I find it very offensive.

Are you offended by what a teacher said about Michael Obama(err Michelle)

  • Yes, i am offended, because gorillas are much better looking.

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • Just a little, only because Michael and Barry both are racists who incite race riots

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not really, couldnt care less what Michelle is called, because she has called republicans names too

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • No. I cant be offended because it was a woman who bashed Michelle.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Atlanta school employee fired after racist Facebook post about Michelle Obama
ATLANTA -- Officials with a Georgia school district say an employee has been fired after she described first lady Michelle Obama as a gorilla on Facebook.

Forsyth County Schools said in a statement that elementary school paraprofessional Jane Wood Allen was fired Monday. The statement says“racism and discrimination are not tolerated” in the school district.
Why I find this offensive, is that some poor gorilla out in the world has been compared to the tranny in the White House. Gorillas are much better looking and peace loving, not out using the bully pulpit to incite race riots.

But if she had diddled a student the union would fight to save her job and the left would shrug.

Public schools are a hot mess.
And to think the OP comes from a conservative republican Christian? A member of the moral party, the party of church goers and patriots, who now sing the praise of a wife cheater, a sniffling draft dodger with fake bad feet, who criticizes women for their breast size, steals from a corrupt charity to buy paintings of himself, and pays no taxes to the nation that provides safety and opportunity for his sorry ass is their new savior and presidential candidate. You'd think you woke up in some alternate world. No folks, it is real.

I'm having fun. LOL The right has grown so hateful it is kinda sad, but hate gives meaning to empty lives.
I'd be careful what you say OP.

Wookies are notoriously short tempered...
But if she had diddled a student the union would fight to save her job and the left would shrug.

Public schools are a hot mess.
The Five States Where Teachers Unions Are Illegal Have The Lowest Test Scores In America*

Anything else stupid you'd like to add, Succubus?

Go shave your back....public schools are a mess. It's obvious you're a product of one, stupid as a stump, a dishonest hack and ignorant of the simplest things in life. And here you thought you were impressing me LMAO
But if she had diddled a student the union would fight to save her job and the left would shrug.

Public schools are a hot mess.
The Five States Where Teachers Unions Are Illegal Have The Lowest Test Scores In America*

Anything else stupid you'd like to add, Succubus?

Go shave your back....public schools are a mess. It's obvious you're a product of one, stupid as a stump, a dishonest hack and ignorant of the simplest things in life. And here you thought you were impressing me LMAO
Complain more about unions when the state of Georgia doesn't allow teacher unions at al, Succubus. :rofl: :rofl:
And to think the OP comes from a conservative republican Christian? A member of the moral party, the party of church goers and patriots, who now sing the praise of a wife cheater, a sniffling draft dodger with fake bad feet, who criticizes women for their breast size, steals from a corrupt charity to buy paintings of himself, and pays no taxes to the nation that provides safety and opportunity for his sorry ass is their new savior and presidential candidate. You'd think you woke up in some alternate world. No folks, it is real.

I'm having fun. LOL The right has grown so hateful it is kinda sad, but hate gives meaning to empty lives.
It was always an open secret how hypocritical the Christer Right was and is.
Islam is far right as well as some of the evangelical Christian banditti and their bands.
And to think the OP comes from a conservative republican Christian? A member of the moral party, the party of church goers and patriots, who now sing the praise of a wife cheater, a sniffling draft dodger with fake bad feet, who criticizes women for their breast size, steals from a corrupt charity to buy paintings of himself, and pays no taxes to the nation that provides safety and opportunity for his sorry ass is their new savior and presidential candidate. You'd think you woke up in some alternate world. No folks, it is real.

I'm having fun. LOL The right has grown so hateful it is kinda sad, but hate gives meaning to empty lives.
For what the bigoted Race Baiting duo in the white house, yeah, we have issues with those who have fundamentally transformed this once great nation into a cesspool of immorality and violence. Then dumbasses like you try the Rules for Radicals playbook on US. If you don't like hearing the truth, then take a flight to CUBA, we don't want your kind here. You little petulant spoiled baby, go cry me a river.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”

4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity."
andaronjim is a banner man for the alt right's war on America.
Yeah ,sure war on America.
Hope and change, how is that working out for you?
Fundamental transformation of America, have you noticed all the race riots going on today?
The oceans begin to lower and the planet starts to heal, anyone seen the middle east and Europe lately, all the death and destruction going on?
Redistribution of wealth - yeah with 8 years of Obama the Rich are MUCH richer and the most in poverty ever?
The only thing keeping your fucktards from completely ruining the US is the 2nd amendment, and that is why you are out RANTING and RAVING against US.

The monkeys in the white house will go down in history as the worst president and tranny to reside there. Nice going libidiots, you have another first(worst) that you can be proud of.
Michelle ain't no prize without her makeup.

Oprah too. Oprah definitely has the bug-eyed fishhead look of HP Lovecraft's Innsmouth.
Atlanta school employee fired after racist Facebook post about Michelle Obama
ATLANTA -- Officials with a Georgia school district say an employee has been fired after she described first lady Michelle Obama as a gorilla on Facebook.

Forsyth County Schools said in a statement that elementary school paraprofessional Jane Wood Allen was fired Monday. The statement says“racism and discrimination are not tolerated” in the school district.
Why I find this offensive, is that some poor gorilla out in the world has been compared to the tranny in the White House. Gorillas are much better looking and peace loving, not out using the bully pulpit to incite race riots.

when has Michelle incited a race riot? She is one of the classiest first ladies this country has had in a very long time
andaronjim is a banner man for the alt right's war on America.
Yeah ,sure war on America.
Hope and change, how is that working out for you?
Fundamental transformation of America, have you noticed all the race riots going on today?
The oceans begin to lower and the planet starts to heal, anyone seen the middle east and Europe lately, all the death and destruction going on?
Redistribution of wealth - yeah with 8 years of Obama the Rich are MUCH richer and the most in poverty ever?
The only thing keeping your fucktards from completely ruining the US is the 2nd amendment, and that is why you are out RANTING and RAVING against US.

The monkeys in the white house will go down in history as the worst president and tranny to reside there. Nice going libidiots, you have another first(worst) that you can be proud of.
Has any one come even close to the Bush record of having the lowest approval rating in American history?
Michelle has provoked no race riot.

The alt right opposes constructive legislation of the planet's health, sensible policies in the ME and Europe.

andaronjim's yelling about "wealth" leads a sensible person to suspect he is not doing well but will not look in the mirror for the reason.

No one is trying to take his guns.
Jake, come on, you and your liberal agenda wants the US to go up in flames, so out of the ashes you can bring a communist country to replace it, then the Utopian Society will be achieved. Of course Jake, hundreds of millions of US wont allow that to happen , so why don't you and your libidiots do all of US a favor and jet on over to Cuba. Now that it is open, go live your dream there. Liberals are the stupidest people in the universe.

A list of what the Cuban people CAN NOT do in Cuba | Havana Journal
A list of what the Cuban people CAN NOT do in Cuba.
andaronjim is a banner man for the alt right's war on America.
Yeah ,sure war on America.
Hope and change, how is that working out for you?
Fundamental transformation of America, have you noticed all the race riots going on today?
The oceans begin to lower and the planet starts to heal, anyone seen the middle east and Europe lately, all the death and destruction going on?
Redistribution of wealth - yeah with 8 years of Obama the Rich are MUCH richer and the most in poverty ever?
The only thing keeping your fucktards from completely ruining the US is the 2nd amendment, and that is why you are out RANTING and RAVING against US.

The monkeys in the white house will go down in history as the worst president and tranny to reside there. Nice going libidiots, you have another first(worst) that you can be proud of.
Has any one come even close to the Bush record of having the lowest approval rating in American history?
If the liberal news orgs were actual journalists, the record of the Obummers would be in the negatives. But as long as Chris Mathews has a thrill up his lead and sperm on his lips, the liars will prop up this failing admin until he leaves.
The andaronjims and the anarchists want America to go down, so the national socialists can build their version of a fascist America that is able to implement their crazy racial and cultural taboos.

Of course, the andaronjims make up less than 1/10th of 1% of Americans.

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