i hate to break it to bigfoot believers but ....

I have found many deer skeletons....and there are antlers enough that people actually make a tidy little sum picking them up. Not to mention deer shit, and elk shit, and cat shit, and coyote and wolf shit, adn tracks, and hair, and dens...

The people who live in the area, and wander over those lands. No, a person from Portland staggering off the road probably isn't going to see or find anything; any more than they're likely to bag a trophy bull elk.....but the people who are third, fourth, fifth generation subsistence hunters and who have run cattle in the wilds in those areas...THEY would know if bigfoot is there.

And so far, I haven't heard of a bunch of them claiming he is.
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he doesn't exist !!! if you break the law and hide out in a city with millions of other humans and try to blend in odds are you will still be caught !! so how in the hell is an 8 foot tall ape in the woods gonna stay hidden from people searching for it !!

I have never personally seen Karim Abdul Jabbar either.
but I am convinced he exists.

Only because you think he has big feet. Sort of a big foot fetish type conspiracy.

If bigfeet existed, someone would have found a corpse by now. And the legends exist in all cultures worldwide.

How many deer are there and how many deer skeletons are found?
Nature has her way of cleaning up after herself

Deer road kill are all over the place. Where is the bigfoot roadkill?

Deer are not very smart. If this thing exists and it walks upright it is probably smart enough to avoid a car in the wilderness where one can hear a motor vehicle coming for miles.
Huggy you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Seriously. You've never spent any time in these wildernesses or you wouldn't talk such tripe.
he doesn't exist !!! if you break the law and hide out in a city with millions of other humans and try to blend in odds are you will still be caught !! so how in the hell is an 8 foot tall ape in the woods gonna stay hidden from people searching for it !!

I have never personally seen Karim Abdul Jabbar either.
but I am convinced he exists.

Only because you think he has big feet. Sort of a big foot fetish type conspiracy.


Ya know what they say about big feet.......

Huggy you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Seriously. You've never spent any time in these wildernesses or you wouldn't talk such tripe.

One of my climbs with my climbing partner was a two day ascent of Chimney Rock. It is the highest peak in the WA Cascade range. I suppose you crawled all over it? :lol:

Chimney Rock is the highest of the Snoqualmie Crest peaks and probably the most difficult summit of the group, accessible only by ascending a steep glacier and several pitches of steep technical rock. It is also the most striking, a dark rock citadel jutting up above the other peaks. Because of its prominence, Chimney Rock is a much sought-after summit, but there is no easy route to the summit of Chimney Rock, which makes it much too serious for mere scramblers and most climbers. The first ascent was made by Art Winder, Forest Farr, and Laurence Byington in 1930, somewhat by accident. The party had climbed the east face chimney to the notch and summited the lower south summit, but had all but dismissed the final climb as impossible. Then they discovered a “blind chimney” giving access to a key ledge, from which an improbable ascent up a difficult chimney and “sheer rock face” gave access to the summit chimney. Fortunately, two of the party had the foresight to bring rubber-soled shoes, making possible the technical climbing that gained the summit. Although its easiest route is frequently reported as a Class 4 climb, Chimney Rock is a serious mountaineering objective by any route with continuous, exposed Class 4–5 climbing. There have been a number of accidents on Chimney Rock. Although the standard route is easy enough climbing-wise, the routefinding is not easy and the commitment factor is high. The route reported here is East Face Direct (Grade IV, 5.6), the classic route up the mountain. The East Face route is slightly easier but is still a Class 5 climb with all of the seriousness and commitment of the direct route.

OOPS! The pic didn't show up of Chimney Rock...heres is the thumbnail..


I climbed it before your time Toots(KG) but since then no doubt you have left your slug trail all over the place! :lol:

Oh..BTW... I'm sure I was the only human being ever to climb CR high on LSD.
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You're a climber!

You still dont' know what the hell you're talking about re: bigfoot and the vast expanses....but if I had it to do all over again, and I was gifted with upper body strength, I would be a mountain climber.

I'm scared of heights, but for some reason the idea of climbing rocks appeals to me.

I just watched K2 the other night, in fact, lol...I own it.
You're a climber!

You still dont' know what the hell you're talking about re: bigfoot and the vast expanses....but if I had it to do all over again, and I was gifted with upper body strength, I would be a mountain climber.

I'm scared of heights, but for some reason the idea of climbing rocks appeals to me.

I just watched K2 the other night, in fact, lol...I own it.

I'm not "a climber". I'm "Lead Climber". Thank you very much!

I never climbed anything out of state. The really tall mountains of the world require a tremendous amount of hiking to get to the steep parts and I hate hiking. My interest was just the technical dangerous local stuff. Lugging a hundred pound pack full of gear was a lot of work even in Washington for my tastes. My buddy could carry 20-30 lbs more than me. Running with him down huge rock slides after the climbs ruined my knees and ankles. I swear that guy was part mountain goat. :lol:
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Huggy, would you have packed me out like the asshole on K2 did after he dragged his buddy up there and got his leg broken?
Huggy, would you have packed me out like the asshole on K2 did after he dragged his buddy up there and got his leg broken?

Wolverines, bears, mountain lions, wolves and buzzards gotta eat too. :lol:

No..I wouldn't have. But my climbing buddy would. He was the workhorse of the operation. I was about a buck 75 at the time and he 225 cut like Atlas. My job was to find a route and do the spidy man gig reaching with fingers and toes to gain altitude.
he doesn't exist !!! if you break the law and hide out in a city with millions of other humans and try to blend in odds are you will still be caught !! so how in the hell is an 8 foot tall ape in the woods gonna stay hidden from people searching for it !!

Geez, next you'll be telling us that Elvis is dead.
he doesn't exist !!! if you break the law and hide out in a city with millions of other humans and try to blend in odds are you will still be caught !! so how in the hell is an 8 foot tall ape in the woods gonna stay hidden from people searching for it !!

Geez, next you'll be telling us that Elvis is dead.

The day Lisa-Marie married Michael proved that to me

he doesn't exist !!! if you break the law and hide out in a city with millions of other humans and try to blend in odds are you will still be caught !! so how in the hell is an 8 foot tall ape in the woods gonna stay hidden from people searching for it !!

There are at least 10,000 people that buy an elk tag every year. Less than half of them shoot an elk. Probably a thousand of em never shot an elk. There are probably 100,000 elk in the woods. Elk aren't all that smart. I'm not sayin that there is a bigfoot but if there was it wouldn't be that hard to hide from humans.
if he owed back taxes they'ed find his big hairy ass even if he lived on the dark side of the moon !!:razz:
he doesn't exist !!! if you break the law and hide out in a city with millions of other humans and try to blend in odds are you will still be caught !! so how in the hell is an 8 foot tall ape in the woods gonna stay hidden from people searching for it !!

Geez, next you'll be telling us that Elvis is dead.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0iVx6gyj8Q]newsreporter on hunt for elvis - YouTube[/ame]
he doesn't exist !!! if you break the law and hide out in a city with millions of other humans and try to blend in odds are you will still be caught !! so how in the hell is an 8 foot tall ape in the woods gonna stay hidden from people searching for it !!

Geez, next you'll be telling us that Elvis is dead.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0iVx6gyj8Q"]newsreporter on hunt for elvis - YouTube[/ame]

That is freaking hilarious. I love the body of work created by that great comedic trio....J. Carrey, T. Petty and J. Goodman.

Oh wait, lolol..well I like Jim Carrey the most anyway.
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