I find all the hysteria over the pope to be completely Ludacris

People screaming and falling all over each other just to get close to an old man.

I think it's awesome that people have faith and something they believe in. If the Pope doesn't move you, that's fine also. But why the need to criticize is beyond me.
People screaming and falling all over each other just to get close to an old man.

It's no more ludicrous than the last several things there's been a hysteria about. Like a clock, a frumpy county clerk, the Malaysian airplane, etc.
I think it's awesome that people have faith and something they believe in. If the Pope doesn't move you, that's fine also. But why the need to criticize is beyond me.
The Bible says worship no other. Everyone fawning over this old man is failing in that task.
I think it's awesome that people have faith and something they believe in. If the Pope doesn't move you, that's fine also. But why the need to criticize is beyond me.
He never helped me move, had to do it alone....
I'm hysterical he's causing traffic problems...........
When but at midnight is their never a traffic problem in D.C.?

And even then... there is always construction ...
Well at least the bars have not emptied out....I did get a two dollar jaywalking ticket I never paid...in D.C.
Years ago when I was there for work they confiscated my radar detector during a traffic stop.
I think it's awesome that people have faith and something they believe in. If the Pope doesn't move you, that's fine also. But why the need to criticize is beyond me.

You know, that's exactly right.The pope is in fact the chief in charge moving people in the spiritual scene..And he's accomplished that in a really big way compared to the pope's that came before him, during my life time.
I think it's awesome that people have faith and something they believe in. If the Pope doesn't move you, that's fine also. But why the need to criticize is beyond me.
The Bible says worship no other. Everyone fawning over this old man is failing in that task.

No one is worshipping the Pope. He's simply the embodiment of the Catholic faith & a global celebrity...
I'm hysterical he's causing traffic problems...........
When but at midnight is their never a traffic problem in D.C.?

And even then... there is always construction ...
Well at least the bars have not emptied out....I did get a two dollar jaywalking ticket I never paid...in D.C.
Years ago when I was there for work they confiscated my radar detector during a traffic stop.
They are aggressive buggers aren't they?
I think it's awesome that people have faith and something they believe in. If the Pope doesn't move you, that's fine also. But why the need to criticize is beyond me.

You know, that's exactly right.The pope is in fact the chief in charge moving people in the spiritual scene..And he's accomplished that in a really big way compared to the pope's that came before him, during my life time.

The Pope is the human conduit to God in the Roman Catholic faith. is not ludicrous that people freak out over him notwithstanding any character flaws he may have. I mean, it IS pretty stupid that they do this if you are coming at it from the point of view that supernaturalism is absurd,like I do. But from an objective standpoint it makes sense that people who are Roman Catholic have a shit fit over the Jesuit shit coming here.

Personally I think we ought to arrest and jail the prick for his attempts to destabilize our nation with all this bullshit about how capitalist systems are corrupt. The beaners will get pissed off, but fuck them. Once we get rid of those fucking leaf blowers crime will decline and our aggregate IQ will rise. Perhaps we can jail the Puss Head Pontiff and ransom him to the beaners: get out and we will give you the Jesuit!
I think it's awesome that people have faith and something they believe in. If the Pope doesn't move you, that's fine also. But why the need to criticize is beyond me.

You know, that's exactly right.The pope is in fact the chief in charge moving people in the spiritual scene..And he's accomplished that in a really big way compared to the pope's that came before him, during my life time.

The Pope is the human conduit to God in the Roman Catholic faith. is not ludicrous that people freak out over him notwithstanding any character flaws he may have. I mean, it IS pretty stupid that they do this if you are coming at it from the point of view that supernaturalism is absurd,like I do. But from an objective standpoint it makes sense that people who are Roman Catholic have a shit fit over the Jesuit shit coming here.

Personally I think we ought to arrest and jail the prick for his attempts to destabilize our nation with all this bullshit about how capitalist systems are corrupt. The beaners will get pissed off, but fuck them. Once we get rid of those fucking leaf blowers crime will decline and our aggregate IQ will rise. Perhaps we can jail the Puss Head Pontiff and ransom him to the beaners: get out and we will give you the Jesuit!
is the last paragraph a script for a new sitcom?.....

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