I Hate All Muslims, And Here's Why ~

Christianity is no better than Islam

You've already demonstrated that you are insane. You think a cow is smarter than a 3 year old human. Show me a cow that can read, retard.

Islam is FAR worse than Christianity, far more violent and oppressive.

This coming from someone who thinks animals don't feel pain and aren't sentient creatures? Doesn't mean much to me to hear your ridiculous insults. Animal behaviorists consider pigs (not cows) to be smarter than human 3 year olds. Your idolization of humans is quite bizarre.

Christianity is just as bad as Islam. You worship a war god who made mistake after mistake and had to send down his own son (who was himself) only to sacrifice himself, to himself in order to fix a problem that a supposedly omnipotent and omniscient being created? Christian theology is internally contradictory on so many fronts, including the very ontology of the deity itself. Omniscience and omnipotence presents its own paradox.
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This coming from someone who thinks animals don't feel pain and aren't sentient creatures?

No one said animals don't feel pain, retard.

Doesn't mean much to me to hear your ridiculous insults. Animal behaviorists consider pigs (not cows) to be smarter than human 3 year olds. Your deification of humans is quite bizarre.

No one with any background in biology would do anything but laugh at you.

You're a clown, a buffoon.

Christianity is just as bad as Islam. You worship a war god who made mistake after mistake and had to send down his own son (who was himself) only to sacrifice himself, to himself in order to fix a problem that a supposedly omnipotent being created? Christian theology is internally contradictory on so many fronts, including the very ontology of the deity itself.

The only certainty of gods worshiped here is that you're a fucknut Gaea moron.

Theology is irrelevant to reality. The reality is that Islam is a hyper-violent religion, founded by a warlord, that promotes conquest and subjugation of others through murder and rape.

Christianity is not.

While atrocities have occurred in Christianity, they are in defiance, rather than compliance to the faith.

I don't care about your fucked up little war against a god I don't believe in, but you clearly do, driven by hatred rather than by disbelief. I only care about the fruits of the religions. Christianity at it's worst had an Inquisition, that killed 409 people over 250 years.

Muslims kill more than that every week. So save your moronic bullshit for someone who will believe your idiocy.
I know folks who take it very seriously, and others who are more casual about it. And of course, Islam is practiced somewhat differently by different people in different parts of the world.

Islam itself is evil, there is no way around this fact. The way Muslims can interact with others in a civilized manner is through apostasy.

I wasn't kidding about the beers and ham sandwiches. Nearly every Muslim I've known has drank alcohol and eaten any food they like. The religion is just a tradition, not to be taken too literally.

I know lots of Muslims who take it very seriously. Faith may not mean much to you, but it does mean something to a lot of people. Your categorical condemnation of an entire faith just makes you look like a mindless bigot. If that's what you are, fine. If not, find a new approach.
This coming from someone who thinks animals don't feel pain and aren't sentient creatures?

No one said animals don't feel pain, retard.

Doesn't mean much to me to hear your ridiculous insults. Animal behaviorists consider pigs (not cows) to be smarter than human 3 year olds. Your deification of humans is quite bizarre.

No one with any background in biology would do anything but laugh at you.

You're a clown, a buffoon.

Christianity is just as bad as Islam. You worship a war god who made mistake after mistake and had to send down his own son (who was himself) only to sacrifice himself, to himself in order to fix a problem that a supposedly omnipotent being created? Christian theology is internally contradictory on so many fronts, including the very ontology of the deity itself.

The only certainty of gods worshiped here is that you're a fucknut Gaea moron.

Theology is irrelevant to reality. The reality is that Islam is a hyper-violent religion, founded by a warlord, that promotes conquest and subjugation of others through murder and rape.

Christianity is not.

While atrocities have occurred in Christianity, they are in defiance, rather than compliance to the faith.

I don't care about your fucked up little war against a god I don't believe in, but you clearly do, driven by hatred rather than by disbelief. I only care about the fruits of the religions. Christianity at it's worst had an Inquisition, that killed 409 people over 250 years.

Muslims kill more than that every week. So save your moronic bullshit for someone who will believe your idiocy.

Sentience contains, in its definition, the ability to feel pain, you clown. Learn a thing or two. Biologists behind a microscope would have little relative knowledge of animal behavioral traits next to say... Animal behaviorists specifically, Who would be the ones assessing the relative intelligence of animals, and have concluded as I stated. So, get your head out of your ass.

Your confirmation bias to only include the Inquisition as an example of Christian violence, and use this as the standard against to which you are comparing Islam, is intellectually dishonest. Forget about the crusades? Salem Witch trials? Countless "missionary" efforts to indigenous islands and countries that ripped children from parents because of self-righteous assertions about Christianity's "divine providence." You limit the scope of Christian transgressions in order to improve your argument.
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There are lots of misconceptions about Islam and what it entails.

The religious laws some people claim to be for spreading the religion by killing is paraphrasing what the Koran actually says in the most part, which is basically an eye for en eye type of killing.
In reality there aren't many differences between Islam and Christianity; many of the practices of Islam today used to be true for Christianity as well and still are.

It's quite notable that the Koran during it's first few hundred years was passed on to believers by the word of mouth. So one can imagine the twisting the story took as it progressed along the land (much like Christianity) to the point where the teachings were quite different in different parts of the Islamic world. Islamic scholars used to be quite literate and inventive but where taken down during the 11th century because researching the sciences was made into blasphemy (much like Christianity). The teachings have been subject to debate and change from time to time (much like Christianity). Even on the part of womens rights, Christianity in it's basic form didn't look to kindly to women.

Christians used to burn weird women and people who asked too many questions. Even other Christian sects used to be considered heathens and whole crusades and wars were launched because of them. So todays Baptists and all those small denominations in the US would be targets of the inquisitors and crusaders of the pope.

Furthermore, when Christians are given a quote from the Bible that isn't too flattering, they like to tell us that we're misinterpreting the message. But the creator of this thread doesn't do the same for another religion. The endemic hypocrisy withing Christian communities reaks.
There are lots of misconceptions about Islam and what it entails.

The religious laws some people claim to be for spreading the religion by killing is paraphrasing what the Koran actually says in the most part, which is basically an eye for en eye type of killing.
In reality there aren't many differences between Islam and Christianity; many of the practices of Islam today used to be true for Christianity as well and still are.

It's quite notable that the Koran during it's first few hundred years was passed on to believers by the word of mouth. So one can imagine the twisting the story took as it progressed along the land (much like Christianity) to the point where the teachings were quite different in different parts of the Islamic world. Islamic scholars used to be quite literate and inventive but where taken down during the 11th century because researching the sciences was made into blasphemy (much like Christianity). The teachings have been subject to debate and change from time to time (much like Christianity). Even on the part of womens rights, Christianity in it's basic form didn't look to kindly to women.

Christians used to burn weird women and people who asked too many questions. Even other Christian sects used to be considered heathens and whole crusades and wars were launched because of them. So todays Baptists and all those small denominations in the US would be targets of the inquisitors and crusaders of the pope.

Furthermore, when Christians are given a quote from the Bible that isn't too flattering, they like to tell us that we're misinterpreting the message. But the creator of this thread doesn't do the same for another religion. The endemic hypocrisy withing Christian communities reaks.

I think you are confusing Judaism with Christianity. Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth is old testament, but Jesus said at Matthew 5.38 " Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. 5.39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
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There are lots of misconceptions about Islam and what it entails.

The religious laws some people claim to be for spreading the religion by killing is paraphrasing what the Koran actually says in the most part, which is basically an eye for en eye type of killing.
In reality there aren't many differences between Islam and Christianity; many of the practices of Islam today used to be true for Christianity as well and still are.

It's quite notable that the Koran during it's first few hundred years was passed on to believers by the word of mouth. So one can imagine the twisting the story took as it progressed along the land (much like Christianity) to the point where the teachings were quite different in different parts of the Islamic world. Islamic scholars used to be quite literate and inventive but where taken down during the 11th century because researching the sciences was made into blasphemy (much like Christianity). The teachings have been subject to debate and change from time to time (much like Christianity). Even on the part of womens rights, Christianity in it's basic form didn't look to kindly to women.

Christians used to burn weird women and people who asked too many questions. Even other Christian sects used to be considered heathens and whole crusades and wars were launched because of them. So todays Baptists and all those small denominations in the US would be targets of the inquisitors and crusaders of the pope.

Furthermore, when Christians are given a quote from the Bible that isn't too flattering, they like to tell us that we're misinterpreting the message. But the creator of this thread doesn't do the same for another religion. The endemic hypocrisy withing Christian communities reaks.

Bravo. Well said!
@ newpolitics:

I don't have any beef with your atheism. However, as a man who seems to be such a positive atheist, why is your intense scorn for Christianity something that you reserve more for Islam? I have noticed this tendency amongst atheists and I find it odd. Is it a political thing? I think it is a fair question.
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Sentience contains, in its definition, the ability to feel pain, you clown.

Mammal contains, in its definition, the presence of blood. So fish must be mammals....

You are an idiot fanatic who desperately tries to mold reality into your preconceptions. That you are absurd never seems to dawn on you.

Learn a thing or two. Biologists behind a microscope would have little relative knowledge of animal behavioral traits next to say... Animal behaviorists specifically, Who would be the ones assessing the relative intelligence of animals, and have concluded as I stated. So, get your head out of your ass.


Knowing that no one with any sort of education will do anything but mock you, you run for shelter in ad hom.

I looked at a few local universities; USC, UCLA, UC Berkley. Now I found many under-grad and graduate programs in a variety of biology disciplines. But not a single program in "animal behavior." I did find a class at UCLA, in the psychology department, on "understanding animal behavior," but that isn't a degreed program, merely a class in the pseudo-science of psychology.

Your confirmation bias to only include the Inquisition as an example of Christian violence, and use this as the standard against to which you are comparing Islam, is intellectually dishonest. Forget about the crusades?

Why would I?

Islam attacked Europe, Europe responded. If they hadn't, you'd be bowing to the Idol in the Kaaba in Mecca.

Salem Witch trials? Countless "missionary" efforts to indigenous islands and countries that ripped children from parents because of self-righteous assertions about Christianity's "divine providence." You limit the scope of Christian transgressions in order to improve your argument.


You can only throw feces like a feral baboon. In recorded history, the death toll for Christianity against innocents is less than Islam in a single year.

I'm not here to defend Christianity, I find the whole thing absurd. But i will point out that you're a liar, driven by your own faith in that which you claim to disdain.

When did you convert to Gaea? Recently, yes? And to convince yourself that you're not the clown we all know you to be, you wage war on your old faith. You're like an alcoholic who switches to pot, then preaches the evils of alcohol, driven by his addiction.
My neighbor and his family are Muslim. Best neighbor on the street. Kids are as American as anyone, they make straight A's in school and they work very hard and are an asset to the community.
Lawyer I work for is a Muslim. Ditto above.
Anyone that hates someone because of their religious beliefs is unAmerican.

I would have said 'ignorant' rather than unamerican, but the sentiment is the same.
There are lots of misconceptions about Islam and what it entails.

Only those created by Muslims attempting to blow smoke and obscure the reality of Islam.

The religious laws some people claim to be for spreading the religion by killing is paraphrasing what the Koran actually says in the most part, which is basically an eye for en eye type of killing.


You mean like this?

{A trial court in Iran has issued its final verdict, ordering a Christian pastor to be put to death for leaving Islam and converting to Christianity, according to sources close to the pastor and his legal team.}

Iran court convicts Christian pastor convert to death | Fox News

{A man could be sentenced to death after being charged with converting from Islam to Christianity, a crime under Afghanistan's shariah laws, a judge said yesterday. The trial is thought to be the first of its kind in Afghanistan and highlights a struggle between religious conservatives and reformists over what shape Islam will take four years after the fall of the Taliban.

Abdul Rahman, 41, was arrested last month after his family accused him of becoming a Christian, Judge Ansarullah Mawlavezada told Associated Press. The accused was charged with rejecting Islam.}

Christian convert faces death penalty in Afghanistan | World news | The Guardian

Looks like the Muzzie Beasts are very tolerant, and people just have misconceptions about the infernal book of evil, the Koran, and it's teachings.

In reality there aren't many differences between Islam and Christianity; many of the practices of Islam today used to be true for Christianity as well and still are.

Right, no more than there is much difference between a pile of shit and a good steak.

I mean, Islam is a religion founded by a murderous warlord who used death to convert by the sword, murdering and raping any in his way.

Christianity is a religion surrounding a carpenter who admonished that people should turn the other cheek if struck.

Very similar....

It's quite notable that the Koran during it's first few hundred years was passed on to believers by the word of mouth. So one can imagine the twisting the story took as it progressed along the land (much like Christianity) to the point where the teachings were quite different in different parts of the Islamic world. Islamic scholars used to be quite literate and inventive but where taken down during the 11th century because researching the sciences was made into blasphemy (much like Christianity). The teachings have been subject to debate and change from time to time (much like Christianity). Even on the part of womens rights, Christianity in it's basic form didn't look to kindly to women.


In what was did Christianity not look kindly to women?

Christians used to burn weird women and people who asked too many questions. Even other Christian sects used to be considered heathens and whole crusades and wars were launched because of them. So todays Baptists and all those small denominations in the US would be targets of the inquisitors and crusaders of the pope.

So, of the 409 people killed over 250 years of the inquisition, how many were women? Half? More? 37?

Inquiring liars for Allah want to know!

Furthermore, when Christians are given a quote from the Bible that isn't too flattering, they like to tell us that we're misinterpreting the message. But the creator of this thread doesn't do the same for another religion. The endemic hypocrisy withing Christian communities reaks.

When Muslims are confronted with the Koran, in full context, they do what you do - lie through their fucking teeth.

It's the Muslim way. "There is no shame in deceiving the Kafir" from the Hadith al Bukhari.
There are lots of misconceptions about Islam and what it entails.

The religious laws some people claim to be for spreading the religion by killing is paraphrasing what the Koran actually says in the most part, which is basically an eye for en eye type of killing.
In reality there aren't many differences between Islam and Christianity; many of the practices of Islam today used to be true for Christianity as well and still are.

It's quite notable that the Koran during it's first few hundred years was passed on to believers by the word of mouth. So one can imagine the twisting the story took as it progressed along the land (much like Christianity) to the point where the teachings were quite different in different parts of the Islamic world. Islamic scholars used to be quite literate and inventive but where taken down during the 11th century because researching the sciences was made into blasphemy (much like Christianity). The teachings have been subject to debate and change from time to time (much like Christianity). Even on the part of womens rights, Christianity in it's basic form didn't look to kindly to women.

Christians used to burn weird women and people who asked too many questions. Even other Christian sects used to be considered heathens and whole crusades and wars were launched because of them. So todays Baptists and all those small denominations in the US would be targets of the inquisitors and crusaders of the pope.

Furthermore, when Christians are given a quote from the Bible that isn't too flattering, they like to tell us that we're misinterpreting the message. But the creator of this thread doesn't do the same for another religion. The endemic hypocrisy withing Christian communities reaks.

Bravo. Well said!

Alahu Akbar indeed.
They don't come from a place/God of Love;

they don't believe in Tolerance;

they want to kill me for MY religious beliefs;

and they want to take my country and make it their own.

While I'm called on, by my God, to be accepting of ALL,

they're called on by their God to KILL all,

sort of like the Christian Crusaders.

THAT isn't tolerance.

THAT isn't love of a brother.


pure and simple.

When I lived in Europe I traveled, lived and worked with I'd say five to six dozen Muslims (Algerians, Moroccans, Tunisians, Egyptians, Sudanese, a few Africans), as well as a handful here in the US. Of your laundry list here, zero of your bogeymen applied to any of them. Literally not a single one. On the other hand they were generous with their resources and loyal friends when the occasion warranted. They loved life. And we laughed hard.

Cute strawman though. I love the way you documented the point with facts and stayed away from ipse dixit, vague impressions of people you've never met taken from sensationalistic news media, innuendo and out the other. Powerful stuff.

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So, of the 409 people killed over 250 years of the inquisition, how many were women? Half? More? 37?

Apparently revisionists never sleep. The number of victims of institutionalized Christian terrorism over six hundred years is naturally difficult to pin down but even the most conservative estimates put it in the tens of thousands. Most were thought to have been women, especially those who dared to not fit the standard icon such as widows, healers, midwives and those not seen in church (that whole 'conservative' mindset) . Sometimes burned alive with their children forced to watch, and/or tortured with the sadistic instruments that have become infamous.

Indeed, that history was recent enough in the late 18th century (the Spanish Inquisition was not abolished until 1834) to be in the consciousness of the liberals who founded this country -- enough that the very first words of the very first entry in the Bill of Rights declared: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

To suggest that Islam has some kind of patent on institutionalized terrorism is just outright lying. Christianism and Islam are a lot more alike than they are different.
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I regularly buy gas at a station near my residence and am there 2-3 times a week. The management of this national station is Muslim and his family. Around Christmas he would always tell me "Merry Christmas to you." And he meant it. Yes sir, no sir and his kids went to the same school as mine. Ali is as fine a man as anyone I know around these parts and I have been all over.
Could care less if folk believe his religion is false or whatever. Fact is this man and his family are good folk.
I regularly buy gas at a station near my residence and am there 2-3 times a week. The management of this national station is Muslim and his family. Around Christmas he would always tell me "Merry Christmas to you." And he meant it. Yes sir, no sir and his kids went to the same school as mine. Ali is as fine a man as anyone I know around these parts and I have been all over.
Could care less if folk believe his religion is false or whatever. Fact is this man and his family are good folk.

This man and his family may be good folk but he is wrong to wish you a merry christmas according to Islam.

By wishing someone "merry christmas", Muslims believe that is to support a shirk action. (Shirk is that one worships someone else other than Allah SWT). And shirk is the biggest sin in Islam, and Allah will not forgive this. Most Christians believe Jesus is either god or the son of god, but in Surat Al-ikhlas, it is so clear that Allah doesn't have a son:
112:1 Say, "He is Allah , [who is] One,
112:2 Allah , the Eternal Refuge.
112:3 He neither begets nor is born,
112:4 Nor is there to Him any equivalent."
I regularly buy gas at a station near my residence and am there 2-3 times a week. The management of this national station is Muslim and his family. Around Christmas he would always tell me "Merry Christmas to you." And he meant it. Yes sir, no sir and his kids went to the same school as mine. Ali is as fine a man as anyone I know around these parts and I have been all over.
Could care less if folk believe his religion is false or whatever. Fact is this man and his family are good folk.

This man and his family may be good folk but he is wrong to wish you a merry christmas according to Islam.

By wishing someone "merry christmas", Muslims believe that is to support a shirk action. (Shirk is that one worships someone else other than Allah SWT). And shirk is the biggest sin in Islam, and Allah will not forgive this. Most Christians believe Jesus is either god or the son of god, but in Surat Al-ikhlas, it is so clear that Allah doesn't have a son:
112:1 Say, "He is Allah , [who is] One,
112:2 Allah , the Eternal Refuge.
112:3 He neither begets nor is born,
112:4 Nor is there to Him any equivalent."

Are you Muslim?
He and his family are, attend a local mosque and wish folks Merry Christmas.
Just like there are Methodists and Lutherans and 4 dozen other denominations of Christians there are different Muslims.
I regularly buy gas at a station near my residence and am there 2-3 times a week. The management of this national station is Muslim and his family. Around Christmas he would always tell me "Merry Christmas to you." And he meant it. Yes sir, no sir and his kids went to the same school as mine. Ali is as fine a man as anyone I know around these parts and I have been all over.
Could care less if folk believe his religion is false or whatever. Fact is this man and his family are good folk.

This man and his family may be good folk but he is wrong to wish you a merry christmas according to Islam.

By wishing someone "merry christmas", Muslims believe that is to support a shirk action. (Shirk is that one worships someone else other than Allah SWT). And shirk is the biggest sin in Islam, and Allah will not forgive this. Most Christians believe Jesus is either god or the son of god, but in Surat Al-ikhlas, it is so clear that Allah doesn't have a son:
112:1 Say, "He is Allah , [who is] One,
112:2 Allah , the Eternal Refuge.
112:3 He neither begets nor is born,
112:4 Nor is there to Him any equivalent."

Are you Muslim?
He and his family are, attend a local mosque and wish folks Merry Christmas.
Just like there are Methodists and Lutherans and 4 dozen other denominations of Christians there are different Muslims.

Exactly, and like Christianism or any other organized religion, its adherents take it with varying degrees of grains of salt. So to take, say, nineteen airplane hijackers, observe that they're Muslim and then extrapolate that to a billion and a half people, that's dishonest. It would be like taking the Inquisitions, adding in the Eric Rudophs and Tim McVeighs and Scott Roeders, and extrapolating that to all Christians and Christianity itself as the root of all evil. Same thing.
Apparently revisionists never sleep. The number of victims of institutionalized Christian terrorism over six hundred years is naturally difficult to pin down but even the most conservative estimates put it in the tens of thousands.


Pogo, you make hacks look rational. Filled with hate, you never let facts interfere with your bigotry.

I would say you're misinformed, but I'm pretty sure you're actually flat out lying.

Historians say Inquisition wasn't that bad | World news | The Guardian

Most were thought to have been women, especially those who dared to not fit the standard icon such as widows, healers, midwives and those not seen in church (that whole 'conservative' mindset) . Sometimes burned alive with their children forced to watch, and/or tortured with the sadistic instruments that have become infamous.

Yep, flat out lying.

{The Inquisition not only hunted for Protestants and for false converts from Judaism among the conversos, but also searched for false or relapsed converts among the Moriscos, forced converts from Islam. The Moriscos were mostly concentrated in the recently conquered kingdom of Granada, in Aragon, and in Valencia. Officially, all Muslims in the Crown of Castile had been forcibly converted to Christianity in 1502.}

Spanish Inquisition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As a fraternal society, Catholic Spain placed responsibility for faith on the head of the household, the man in charge.

Indeed, that history was recent enough in the late 18th century (the Spanish Inquisition was not abolished until 1834) to be in the consciousness of the liberals who founded this country -- enough that the very first words of the very first entry in the Bill of Rights declared: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

Wonderful, but then - does little to support the outright lies you tell in your bigotry, does it?

To suggest that Islam has some kind of patent on institutionalized terrorism is just outright lying. Christianism and Islam are a lot more alike than they are different.

I don't know about patent, but Islam slaughters more in a year that the Catholics did in their entire history. Last confirmed and sanctioned killing by the Catholics in 1647. Last confirmed murder by the Muslims is about 5 minutes ago.

I understand though, you are at war with the Constitutional Republic and traditional American values, thus the Muslims are your ally - having a common enemy.
Apparently revisionists never sleep. The number of victims of institutionalized Christian terrorism over six hundred years is naturally difficult to pin down but even the most conservative estimates put it in the tens of thousands.


Pogo, you make hacks look rational. Filled with hate, you never let facts interfere with your bigotry.

I would say you're misinformed, but I'm pretty sure you're actually flat out lying.

Historians say Inquisition wasn't that bad | World news | The Guardian

Most were thought to have been women, especially those who dared to not fit the standard icon such as widows, healers, midwives and those not seen in church (that whole 'conservative' mindset) . Sometimes burned alive with their children forced to watch, and/or tortured with the sadistic instruments that have become infamous.

Yep, flat out lying.

Aye, that you are.

I've seen that article before; right there in the second paragraph its source is revealed:
"According to the documents from Vatican archives relating to the trials of Jews, Muslims, Cathars, witches, scientists and other non-Catholics in Europe between the 13th and the 19th centuries". Your own link.

There you go. If you want honest stats of mass murder, just ask the perpetrators. Who would know better? I'm sure that's where you got your Islamophobic execution data -- right?

So draw out the math that gave you "250 years" out of a time span of "the 13th to 19th centuries". Is this "math you do as a Republican to make yourself feel better"? Actually that timeline is conservative; it actually began in the 12th century with persecution of the Cathars. But thanks for playing and be sure to play the Organized Religion Myopia game at home.


Indeed, that history was recent enough in the late 18th century (the Spanish Inquisition was not abolished until 1834) to be in the consciousness of the liberals who founded this country -- enough that the very first words of the very first entry in the Bill of Rights declared: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

Wonderful, but then - does little to support the outright lies you tell in your bigotry, does it?

To suggest that Islam has some kind of patent on institutionalized terrorism is just outright lying. Christianism and Islam are a lot more alike than they are different.

I don't know about patent, but Islam slaughters more in a year that the Catholics did in their entire history. Last confirmed and sanctioned killing by the Catholics in 1647. Last confirmed murder by the Muslims is about 5 minutes ago.

-- yeah, presuming that when you say "1647" you mean "1826". Hey, what's 179 years when you've got a whole history to whitewash? Hell, even in this country there were victims after that date -- 19 people (13 of them women) executed in 1692 in Salem. But then if 179 years doesn't stand in the way of revisionism, then 45 won't stand a chance. Nor does any of that count, again, the Roeders and Kopps and Rudolphs et al who carry on as renegades where the Vatican left off but on the same basis.

I understand though, you are at war with the Constitutional Republic and traditional American values, thus the Muslims are your ally - having a common enemy.

:boohoo: ♬....Cry me a river... ♫

My common enemy is bullshit. That's why I shoot down your posts. Plus they're such :Boom2: easy targets.
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