I Hate All Muslims, And Here's Why ~

Anytime someone who is Christian commits evil, you can't use the excuse "They aren't a true Christian so its okay". That is so pathetic. If being a Christian is to be like Jesus, then what was Jesus like? Christians can't even get along with each other about things like homosexuality, per-martial sex, etc. The entire religion is such a blur, not to mention most of it is just a 1st century knock-off of Judaism.

Joe kills his wife.

Joe was baptized as a child.

So Christianity killed his wife?

Oh and as for what Jesus was like? There is zero evidence that Jesus existed. Generally "Jesus" is a construct of Paul, who compiled several contemporary myths to create a composite that appealed to various groups, as he founded his cult.

You know the difference between a "cult" and a "religion," right? About a hundred years.
Strapped to a gurney, awaiting the lethal injection Monday that would punish him for the Oklahoma City bombing, Timothy McVeigh asked to see a priest.

Bureau of Prisons officials said McVeigh, a self-described agnostic, received the Catholic sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick by an unidentified prison chaplain.

"McVeigh did see last rites which were provided by a BOP chaplain," said Jeff Grondolsky, a spokesman with the Bureau of Prisons.

McVeigh took last rites before execution - CNN

Hedging his bets. Though I can't grasp why a Catholic priest would grant absolution to the son of a bitch.

BTW, you DO remember that Elohim City, the group behind McVeigh, was tied to Al Qaeda? And that Terry Nichols, the bomb maker, went to an Al Qaeda training camp in the Philippines, where he learned to make bombs, right?
Oh please. Get your head out of the sand. You must have missed (again) that list of Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolph, John Salvi, Shelly Shannon, Matt Goldsby, Jimmy Simmons, Kathy Simmons, Kaye Wiggins, Martin Uphoff, David McMenemey, Father John Earl, James Kopp, Clayton Waagner, the Army of God, Hutaree, the KKK and Tim McVeigh, which was just my quick skim of the surface. You must have missed several other examples on this page. The Holocaust and the Inquisition by themselves add up to a seven figure total, if not eight. This -- thing in bold ^^ may be the most ignorant statement ever made on this board.

Btw those buildings you pictured like some Godwin's Law Two-- that's not a religious act. It's a political one.

Pogo, you're a lying pile of shit.

Tim McVeigh;

In the 2001 book American Terrorist, McVeigh stated that he did not believe in Hell and that science is his religion.[89][90] In June 2001, a day before the execution, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News identifying as agnostic.

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You know this, I've shoved your face in it before - yet you continue to lie.

Eric Rudolph

Hardly a "Christian" in the normal sense;

{It is likely the attack on the Olympics was motivated by opposition to internationalism, global cooperation, and race-mixing. This, along with opposition to abortion and gay rights, are core tenents of a theology called Christian Identity. Rudolph was exposed to Christian Identity in his youth, and appears to have kept in touch with others who share this worldview.

Christian Identity is a derivative and heretical form of Protestant fundamentalism that believes the US is the Biblical “Promised Land” and considers white Christians to be God’s “Chosen People.” Michael Barkun in Religion and the Racist Right has tracked the influence of apocalyptic millennialism on major racist and antisemitic ideologues within Christian Identity, including Wesley Swift, William Potter Gale, Richard Butler, Sheldon Emry, and Pete Peters. The most racialized version of Identity claims Jews are Satanic agents who manipulate subhuman people of color. Karen Armstrong refers to militant Christian Identity as fascist. Others see its most zealous wing as neonazi. }

PublicEye.org - The Website of Political Research Associates

And even IF we took the Atheist McVeigh, and the Nazi puke Rudolph, you still have a list compiled over 50 years that pales to a single week of Islamic activity.

I'm curious Pogo, are your apologetics and promotion of Islamic terrorism based mostly on your foaming at the mouth bigotry against Christians?

And I'm curious, Unsense, why doesn't whoever dresses you in the morning help write your posts? Because this is self-embarrassment. But do carry on, it's entertaining in a sick way.
"Waaah- he doesn't count! Waaah-- he doesn't count either" ... Desperation to defend your absurdly erroneous count of "Zero"

Poster, please. Your numerical hypocrisy is off the scale here. Want to start over at the Inquisition, which you already tried in this thread to shrink to 250 years and 37 women? Say the word.
As I noted back there, Islam and Christianism are a lot more alike than they are different. Get your head out of your own sand and look the hell around.
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You are missing my points entirely, man. What makes a radical Muslim worse than a radical Christian? They both a twisted ideology and want to kill the opposing. Much like "God" in the bible.
You're not the spokesman for what does and doesn't fly in the rest of the world.

Nor are you, Comrade. And despite your desires, the ability of Constitutionalists to speak an opinion still exists.

While it's certainly within your right to speak, the constitution does not grant you or anyone else the right to dictate how people worship in this country or how they live in other countries.
Btw, this guy keeps bringing up 9/11 without questioning anything, the FBI never had hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to it. And the hijackers turned out be alive. A good portion of them.

Many 9-11 "Hijackers" are Still Alive.

CNN revealed that FBI director Robert Mueller openly admitted that some of the identities of the 9-11 hijackers are in question due to identity theft. Here’s what CNN reported on September 21:

FBI Director Robert Mueller has acknowledged that some of those behind last week's terror attacks may have stolen the identification of other people, and, according to at least one security expert, it may have been "relatively easy" based on their level of sophistication. 71
And I'm curious, Unsense, why doesn't whoever dresses you in the morning help write your posts? Because this is self-embarrassment. But do carry on, it's entertaining in a sick way.

Pogo, shouldn't the nurses inform you that prior to impugning others, you should lay of the more obvious lies?


How many times have you been busted for that lie alone? Look, we get it that you have no integrity, but you have no brains either.

"Waaah- he doesn't count! Waaah-- he doesn't count either" ... Desperation to defend your absurdly erroneous count of "Zero"

Because you are low of intellect, you imagine that all you have to do to promote your Islamist allies is provide a one off Christian - and you don't mind lying to do it.

But as is the usual case with you, you're engaging in logical fallacy, which is as close to "logic" as you ever get.

You are presenting a the false dichotomy.

Your argument is that;

Since McVeigh is a Christian and engaged in terrorism, Islamic terrorism is excused.

Now beyond the opening lie, McVeigh was self-identified as Agnostic, there is the failure of the syllogism. The terrorism of McVeigh, even if he WERE a Christian, does nothing to excuse the terrorism of the Islamists.

Now Pogo, you're a stupid guy, so comprehension and retention are not finely honed with you. Still, should you thumb back through these pages, you'll notice that I state Nazism is evil. So the acts of a Nazi fuck like Eric Rudolph only serve to support my theses that evil creeds, like Nazism and Islam, promote evil deeds.

Poster, please. Your numerical hypocrisy is off the scale here. Want to start over at the Inquisition, which you already tried in this thread to shrink to 250 years and 37 women? Say the word.

Ohh goody, more lies from the foaming at the mouth bigot. So how many WERE killed over 600 years of Inquisition? Huh sparky? Must have been millions, right? I mean, it HAD to..


Yep, total number actually documented as executed by the Inquisition, 826.

Spanish Inquisition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Vatican downgrades Inquisition toll - World news | NBC News
Spanish Inquisition - New World Encyclopedia
You are missing my points entirely, man. What makes a radical Muslim worse than a radical Christian? They both a twisted ideology and want to kill the opposing. Much like "God" in the bible.

There are about 90 to 100 million radical Muslims.

There are about a dozen "radical Christians."

KKK must be damn near diminished...
Btw, this guy keeps bringing up 9/11 without questioning anything, the FBI never had hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to it. And the hijackers turned out be alive. A good portion of them.

Many 9-11 "Hijackers" are Still Alive.

CNN revealed that FBI director Robert Mueller openly admitted that some of the identities of the 9-11 hijackers are in question due to identity theft. Here’s what CNN reported on September 21:

FBI Director Robert Mueller has acknowledged that some of those behind last week's terror attacks may have stolen the identification of other people, and, according to at least one security expert, it may have been "relatively easy" based on their level of sophistication. 71

Oh wow, you're TROOFER, what a surprise...

While it's certainly within your right to speak, the constitution does not grant you or anyone else the right to dictate how people worship in this country or how they live in other countries.

Reduced to straw man arguments? A clear sign you are bereft of logic.

I don't give a fuck what you worship.

Thank you once again for such an intelligent, well articulated reply.

Again, you can speak your mind and prove without a doubt how bereft of intelligence and logic your really are, but it is also well within my right to point and laugh at your ridiculous ramblings.
Btw, this guy keeps bringing up 9/11 without questioning anything, the FBI never had hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to it. And the hijackers turned out be alive. A good portion of them.

Many 9-11 "Hijackers" are Still Alive.

CNN revealed that FBI director Robert Mueller openly admitted that some of the identities of the 9-11 hijackers are in question due to identity theft. Here’s what CNN reported on September 21:

FBI Director Robert Mueller has acknowledged that some of those behind last week's terror attacks may have stolen the identification of other people, and, according to at least one security expert, it may have been "relatively easy" based on their level of sophistication. 71

Oh wow, you're TROOFER, what a surprise...


As are many Americans, pipsqueak.
Thank you once again for such an intelligent, well articulated reply.

You're welcome, and it was more than your straw man deserved.

Again, you can speak your mind and prove without a doubt how bereft of intelligence and logic your really are, but it is also well within my right to point and laugh at your ridiculous ramblings.

You're doing real well here sparky, I mean all the facts and citations you keep posting....

Color me impressed.
Thank you once again for such an intelligent, well articulated reply.

You're welcome, and it was more than your straw man deserved.

Again, you can speak your mind and prove without a doubt how bereft of intelligence and logic your really are, but it is also well within my right to point and laugh at your ridiculous ramblings.

You're doing real well here sparky, I mean all the facts and citations you keep posting....

Color me impressed.

Coming from someone who feels an intelligent reply is "facktard" or "you moron" I imagine it doesn't take much to impress you.

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