‘I Hate You’: Trans Activist Shrieks at San Francisco Board of Supervisors

Yes. Maybe not the 9 year old, but if they don’t know Right vs Wrong by their double digit birthday they’re buying saving.

Yes. In your scenario this is simply the culmination of numerous bad decisions that she either hasn’t been punished for previously or hasn’t learned from.
You must be a very miserable person. I actually feel pity for y'all. To be that amped up on outrage, to the point where you think something like that is reasonable, must be a wretched existence.

What you're saying is actually crazy, and if you're actually serious you're mentally ill.
lol SF office space has vacancy levels of 70% in some buildings, and rising. Of course, what is most likely happening is a Democrat crime sndicate making the place unlivable in order to pick up real estate for pennies on the dollar, pass a lot of ta x breaks and subsidies for themselves, then clean the place up. All using OPM, of course. The Union Bank building is completely empty.
She really nails it. I can't blame her. For too long these transgendered have been mistreated. Makes me sick to my stomach.
I can feel her pain. She makes valid points.

Lia McGeever, an LGBT activist, vociferously condemned the San Francisco Board of Supervisors following the decision by District Attorney Brooke Jenkins to decline to prosecute a security guard that shot and killed a transgender shoplifter last Thursday.

They created this mess let them deal with it.
So it's okay to shoot kids for petty theft because of left wing trans pedophiles? Great logic you fucking retard.

It's your logic', gimp apologist. GFY if you don't like it being pointed out to you. Your entire PArty are a bunch of groomers and degenerates.
She really nails it. I can't blame her. For too long these transgendered have been mistreated. Makes me sick to my stomach.
I can feel her pain. She makes valid points.

Lia McGeever, an LGBT activist, vociferously condemned the San Francisco Board of Supervisors following the decision by District Attorney Brooke Jenkins to decline to prosecute a security guard that shot and killed a transgender shoplifter last Thursday.

He’s totally nuts
It's your lovic. gimp apologist. GFY if you don't like it being pointed out to you.
My logic? So I have to try to figure out your braindead thought process real quick because you're too fucking stupid to articulate things clearly.

Are you suggesting that I am one of the people trying to sexualize children? I'm pretty sure I just don't want to shoot kids for petty theft.
You must be a very miserable person. I actually feel pity for y'all. To be that amped up on outrage, to the point where you think something like that is reasonable, must be a wretched existence
Save the pity for someone who believes in such things. My existence is based on two concepts: Right and Wrong; nothing more and nothing less. A proper Society cannot exist based on any other criteria. Emotions only cloud judgement and insert doubt into the system, therefore they cannot be allowed as they sabotage the system.
What you're saying is actually crazy, and if you're actually serious you're mentally ill.
I have the paperwork to prove my mental state, while very different from most, is completely stable.
My logic? So I have to try to figure out your braindead thought process real quick because you're too fucking stupid to articulate things clearly.

Are you suggesting that I am one of the people trying to sexualize children? I'm pretty sure I just don't want to shoot kids for petty theft.

Pipe down, freak; we know you scum don't care about kids, so quit trying to piss on our legs, gimp. Your entire PArty is all about sexualizing kids. Your PResident just came out in favor of sexually mutilating kids. You said nothing against that.
Save the pity for someone who believes in such things. My existence is based on two concepts: Right and Wrong; nothing more and nothing less. A proper Society cannot exist based on any other criteria. Emotions only cloud judgement and insert doubt into the system, therefore they cannot be allowed as they sabotage the system.

I have the paperwork to prove my mental state, while very different from most, is completely stable.
Emotions make us human. Why not just go full Hitler and build the perfect white race? Let me guess; you're already there.
So we are supposed to shut down the entire Nation and re-tool cause A few dozen mentally deranged loons think they are a Girl but born with a shaft they don't like? No time for this nonsense. If they keep rising up, pick them up and Lock them away until they wise up.//
Pipe down, freak; we know you scum don't care about kids, so quit trying to piss on our legs, gimp. Your entire PArty is all about sexualizing kids.
You don't even know my political beliefs. You're just assuming things you don't know because you have a double-digit IQ.

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