I Hate All Muslims, And Here's Why ~

Its Muslims right to worship as they see fit.

Personally I think the idea of worshipping some deity is riduclous, regardless of the religion. I do support peoples' rights to worship as they see fit, however.

So you're ok with muslims who beat their wives as per the koran? And all the other nasty shit? And if a muslim wants to kill you because you're an infidel as it says to in the koran, you're ok with some muslim killing you?:cuckoo:

I'm fine with Muslims following their religion within the confines of established US law, the same with any other reoiligion.

As to what they do in other countries, I don't really care.

Interestingly though, I've worked with a number of Muslims both in the US Army and in the Middle East, and none have tried to kill me.
That's because they're not real muslims and don't follow the koran. Proof of that is that they use toilet paper, when Mohammed already spelled out how to wipe your ass with an uneven number of rocks. (true story)
So you're ok with muslims who beat their wives as per the koran? And all the other nasty shit? And if a muslim wants to kill you because you're an infidel as it says to in the koran, you're ok with some muslim killing you?:cuckoo:

I'm fine with Muslims following their religion within the confines of established US law, the same with any other reoiligion.

As to what they do in other countries, I don't really care.

Interestingly though, I've worked with a number of Muslims both in the US Army and in the Middle East, and none have tried to kill me.
That's because they're not real muslims and don't follow the koran. Proof of that is that they use toilet paper, when Mohammed already spelled out how to wipe your ass with an uneven number of rocks. (true story)

Whatever, man.

It always amuses me when non-Muslims try to act like they know more about Islam than Muslims, just to justify their irrational hate.
I'm fine with Muslims following their religion within the confines of established US law, the same with any other reoiligion.

As to what they do in other countries, I don't really care.

Interestingly though, I've worked with a number of Muslims both in the US Army and in the Middle East, and none have tried to kill me.
That's because they're not real muslims and don't follow the koran. Proof of that is that they use toilet paper, when Mohammed already spelled out how to wipe your ass with an uneven number of rocks. (true story)

Whatever, man.

It always amuses me when non-Muslims try to act like they know more about Islam than Muslims, just to justify their irrational hate.
The Quran's Verses of Violence

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule.
That's because they're not real muslims and don't follow the koran. Proof of that is that they use toilet paper, when Mohammed already spelled out how to wipe your ass with an uneven number of rocks. (true story)

Whatever, man.

It always amuses me when non-Muslims try to act like they know more about Islam than Muslims, just to justify their irrational hate.
The Quran's Verses of Violence

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule.

The christian bible does as well.
That's because they're not real muslims and don't follow the koran. Proof of that is that they use toilet paper, when Mohammed already spelled out how to wipe your ass with an uneven number of rocks. (true story)

Whatever, man.

It always amuses me when non-Muslims try to act like they know more about Islam than Muslims, just to justify their irrational hate.
The Quran's Verses of Violence

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule.

Nice website, which is a hate site, all verses taken out of context. Yes, that makes the difference. And you're stereotyping of wife beating is completely made up. There's no such thing the way you make it sound. Second of all, Muslims use toilet paper and that's really foolish of you to keep playing stupid.
Its Muslims right to worship as they see fit.

Personally I think the idea of worshipping some deity is riduclous, regardless of the religion. I do support peoples' rights to worship as they see fit, however.

So you're ok with muslims who beat their wives as per the koran? And all the other nasty shit? And if a muslim wants to kill you because you're an infidel as it says to in the koran, you're ok with some muslim killing you?:cuckoo:

I'm fine with Muslims following their religion within the confines of established US law, the same with any other reoiligion.

As to what they do in other countries, I don't really care.

Interestingly though, I've worked with a number of Muslims both in the US Army and in the Middle East, and none have tried to kill me.

Don't listen to her, first of all, nothing advocates wife beating in Islam, back then people who beat their wives were told not to, only a slight tap on their shoulder. If any anger between the couple is there. And no, she took verse out of context. Islam doesn't teach to kill the 'infidel', that was a verse revealed after the Quraysh tribe(main ruling tribe of Mecca) declared war on about 105 Muslims in total at the time. They expelled them and the Muslims went hiding in the desert. Eventually they got ambushed and God told them they are allowed to fight against them. In Arabic the language is direct, so it won't say English worlds like repel, resist, etc.. It was direct language
Whatever, man.

It always amuses me when non-Muslims try to act like they know more about Islam than Muslims, just to justify their irrational hate.
The Quran's Verses of Violence

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule.

Nice website, which is a hate site, all verses taken out of context. Yes, that makes the difference. And you're stereotyping of wife beating is completely made up. There's no such thing the way you make it sound. Second of all, Muslims use toilet paper and that's really foolish of you to keep playing stupid.

At the end of the day, haters are going to hate and they'll use anything to try to justify that hatred.

There's really no logic you can use to discuss the issues with them.
But the koran tells them when to beat their women. They just want to be a good muslims and follow the rules. No? :dunno:

Surah 4:34.

Men are superior to women on account of the qualities with which God has gifted the one above the other, and on account of the outlay they make from their substance for them. Virtuous women are obedient, careful, during the husband's absence, because God has of them been careful. But chide those for whose refractoriness you have cause to fear; remove them into beds apart, and scourge them: but if they are obedient to you, then seek not occasion against them: verily, God is High, Great!

Oh come on, we're not going to get into a quoting match, are we? There are an OVERWHELMING number of suras or whatever in the koran that deal with how to beat your wife, how they should be stoned, whipped, sold...
You're just a wife-beater apologist. Carry on.

Ima. "scourged" means to be beaten with a whip.

I was supporting you.
Its Muslims right to worship as they see fit.

Of course it is, as long as they remain a strong enemy of America, that is.

You leftists don't mind if your allies butcher homosexuals. You don't really support rights for gays or anyone else, you just seek to undermine American cultural values. You don't mind if Muslims beat, mutilate, and murder women. You don't really support women's rights, or any rights for that matter.

Leftism is a fraud, the ONLY goal is total power. If a system of pure evil assists you in the goal of subverting constitutional liberty, you're all for it.

Personally I think the idea of worshipping some deity is riduclous, regardless of the religion. I do support peoples' rights to worship as they see fit, however.

But if Al Qaeda can help you turn America into North Korea, then you'll bow to the Idol in Mecca. The goal of totalitarianism transcends petty objections to deities.

The pact between you leftists and radical Islam is just like the one between Hitler and Stalin. Bummer we can't just sit back and watch you destroy each other.
Its Muslims right to worship as they see fit.

Of course it is, as long as they remain a strong enemy of America, that is.

You leftists don't mind if your allies butcher homosexuals. You don't really support rights for gays or anyone else, you just seek to undermine American cultural values. You don't mind if Muslims beat, mutilate, and murder women. You don't really support women's rights, or any rights for that matter.

Leftism is a fraud, the ONLY goal is total power. If a system of pure evil assists you in the goal of subverting constitutional liberty, you're all for it.

Personally I think the idea of worshipping some deity is riduclous, regardless of the religion. I do support peoples' rights to worship as they see fit, however.

But if Al Qaeda can help you turn America into North Korea, then you'll bow to the Idol in Mecca. The goal of totalitarianism transcends petty objections to deities.

The pact between you leftists and radical Islam is just like the one between Hitler and Stalin. Bummer we can't just sit back and watch you destroy each other.

Despite what reactionaries might want, we are not at war with Islam, therefore Muslims are not the enemy.

As for the rest of this post, well it's certainly your right to hold these opinions.

That's the most paranoid gibberish one can spout.....:D

Thanks Ahmed.

The day I saw 248 girls suffering genital mutilation

In 2006, while in Indonesia and six months pregnant, Abigail Haworth became one of the few journalists ever to see young girls being 'circumcised'. Until now she has been unable to tell this shocking story

The day I saw 248 girls suffering genital mutilation | Society | The Observer

Islam is just a peach.

That's cultural, not Islamic. Nowhere is it found in either the Koran or Hadith. But you do the same thing everytime no matter how many times it is refuted. You hate muslims and look for every reason. And then you tell us we should be thankful you only said you hate Islam. Ha Ha Ha!
They don't come from a place/God of Love;

they don't believe in Tolerance;

they want to kill me for MY religious beliefs;

and they want to take my country and make it their own.

While I'm called on, by my God, to be accepting of ALL,

they're called on by their God to KILL all,

sort of like the Christian Crusaders.

THAT isn't tolerance.

THAT isn't love of a brother.


pure and simple.

Your post indicates massive ignorance about Islam.

That's the most paranoid gibberish one can spout.....:D

Thanks Ahmed.

The day I saw 248 girls suffering genital mutilation

In 2006, while in Indonesia and six months pregnant, Abigail Haworth became one of the few journalists ever to see young girls being 'circumcised'. Until now she has been unable to tell this shocking story

The day I saw 248 girls suffering genital mutilation | Society | The Observer

Islam is just a peach.

That's cultural, not Islamic. Nowhere is it found in either the Koran or Hadith. But you do the same thing everytime no matter how many times it is refuted. You hate muslims and look for every reason. And then you tell us we should be thankful you only said you hate Islam. Ha Ha Ha!
Despite what reactionaries might want, we are not at war with Islam, therefore Muslims are not the enemy.

You of the left are at war with the United States Constitution. You turn to radical Islam as ally due to the common enemy.

As for the rest of this post, well it's certainly your right to hold these opinions.

I just point up the fraud in claims by the left that they support "gay rights" "womens rights" etc. The left supports no rights, for anyone.
Despite what reactionaries might want, we are not at war with Islam, therefore Muslims are not the enemy.

You of the left are at war with the United States Constitution. You turn to radical Islam as ally due to the common enemy.

As for the rest of this post, well it's certainly your right to hold these opinions.

I just point up the fraud in claims by the left that they support "gay rights" "womens rights" etc. The left supports no rights, for anyone.

I'm in the Army and have been deployed three time to war zones in Iraq to defend the constitution.

But hey, don't let facts get in the way of your trite little talking points and empty right wing slogans.

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