I Hate All Muslims, And Here's Why ~

They don't come from a place/God of Love;

they don't believe in Tolerance;

they want to kill me for MY religious beliefs;

and they want to take my country and make it their own.

While I'm called on, by my God, to be accepting of ALL,

they're called on by their God to KILL all,

sort of like the Christian Crusaders.

THAT isn't tolerance.

THAT isn't love of a brother.


pure and simple.

Actually, that was the Catholic Crusaders, although they call themselves Christian.
Christians don't pray to Mary or any other statue (Idol). The Bible says we're to only pray to God through His Son Jesus Christ.
Ok.....just had to get that off my chest!! :)
They'd much prefer you convert, so that you don't spend eternity in hell.

They wish to convert the whole world, as do most Christians in my experience.

Does that include Muslims?

They're more interested in converting you.

So you hate Crusaders, too?

Wanting to save others from the fires of hell through conversion is hateful?

I'm Christian, and guess what?

I KNOW I'll NEVER "convert" anyone that doesn't hear His truth.

I am not His SWORD, and I refuse to kill someone that doesn't believe,

much UNLIKE Muslims.

Yes, I DO hate what the Christian Crusaders did. They KILLED folks and laid waste to God's message of love. THEY tried to "convert" everyone.

EVERYONE is NOT "convertable."

It's for each, in their own time.

I'm NOT the one to say how, why NOR when.

Neither is anyone else.

If your religion tells you this? It's a false religion.

It seems the height of arrogance to call someone else's faith a 'false religion'.

I think the word "false" is the wrong one....all "religions" are real, just some are not of God, even if they say it is. For Christians the Bible is the word of God...and if another religion teaches anything other than what is taught in the Bible, then they just aren't of God as they want to believe it is.
They don't come from a place/God of Love;

they don't believe in Tolerance;

they want to kill me for MY religious beliefs;

and they want to take my country and make it their own.

While I'm called on, by my God, to be accepting of ALL,

they're called on by their God to KILL all,

sort of like the Christian Crusaders.

THAT isn't tolerance.

THAT isn't love of a brother.


pure and simple.

When I lived in Europe I traveled, lived and worked with I'd say five to six dozen Muslims (Algerians, Moroccans, Tunisians, Egyptians, Sudanese, a few Africans), as well as a handful here in the US. Of your laundry list here, zero of your bogeymen applied to any of them. Literally not a single one. On the other hand they were generous with their resources and loyal friends when the occasion warranted. They loved life. And we laughed hard.

Cute strawman though. I love the way you documented the point with facts and stayed away from ipse dixit, vague impressions of people you've never met taken from sensationalistic news media, innuendo and out the other. Powerful stuff.


Each time my son was in Iraq, he made many good friends with the local people. Many of them worked on the base with him....women from the town would bring them special snacks and other food. He said they were wonderful people, and yes they were all Muslim. There are "radical" Muslims just like there are "radical" Christians....those are the ones that make a bad name for the "good" ones!

After his year tour in Baghdad...i sat at our kitchen table with my 26 yr old son while he bawled his eyes out for the people over there! He was filled with hate and anger for the way the "radical" muslims treated them. It was nothing for the terrorists to kill their own people, including the children. He lost friends during that time because of it. I think he was just so frustrated that he couldn't save them.....and they'd done nothing except help the American military and were kind to them.
Actually, that was the Catholic Crusaders, although they call themselves Christian.
Christians don't pray to Mary or any other statue (Idol). The Bible says we're to only pray to God through His Son Jesus Christ.
Ok.....just had to get that off my chest!! :)

Thank GOD (or Obama, or Vishnu, whoever) for the Crusades. The Muslims were well into conquering Europe. Without the Crusades. we ALL would be bowing to the idol in Mecca 5 times daily. The Crusades kept Europe from falling to the Muslims.
They don't come from a place/God of Love;

they don't believe in Tolerance;

they want to kill me for MY religious beliefs;

and they want to take my country and make it their own.

While I'm called on, by my God, to be accepting of ALL,

they're called on by their God to KILL all,

sort of like the Christian Crusaders.

THAT isn't tolerance.

THAT isn't love of a brother.


pure and simple.

Actually, that was the Catholic Crusaders, although they call themselves Christian.
Christians don't pray to Mary or any other statue (Idol). The Bible says we're to only pray to God through His Son Jesus Christ.
Ok.....just had to get that off my chest!! :)

Catholics were the first Christians for hundreds of years and are still Christians.
The Bible says a lot of contradictory things.
The Crusades were not the "Catholic" Crusades as I do know that many a Catholic bashing Baptist church incorrectly labels them that and worse such as labeling them as non Christians.
Crusading in most of the centuries it was fought ALL Christians were called to help and all did, rich and poor but most of the Crusades was financed by the wealthy, not the church.
The BS crap of Catholics worshiping Mary is absurd as one of the distinguishing aspects of the Crusades that separated us from the Muslims was Christianity's respect for women, antipathy for slavery and many other things that not only survived, but flourished.
Whether we admire the Crusaders or not it is A FACT that the world we know today would not exist without their efforts.
Contrary to what is taught in many Catholic bashing churches today.
Catholics were the first Christians for hundreds of years and are still Christians.

The Copts would be sad to hear that, considering the predate the Catholics by at least a hundred years.

The Bible says a lot of contradictory things.
The Crusades were not the "Catholic" Crusades as I do know that many a Catholic bashing Baptist church incorrectly labels them that and worse such as labeling them as non Christians.

The Crusades were an expression of Europe driving back the invading Muslims.

Crusading in most of the centuries it was fought ALL Christians were called to help and all did, rich and poor but most of the Crusades was financed by the wealthy, not the church.


How many Copts marched to free the Eastern capital (Byzantine) from the Muslim invaders? Zero? Or maybe zero? Greeks? Zero?
Catholics were the first Christians for hundreds of years and are still Christians.

The Copts would be sad to hear that, considering the predate the Catholics by at least a hundred years.

The Bible says a lot of contradictory things.
The Crusades were not the "Catholic" Crusades as I do know that many a Catholic bashing Baptist church incorrectly labels them that and worse such as labeling them as non Christians.

The Crusades were an expression of Europe driving back the invading Muslims.

Crusading in most of the centuries it was fought ALL Christians were called to help and all did, rich and poor but most of the Crusades was financed by the wealthy, not the church.


How many Copts marched to free the Eastern capital (Byzantine) from the Muslim invaders? Zero? Or maybe zero? Greeks? Zero?

Um, you realize the crusades weren't about "freeing" Constantinople and the 4th crusade actually sacked the city, right?
Catholics were the first Christians for hundreds of years and are still Christians.

The Copts would be sad to hear that, considering the predate the Catholics by at least a hundred years.

The Crusades were an expression of Europe driving back the invading Muslims.

Crusading in most of the centuries it was fought ALL Christians were called to help and all did, rich and poor but most of the Crusades was financed by the wealthy, not the church.


How many Copts marched to free the Eastern capital (Byzantine) from the Muslim invaders? Zero? Or maybe zero? Greeks? Zero?

Um, you realize the crusades weren't about "freeing" Constantinople and the 4th crusade actually sacked the city, right?

Emperor Alexios I Komnenos would be so disappointed to learn this, considering his impassioned plea to Pope Urban II to help defend from the invading Seljuqs (Muslims)
The Copts would be sad to hear that, considering the predate the Catholics by at least a hundred years.

The Crusades were an expression of Europe driving back the invading Muslims.


How many Copts marched to free the Eastern capital (Byzantine) from the Muslim invaders? Zero? Or maybe zero? Greeks? Zero?

Um, you realize the crusades weren't about "freeing" Constantinople and the 4th crusade actually sacked the city, right?

Emperor Alexios I Komnenos would be so disappointed to learn this, considering his impassioned plea to Pope Urban II to help defend from the invading Seljuqs (Muslims)

He asked for some troops to support and fill his ranks.

What he got was armies intent on vading and concoring the 'holy land.'

History is your friend.
or "informed".

Again, you have a common enemy with radical Islam, the USA.

You know absolutely nothing about Islam, you only know that you hate Middle Class, White America.

"Hate" doesn't come from "informed". It comes from ignorance. For example, you hate that I know something about Islam, so you project the Hate outward and try to set yourself up as some kind of victim at the same time. It's your own ignorance. Just as the OP here... lining up a list of strawmen and then declaring he "hates" those strawmen (well stop setting them up then). Declaring hate for what one doesn't understand says nothing about the hated object... it says volumes about the hater.
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"Hate" doesn't come from "informed".

No one accused you of being informed, just a drone programmed by the leftist hate sites.

It comes from ignorance. For example, you hate that I know something about Islam, so you project the Hate outward and try to set yourself up as some kind of victim at the same time.

How could I "hate" a fantasy?

You've demonstrated zero knowledge of Islam. You've merely demonstrated your ability to mindlessly bleat the party line - which is pro-Islam.

It's your own ignorance.

Ignorance of what, sparky?

One of use has read the Koran and many of the Hadith - you OTH have not.

Just as the OP here... lining up a list of strawmen and then declaring he "hates" those strawmen (well stop setting them up then).

Ah, reduced to lying. Leftists always are.

No sparky, I stated very clearly that hating Muslims is stupid, and that 95% of Muslims are just people trying to live their lives.

But rather than basing your demagoguery on what I wrote, you relied on the prejudice the party has programmed into you.

Declaring hate for what one doesn't understand says nothing about the hated object... it says volumes about the hater.

The irony of this is entirely lost on you, but I suspect, not on many of us.

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