I Hate All Muslims, And Here's Why ~

You shouldn't hate all muslims.

If you have those ill feelings, then Islam is the problem.

There are muslims out there who can be the best people you know who just pray on that rug 5 times a day.

But those muslims who can't behave, I send soem hate their way, too. ;)
You shouldn't hate all muslims.

If you have those ill feelings, then Islam is the problem.
There are muslims out there who can be the best people you know who just pray on that rug 5 times a day.

But those muslims who can't behave, I send soem hate their way, too. ;)

The koran tells muslims to beat their women, whip them or stone them if they get raped.. ALL kinds of nasty stuff that goes on and on... So don't hand me that old saw about how some of them are nice. Well, if they are nice, then they're not even real muslims, because the koran tells them to kill infidels, which is anyone who not a carpet kisser.
You shouldn't hate all muslims.

If you have those ill feelings, then Islam is the problem.
There are muslims out there who can be the best people you know who just pray on that rug 5 times a day.

But those muslims who can't behave, I send soem hate their way, too. ;)

The koran tells muslims to beat their women, whip them or stone them if they get raped.. ALL kinds of nasty stuff that goes on and on... So don't hand me that old saw about how some of them are nice. Well, if they are nice, then they're not even real muslims, because the koran tells them to kill infidels, which is anyone who not a carpet kisser.

The Bible says many things that many Christians do not do.
The Bible says we should kill homosexuals and unbelievers.
Not all Muslims beat their women, stone them if they get raped and kill infidels.
Actually, very few do those things.
All Muslims are not the same just like all Christians are not the same.
You shouldn't hate all muslims.

If you have those ill feelings, then Islam is the problem.
There are muslims out there who can be the best people you know who just pray on that rug 5 times a day.

But those muslims who can't behave, I send soem hate their way, too. ;)

The koran tells muslims to beat their women, whip them or stone them if they get raped.. ALL kinds of nasty stuff that goes on and on... So don't hand me that old saw about how some of them are nice. Well, if they are nice, then they're not even real muslims, because the koran tells them to kill infidels, which is anyone who not a carpet kisser.

The Bible says many things that many Christians do not do.
The Bible says we should kill homosexuals and unbelievers.
Not all Muslims beat their women, stone them if they get raped and kill infidels.
Actually, very few do those things.
All Muslims are not the same just like all Christians are not the same.

Very few do those things? Man, haven't read a newspaper or watched the news on TV or something in the past 10 years? Like, the whole Middle East, parts of Africa, and now they're trying to bring that sharia garbage to Europe and North America. Even sunni wants the US to turn that sharia nonsense.
...If you don't follow what the bible says, you're not a real christian. You can't pick and choose.
The koran tells muslims to beat their women, whip them or stone them if they get raped.. ALL kinds of nasty stuff that goes on and on... So don't hand me that old saw about how some of them are nice. Well, if they are nice, then they're not even real muslims, because the koran tells them to kill infidels, which is anyone who not a carpet kisser.

The Bible says many things that many Christians do not do.
The Bible says we should kill homosexuals and unbelievers.
Not all Muslims beat their women, stone them if they get raped and kill infidels.
Actually, very few do those things.
All Muslims are not the same just like all Christians are not the same.

Very few do those things? Man, haven't read a newspaper or watched the news on TV or something in the past 10 years? Like, the whole Middle East, parts of Africa, and now they're trying to bring that sharia garbage to Europe and North America. Even sunni wants the US to turn that sharia nonsense.

How many billion Muslims are there and where do they live?
How many Muslims live in AMERICA?
Please point to any terrorist attack in America by an American Muslim.
Where is it?
“Love me or hate me, both are in my favour…If you love me, I'll always be in your heart…If you hate me, I'll always be in your mind.”

Ah, my wonderful Willie.
The Bible says many things that many Christians do not do.
The Bible says we should kill homosexuals and unbelievers.
Not all Muslims beat their women, stone them if they get raped and kill infidels.
Actually, very few do those things.
All Muslims are not the same just like all Christians are not the same.

Very few do those things? Man, haven't read a newspaper or watched the news on TV or something in the past 10 years? Like, the whole Middle East, parts of Africa, and now they're trying to bring that sharia garbage to Europe and North America. Even sunni wants the US to turn that sharia nonsense.

How many billion Muslims are there and where do they live?
How many Muslims live in AMERICA?
Please point to any terrorist attack in America by an American Muslim.
Where is it?

Don't let the US muslims fool you, they want the US to turn sharia, and anyone who disagrees they want them dead. They won't say it to your face, which makes them hypocrites as well. Already in Canada, they went through the courts in a few places to get sharia accepted. Ontario came very close to allowing it.
I don't understand how people can claim to hate people they don't even know exist.

Its a strange concept to me.

I don't understand how people support a system that demands all be subjugated or killed in obedience to a hunk of rock in Mecca, a system that mutilates women to ensure they never have sexual pleasure, a system that kills homosexuals with no regard.

Yet these people tells us how they are oh-so enlightened, and that to oppose this system that practices the murder of daughters and sisters by their own family makes one a bigot. These people claim to support gay rights, excuse the slaughter of homosexuals and shriek that condemnation of the creed that foments such slaughter is "intolerance" and will not be tolerated.
Um, what?

Kind of stupid, aren't you?''

{Four Iranian gay men are due to be executed for sodomy under their nation's Shari'a laws, Pink News is reporting.

The four men -- identified by the Human Rights Activist News Agency in Iran as Saadat Arefi, Vahid Akbari, Javid Akbari and Houshmand Akbari -- are set to be hanged after their guilty verdict was approved recently by high court judges. }

Iranian Gay Men To Be Hanged For Sodomy: Report
The Bible says many things that many Christians do not do.
The Bible says we should kill homosexuals and unbelievers.

You know better than that.

No mainstream Christian denomination has ever taught either precept.

Not all Muslims beat their women, stone them if they get raped and kill infidels.
Actually, very few do those things.
All Muslims are not the same just like all Christians are not the same.

Actually, the majority of countries that have Sharia do beat their women, stone them if they get raped and kill infidels.

{A trial court in Iran has issued its final verdict, ordering a Christian pastor to be put to death for leaving Islam and converting to Christianity, according to sources close to the pastor and his legal team.

Supporters fear Youcef Nadarkhani, a 34-year-old father of two who was arrested over two years ago on charges of apostasy, may now be executed at any time without prior warning, as death sentences in Iran may be carried out immediately or dragged out for years.}

Iranian convert to Christianity step closer to execution | Holy Post | National Post
How many billion Muslims are there and where do they live?
How many Muslims live in AMERICA?
Please point to any terrorist attack in America by an American Muslim.
Where is it?


{ Survivors of the Fort Hood massacre released a new video this week calling on the government to classify the November 2009 shooting as a terrorist attack rather than "workplace violence," a change that would make them eligible for specific combat-related benefits.

In the video, uploaded on YouTube Wednesday, witnesses to the shooting, some of whom were wounded in the attack, voiced their frustration with the government's labeling of the attack in which 13 people died and 32 others were wounded in a shooting rampage allegedly carried out by a fellow soldier, Maj. Nidal Hasan. The FBI said Hasan had corresponded with a high-profile al Qaeda recruiter and discussed the merits of jihad months before the massacre. }

Fort Hood Victims Demand Attack Deemed 'Terrorism' - ABC News
How many billion Muslims are there and where do they live?
How many Muslims live in AMERICA?
Please point to any terrorist attack in America by an American Muslim.
Where is it?


{ Survivors of the Fort Hood massacre released a new video this week calling on the government to classify the November 2009 shooting as a terrorist attack rather than "workplace violence," a change that would make them eligible for specific combat-related benefits.

In the video, uploaded on YouTube Wednesday, witnesses to the shooting, some of whom were wounded in the attack, voiced their frustration with the government's labeling of the attack in which 13 people died and 32 others were wounded in a shooting rampage allegedly carried out by a fellow soldier, Maj. Nidal Hasan. The FBI said Hasan had corresponded with a high-profile al Qaeda recruiter and discussed the merits of jihad months before the massacre. }

Fort Hood Victims Demand Attack Deemed 'Terrorism' - ABC News

OK, we have one. Good point.
Other than one where is there another?
I see my Muslim friend here in town that owns a jewelry shop next door to the bar I drink at.
He comes in every few weeks to have a Miller Lite and we talk briefly.
I do not hate the guy. He is part of our community here.
He is Turkish and despises the Muslim terrorists and is openly opposed to Sharia law here for those who do no believe in his religion. He follows American law 100% and does not want that changed.
He is as American as anyone I know.
I see my Muslim friend here in town that owns a jewelry shop next door to the bar I drink at.
He comes in every few weeks to have a Miller Lite and we talk briefly.

He isn't very Muslim, since he is drinking.

I do not hate the guy. He is part of our community here.

Yeah? Why would you hate him?

He is Turkish and despises the Muslim terrorists and is openly opposed to Sharia law here for those who do no believe in his religion. He follows American law 100% and does not want that changed.
He is as American as anyone I know.

Is there a point to all this?

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