I Googled "Repub gives up 5% of salary

Big deal. Those rich 1%ers won't miss it. If they REALLY wanted to show solidarity with the furloughed workers, they would resign and go without a job. That's something I could get behind.
And if this was anything more than a cheap ploy, I'd be concerned about what the other idiots were doing...
Lots of nice words....that is what they have given.
i am amazed jumping bean pelosi hasn't done it yet to make points...... :lol:
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when Romney was governor he didn't take a salary either.
He had also stated he wouldn't take a salary if he were to become President.
lol, I said his cult members base would eat this stuff up

Kerry, one of the top ten RICHEST members in Congress by being a gigalo and marrying the Heinze Ketchup fortune is now donating 5%...



in 2010 Obama's taxable income was $1,728,096
$245,075 14.18% of his income as donations to charities (WOW a big chunk of change at 14%!!!) THIS IS A TAX LOOPHOLE
$49,945 home mortgage interest TAX LOOPHOLE
$122,527 Long term capital loss CARRYOVER!!! 7% sheltered income!!TAX LOOPHOLE TAX BREAKS FOR MILLIONAIRES AND BILLIONAIRES!!!
Taxes paid: $453,770 which is ONLY 26.26% of gross income.

Note Obama ONLY donated 14.18% of his $1.7 million income.

This 14% is nearly half what Bush donated @ 23%.
Bush who had $719,000 reported income which is HALF Obama's $1,728,096 income!!!

WHY didn't he do as Bush did, give 23% of an income?

President and Mrs. George W. Bush reported taxable income of $719, 274 for the tax year 2007
The Bushes contributed a total of $165,660 [23%] to churches and charitable organizations.
federal income taxes,paid $221,635 or 30%!
Bush earned $719,000 in 2007 - CNN.com

In summary Bush who made half what Obama did paid 30% in taxes while donating 23%.

Obama who made over double at $1.7 million to Bush's $.7 million But Obama paid less ( 26% ) in taxes and donated less then 14%!

And now with this $20k write off as a gift to the government, Obama will lower his tax bill by $7,250 in 2014!

BIG deal especially when his brother still lives in a $12 a year hut... and pious preacher Obama says "I'm my brother's keeper"???
If Obama had not come up with the sequester and then threatened to veto any legislation that crossed his desk that would have stopped the cuts from happening there would be no need for the 5% give up which might cover a tank of gas which has tripled in price since Obama took office in 2009.
So he gave back some of the money he saved not paying taxes on his yacht...big deal.

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