"I had 4 abortions..." This is what radical leftists want for women!

I have no idea why the head of the RNC is in this story? But anyhow

Yeh, those leftists certainly love women, don't they?

Actually, they don't love anyone but themselves

and they don't do a good job of that, either

What a sniveling coward of a woman.
That's an innocent human being, whose savage, cold-blooded murder you are defending.

Says you. A splitting cell meets no criteria for a human being. It can't see, think, move. Its the potential for a person.

And an actual person has the right to deny the use of her body to it.

Your ilk insist no woman should ever have that choice. That she MUST carry her rapist's baby. That she MUST do so even if she's raped as a child.

That's fucking evil that you're defending. I pray that your wife, your mother, your daughter or sister never have to face the consequences of the evil your ilk want to inflict on all women.
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Says you. A splitting cell meets no criteria for a human being. It can't see, think, move. Its the potential for a person.

And an actual person has the right to deny the use of her body to it.

Your ilk insist no woman should ever have that choice. That she MUST carry her rapist's baby. That she MUST do so even if she's raped as a child.

That's fucking evil that you're defending. I pray that your wife, your mother, your daughter or sister never have to face the consequences of the evil your ilk want to inflict on all women.

You defend the murders of innocent children. That leaves you in no credible position to call anyone else evil.
You defend the murders of innocent children. That leaves you in no credible position to call anyone else evil.
A mass of dividing cells is not a 'child'. Its the potential for one.

I prioritize actual people over potential ones. And bodily autonomy for women over your ilk trying to force women to have their rapists babies. Or forcing children to.

Girls as young as 10. And your ilk cheer.

You're evil.
In Neanderthal RED states.

33 states in all have feticide laws, here are those from the most "red" states

California Penal Code § 187(a) says, “Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being, or a fetus, with malice aforethought.

Illinois: The killing of an “unborn child” at any stage of pre-natal development is intentional homicide, voluntary manslaughter, or involuntary manslaughter or reckless homicide. Ill. Comp. Stat. ch. 720, §§5/9-1.2, 5/9-2.1, 5/9-3.2 (1993). Ill. Rev. Stat. ch. 720 § 5/12-3.1. A person commits battery of an unborn child if he intentionally or knowingly without legal justification and by any means causes bodily harm to an unborn child. Read with Ill. Rev. Stat. ch. 720 § 5/12-4.4

Michigan: The killing of an “unborn quick child” is manslaughter under Mich. Stat. Ann. § 28.555. The Supreme Court of Michigan interpreted this statute to apply to only those unborn children who are viable. Larkin v. Cahalan, 208 N.W.2d 176 (Mich. 1973). However, a separate Michigan law, effective Jan. 1, 1999, provides felony penalties for actions that intentionally, or in wanton or willful disregard for consequences, cause a “miscarriage or stillbirth,” or cause “aggravated physical injury to an embryo or fetus.”(M.C.L. 750.90a through 750.90f)

Massachusetts: The killing of an unborn child after viability is vehicular homicide. Commonwealth v. Cass, 467 N.E.2d 1324 (Mass. 1984). The killing of an unborn child after viability is involuntary manslaughter. Commonwealth v. Lawrence, 536 N.E.2d 571 (Mass. 1989).

New Hampshire: Under Senate Bill 66, signed on June 30, 2017, and effective January 1, 2018, a “fetus” may be a victim of the already-existing crimes of first-degree murder, second-degree murder, manslaughter, negligent homicide, and causing or aiding suicide (but not capital murder, i.e., a homicide offense subject to the death penalty), if the “fetus” victim has reached “the end of the twentieth week after conception or, in the case of in vitro fertilization, the end of the twentieth week after implantation, until birth.” This does not apply to “any act committed by the pregnant woman” or “at the request or direction of the pregnant woman or for the benefit of the pregnant woman,” nor does it apply to actions by a “medical professional in the course of . . . professional duties.” See RSA 630:1, 630:1-a, 630:1-b, 630:2, 630:3, and 630:4.

Rhode Island: The killing of an “unborn quick child” is manslaughter. The statute defines “quick child” to mean a viable child. R.I. Gen. Laws § 11-23-5 (1994).

Washington: The killing of an “unborn quick child” is manslaughter. Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 9A.32.060(1)(b) (West Supp. 1999).
For all of my life, up until 6 months ago, I felt the same exact way. But since genz has started protesting and radicalizing everything, add that to the crime rate, then I'm having second thoughts.
Most of these thug women that are having abortions, would only be giving birth to more thug kids. More dumbasses to protest, riot, smash & grab, rape, murder and plunder amongst the decent citizens.

In 2020, there were 930,000 abortions in the US. It's almost a guarantee that 2/3rd to 3/4th of them would be losers would spend a lot of their time creating victims or in prison or jail.

I'm thinking, the heartbeat law that DeSantis passed is spot on. No pain from the kid. No brain activity.
Thug women having thug kids, where do you idiots come from?
The sacrifice of one's first conceived child, is one of the holiest rites in Leftism
we only want choice

Pick one ...

I understand. Sometimes, I too would like to kill with impunity. However my basic humanity keeps me restrained...

Or sometimes you like to force children who were raped to give birth to their rapist's babies. Even if they were as young as 10 years old.

But I'll pass on that too thanks.

Bodily autonomy is what I'm looking for. Nothing more or less.

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