I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT says Trump in arrempt to deflect from something

This girl is a problem that this little man needs to get over. This sort of thing makes him look so diminished.
Judging by previous debacles he is trying to shift the narrative from some other crap he is knee deep in.
My money is on the hilarious cats and dogs nonsense.

He triggered you again. LOL
What kinda of work? She already has more money and more supporters than trump by writing and performing music that she wrote. . She’s doing just fine.
Shake it off, cupcake
Her new songs need more work. It’s repetitive and dull. Some were catchy. She is talented but it’s showing how huge her ego is that she is tone deaf to what music she produces. Thats what happens when little girls blow your ego up to huge levels.

Sorry if i hurt your feelings, you must be a swiftie.

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