthurt people are trying to soothe the butthurt without Prep H. Let them do what they need to do. Us normal people are compassionate.
Yep, especially about immigrants seeking the American dream and their children, right?
The subject is government waste. I asked if you expressed concern about ALL government waste or only that done by administrations you don't like?


No. The subject is the video. I want you to discuss your thoughts on the video.

You stated in your first post: "I am so proud that my tax dollars paid for it", which is sarcasm indicating that you feel that this is a waste of taxpayer money.

I feel that it may prove to be a waste of taxpayer money if the NK negotiations fail to move forward but is it really that significant when you look at government waste in general?

I doubt the video cost $100 million dollars to make. Would spending even a million dollars to make a video be worse than the very questionable judgment to build a "bridge to nowhere" or a website that cost hundreds of millions and didn't work?


Continued deflection is deflection.

I'll make it simple for you. Do you believe that the video is a waste of taxpayer money?


Well of course. But that is not the subject of this thread and pointing at other wastes of taxpayer money does not make this waste disappear.

You are trying to avoid discussing the video. You can’t face the embarrassment of expressing support for that weird, cheesy piece of propaganda. You will never admit that it makes us look like fucking morons, glorifies our president and puts Kim on an equal footing with the leader of the United States.


I see that you are upset and ask that you please forgive me. I did not want to trigger you and force you to use profanity which is always a last resort for those unable to discuss a point in a reasonable manner.

I understood that this thread was in the politics section and not the entertainment section so please forgive my confusion. I really can't speak to the quality of the movie given that I felt that the Oscar winning movie LaLa Land was garbage and I am critical of most movies.

I didn't vote for Trump but allow me to make clear that I am in no way embarrassed by what Trump does. I don't like his style but I can't fault his position.

If you knew more about other countries, their motives and interests you would understand that altruism (defined: "disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others") does not exist in global politics. Each country is selfishly pursuing the goals of their nation and what they think of the US is of no concern. If you were swayed by what others think of you you would probably never return to this forum. America First is no different than what every other nation is pursuing for itself.

Hope you will be feeling better soon.

i had heard that Trump showed Kim a video of some kind during my their summit earlier this week.

Well, I finally took a look at it.

It is awesome. I am so proud that my tax dollars paid for it and I am overcome by feelings of patriotism and love for our wonderful leader.

Take a look below. Tell us what you think. Is this not the greatest thing you’ve ever seen? I say we make it compulsory viewing in elementary schools.

Watch the full, bizarre video Trump showed Kim to persuade him to 'come into the light'
Academy Award material, right there.

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