I Hate Trump and His Tax Plan

This year, thanks to the orange low life, I'm getting half of last years refund...half. I just hope the rich enjoys my the tax dollars I paid in last year and please don't spend it all in one place.View attachment 242699
What kind of an idiot lets the government keep their money for a year and then gives it back to them? lmao. Smart people arrange it so they keep more of their money weekly and do NOT let the stooges keep your money!
Unlike rich white mf's like you Mike, I don't make enough to hide from Uncle Sam.
Adjust your withholding so they withhold less tax! Any fool knows that! Why let the gov keep hundreds or thousands of your dollars for a year? It ain't got anything to do with being rich or white, it has to do with you being stupid.
so there's a stupid tax now Mike....?


This year, thanks to the orange low life, I'm getting half of last years refund...half. I just hope the rich enjoys my the tax dollars I paid in last year and please don't spend it all in one place.View attachment 242699
Your refund total is due to the way you set up your taxes...it has nothing to do with Trump and his tax cuts....get a new accountant....
It does, he's taken away personal exemptions and raised the tax burden on incomes below 50 grand...that 12,000 and that's it, tax deduction sucks
I think you have been misled.....adjust your withholding.....
This year, thanks to the orange low life, I'm getting half of last years refund...half. I just hope the rich enjoys my the tax dollars I paid in last year and please don't spend it all in one place.View attachment 242699
Your refund total is due to the way you set up your taxes...it has nothing to do with Trump and his tax cuts....get a new accountant....
It does, he's taken away personal exemptions and raised the tax burden on incomes below 50 grand...that 12,000 and that's it, tax deduction sucks
I think you have been misled.....adjust your withholding.....
She says that's only for rich white people.
I’m retired now but I did work for 40 some odd years and never met a tax cut or tax hike that amounted to a hill of beans.

Tax cuts only affect the wealthy.
This year, thanks to the orange low life, I'm getting half of last years refund...half. I just hope the rich enjoys my the tax dollars I paid in last year and please don't spend it all in one place.View attachment 242699

It's a pretty safe bet that you didn't check how much more you received in take home pay throughout the year.

Just sayin'.
I actually made less last year because we didn't have as much OT....bottom line, single people with no dependents, got screwed this year, end of story.

Married people get screwed more, hun. And as you made less money, it's completely logical that your refund will also be lower.
I'm getting a refund of $8 back. I could have gotten $8000 back if I wanted to use withholding as some sort of non-interest bearing Christmas fund. Was even able to use Turbo Tax Free despite my income level, which always hampered my use of free tax filing previous years.
Wow, at least you get 8 bucks back

Looking at my 2017 federal income taxes I got back $919 from the IRS last year. But of the amount I had withheld, they kept $24,365. Easy come, easy go.
This year, thanks to the orange low life, I'm getting half of last years refund...half. I just hope the rich enjoys my the tax dollars I paid in last year and please don't spend it all in one place.View attachment 242699

It's a pretty safe bet that you didn't check how much more you received in take home pay throughout the year.

Just sayin'.
I actually made less last year because we didn't have as much OT....bottom line, single people with no dependents, got screwed this year, end of story.
So you’re upset that homos who legally marry pay less tax than you just because they buttfuck each other.
This year, thanks to the orange low life, I'm getting half of last years refund...half. I just hope the rich enjoys my the tax dollars I paid in last year and please don't spend it all in one place.View attachment 242699
Your refund total is due to the way you set up your taxes...it has nothing to do with Trump and his tax cuts....get a new accountant....
These idiots make everything about Trump, well he can't control everything in the country, no president can.
This year, thanks to the orange low life, I'm getting half of last years refund...half. I just hope the rich enjoys my the tax dollars I paid in last year and please don't spend it all in one place.View attachment 242699

Trumps tax plan was bad and it didn’t work. The companies he gave the tax break to were not starving for cash to grow. They were waiting for demand to give them a reason to grow.

Economies need different things at different times. A tax plan may be a good and helpful during one part of the economic cycle, but trash during another. It’s like medicine- rubbing an aspirin on athletes foot doesn’t help. Neither does swallowing Desnex for a headache.
Tax cuts work to spur on commerce and to create jobs....Looks to me so far as if it worked in that regard....specific cuts to specific businesses never works...that's what Obama did....Obama directed his targeted cuts to green energy....you are right that that never works...Trump's cuts like Bush's were across the board....

The Trump tax cuts didn’t help the lower and middle class. Here’s the ra data-

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?


There was no demand in the economy for adding jobs and expanding. That wasn’t the best use of the tax windfall, so companies did what companies do- increased shareholder value. Reagans tax cuts were at a different point in the economic cycle. Companies were starved for cash to expand to meet demand. Reagan gave them the cash to do it. Trump would have better spent the money on sorely needed infrastructure. Different time, different circumstances, same act means different results.
The Trump tax cuts didn’t help the lower and middle class
It gave them jobs dummy....what the hell is wrong with you?....put your graphs away and take a look around....people are earning money and paying taxes instead of taking welfare checks.......that helps people that you obviously have zero contact with.....repos are down...for the first time ever...especially in the inner city.....bankruptcies are down....people can pay their bills moron.....that helps......the lower and middle class......
This year, thanks to the orange low life, I'm getting half of last years refund...half. I just hope the rich enjoys my the tax dollars I paid in last year and please don't spend it all in one place.View attachment 242699
Wait until the Democrats get into power. With their proposed huge tax hike, you'll see even less, much of it going to lazy slobs who hang out in their parents basement or spare room and can't be bothered getting jobs.
See? This is why we need a flat fair tax. The very people who scream for other people to pay more taxes whine like jet engines when they too pay more taxes . It’s all your damn fault for being evil, and white!
This year, thanks to the orange low life, I'm getting half of last years refund...half. I just hope the rich enjoys my the tax dollars I paid in last year and please don't spend it all in one place.View attachment 242699

It's a pretty safe bet that you didn't check how much more you received in take home pay throughout the year.

Just sayin'.
I actually made less last year because we didn't have as much OT....bottom line, single people with no dependents, got screwed this year, end of story.
So you’re upset that homos who legally marry pay less tax than you just because they buttfuck each other.
Um...that’s not exactly how Sister Mary Martha, OSF, would have put it but you got the gist of it.
The Trump tax cuts didn’t help the lower and middle class
It gave them jobs dummy....what the hell is wrong with you?....put your graphs away and take a look around....people are earning money and paying taxes instead of taking welfare checks.......that helps people that you obviously have zero contact with.....repos are down...for the first time ever...especially in the inner city.....bankruptcies are down....people can pay their bills moron.....that helps......the lower and middle class......

No links huh. Just what you see from your front porch. Believe what you want, I couldn’t give a rats ass if you want to live in the dark.
This year, thanks to the orange low life, I'm getting half of last years refund...half. I just hope the rich enjoys my the tax dollars I paid in last year and please don't spend it all in one place.View attachment 242699
Which means you cannot deduct your propedty tax or your state income tax too bad. You need your state to lower their taxestaxes
No links huh. Just what you see from your front porch. Believe what you want, I couldn’t give a rats ass if you want to live in the dark.
Read watch and listen....I don't need links to show we are far better off now than we were two years ago...and if you deny that you are the one living in the dark....why do you try and change the facts on the ground in broad daylight...we are all alive pal...even the most liberal on this board admit the economy has improved...they just give the credit to Obama....LMAO.....

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