I find it oddly hilarious when Trump fans gloat about his increasing popularity

  • Economist/YouGov Poll: Trump Has 22-point Lead, Carson Slips to 4th [Trump 36% Rubio 14% Cruz 12%]
    Newsmax ^
    Economist/YouGov Poll: Trump Has 22-point Lead, Carson Slips to 4th Thursday, November 26, 2015 05:38 PM By: Greg Richter Donald Trump has a commanding 22-point lead in the latest Economist/YouGov Republican presidential poll, while Ben Carson has slipped to fourth place amid the recent focus on terrorism. Here are the results of people identifying themselves as likely Republican primary voters: Donald Trump: 36 percent Marco Rubio: 14 percent Ted Cruz: 12 percent Ben Carson: 10 percent Jeb Bush: 6 percent Carly Fiorina, Rand Paul, John Kasich: 4 percent Chris Christie: 3 percent Mike Huckabee: 2 percent Lindsey Graham: 1...
Sure, I'll admit I didn't think Trump was going to get this far in the race but I'm not the one who should feel dumb about it. His fan base likes to point and laugh at the left's failed predictions of his downfall, but the truth is, they are only making themselves look like losers.

Trump's success isn't a reflection of him - it's a reflection of the immaturity and stupidity of his party base and how they have no concept of what a competant and professional president looks like. This guy behaves like a junior high child and he only gets more popular. Him and his base are frankly an embarrassment to the rest of the world. It was, what, a month ago this guy even began to come up with actual policy ideas? That's just embarrassing.

So telling one outrageous lie after another to the public, violating federal laws on security, selling your office to the highest bidder, allow your employees to be murdered to serve a political agenda, and generally being an all around corrupt sleaze bag are the qualifications of a "competent and professional" candidate for office?

Gosh Patty, nice to see you listing Drumpf's accomplishments but he's far FAR worse than what you listed.

And tomorrow's another day.

You know those are the qualifications of your favorite candidate, Hillary.
Say what you want about Hillary. It doesn't change the fact that she is a viable candidate and Trump isn't.

ROFL! She's only "viable" because Dims are utterly shameless. They simply don't care that she's a criminal. The difference is purely in the character of their respective voters.
Here's the thing: most Americans don't give a shit about politics at all, and when they vote they vote for who they'd rather have a beer with. Trump comes across as a genuine person (even if you think he's an asshole), and could see somebody like him being their next door neighbor...so do most presidents.

The other reason why Trump is so successful is because people (on all sides of the spectrum) are getting tired of the same results being displayed by traditional politicians...hell it's the reason why Obama beat Hillary in 06 and his biggest running point.
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Sure, I'll admit I didn't think Trump was going to get this far in the race but I'm not the one who should feel dumb about it. His fan base likes to point and laugh at the left's failed predictions of his downfall, but the truth is, they are only making themselves look like losers.

Trump's success isn't a reflection of him - it's a reflection of the immaturity and stupidity of his party base and how they have no concept of what a competant and professional president looks like. This guy behaves like a junior high child and he only gets more popular. Him and his base are frankly an embarrassment to the rest of the world. It was, what, a month ago this guy even began to come up with actual policy ideas? That's just embarrassing.

So telling one outrageous lie after another to the public, violating federal laws on security, selling your office to the highest bidder, allow your employees to be murdered to serve a political agenda, and generally being an all around corrupt sleaze bag are the qualifications of a "competent and professional" candidate for office?

Gosh Patty, nice to see you listing Drumpf's accomplishments but he's far FAR worse than what you listed.

And tomorrow's another day.

You know those are the qualifications of your favorite candidate, Hillary.
Say what you want about Hillary. It doesn't change the fact that she is a viable candidate and Trump isn't.

Hillary has more baggage than an airport terminal. The woman has conversations with dead people for crying out loud. She's under investigation by the FBI. How is that viable?
They like him for the same reason they like Pooting. He blusters and lies, just like Pooting. RWs know they're being lied to but Drumpf never takes responsibility. He blames everyone else, he lies about everything he says - both traits RWNJs are known for.

Really? I thought thats what Obama was known for.
Trump is the only canidate that has a tax reform bill that places all the tax burden on the rich since anyone making below 50k will pay zero percent. It is the same idea that left winger fatso thought was a good idea many years ago.
That is not true. He proposes doing away with the estate tax which would save his children and the children of other billionaires and multi-millionaires huge amounts of cash in the windfall unearned inheritance. His plan directly benefits his own family.
While I'm not a Trump nor Hillary fan, nor better yet my dearly departed beagle, am I picking up a scent of fright coming from the OP?
I find it hilarious that anyone from a party nominating Hillary Clinton, someone Trump bought and paid for, has a problem with Trump cutting out the middle man.

I find it hilarious that anyone who wants to defeat Clinton thinks that the solution is to vote-in the guy who buys and pays for Clinton.
trump is just looking for a way out. He never thought it was going to last this long. He figures, if I just keep saying off the wall, crazy shit, the voters will get so offended, they'll kill my campaign.

Clearly, he underestimates the stupidity of the right.

Your shit is so stupid it lowers my I.Q. just to read it.
Your IQ can't get any lower bi rat.

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