I hate to admit it, but

The Dems have outfoxed the GOP once again. It is now too late to seat Judge Kavanaugh for the current SCOTUS term, so there is no hurry to confirm him until the end of this year. Not knowing what further dirty tricks the Dems have up their sleeves, the prudent thing for the GOP is probably to allow an FBI investigation of Dr. Ford's accusation and then use its inconclusive results to expose the Dems as unethical scoundrels. Who knows, the voters might recognize the unfairness with which Judge Kavanaugh has been treated and throw the bums out.
Not true, they only needed to get out of the initial vote!
No doubt, its a bit of a travesty that the law to preserve evidence didn't exist at the time. It is good they changed the law at least - that was back in the 80s when folks actually cared about justice >.<

Since you mentioned, rules were different back then.

The "statute of limitations" was mentioned many times, and every time I heard that sexual assault doesn't expire in Maryland and Kavanaugh can be sued even today.

This has to be taken with reserve, I think, since assault and attempted rape were both misdemeanors and subject to one year statute of limitation back in 1982. The law was changed later, and it applies only to the charges brought up after the law was enacted.

I'll agree with that. I figure if SOL doesn't exist in the Ford/Kavanaugh thing, then Ford shoulda opened the case with the police in 2012 - not the MSM and Democrats at the 11th hour in 2018...

That's exactly what did happen.

Ariana B. Kelly, the Democratic Caucus Chair that represents District 16 in the Maryland House of Delegates filed request with Montgomery County PD and State's Attorney's Office to open criminal investigation over allegations against Judge Kavanaugh.

They responded that charges must be filed by the victim of the crime, and that investigation cannot be opened because "to date, there have been no criminal reports filed with the Montgomery County Department of Police that would lead to the initiation of any criminal investigation related to Judge Kavanaugh". They also referred to statute of limitation from the 1982.

hmm hadn't seen that one, have a source for it?

Not that I'd be at all surprised that tidbit of information never made it to the DNC's... erm I mean MSM... Ah fuck I meant Google... Damn I can't type tonight :p

You will probably find the link somewhere tomorrow, since I only have and image of the document dated today (well, yesterday 9/28), and signed by Thomas Manger, Chief of Police and John McCarthy, State Attorney.

Thanks for the additional infos, helped me search up this - Montgomery officials 'prepared to investigate' Kavanaugh allegations - if an alleged victim comes forward

I'm a bit of an internet sleuth ;)
Are you sure that if confirmed Kavanaugh can't take his seat as soon as he's sworn in and participate in and vote on any cases that have not been heard yet at that point? Say the confirmation happens on Tuesday, 9 Oct and he gets sworn in the next day. So on 11 Oct he takes his seat on the SCOTUS and hears the cases not already started. I have not seen the rules for that but I do know he has to hear the case arguments from the beginning or he can't vote on them.

BTW, the Dems have already been exposed as unethical scoundrels. One hopes the voters will make them pay dearly for the shitty way they treated Kavanaugh.

A Blue wave is coming, this sad affair with brett o'kavanaugh doesn't change any math.
What is that? And how is it you know how fifteen states will vote? Project much monkey
The Dems have outfoxed the GOP once again. It is now too late to seat Judge Kavanaugh for the current SCOTUS term, so there is no hurry to confirm him until the end of this year. Not knowing what further dirty tricks the Dems have up their sleeves, the prudent thing for the GOP is probably to allow an FBI investigation of Dr. Ford's accusation and then use its inconclusive results to expose the Dems as unethical scoundrels. Who knows, the voters might recognize the unfairness with which Judge Kavanaugh has been treated and throw the bums out.

They have till January.

Are you sure that if confirmed Kavanaugh can't take his seat as soon as he's sworn in and participate in and vote on any cases that have not been heard yet at that point? Say the confirmation happens on Tuesday, 9 Oct and he gets sworn in the next day. So on 11 Oct he takes his seat on the SCOTUS and hears the cases not already started. I have not seen the rules for that but I do know he has to hear the case arguments from the beginning or he can't vote on them.

BTW, the Dems have already been exposed as unethical scoundrels. One hopes the voters will make them pay dearly for the shitty way they treated Kavanaugh.

A Blue wave is coming, this sad affair with brett o'kavanaugh doesn't change any math.

Ford has been telling people about Kavanaugh's assault for many years. Her friends, her husband, and her shrink.

She did not make it up. Kavanaugh is lying.

You can bury your heads in the sand and pretend he isn't, but you already know the truth.
^^ THIS^^

Ford notified both a newspaper's anonymous tip line and wrote to her congresswoman...BEFORE Bart O'Kavanaugh was the nominee.

She said nothing until 2012 after a therapy sessions, why did she not mention it to anyone before 2012? Was it because it wasn’t uncovered until 2012, is it a memory recall?

She did...she told her husband. And he didn't get nominated to the SCOTUS until 2018. That's when she felt it was her duty to come forward. Listen to her very compelling, very credible testimony.

He, on the other hand, lied over and over.

She didn’t say a word until 2012, why didn’t she remember it before 2012. She sounds credible however there is no evidence, the people she named that were at the party don’t remember the party, her lifetime friend denied being at the party and denied ever knowing Kavanaugh, so there is absolutely nothing putting Kavanaugh and Ford at the alleged party. Her testimony sounded credible however without any evidence there is nothing to back her claims.
Ford has been telling people about Kavanaugh's assault for many years. Her friends, her husband, and her shrink.

She did not make it up. Kavanaugh is lying.

You can bury your heads in the sand and pretend he isn't, but you already know the truth.
^^ THIS^^

Ford notified both a newspaper's anonymous tip line and wrote to her congresswoman...BEFORE Bart O'Kavanaugh was the nominee.

She said nothing until 2012 after a therapy sessions, why did she not mention it to anyone before 2012? Was it because it wasn’t uncovered until 2012, is it a memory recall?

She did...she told her husband. And he didn't get nominated to the SCOTUS until 2018. That's when she felt it was her duty to come forward. Listen to her very compelling, very credible testimony.

He, on the other hand, lied over and over.

She didn’t say a word until 2012, why didn’t she remember it before 2012. She sounds credible however there is no evidence, the people she named that were at the party don’t remember the party, her lifetime friend denied being at the party and denied ever knowing Kavanaugh, so there is absolutely nothing putting Kavanaugh and Ford at the alleged party. Her testimony sounded credible however without any evidence there is nothing to back her claims.

I never told anyone about my attempted sexual assault. I've never looked the guy up to see what he's doing...but, if he ever made a short list for a presidential nomination, I'd be telling every reporter within earshot.

The friend you're referencing said she believes Ford.

Statements from Yale classmates about his belligerence when drinking certainly lend credence to what we've heard so far.
The Dems have outfoxed the GOP once again. It is now too late to seat Judge Kavanaugh for the current SCOTUS term, so there is no hurry to confirm him until the end of this year. Not knowing what further dirty tricks the Dems have up their sleeves, the prudent thing for the GOP is probably to allow an FBI investigation of Dr. Ford's accusation and then use its inconclusive results to expose the Dems as unethical scoundrels. Who knows, the voters might recognize the unfairness with which Judge Kavanaugh has been treated and throw the bums out.
Exactly. And Flake is bailing them out. He's taking one for the team. He's giving those Republicans up for re-election cover and defusing the "war on women" meme.
The Dems have outfoxed the GOP once again. It is now too late to seat Judge Kavanaugh for the current SCOTUS term, so there is no hurry to confirm him until the end of this year. Not knowing what further dirty tricks the Dems have up their sleeves, the prudent thing for the GOP is probably to allow an FBI investigation of Dr. Ford's accusation and then use its inconclusive results to expose the Dems as unethical scoundrels. Who knows, the voters might recognize the unfairness with which Judge Kavanaugh has been treated and throw the bums out.

When ever someone starts a sentence with 'I hate to admit it', they actually are bragging about something, and they are in love with themself.
Ford has been telling people about Kavanaugh's assault for many years. Her friends, her husband, and her shrink.

She did not make it up. Kavanaugh is lying.

You can bury your heads in the sand and pretend he isn't, but you already know the truth.
^^ THIS^^

Ford notified both a newspaper's anonymous tip line and wrote to her congresswoman...BEFORE Bart O'Kavanaugh was the nominee.

She said nothing until 2012 after a therapy sessions, why did she not mention it to anyone before 2012? Was it because it wasn’t uncovered until 2012, is it a memory recall?

She did...she told her husband. And he didn't get nominated to the SCOTUS until 2018. That's when she felt it was her duty to come forward. Listen to her very compelling, very credible testimony.

He, on the other hand, lied over and over.

She didn’t say a word until 2012, why didn’t she remember it before 2012. She sounds credible however there is no evidence, the people she named that were at the party don’t remember the party, her lifetime friend denied being at the party and denied ever knowing Kavanaugh, so there is absolutely nothing putting Kavanaugh and Ford at the alleged party. Her testimony sounded credible however without any evidence there is nothing to back her claims.

I never told anyone about my attempted sexual assault. I've never looked the guy up to see what he's doing...but, if he ever made a short list for a presidential nomination, I'd be telling every reporter within earshot.

The friend you're referencing said she believes Ford.

Statements from Yale classmates about his belligerence when drinking certainly lend credence to what we've heard so far.

Drinking doesn’t make you a rapist. The friend who she said was at the party, has said she was not at the party, she didn’t know Kavanaugh, yet she believes her? That makes no sense.

So, in her therapy from what I’m getting is the memory was recovered. That is a repressed memory. The people I know that have been abused aren’t recovered memories. They knew the place, the smells, almost every little detail. In her story, she doesn’t know where, the people she claims are there, say they are not. That hurts her credibility.
"Outfoxed"? Is that what the game is about ?
What, as opposed to "PLOWING THROUGH?!?!?"
Main Goal: To Inherit the Same Power Their Brothers Always Got

WHERE WERE YOU when a whole roomful of women were testifying that Bill Clinton raped and brutalized them while Hillary trashed their lives? Where were the morals of the democrats THEN as they blocked his removal from office, then tried to put her in office as well?
Main Goal: To Inherit the Same Power Only Their Brothers Got Before

If you think the Femininnies are contradicting themselves in giving Billy and Teddy a pass, you're passing up an opportunity to see what has always been the motivation of this elitist movement. The penis-envy piranhas have always directed their appeal to those pseudo-sophisticated princesses who grew up spoiled and intensely indoctrinated in the delusion that their class was Born to Rule. Other women, such as any who would bring charges against favored males who kowtow to this vicious and vindictive rich-girl clique, are considered to be working-class sluts and bimbos who do it just for the money.
Are you sure that if confirmed Kavanaugh can't take his seat as soon as he's sworn in and participate in and vote on any cases that have not been heard yet at that point? Say the confirmation happens on Tuesday, 9 Oct and he gets sworn in the next day. So on 11 Oct he takes his seat on the SCOTUS and hears the cases not already started. I have not seen the rules for that but I do know he has to hear the case arguments from the beginning or he can't vote on them.

BTW, the Dems have already been exposed as unethical scoundrels. One hopes the voters will make them pay dearly for the shitty way they treated Kavanaugh.

A Blue wave is coming, this sad affair with brett o'kavanaugh doesn't change any math.
The Audacity of Hype and the Pomposity of Popcorn

Self-inflated Dhimmicrat dollboys watching a childish superhero movie starring themselves

Speak in adult language.
This Is the Decadent Clique That Harveywood Has Given Credibility To

If you say so, as if you're not trying to deflect from a perfect description of what your Resiss-dance is all about.
Ford has been telling people about Kavanaugh's assault for many years. Her friends, her husband, and her shrink.

She did not make it up. Kavanaugh is lying.

You can bury your heads in the sand and pretend he isn't, but you already know the truth.

How do you know it isn't mistaken identity? So many inconsistencies in her testimony make her seem very unclear about facts.
Ford has been telling people about Kavanaugh's assault for many years. Her friends, her husband, and her shrink.

She did not make it up. Kavanaugh is lying.

You can bury your heads in the sand and pretend he isn't, but you already know the truth.

How do you know it isn't mistaken identity? So many inconsistencies in her testimony make her seem very unclear about facts.

They don't know if it is mistaken identity. It very well could be. History tells us that many people have spent years, or even decades in jail, even on death row for crimes they didn't commit. And, this wasn't based on a one day hearing. These cases were after a full jury trial and much deeper investigation than what we see with Kavanaugh/Ford.

It used to be said that "it is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer". No more. We assume guilt before even hearing the testimony in today's world.
The Dems have outfoxed the GOP once again. It is now too late to seat Judge Kavanaugh for the current SCOTUS term, so there is no hurry to confirm him until the end of this year. Not knowing what further dirty tricks the Dems have up their sleeves, the prudent thing for the GOP is probably to allow an FBI investigation of Dr. Ford's accusation and then use its inconclusive results to expose the Dems as unethical scoundrels. Who knows, the voters might recognize the unfairness with which Judge Kavanaugh has been treated and throw the bums out.

Are you that dense?

He can be confirmed at any time and be sworn in by the Chief Justice the very next day.
President Trump will never drop his support of Judge Kavanaugh. When it comes down to it, he will be confirmed and will sit on the Supreme Court BEFORE the November elections.

And it will gain Red candidates a tremendous amount of votes. Red wave coming.
Cons have ZERO credibility to complain about Supreme Court shenanigans after what they did to Merrick Garland .

The Republicans didn't do anything to Merrick Garland at all.

No character assassination whatsoever.

And if Hillary Clinton had won the election in 2016, he would have been on the court by Thanksgiving.

Of course, that all the past. Any future nominee for any position by a future Democrat President will have to show and explain their yearbook notations as well

No character assassination because there was no hearing. McConnell and the senate sat on their asses for 283 days before the nomination expired. Your spin is worthless.

If Hillary Clinton had won the election, the Senate would have voted on Garland's confirmation and there would not have been any character assassinations at all. If you look at previous Democrat nominees for the court - we really don't know anything at all about Sotomayor's social life in high school, never even glimpsed at Ginzberg's high school yearbook.

Aw, thanks for your opinion, super chief. But I don't require more spin. You don't know for certain that would have happened and you gotta get over that whataboutism there, bud.
Cons have ZERO credibility to complain about Supreme Court shenanigans after what they did to Merrick Garland .

The Republicans didn't do anything to Merrick Garland at all.

No character assassination whatsoever.

And if Hillary Clinton had won the election in 2016, he would have been on the court by Thanksgiving.

Of course, that all the past. Any future nominee for any position by a future Democrat President will have to show and explain their yearbook notations as well

Did nothing to Garland ? They stole his seat ! Shit, Kavanaugh wouldn’t have that open spot if it weren’t for the Gops disgusting behavior .

The Democrats DID NOT have the votes to seat Garland. Period. The Republican respect for the Biden Rule allowed Garland's nomination to stay in abeyance and he would have been seated had Clinton won. But she didn't.

There's no fucking 'abeyance'. His nomination expired January 3rd, 2017. He would have to be re-nominated by the elected president again to be considered. Your partisan spin is worthless.

No he wouldn't have, because Garland would have been confirmed right after the election, in the Lame Duck session. No one would have waited until January, what would be the point of that?

Because this is your fantasy opinion?!? You have absolutely nothing to back that up?!? Stop with the whataboutism, bud. Hillary lost.
^^ THIS^^

Ford notified both a newspaper's anonymous tip line and wrote to her congresswoman...BEFORE Bart O'Kavanaugh was the nominee.

She said nothing until 2012 after a therapy sessions, why did she not mention it to anyone before 2012? Was it because it wasn’t uncovered until 2012, is it a memory recall?

She did...she told her husband. And he didn't get nominated to the SCOTUS until 2018. That's when she felt it was her duty to come forward. Listen to her very compelling, very credible testimony.

He, on the other hand, lied over and over.

She didn’t say a word until 2012, why didn’t she remember it before 2012. She sounds credible however there is no evidence, the people she named that were at the party don’t remember the party, her lifetime friend denied being at the party and denied ever knowing Kavanaugh, so there is absolutely nothing putting Kavanaugh and Ford at the alleged party. Her testimony sounded credible however without any evidence there is nothing to back her claims.

I never told anyone about my attempted sexual assault. I've never looked the guy up to see what he's doing...but, if he ever made a short list for a presidential nomination, I'd be telling every reporter within earshot.

The friend you're referencing said she believes Ford.

Statements from Yale classmates about his belligerence when drinking certainly lend credence to what we've heard so far.

Drinking doesn’t make you a rapist. The friend who she said was at the party, has said she was not at the party, she didn’t know Kavanaugh, yet she believes her? That makes no sense.

So, in her therapy from what I’m getting is the memory was recovered. That is a repressed memory. The people I know that have been abused aren’t recovered memories. They knew the place, the smells, almost every little detail. In her story, she doesn’t know where, the people she claims are there, say they are not. That hurts her credibility.

No, it wasn’t a recovered memory. Have you read or listened to her testimony AT ALL?

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