"I had 4 abortions..." This is what radical leftists want for women!

Yet you guys “love” women so much you’d rather see them die than get an abortion. Or maybe you just think they are too stupid to make their own decisions over their own bodies and need you to intervene.

Some women are too stupid to make their own decisions.

But hey, I'm sort of thinking lately that most of these women are losers in life. And if they had a kid, the kid would probably be just as big a loser as his mom.

Most abortions come from welfare sponges in the hood. About 40% of the baby aborted are from da hood.
Most of the others are retarded white chicks on meth or some other drug.

I have no idea why the head of the RNC is in this story? But anyhow

Yeh, those leftists certainly love women, don't they?

Actually, they don't love anyone but themselves

and they don't do a good job of that, either
How many women have had four abortions?
There’s no such thing as a pregnant man.
Marion is very confused.

And BTW, that's so typical of Republicans: pick someone to admire who is a FAKE and a coward. Marion Morrison (John Wayne) was a WWII draft-dodger. Donald Trump was a Vietnam War draft-dodger.

I have no idea why the head of the RNC is in this story? But anyhow

Yeh, those leftists certainly love women, don't they?

Actually, they don't love anyone but themselves

and they don't do a good job of that, either

If a woman wants four abortions, why are small government people telling the government to get in their face?
I had a secretary that had so many abortions, she would run off to the clinic on her lunch hour, take two aspirin and go back to work.

The doctor told her that she had so much scar tissue she might not ever have a baby. If she did get pregnant, it would be her last chance.
Yet you guys “love” women so much you’d rather see them die than get an abortion. Or maybe you just think they are too stupid to make their own decisions over their own bodies and need you to intervene.
Sorry, there's no right to kill dependent humans. Regardless of how much you hate women.
What women are looking for is the right to make choices about their own bodies.

If it was about women making choices for their own bodies, then it would be a woman who gets an abortion, that dies from the procedure, instead of her innocent child.
If it was about women making choices for their own bodies, then it would be a woman who gets an abortion, that dies from the procedure, instead of her innocent child.

Nope. Bodily automoy is a woman making choices for her own body.

That's what the left wants. The choice of the use of their own body to be with each individual woman.

With the conservative position being they should never have that autonomy, that choice. Even if they were raped. Even if its incest. Even if its a 10 year old child.

No thank you.
Nope. Bodily automoy [sic] is a woman making choices for her own body.

It's not her own body that is killed by an abortion.

Doesn't the innocent child have any right to his “bodily autonomy”? He's the one whose life is on the line, whose life is being intentionally and maliciously targeted.

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