"I Had an Abortion"


Senior Member
Dec 5, 2011
I don't know how to post a picture so I have the link here. It's a picture of a so called feminist named Gloria Steinem, smiling face proudly wearing a t-shirt that reads "I Had an Abortion".

My first reaction was disbelief. Are you kidding me lady. Does she think that the picture glorifiying her Abortion makes her some type of heroine? This is what the picture really says.

Gloria Steinem is so irresponsible that she had unprotected sex,and they used a barbaric and obsolete practice to mercilessly hack to death an unborn child because she couldn't face the consequences of her actions. That's pro choice for you.

I want you to notice that pro choice advocates only give you one choice, abortion. A real feminist knows she has many choices and that abortion isn't one of them. A real feminist respects her body enough to not have it used as a "c*m dumptser". She chooses her man carefully and demands he uses a condom if they are not exclusive as extra protection against pregnancy and disease. She uses birthcontrol to ensure she doesn't have an unwanted pregnancy. She isn't Pro choice, she is pro choices,has a brain and uses it. Should she find herself pregnant she excepts the consequences of her actions. She knows from the start that if she isn't ready to except the consequences of her actions then maybe she isn't ready to have sex in the first place.

Gloria Steinem should hang her head in shame. She's a poor example for women to follow and too stupid to realize it.

gloria steinem i had an abortion - Bing Images
It is very common today for women to authenticate themselves by claiming they had an abortion even if they never had one.
Gloria, like any good Jewish business person, has made a mint off selling the degradation of womanhood and furthering the destruction of society.

Sell the Holocaust™ or sell Feminism™ and line your pockets with the shekels of the goyim. It's a win win.
It is very common today for women to authenticate themselves by claiming they had an abortion even if they never had one.

I have never met such a person, Katz. I find this statement to be quite "out there"... I highly doubt that any woman is "proud" of having had an abortion, Katz.

The women I have spoken to feel enough shame for you and me both and do not need to be shamed further over it. What they need is healing, mercy, love, comfort, they need to hear Jesus asking them, where are your accusers, woman? Go and sin no more. That is what they need to hear. Not condemnation and wrath. That is not helping anyone and as for Gloria Steinham - I did not look at the photograph nor will I. Pray for the woman and stop judging her. If you are a Christian you should know that in 1 Corinthinians 5: 12 Paul makes it very clear we are not to "judge the World" but rather those inside the church who are destroying it by their own sin. Paul makes it clear that we are NOT to judge the world because that is not our place. God will judge the world. The bible says so.
Gloria, like any good Jewish business person, has made a mint off selling the degradation of womanhood and furthering the destruction of society.

Sell the Holocaust™ or sell Feminism™ and line your pockets with the shekels of the goyim. It's a win win.

God has not called you to judge the Jews, Penny. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. That is what the the Lord requires of each of us.
Gloria, like any good Jewish business person, has made a mint off selling the degradation of womanhood and furthering the destruction of society.

Sell the Holocaust™ or sell Feminism™ and line your pockets with the shekels of the goyim. It's a win win.

it's unfortunate that people believe this is feminism cause it's not. I guess that's what you get when you have a culture that accepts everything the liberal media says without question. Libbers are so busy trying to keep Roe v Wade alive that they never stop to think about the implications of what abortion on demand says about their skewed thinking. Abortion shouldn't even be an issue because it's obsolete. It's like taking away an I phone 5 and handing that person a rotary dial phone attached to a wall. There are better ways not to get pregnant and they have been around longer than abortion has so why Abortion was ever considered necessary IDK. Laziness?

Lifers if you want to get rid of abortion it's simple. Drop the religious aspect(see Mathew 7:6) you can't force someone whose eyes are not open to see. We need to approach it from a secular point ot view. This way the message reaches all women at whatever level of life they are at. Point out to the girls the multiple ways of not getting pregnant including the pill whether you agree with personally it or not. Show the girls that they run the show and have a right not ot have sex if they are uncomfortable or to demand the man be responisble too and use a condom. Teach the girls that abortion is not good for their body and they should at all times respect thier body and that abortion = major fail.

One more thing, for heaven sakes ladies dress a little better. If you don't want a man to treat you like a sex object, don't dress like one. Seriously, the guy is going to follow your lead,if you look like "a ho" than he will treat you like one. If you look like a well put together lady he will treat you like one. If he doesn't, dump him, the choice is yours. Demand the respect you deserve, that's real feminism.
I don't know how to post a picture so I have the link here. It's a picture of a so called feminist named Gloria Steinem, smiling face proudly wearing a t-shirt that reads "I Had an Abortion".

My first reaction was disbelief. Are you kidding me lady. Does she think that the picture glorifiying her Abortion makes her some type of heroine? This is what the picture really says.

Gloria Steinem is so irresponsible that she had unprotected sex,and they used a barbaric and obsolete practice to mercilessly hack to death an unborn child because she couldn't face the consequences of her actions. That's pro choice for you.

I want you to notice that pro choice advocates only give you one choice, abortion. A real feminist knows she has many choices and that abortion isn't one of them. A real feminist respects her body enough to not have it used as a "c*m dumptser". She chooses her man carefully and demands he uses a condom if they are not exclusive as extra protection against pregnancy and disease. She uses birthcontrol to ensure she doesn't have an unwanted pregnancy. She isn't Pro choice, she is pro choices,has a brain and uses it. Should she find herself pregnant she excepts the consequences of her actions. She knows from the start that if she isn't ready to except the consequences of her actions then maybe she isn't ready to have sex in the first place.

Gloria Steinem should hang her head in shame. She's a poor example for women to follow and too stupid to realize it.

Karen Santorum should hang her head in shame. She's a poor example for women to follow and too stupid to realize it.

The reason why either woman chose an abortion is none of your business.
One more thing, for heaven sakes ladies dress a little better.

Do you understand that you come across as a creepy obsessive control freak? Spending your days obsessing about women who dare have sex in a manner you disapprove of is just weird and pervy. Find some other hobby.

Did you read the whole post? And the other things he has written. He really is creepy.
laughinreaper and koshergrl are made for each other: creepy and creepier.
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I don't know how to post a picture so I have the link here. It's a picture of a so called feminist named Gloria Steinem, smiling face proudly wearing a t-shirt that reads "I Had an Abortion".

My first reaction was disbelief. Are you kidding me lady. Does she think that the picture glorifiying her Abortion makes her some type of heroine? This is what the picture really says.

Gloria Steinem is so irresponsible that she had unprotected sex,and they used a barbaric and obsolete practice to mercilessly hack to death an unborn child because she couldn't face the consequences of her actions. That's pro choice for you.

I want you to notice that pro choice advocates only give you one choice, abortion. A real feminist knows she has many choices and that abortion isn't one of them. A real feminist respects her body enough to not have it used as a "c*m dumptser". She chooses her man carefully and demands he uses a condom if they are not exclusive as extra protection against pregnancy and disease. She uses birthcontrol to ensure she doesn't have an unwanted pregnancy. She isn't Pro choice, she is pro choices,has a brain and uses it. Should she find herself pregnant she excepts the consequences of her actions. She knows from the start that if she isn't ready to except the consequences of her actions then maybe she isn't ready to have sex in the first place.

Gloria Steinem should hang her head in shame. She's a poor example for women to follow and too stupid to realize it.

gloria steinem i had an abortion - Bing Images

You have to realize, that those brainless vaginas with vocal cords are not human.
they do not have empathy, kindness or responsibility toward the weak and dependent.
all they care is "me, me, me" and at the end it is coming the full circle and hits them with double force( karma law)

Abortion Contributes to Increased Suicide Rates Among Young Women
Abortion Contributes to Increased Suicide Rates Among Young Women | LifeNews.com
Suicide Rate Higher After Abortion, Study Shows | After Abortion

Elliot Institute Presents New Findings at International Women’s Health Conference

A new Elliot Institute study has found that women who have had abortions are more likely to commit suicide than those who have given birth.

The study examined Medi-Cal records for more than 173,000 low-income California women who had abortions or gave birth in 1989. Linking these records to death certificates, the researchers found that women who had state-funded abortions were 2.6 times more likely to die of suicide compared to women who delivered their babies.

The average annual suicide rate per 100,000 women was 3.0 for delivering women, compared to 7.8 for aborting women. The national average suicide rate for women between the ages of 15 and 44 is 5.2 per 100,000 women. This shows that aborted women have a higher suicide rate than women in general, while giving birth actually reduces women’s suicide risk.

Abortion and mental health: quantitative synthesis and analysis of research published 1995?2009

Results Women who had undergone an abortion experienced an 81% increased risk of mental health problems, and nearly 10% of the incidence of mental health problems was shown to be attributable to abortion. The strongest subgroup estimates of increased risk occurred when abortion was compared with term pregnancy and when the outcomes pertained to substance use and suicidal behaviour.

Conclusions This review offers the largest quantitative estimate of mental health risks associated with abortion available in the world literature. Calling into question the conclusions from traditional reviews, the results revealed a moderate to highly increased risk of mental health problems after abortion. Consistent with the tenets of evidence-based medicine, this information should inform the delivery of abortion services.
I don't know how to post a picture so I have the link here. It's a picture of a so called feminist named Gloria Steinem, smiling face proudly wearing a t-shirt that reads "I Had an Abortion".

My first reaction was disbelief. Are you kidding me lady. Does she think that the picture glorifiying her Abortion makes her some type of heroine? This is what the picture really says.

Gloria Steinem is so irresponsible that she had unprotected sex,and they used a barbaric and obsolete practice to mercilessly hack to death an unborn child because she couldn't face the consequences of her actions. That's pro choice for you.

I want you to notice that pro choice advocates only give you one choice, abortion. A real feminist knows she has many choices and that abortion isn't one of them. A real feminist respects her body enough to not have it used as a "c*m dumptser". She chooses her man carefully and demands he uses a condom if they are not exclusive as extra protection against pregnancy and disease. She uses birthcontrol to ensure she doesn't have an unwanted pregnancy. She isn't Pro choice, she is pro choices,has a brain and uses it. Should she find herself pregnant she excepts the consequences of her actions. She knows from the start that if she isn't ready to except the consequences of her actions then maybe she isn't ready to have sex in the first place.

Gloria Steinem should hang her head in shame. She's a poor example for women to follow and too stupid to realize it.

Karen Santorum should hang her head in shame. She's a poor example for women to follow and too stupid to realize it.

The reason why either woman chose an abortion is none of your business.

it becomes my business when she makes a public statement that she parades around on a T shirt no less, like it's a trivia matter when it's not. It becomes my business when people call her a feminist and she parades around in that shirt because it sends the wrong message. Gloria Steinem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm here to say she wears clown shoes and doesn't represent real feminists. I don't give a flying fuck about Karen Santorum. If she starts wearing a I had an abortion T shirt like it's something females should be proud of, then I'll ride her ass too.
One more thing, for heaven sakes ladies dress a little better.

Do you understand that you come across as a creepy obsessive control freak? Spending your days obsessing about women who dare have sex in a manner you disapprove of is just weird and pervy. Find some other hobby.

Really? what did I say that you disagree with? Oh I see, your offended because I asked women demand something better not to be sex objects and c*m dumpsters for womanizing men? Well I guess that explains what YOUR hobby is.:clap2:

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