I have a few questions for liberals on immigration

So are you saying that illegals get to cut to the front of the line over others who are actually following the lawful process?
I don't think it is an either/or situation. We need lawful, legal immigration. We also need to keep immigrants that have proven themselves to be the kind of citizens we want. Throwing the proven ones out seems like cutting off our nose to spite our face.
Should America have immigration laws and, if so, what should they be? And then, should they be enforced?

I hear many liberals claim that they don't support open borders but then object to anyone being deported. It seems to me that liberals don't have America to have an immigration policy nor a border.
Like most on the right you’ve ‘heard’ wrong, or you believe the lies propagated by your fellow rightists without bothering to learn the truth.

Liberals oppose an ‘open border,’ liberals fully support deportation and the enforcement of all immigrations laws.

What confuses you and other conservatives is that liberals also understand the fact that immigrants are entitled to due process of the law, that because someone might be undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’
Should America have immigration laws and, if so, what should they be? And then, should they be enforced?

I hear many liberals claim that they don't support open borders but then object to anyone being deported. It seems to me that liberals don't have America to have an immigration policy nor a border.
Who are these liberals you speak of hearing and where did you hear them?
The whole premise of your position is an opinion, not a fact...Your subjugation is lacking...

Yea, that's why the nation is littered with sanctuary cities. Remember when Obama said that "We are a nation of laws?" LOL.
Wrong again.

There is no such thing as a ‘sanctuary city.’

Local jurisdictions have every right to not use their limited resources to enforce Federal immigration law.

But all jurisdictions in the United States comply with Federal immigration law, and assist Federal authorities when requested.

That they don’t is another rightwing lie.
I don't have a problem with deportation. I just think it is heartless to go after otherwise law abiding families. We can't deport them all because that would cost too much, so why not concentrate on the crooks first?

So anyone who is in America illegally should be permitted to remain if they haven't broken a law?
Of course not.

No one advocates any such thing.

Again, those undocumented have the right to apply for refugee status, to have that request reviewed by immigration officials and the courts, consistent with the right to due process.

And when due process is exhausted, subject to deportation.

Conservative hostility to affording those undocumented their right to due process of the law is the source of the conflict, or conservatives ignorant of the fact that immigrants are entitled to Constitutional protections.
Should America have immigration laws and, if so, what should they be? And then, should they be enforced?

I hear many liberals claim that they don't support open borders but then object to anyone being deported. It seems to me that liberals don't have America to have an immigration policy nor a border.
I don't support open borders and don't object to select people being deported, just not everyone. Anyone who has a criminal record (beyond speeding tickets) gets the boot. If you're not in school or don't have a job you get the boot.

I think the US NEEDS immigrants and think those who risked everything to enter this country and have proved themselves to be law-abiding and productive should get a chance to stay. They are generally the kind of Americans we want. Everyone, regardless of social class, ethnicity, or religion is capable of contributing and should be treated the same.

Temporary work visas that allow them to work out in the open and pay taxes
Should America have immigration laws and, if so, what should they be? And then, should they be enforced?

I hear many liberals claim that they don't support open borders but then object to anyone being deported. It seems to me that liberals don't have America to have an immigration policy nor a border.
I don't support open borders and don't object to select people being deported, just not everyone. Anyone who has a criminal record (beyond speeding tickets) gets the boot. If you're not in school or don't have a job you get the boot.

I think the US NEEDS immigrants and think those who risked everything to enter this country and have proved themselves to be law-abiding and productive should get a chance to stay. They are generally the kind of Americans we want. Everyone, regardless of social class, ethnicity, or religion is capable of contributing and should be treated the same.

So are you saying that illegals get to cut to the front of the line over others who are actually following the lawful process?
No, the notion is idiotic and ridiculous.

One is not ‘illegal’ until such time as he has been found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization, or entering the country lawfully and subsequently losing his legal status.

Many undocumented immigrants are seeking asylum as refugees, and may remain in the country until their refugee status is verified; if they’re not a legitimate refugee, they’re deported.

Clearly the problem is conservatives’ ignorance of the law; or conservatives who know the law but oppose the law the consequence of their bigotry and unwarranted fear of immigrants.
Should America have immigration laws and, if so, what should they be? And then, should they be enforced?

I hear many liberals claim that they don't support open borders but then object to anyone being deported. It seems to me that liberals don't have America to have an immigration policy nor a border.
I don't support open borders and don't object to select people being deported, just not everyone. Anyone who has a criminal record (beyond speeding tickets) gets the boot. If you're not in school or don't have a job you get the boot.

I think the US NEEDS immigrants and think those who risked everything to enter this country and have proved themselves to be law-abiding and productive should get a chance to stay. They are generally the kind of Americans we want. Everyone, regardless of social class, ethnicity, or religion is capable of contributing and should be treated the same.

Temporary work visas that allow them to work out in the open and pay taxes
Immigration is the purview of Congress, it has the authority to enact measures to address immigration, such as temporary work visas.

But immigration reform has been opposed by Congressional Republicans because immigration is a ‘hot button’ issue the GOP uses to energize and appease its base, the lies and misinformation propagated by this thread’s OP is proof of that.
Should America have immigration laws and, if so, what should they be? And then, should they be enforced?

I hear many liberals claim that they don't support open borders but then object to anyone being deported. It seems to me that liberals don't have America to have an immigration policy nor a border.
I don't support open borders and don't object to select people being deported, just not everyone. Anyone who has a criminal record (beyond speeding tickets) gets the boot. If you're not in school or don't have a job you get the boot.

I think the US NEEDS immigrants and think those who risked everything to enter this country and have proved themselves to be law-abiding and productive should get a chance to stay. They are generally the kind of Americans we want. Everyone, regardless of social class, ethnicity, or religion is capable of contributing and should be treated the same.

Temporary work visas that allow them to work out in the open and pay taxes
Immigration is the purview of Congress, it has the authority to enact measures to address immigration, such as temporary work visas.

But immigration reform has been opposed by Congressional Republicans because immigration is a ‘hot button’ issue the GOP uses to energize and appease its base, the lies and misinformation propagated by this thread’s OP is proof of that.

Republicans don't want "brown" people immigrating
Should America have immigration laws and, if so, what should they be? And then, should they be enforced?

I hear many liberals claim that they don't support open borders but then object to anyone being deported. It seems to me that liberals don't have America to have an immigration policy nor a border.

1. Yes.
2. 1 million people per year on a first come, first serve. Doesn't matter race.
3 I believe in a border! ;) I just don't think children and people escaping war zones should be expected to return to hell. We need to show morality.

So what haooens when point 3 surpasses point 1

Also, what should your Federal Law of Immigration enforcement be?
I don't have a problem with deportation. I just think it is heartless to go after otherwise law abiding families. We can't deport them all because that would cost too much, so why not concentrate on the crooks first?

That’s what Trump is trying to do , crooks first, but you have these liberal sanctuary cities that protect the crooks

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I don't have a problem with deportation. I just think it is heartless to go after otherwise law abiding families. We can't deport them all because that would cost too much, so why not concentrate on the crooks first?

So breaking a Federal Immigration Law, where the term “illegal” immigration references by legal definition, makes the family law abiding?

Also, what’s the purpose of “citizenship” if you don’t need to be one to receive benefits (according to what liberal states, like California, provide in state taxpayer assistance)
I don't have a problem with deportation. I just think it is heartless to go after otherwise law abiding families. We can't deport them all because that would cost too much, so why not concentrate on the crooks first?

That’s what Trump is trying to do , crooks first, but you have these liberal sanctuary cities that protect the crooks

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Undocumented special-needs girl in federal custody after emergency surgery


Undocumented child taken into custody while leaving hospital - CNN
I don't have a problem with deportation. I just think it is heartless to go after otherwise law abiding families. We can't deport them all because that would cost too much, so why not concentrate on the crooks first?

So breaking a Federal Immigration Law, where the term “illegal” immigration references by legal definition, makes the family law abiding?

Also, what’s the purpose of “citizenship” if you don’t need to be one to receive benefits (according to what liberal states, like California, provide in state taxpayer assistance)

I said "otherwise law abiding" dumb ass
I don't have a problem with deportation. I just think it is heartless to go after otherwise law abiding families. We can't deport them all because that would cost too much, so why not concentrate on the crooks first?

So breaking a Federal Immigration Law, where the term “illegal” immigration references by legal definition, makes the family law abiding?

Also, what’s the purpose of “citizenship” if you don’t need to be one to receive benefits (according to what liberal states, like California, provide in state taxpayer assistance)

I said "otherwise law abiding" dumb ass

Try using that excuse for running the red light, but I otherwise stopped for the traffic cop.

I noticed you skipped over that citizenship question. Can’t provide an answer?
I don't have a problem with deportation. I just think it is heartless to go after otherwise law abiding families. We can't deport them all because that would cost too much, so why not concentrate on the crooks first?

So breaking a Federal Immigration Law, where the term “illegal” immigration references by legal definition, makes the family law abiding?

Also, what’s the purpose of “citizenship” if you don’t need to be one to receive benefits (according to what liberal states, like California, provide in state taxpayer assistance)

I said "otherwise law abiding" dumb ass

Try using that excuse for running the red light, but I otherwise stopped for the traffic cop.

I noticed you skipped over that citizenship question. Can’t provide an answer?

Not an accurate comparison. More like a cop stopping someone going 2 MPH over the speed limit instead of trying to stop someone going 30 mph over the speed limit.
Like I said, most liberals do NOT believe in having immigration policies or laws or issuing visas or having a border. The entire world is entitled to live here and Americans are obligated to pay for their existence.
That they don’t is another rightwing lie.

Are you sure about that?

Sanctuary Cities Ignore ICE Orders to Free 9,295 Criminal Aliens - Judicial Watch

This is why a violent criminal, Francisco Javier Chavez, is on the loose. In August 2015 he was arrested for beating his girlfriend’s 2-year-old daughter and, despite an extensive criminal record that includes felony drug and drunk-driving convictions, a California sheriff’s department ignored an ICE detainer and released him.
From the same link:

California is the biggest offender when it comes to blowing off federal orders to hand over criminal illegal aliens, according to ICE records cited in the study. A chart offers a breakdown of the cities and counties that release the largest amount of criminal aliens identified by the feds for removal. Santa Clara County takes the prize with 1,349 for 2014 followed by Los Angeles and Alameda counties with 572 each. Miami Dade County in south Florida came in fourth with 491. “We need to send a loud and clear message to any sanctuary cities that their dangerous policies are not acceptable,” Senator Vitter said.
You can't say you support immigration laws and deportation when you actively protect illegals from being deported. Either we have laws and a process or we don't. If liberals don't want to follow immigration laws, then isn't it ok if conservatives don't follow laws that they don't like too?

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