I had my surgery

I had the new introcept procedure in Phoenix for chronic low back pain.

The dr said it would help me 60 percent

Unfortunately it’s only 30 percent 😫😫

My low back is far stronger and more stable
. The pain is still there 😖😖

I think you still have to do the rehab and physical therapy that is prescribed after the surgery to get the full effect desired.

My mum was pleased with her hip replacement after she did it- really felt that it relieved her pain. They can do a lot with your orthopedic surgery nowadays.
I had the new introcept procedure in Phoenix for chronic low back pain.

The dr said it would help me 60 percent

Unfortunately it’s only 30 percent 😫😫

My low back is far stronger and more stable
. The pain is still there 😖😖
L4/ruptured disc?
I had the new introcept procedure in Phoenix for chronic low back pain.

The dr said it would help me 60 percent

Unfortunately it’s only 30 percent 😫😫

My low back is far stronger and more stable
. The pain is still there 😖😖

The pain is also in your brain. It's "remembered" pain--it's like a well-worn neural pathway.

You can actually retrain your brain to minimize your pain. Look into Curable. It has an app.
I had the new introcept procedure in Phoenix for chronic low back pain.

The dr said it would help me 60 percent

Unfortunately it’s only 30 percent 😫😫

My low back is far stronger and more stable
. The pain is still there 😖😖
Just chill out and relax for a little while. It's back surgery. You've got to let it heal or you will be a repeat customer.

Do you enjoy back surgery?
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Logically, OP , they may have identified the wrong nerve or not seen that your problem was / is caused by two or more nerves .

Have you investigated that possibility ?
I had the new introcept procedure in Phoenix for chronic low back pain.

The dr said it would help me 60 percent

Unfortunately it’s only 30 percent 😫😫

My low back is far stronger and more stable
. The pain is still there 😖😖
What exactly was the surgery? I had surgery on my back too. I was getting nerve pain down my leg. One of the cushions between my disks was blown out so the nerve was smashed between two disks. They basically bore out the bone to make a little tunnel for the nerve to sit in so it wasnt being squished anymore.

It took about year to fully recover from it. It was the muscles that took time to get back to normal. They have to cut your lumbar muscles just to get to the spine. Until you can get those core muscles back in shape, you will continue to have issues. I started with walks and then eventually worked my way up to riding a bike. I also went through a lot of physical therapy which was basically just a bunch of exercises for your legs, back and also upper body. Lots of squatting and whatnot.

The stronger you get your core, the less nerve pain there is.
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I think you still have to do the rehab and physical therapy that is prescribed after the surgery to get the full effect desired.

My mum was pleased with her hip replacement after she did it- really felt that it relieved her pain. They can do a lot with your orthopedic surgery nowadays.
Yep, it took months of rehab to get my core into shape. Now im pretty darned good.
Did you get the feeling of an electric cattle prod poking you on the outside of one of your thighs @ times???
Yep. It got really bad eventually. I have very little nerve pain now though after the surgery.
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I had the new introcept procedure in Phoenix for chronic low back pain.

The dr said it would help me 60 percent

Unfortunately it’s only 30 percent 😫😫

My low back is far stronger and more stable
. The pain is still there 😖😖
I pray you get back to normal in no time. Have you thought of getting an epidural for your pain?
I think you still have to do the rehab and physical therapy that is prescribed after the surgery to get the full effect desired.

My mum was pleased with her hip replacement after she did it- really felt that it relieved her pain. They can do a lot with your orthopedic surgery nowadays.
An older lady friend had hip replacement surgery earlier this year. She says it feel so natural now that she forgets she had it done.

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