I Got Your Unity Right Here


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Outside of the economic libertarian element, this is what the 1960s-70s "liberals" were all about....More evidence that today's "progressives" have turned into everything that they proclaimed to hate a mere 50 years ago....

Outside of the economic libertarian element, this is what the 1960s-70s "liberals" were all about....More evidence that today's "progressives" have turned into everything that they proclaimed to hate a mere 50 years ago....

Did you look at the sponsors of the event?

The People's Party? A bunch of socialists. Look at their site. No wonder they support Putin.

The Stalinist International ANSWER is also organizing peace rallies. They use these rallies to recruit the useful idiots who attend to join their commie organization. They did the same thing during the Iraq War. They also formed a lot of front groups to hide their real intentions.



  • 1.png

    Not One More Penny for War in Ukraine​

  • 2.png

    Negotiate Peace​

  • 3.png

    Stop the War Inflation​

  • 4.png

    Disband NATO​

  • 5.png

    Global Nuclear De-Escalation​

  • 6.png

    Slash the Pentagon Budget​

  • 7.png

    Abolish the CIA and Military-Industrial Deep State​

  • 8.png

    Abolish War and Empire​

  • 9.png

    Restore Civil Liberties​

  • 10.png

    Free Julian Assange​

Outside of the economic libertarian element, this is what the 1960s-70s "liberals" were all about....More evidence that today's "progressives" have turned into everything that they proclaimed to hate a mere 50 years ago....

Only in your tiny little mind. Vietnam wasn't a just, or moral war. Helping Ukraine is both of those things
I can actually get behind quite a few of those demands ... I think America has donated more than enough blood and treasure to Europe and we don't own them one drop more of either.

Withdraw from NATO, withdraw from all overseas budgets. No more military aid to anyone.

Limit the role of the CIA to surveillance of overseas threats only. No direct action without Congressional approval.
Outside of the economic libertarian element, this is what the 1960s-70s "liberals" were all about....More evidence that today's "progressives" have turned into everything that they proclaimed to hate a mere 50 years ago....

Biden and Obama made Bush and Cheney look like peacenicks….and the only time the Left speaks out was to say “Thank you, Sir! May we please have another war”
I can actually get behind quite a few of those demands ... I think America has donated more than enough blood and treasure to Europe and we don't own them one drop more of either.

Withdraw from NATO, withdraw from all overseas budgets. No more military aid to anyone.

Limit the role of the CIA to surveillance of overseas threats only. No direct action without Congressional approval.

We withdraw from NATO, and Europe is gone. Good luck on ever getting a foothold on those Normandy beaches....
We're living in a time where traditionally-pacifist Democrats lecture us on why we should support their wars, where homosexuals lecture us on morality, transsexuals lecture us on human biology, baby-killers lecture us on human rights, socialists lecture us on economics, racists lecture us on racism, fascists lecture us on democracy, polluters lecture us on preserving the planet, and a dementia patient in the White House tells us how to think.
You people come up with the funniest shit.
Unfortunately they can’t think for themselves. They've become ignorant imperialists and authoritarians.

They claim to revere the Founders, but know nothing about them. Dupes!

“It is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to the provisions against danger, real or pretended, from abroad.”

“Of all the evils to public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops every other. War is the patent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes. And armies, and debts, and taxes, are the known instruments for bringing the many under the dominion of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds are added to those of subduing the force of the people! No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.”

“The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connexion as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop.”

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none."
We withdraw from NATO, and Europe is gone. Good luck on ever getting a foothold on those Normandy beaches....

Two things...

First, from what? Russia? For two years now, Russia, the most feared military power in Europe has thrown all it's might into conquering The Ukraine, the nation state equivalent of Appalachia with little to no success.

Second, do we care? Europeans take great delight in labeling us as "war mongers". But, Europe has seen fewer than 30 contiguous years of peace in the last 2,000. At what point do we, Americans, have to stop trying to get them to behave like the civilized folk they think they are and just let settle their own hash?

No one would criticize Japan, or Egypt for not being the global police force. When do we get to turn in our gun and badge and retire from that job?
Two things...

First, from what? Russia? For two years now, Russia, the most feared military power in Europe has thrown all it's might into conquering The Ukraine, the nation state equivalent of Appalachia with little to no success.

Second, do we care? Europeans take great delight in labeling us as "war mongers". But, Europe has seen fewer than 30 contiguous years of peace in the last 2,000. At what point do we, Americans, have to stop trying to get them to behave like the civilized folk they think they are and just let settle their own hash?

No one would criticize Japan, or Egypt for not being the global police force. When do we get to turn in our gun and badge and retire from that job?

Do you trust other countries to do the job? I don't.

Besides, we get to put our troops all over the globe because of it, and if shit goes down, we're already in a spot to start nipping it in the bud.
Do you trust other countries to do the job? I don't.

Besides, we get to put our troops all over the globe because of it, and if shit goes down, we're already in a spot to start nipping it in the bud.

Where is it written that we have to spend our treasure or spill the blood of our sons and daughters to nip THEIR problems in the bud?

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