I Hate All Muslims, And Here's Why ~

The scary fact is that the strategy of the Islamic terrorists IS TO MAKE THIS A RELIGIOUS WAR.
Bush spoke of that after 911.
They want badly to make this a war of ideology and religion.
Sadly many Christian Americans have taken the bait.
Not all Muslims are terrorists but MOST all terrorists are Muslims.
And our defense rightly is geared towards that in foreign policy.
But that in no way suggests all Muslims advocate violence.

Oh really? In what context? Is there a terrorism religion scoreboard somewhere?

:link: ?

I just wonder, since the only terrorists that have personally crossed my path have been Christian. Not that that indicates anything by itself either...
The scary fact is that the strategy of the Islamic terrorists IS TO MAKE THIS A RELIGIOUS WAR.
Bush spoke of that after 911.
They want badly to make this a war of ideology and religion.
Sadly many Christian Americans have taken the bait.

Indeed. Hook, line and sinker it seems. A few in this very thread have bent over backward to make sure these terrorists get exactly that wish.
Not all Muslims are terrorists but MOST all terrorists are Muslims.
And our defense rightly is geared towards that in foreign policy.
But that in no way suggests all Muslims advocate violence.

Oh really? In what context? Is there a terrorism religion scoreboard somewhere?

:link: ?

I just wonder, since the only terrorists that have personally crossed my path have been Christian. Not that that indicates anything by itself either...

Well, let us look at facts:
In Iraq how many terrorist attacks in the last 10 years and from what religion?:
Muslim 88 Christian or other 0
Civilian deaths from Muslim terrorists there in the tens of thousands.
In Afghanistan how many terrorist attacks in the last 10 years?
Muslim 132 Christian or other 0
Civilian deaths in the tens of thousands from Muslim terrorists
Workdwide terrorist attacks over the last 10 years:
2003 Muslim terrorist attacks worldwide other than Iraq and Afghanistan:
Muslims 43 Other: drug cartels 6
2004 Muslims more than 2003
Same up until the present.

Again, NOT all Muslims are terrorists, in fact a small %
But MOST ALL terrorists are Muslims, by a large %.
Facts may not jive with your ideological biases but they are FACTS.
Not all Muslims are terrorists but MOST all terrorists are Muslims.
And our defense rightly is geared towards that in foreign policy.
But that in no way suggests all Muslims advocate violence.

Oh really? In what context? Is there a terrorism religion scoreboard somewhere?

:link: ?

I just wonder, since the only terrorists that have personally crossed my path have been Christian. Not that that indicates anything by itself either...

Well, let us look at facts:
In Iraq how many terrorist attacks in the last 10 years and from what religion?:
Muslim 88 Christian or other 0
Civilian deaths from Muslim terrorists there in the tens of thousands.
In Afghanistan how many terrorist attacks in the last 10 years?
Muslim 132 Christian or other 0
Civilian deaths in the tens of thousands from Muslim terrorists
Workdwide terrorist attacks over the last 10 years:
2003 Muslim terrorist attacks worldwide other than Iraq and Afghanistan:
Muslims 43 Other: drug cartels 6
2004 Muslims more than 2003
Same up until the present.

Again, NOT all Muslims are terrorists, in fact a small %
But MOST ALL terrorists are Muslims, by a large %.
Facts may not jive with your ideological biases but they are FACTS.

Whoa there deputy. Did you not see the :link: symbol up there? Where are you getting these numbers?

So you want to pick out (hearsay) incidents in Muslim countries, and then conclude that --who knew-- the terrorists are Muslim? Now who saw that coming, huh? :bang3:

As long as you're making them up, where are your numbers for terrorism in the U.S.? I mean, seeing as how it's where we live...? Or would that upset the theory?
Specifically, look up Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolph, John Salvi, Shelly Shannon, Matt Goldsby, Jimmy Simmons, Kathy Simmons, Kaye Wiggins, Martin Uphoff, David McMenemey, Father John Earl, James Kopp, Clayton Waagner, the Army of God, Hutaree, the KKK and Tim McVeigh. I'm pretty sure there's not a single Muslim among them.

Just sayin'...
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Oh really? In what context? Is there a terrorism religion scoreboard somewhere?

:link: ?

I just wonder, since the only terrorists that have personally crossed my path have been Christian. Not that that indicates anything by itself either...

Well, let us look at facts:
In Iraq how many terrorist attacks in the last 10 years and from what religion?:
Muslim 88 Christian or other 0
Civilian deaths from Muslim terrorists there in the tens of thousands.
In Afghanistan how many terrorist attacks in the last 10 years?
Muslim 132 Christian or other 0
Civilian deaths in the tens of thousands from Muslim terrorists
Workdwide terrorist attacks over the last 10 years:
2003 Muslim terrorist attacks worldwide other than Iraq and Afghanistan:
Muslims 43 Other: drug cartels 6
2004 Muslims more than 2003
Same up until the present.

Again, NOT all Muslims are terrorists, in fact a small %
But MOST ALL terrorists are Muslims, by a large %.
Facts may not jive with your ideological biases but they are FACTS.

Whoa there deputy. Did you not see the :link: symbol up there? Where are you getting these numbers?

So you want to pick out (hearsay) incidents in Muslim countries, and then conclude that --who knew-- the terrorists are Muslim? Now who saw that coming, huh? :bang3:

As long as you're making them up, where are your numbers for terrorism in the U.S.? I mean, seeing as how it's where we live...? Or would that upset the theory?
Specifically, look up Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolph, John Salvi, Shelly Shannon, Matt Goldsby, Jimmy Simmons, Kathy Simmons, Kaye Wiggins, Martin Uphoff, David McMenemey, Father John Earl, James Kopp, Clayton Waagner, the Army of God, Hutaree, the KKK and Tim McVeigh. I'm pretty sure there's not a single Muslim among them.

Just sayin'...

Generic Wikipedia I would bet $1000 has that and possibly more.
Go there and, research on your own and learn.
NEVER rely on links as links are ALWAYS biased.
I have a link that proves without any doubt whatsoever, after all it is a link, that Elvis is alive in Hahira, Ga. working the night shift at Church St. Waffle House.
Scattered, covered, chunked, topped, diced and PLASTERED.
It is a link and links have to be true.
Well, let us look at facts:
In Iraq how many terrorist attacks in the last 10 years and from what religion?:
Muslim 88 Christian or other 0
Civilian deaths from Muslim terrorists there in the tens of thousands.
In Afghanistan how many terrorist attacks in the last 10 years?
Muslim 132 Christian or other 0
Civilian deaths in the tens of thousands from Muslim terrorists
Workdwide terrorist attacks over the last 10 years:
2003 Muslim terrorist attacks worldwide other than Iraq and Afghanistan:
Muslims 43 Other: drug cartels 6
2004 Muslims more than 2003
Same up until the present.

Again, NOT all Muslims are terrorists, in fact a small %
But MOST ALL terrorists are Muslims, by a large %.
Facts may not jive with your ideological biases but they are FACTS.

Whoa there deputy. Did you not see the :link: symbol up there? Where are you getting these numbers?

So you want to pick out (hearsay) incidents in Muslim countries, and then conclude that --who knew-- the terrorists are Muslim? Now who saw that coming, huh? :bang3:

As long as you're making them up, where are your numbers for terrorism in the U.S.? I mean, seeing as how it's where we live...? Or would that upset the theory?
Specifically, look up Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolph, John Salvi, Shelly Shannon, Matt Goldsby, Jimmy Simmons, Kathy Simmons, Kaye Wiggins, Martin Uphoff, David McMenemey, Father John Earl, James Kopp, Clayton Waagner, the Army of God, Hutaree, the KKK and Tim McVeigh. I'm pretty sure there's not a single Muslim among them.

Just sayin'...

Generic Wikipedia I would bet $1000 has that and possibly more.
Go there and, research on your own and learn.
NEVER rely on links as links are ALWAYS biased.
I have a link that proves without any doubt whatsoever, after all it is a link, that Elvis is alive in Hahira, Ga. working the night shift at Church St. Waffle House.
Scattered, covered, chunked, topped, diced and PLASTERED.
It is a link and links have to be true.


You guys that think you can just make shit up and then it's somebody else's job to do your homework, you kill me.

"Never rely on links"!!? Too funny. I might copy that one into my signature. It's a classic.

I hate to say it but you're a fraud. I hate to say it because you made good points about religious bigotry, but you just eradicated whatever credibility you might have garnered by getting rid of Bilko. You just admitted you made it all up.

The scary fact is that the strategy of the Islamic terrorists IS TO MAKE THIS A RELIGIOUS WAR.
Bush spoke of that after 911.
They want badly to make this a war of ideology and religion.
Sadly many Christian Americans have taken the bait.

Im curious how you think making it a war of idealogy and religion benefits the terrorists.
I think it is funny when Christians talk so bad about Islam. Sure, Islam has a stereo-type.. No doubt. But that is the radicals.. Not everyone. Hey Christians, you ever read the Old Testament? God was a ruthless killer. How is that any different? You have a New Test. that makes him seem all good except for the few stories that made him look like a tyrant. Christianity is just as bad, you just do not have as many radicals.. Evolved, if you will.. But still your religion is no better.
The scary fact is that the strategy of the Islamic terrorists IS TO MAKE THIS A RELIGIOUS WAR.
Bush spoke of that after 911.
They want badly to make this a war of ideology and religion.
Sadly many Christian Americans have taken the bait.

Im curious how you think making it a war of idealogy and religion benefits the terrorists.

They're trying to make the whole world sharia and muslim.

That's the most paranoid gibberish one can spout.....:D

Thanks Ahmed.

The day I saw 248 girls suffering genital mutilation

In 2006, while in Indonesia and six months pregnant, Abigail Haworth became one of the few journalists ever to see young girls being 'circumcised'. Until now she has been unable to tell this shocking story

The day I saw 248 girls suffering genital mutilation | Society | The Observer

Islam is just a peach.

It is well established that female genital mutilation (FGM) is not required in Muslim law. It is an ancient cultural practice that existed before Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

Oh look, the link says it's nothing to do with Islam.
It's also a lie.
I happen to know that many babies are illegally, sorry, didn't anyone mention it's illegal in Indonesia? but older girls are NEVER cut.

Boys are chopped at puberty.

I'm strongly against this being done to girls and I made it very clear it wasn't to happen to my daughter.
Not all Muslims are terrorists but MOST all terrorists are Muslims.
And our defense rightly is geared towards that in foreign policy.
But that in no way suggests all Muslims advocate violence.

Not all Nazi's were concentration camp guards, yet we still recognize that Nazism is evil. People have an innate aversion to doing evil. Most Muslims do no engage in what the the Koran commands, only a small percentage do. Yet the source of those who do engage in evil is the Koran.
With the ongoing... | Facebook

With the ongoing Islamic radicalisation, Female Genital Mutilation continues is getting worse and worse in Indonesia - with strong support of the government:

But it's illegal here.

Between 86% and 100% of girls in Indonesia are subjected to Female Genital Mutilation

Muslim thing is it?
Indonesia is 86% Muslim so everyone must be doing it.

Bloody Christians.
Oh really? In what context? Is there a terrorism religion scoreboard somewhere?

:link: ?

I just wonder, since the only terrorists that have personally crossed my path have been Christian. Not that that indicates anything by itself either...

Yeah, but you're a brainless fucknut.

In fucknut world, this is a "Christian Terrorist."


Where this is a peaceful demonstration;

I think it is funny when Christians talk so bad about Islam. Sure, Islam has a stereo-type.. No doubt. But that is the radicals.. Not everyone. Hey Christians, you ever read the Old Testament? God was a ruthless killer. How is that any different? You have a New Test. that makes him seem all good except for the few stories that made him look like a tyrant. Christianity is just as bad, you just do not have as many radicals.. Evolved, if you will.. But still your religion is no better.

Islam is a clear an present danger. Tens of thousands are murdered for Islam each year. Zero are killed for Christianity. What Jews may or may not have done 6,000 years ago is of little concern to me. What Muslims did yesterday and are planning tomorrow, is.
I think it is funny when Christians talk so bad about Islam. Sure, Islam has a stereo-type.. No doubt. But that is the radicals.. Not everyone. Hey Christians, you ever read the Old Testament? God was a ruthless killer. How is that any different? You have a New Test. that makes him seem all good except for the few stories that made him look like a tyrant. Christianity is just as bad, you just do not have as many radicals.. Evolved, if you will.. But still your religion is no better.

Good point. Christianity has had 600 more years to evolve than Islam. What were Christians doing 600 years ago? Counting how many angels fit on the head of a pin and burning witches at the stake.
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The scary fact is that the strategy of the Islamic terrorists IS TO MAKE THIS A RELIGIOUS WAR.
Bush spoke of that after 911.
They want badly to make this a war of ideology and religion.
Sadly many Christian Americans have taken the bait.

Im curious how you think making it a war of idealogy and religion benefits the terrorists.

It makes it far easier to recruit followers when the enemy is waging war against their religion.
I think it is funny when Christians talk so bad about Islam. Sure, Islam has a stereo-type.. No doubt. But that is the radicals.. Not everyone. Hey Christians, you ever read the Old Testament? God was a ruthless killer. How is that any different? You have a New Test. that makes him seem all good except for the few stories that made him look like a tyrant. Christianity is just as bad, you just do not have as many radicals.. Evolved, if you will.. But still your religion is no better.

Good point. Christianity has had 600 more years to evolve than Islam. What were Christians doing 600 years ago? Counting how many angels fit on the head of a pen and burning witches at the stake.

Islam is about the same place that christianity was during the 1400's, no doubt about it.
Good point. Christianity has had 600 more years to evolve than Islam. What were Christians doing 600 years ago? Counting how many angels fit on the head of a pen and burning witches at the stake.

Then in 600 years, Islam will be fit to exist in a civilized world, but today it isn't.

Who are you? Muslims in their countries should have their own sovereignty and choose the way they want to be. That's none of your business, why does it bother you?

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