I Hate All Muslims, And Here's Why ~

Despite what reactionaries might want, we are not at war with Islam, therefore Muslims are not the enemy.

You of the left are at war with the United States Constitution. You turn to radical Islam as ally due to the common enemy.

As for the rest of this post, well it's certainly your right to hold these opinions.

I just point up the fraud in claims by the left that they support "gay rights" "womens rights" etc. The left supports no rights, for anyone.

I'm in the Army and have been deployed three time to war zones in Iraq to defend the constitution.

But hey, don't let facts get in the way of your trite little talking points and empty right wing slogans.

And you've actually been to a Muslim country...unlike him....:cool:
That's cultural, not Islamic.


Yeah, I mean LOTS of "cultures" other than Muslims do this. There are, um, and um, well....

Nowhere is it found in either the Koran or Hadith.

There is a Muslim who is not a shameless liar. He may be recognized as he sits upon a Unicorn,...

{ "a woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. Muhammad said to her, 'Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband.'"} Hadith al Bukhari

{ The Prophet said:"When a man sits between the four parts (arms and legs of his wife) and the two circumcised parts meet, then ghusl[specify] is obligatory."} Hadith Ayisha 349

{SULAIMANI, Iraqi Kurdistan: The Imam of Hajji Osman Alaf Mosque in Iraqi Kurdistan’s second largest city, Sulaimani, has told his followers that anyone who believes female circumcision is not a recommendation from the prophet Mohammed is “ignorant.”

During his Friday sermon on December 3rd, Imam Mala Yassin Hakim Piskandi said female circumcision was a “Sunnah," a term used to refer to the practices carried out or recommended by Mohammed, the prophet of Islam. }

Rudaw.net - English - Cleric Says Female Circumcision Recommended by Islam

But you do the same thing everytime no matter how many times it is refuted. You hate muslims and look for every reason. And then you tell us we should be thankful you only said you hate Islam. Ha Ha Ha!

You've yet to "refute" anything. You shamelessly lie, and when exposed you storm off in a huff.

I've repeatedly said that 95% of Muslims are just normal people, to hate them would be stupid. Yes, I recognize that Islam is evil, just as I recognize "Mein Kampf" is evil.

Christians teach that the evil in men like Hitler, Pol Pot, and Muhammad is the result of demons. It's interesting the Muhammad himself declared that a demon was the source of his power..

Of course, I put no faith in devils or gods. Muhammad was a sociopath who lacked the brain structure that inhibits the kind of evil he engaged in, in normal people.

{Now the apostle was anxious for the welfare of his people, wishing to attract them as far as he could. . . . When the apostle saw that his people turned their backs on him and he was pained by their estrangement from what he brought them from God he longed that there should come to him from God a message that would reconcile his people to him. Because of his love for his people and his anxiety over them it would delight him if the obstacle that made his task so difficult could be removed. . . . Then God sent down "By the star when it sets your comrade errs not and is not deceived, he speaks not from his own desire," and when he reached His words "Have you thought of al-Lat and al-Uzza and Manat the third, the other", Satan, when he was meditating upon it, and desiring to bring it to his people, put upon his tongue "these are the exalted Gharaniq [Numidian cranes] whose intercession is approved." When the Quraysh heard that, they were delighted and greatly pleased at the way in which he spoke of their gods and they listened to him; while the believers were holding that what their prophet brought them from their Lord was true, not suspecting a mistake or a vain desire or a slip, and when he reached the prostration and the end of the Sura in which he prostrated himself the Muslims prostrated themselves when their prophet prostrated confirming what he brought and obeying his command, and the polytheists of Quraysh and others who were in the mosque prostrated when they heard the mention of their gods, so that everyone in the mosque believer and unbeliever prostrated . . . Then the people dispersed and the Quraysh went out, delighted at what had been said about their gods, saying, "Muhammad has spoken of our gods in splendid fashion. He alleged in what he read that they are the exalted Gharaniq whose intercession is approved."} The Satanic Verses
No that's not what I meant, because a Kurdish cleric said so that means he completely refutes that accepted stance. Where other hadiths our Prophet did tell us to not do it. So you're just diggin around to find two clerics who support it, yet ignoring the millions who stand against it. Wow, you got me there.

No, Islam is not evil, whatever that means, it's about purity and speech. Worshipping. To you it's something else and you always come to the defense of Christianity but you tell us you're agnostic. Even though you told me you were a Mormon.

Copy and paste won't win your debates for you, you haven't even sourced the second part. And somehow the second part is 'satanic'. Whatever that means.
Despite what reactionaries might want, we are not at war with Islam, therefore Muslims are not the enemy.

You of the left are at war with the United States Constitution. You turn to radical Islam as ally due to the common enemy.

As for the rest of this post, well it's certainly your right to hold these opinions.

I just point up the fraud in claims by the left that they support "gay rights" "womens rights" etc. The left supports no rights, for anyone.

I'm in the Army and have been deployed three time to war zones in Iraq to defend the constitution.

But hey, don't let facts get in the way of your trite little talking points and empty right wing slogans.

To defend whose constitution? Haliburton?
No that's not what I meant, because a Kurdish cleric said so that means he completely refutes that accepted stance.

You flat our lie about the "accepted stance" and depend on the ignorance of your audience. You have contempt for the Kafir and think we are all stupid like ArmyCowboy, blindly accepting any bullshit without critical examination.

Where other hadiths our Prophet did tell us to not do it. So you're just diggin around to find two clerics who support it, yet ignoring the millions who stand against it. Wow, you got me there.



{ "a woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. Muhammad said to her, 'Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband.'"} Hadith al Bukhari

{ The Prophet said:"When a man sits between the four parts (arms and legs of his wife) and the two circumcised parts meet, then ghusl[specify] is obligatory."} Hadith Ayisha 349

The Warlord Muhammad promoted genital mutilation. You know this, but were hoping to lie your way out of it.

No, Islam is not evil,

Islam is pure evil. It is the festering disease of a brutal Warlord that brings death and misery to all it touches.

whatever that means, it's about purity and speech. Worshipping. To you it's something else and you always come to the defense of Christianity but you tell us you're agnostic. Even though you told me you were a Mormon.

Yawn, I've never told you or anyone else I was a Mormon. Mormonism is an absurd faith. Joseph Smith idolized Muhammad and used him is the role model for starting his cult.

I don't "defend" Christianity, I merely place it in a different category than Islam. I don't "defend" Hugo Chavez, but he ain't Pol Pot.

Copy and paste won't win your debates for you, you haven't even sourced the second part. And somehow the second part is 'satanic'. Whatever that means.

You use the standard Jihad technique of lies. You spew forth a stream of lies and rely on the ignorance of the Kafir. Often you are rewarded by an ignorant audience. Occasionally you run into those like me, who actually know Islam.
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Okay so anyone who doesn't reflect your opinion is a liar and is using the 'Jihadist technique' of lying. And as long you as you bark like a dog you are right and we're all wrong....:cuckoo:
To defend whose constitution? Haliburton?

Ima, ArmyCowboy is a far left Obamabot - just like you.

Funny thing is, I didn't vote for Obama.

But hey, you've got labels and you obviously can't think past them, so expecting more out of you is futile.

Of course it is. That's why I left the thread - I see he's still bent on twisting a Religion topic into a political one. He can't think any more complex than slapping labels on everybody and then pointing to them.

Such is life in the narrowminded lane. I like to watch clowns like that disappear in the rear-view.
Okay so anyone who doesn't reflect your opinion is a liar

Nope; those who deliberately tell tales that are false with the intent to deceive, are.

and is using the 'Jihadist technique' of lying. And as long you as you bark like a dog you are right and we're all wrong....:cuckoo:

Facts are facts. What the Warlord Muhammad said and advocated is well documented. Though the Satanic Verses were purged from the Koran, they are still availible to anyone who bothers look, Fatwas not withstanding.
Of course it is. That's why I left the thread - I see he's still bent on twisting a Religion topic into a political one. He can't think any more complex than slapping labels on everybody and then pointing to them.

Such is life in the narrowminded lane. I like to watch clowns like that disappear in the rear-view.

You left the thread because you were getting your ass kicked.

I'm just sayin....

That's the most paranoid gibberish one can spout.....:D

Thanks Ahmed.

The day I saw 248 girls suffering genital mutilation

In 2006, while in Indonesia and six months pregnant, Abigail Haworth became one of the few journalists ever to see young girls being 'circumcised'. Until now she has been unable to tell this shocking story

The day I saw 248 girls suffering genital mutilation | Society | The Observer

Islam is just a peach.

Apparently religious bigotry means never having to mind looking like a complete idiot. Or just now hearing about female circumcision, which has been around for at least five thousand years, having been observed on Egyptian mummies, as well as Rome. As such it's very much cultural and has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with the fear of women's power to create life. We could go into bizarre practices of male mutilation where boys are slit up the underside of the penis to emulate women, but since it wouldn't serve your bigotry agenda, nor do I think you could handle it, we shan't bother.

But forget all that, let's cherrypick us a story from Indonesia so we can pin it on Islam. What a maroon. "One of the few journalists" Really?

Of course it is. That's why I left the thread - I see he's still bent on twisting a Religion topic into a political one. He can't think any more complex than slapping labels on everybody and then pointing to them.

Such is life in the narrowminded lane. I like to watch clowns like that disappear in the rear-view.

You left the thread because you were getting your ass kicked.

I'm just sayin....

Actually I left because all I was getting was strawmen about Sharia or hanging political labels from intellectual tots like you who don't have the foggiest clue what they're talking about -- as noted just above. That makes it a waste of my time. No offense.
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Apparently religious bigotry means never having to mind looking like a complete idiot. Or just now hearing about female circumcision, which has been around for at least five thousand years, having been observed on Egyptian mummies, as well as Rome. As such it's very much cultural and has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with the fear of women's power to create life. We could go into bizarre practices of male mutilation where boys are slit up the underside of the penis to emulate women, but since it wouldn't serve your bigotry agenda, nor do I think you could handle it, we shan't bother.

Well, there you go. The left again demonstrates their support of women's rights by cheer-leading genital mutilation...

Yep, opposing cutting the clits off of little girls is pure bigotry. You Obamunists are such peachy people...

But forget all that, let's cherrypick us a story from Indonesia so we can pin it on Islam. What a maroon. "One of the few journalists" Really?

So, no refutation of the facts, you just throw spitwads and hold your breath.

Actually I left because all I was getting was strawmen about Sharia or hanging political labels from intellectual tots like you who don't have the foggiest clue what they're talking about -- as noted just above. That makes it a waste of my time. No offense.

You're a fucking lightweight who depends on bluff and bluster. You got your ass kicked because you can't support the bullshit you spew.
It is wrong to hate "all" Muslims.

having said that

... I suppose the term hate could be used against those despicable terrorists,uncivilized, prejudiced Islamists who would inflict their 7th century culture upon the whole world with their desire to spread Sharia Law everywhere....even if this means inflicting the most abject cruelty by means of terrorist bombings, shielding behind their own children,raping women and all the other "niceties" of Sharia law!

It is this kind of Muslims that I despise with all my heart!
Never seen any Muslims doing that Skye, we all know why insurgents came about in Iraq and Afghanistan, an educated person would say they came out to combat the US invasion. I was never aware of these 'terrorists' that came out of the sky. Some things you say have a little truth to them, but no way is the context of it. You aren't educated on any conflict overseas, that's the only thing you've ever said regarding any conflict overseas. It's more complicated than you make it out to be. Your ideas are old, your ranting is old. Today there is Internet, people aren't as naive as you.
BecauseIKnow likes to say how the Quran and its violent passages are taken out of context and how the Bible is just as violent. Bottom line:
The Bible has Christianity to temper it. Islams founder (no prophet), claimed to be the last prophet and that no one should believe any that come after him and thus Islam has no one to temper it.
Muhammad's latter teachings of violence are believed by true Muslims to supercede his earlier teachings of peace.
There is no taking the passages of violence out of context. They are very clear and concise with their advocation of violence toward non-believers who won't repent and convert and apostates (those who leave the religion).
In Islamist nations, Sharia is the law and one just has to read Sharia to know that it is barbaric and has no place in western society (women's testimony is worth half that of a man's in court, stoning and the cutting off of limbs is prescribed for punishment, as two examples).
Marriage of adult males to children is acceptable under Islam, citing that the child only has to have a menstrual cycle to be eligible for sexual intercourse. The age of the child is irrelavent. This is not surprising as Muhammad was a middle-aged man who lusted after a six year old girl named Aisha and who married her when she was merely nine years of age. No matter what era you live in, if you are middle-aged and look with sexual desire on a mere child, you are a pedophile. A very tood reason to get the religion OUT of western society.
The Doctrine of Taqiyya permits Muslims to lie to infidels to protect the faith and thus be kept in mind when conversing with Islamists, like BecauseIKnow.
You're entitled to your opinion. But I never understood your cause, same with other Christians like you. They repeat the same things over and over but don't have objectives to them. I don't recognize the derogatory term 'Islamist'. Change your language when addressing me. Some statements you mentioned are true. Others aren't. I've had the same debate about certain things you brought up and already addressed them. Taqiyya is a Shia way of lying if they are in danger of their lives. You literally made up your own definition for that, which comes off of hate sites. You never get the point of why I call them hate sites. They fabricate content in many instances. Like the Taqiyya, it's so misleading to claim it is to protect your faith and converse with people. When it's something else. Back to Christianity, I don't know where I have always claimed it was violent. Although there are much more instances in the Bible. The Sword is mentioned hundreds of times in it. But of course, some American Christians like to cherry pick the real content and claim they follow the New Testament, basically brushing off what really is the Christianity in the Old Testament. Even the new Bibles contain much violence. Just take a look at the Genesis and other sections. You also don't mention the Jewish Talmud, it's always Islam. Lets poke fun at Islam. That doesn't have me convinced you're a Christian. It seems many Christians like you do not study their religion, it's teachings, rather they day and night bash Islam and all Muslims. No matter how you try to conceal that. That tells your religion isn't Christianity, it's hate.
Not all Muslims are terrorists but MOST all terrorists are Muslims.
And our defense rightly is geared towards that in foreign policy.
But that in no way suggests all Muslims advocate violence.

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