I have a few questions for the president supporters.

i voted TRUMP because as the campaign went on i knew i wasn't going to ever vote for any of the [repub rinos] . And then lo and behold i decided i liked The TRUMP and would vote for him . Otherwise i woulda probably stayed home Edward . .
Pismoe I can understand some one not liking Hillary and not voting for her What I don't get is the admiration shown this trump pos in our WH now He screwed 1000's before getting there and now he's making more money illegally ,turning our allies against us and in the long run will hurt those who voted for him
-------------------------- Morning Edward . ---------- what gets to me is the talk about LIES . heck , lefties were complaining about LIES a day or 2 ago when TRUMP said that he read or didn't read a 'nork' letter or that he would read the letter later . Its all foolishness , As far as screwing thousands , well , he is not in jail and has never been jailed as far as i know and their are hugely rich people in jail . I figure that TRUMP has not been PROVED in a Court of Law to have screwed anyone . -------------- Turning allies into enemies , well good . I don't care about allies unless perhaps in war but even in War these allies act as independents needing goading and pleading so what good are they to me and the USA ?? [feck them] -------------- making more money illegally , aw Prove it in a Court . Seems to me that most complaining about The TRUMP are pushing inuendo , BS , rumors and lefty Opinion and Propaganda Edward .
Not in jail because of teams of lawyers It's a family of crooks
------------------------------------ thats the AMERICAN System . Lawyers are guaranteed to an accused person and are given to even the accused and destitute and are paid for by taxpayers to represent those accused of crimes . Of course , there is always accusation and then hanging like happened to Judge Roy Moore Edward .
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more dislike of The TRUMP is all it is eh JBander ?? TRUMP is doing fine , i wish that he would do more in his unique American Presidential style JBander , ----------------- you sound like YOU are getting Frantc , having a break down or going cwazy JBander . ----------- [here , let me Help ya] GO Trump JBander !! :afro:
When we get our chance you will be chipped and watched for the rest of your life, Your this country's biggest enemy by far.
--------------------------------------- and look at how JBander will take care of me and those like me when he and his ' iranian government loving ' third worlders take over the USA Ladies and Gents . JBander is going to have me chipped and watched for the rest of my life . Thats a plan and it makes me feel SPECIAL so thanks JBander . [click to expand to see JBander thoughts and punishments for me and those like me]
Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.

You know I totally understand how you feel.

I just want you to think though think .... on what have you based your opinion regarding Trump? I mean what are your sources?

Let's take one of your opinions about Trump that the "president lies non-stop daily"...

Let's look at that statement. Do you believe Trump tells lies ONCE and only once and he does that non-stop daily? In other words he LIES once and to you that counts as a lie?

OR do you know that the "lies" Trump is accused of i.e. according Washington Post..

In the 466 days since he took the oath of office, President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims, according to The Fact Checker’s database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement uttered by the president. That’s an average of nearly 6.5 claims a day.

Washington Post found Trump repeated 113 untrue claims at least three times apiece.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

So if you use that same formula i.e. Trump repeats a "LIE" at least 3 times apiece... would you agree?

So what then is your position on a President that repeated at least 36 times a well known lie that was chosen by Politifact.org as the LIE of the year?
If that is the criterion i.e. repeating a lie then is it true a person who repeats a lie is lying in the above case 36 times?

If a Presidential LIE repeated 36 times that is chosen as the LIE of the year where was the MSM with the same fervor and angst as was expressed by the above?
The Washington Compost is fake news leftist garbage. And being you are a leftist traitor, you fell for it.

Don't disagree regarding the Bezos owned Post which he bought solely to bias politicians so Amazon can continue NOT to collect sales tax from 34 states.
My point was entirely that Wapo puts out the "fact" Repeated at least 3 times... When they to my knowledge have never admitted that Obama was known to have
repeated 36 times alone "If you like your plan you can keep it"...which was worthy of the LIE of the year from Politifact.org.
But were there any stories keeping track of Obama's thousands repeated LIES like they've done with Trump? Of COURSE NOT!!!
After all In 2008 85% of media donated money to Democrats! 1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

My point in stating that the original OP doesn't seem to comprehend the pervasive influence ON the OP from the extremely biased MSM, i.e. Wapo, NYT, etc.!
And as such the OP's really uninformed opinion based on the biased MSM should be totally ignored.
BTW, damn near every pol lies quite often, even lib/dems
Every time I see someone say "but all politicians lie" it makes me crazy. WHY is this accepted and acceptable? Would or should anyone be okay with their attorney lying to them? How about their doctor? Your boss, your kid's teacher, the officer officer who stopped and ticketed you? What about your auto mechanic - "no those brakes should be good for another 12 months" and then 3 months later they fail causing an accident).

Why are the people who are supposed to represent us in government held to a lesser standard instead of an equal or higher standard?

Whoa now. I didn't say it was acceptable, but that's just the way it is. I really do wish we held our politicians to a higher standard, but we don't and as a result, we keep sending asshats to Congress that shoulda been kicked out long ago.

One of the interesting things about Trump's election was that it was an anti-establishment election, at least for president. I am not sure that feeling is as strong now as it was then, will voters continue to re-elect the ass-hats? On the democrat side, in the primaries they seem to be moving further left, and moderates are losing. Not sure what's going on for the GOP, but it doesn't appear as though ethics and honor are at the top of the list for who the voters want to represent them. Sooo, you get the gov't you deserve I guess.
Right, lets examine the labels you just used to describe over 60 million Americans who voted for Trump...subhuman, abominations, old, dying, mock them, die early, they deserve it yeah irrational people like you should be in charge. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Oh God no. I wouldn't vote for me. I would vote for a philosopher king (or queen). I am not that. I'm someone who has a pretty good imagination, and above average intelligence, though nothing amazing. I know exactly what I am. Great leadership skills are not my thing.

Of course, I never claimed that I would make a good president. That is you, for some reason disputing my ability to lead despite my having never claimed to be capable of great leadership in the first place.

All that aside, I tend to just troll on here because no one on the right or left are willing to have a real conversation anyway, and the right is much more prevalent on here than the left, so y'all get more flak from me in my quest to entertain myself during the slow hours. That's just how it goes.

Look the occasional insult is fine, but when I see someone string half a dozen insults together in an eruption of intolerance and venom I have to wonder if the poster is all there mentally.

Got a pretty funny reaction from you though, didn't it?

You are a gift to conservatives and Trump supporters, keep talking my new friend. :eusa_dance:

Are Trump supporters capable of real friendship? I don't think they have a developed enough frontal lobe.
Not with liberals. The left leaves a smelly slime trail everywhere it goes. They aren't worth friendship. In fact, they should be vacuumed up and properly disposed of.
Trump won, iaw the Constitution.

Whether he won fairly is not the question when it comes to the Constitution.

Look at Kennedy's election in 1960, when IL and TX voting could have been challenged, but Nixon said "no."

Trump's people and the Russians are accused of cheating, and Mueller's investigation is doing the investigation the right way.

What is nice is that after the convictions of the many who did cheat for Trump, so many more may be charged as accessories after the fact. Sweet!

Cheating? How so?
Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.

There is so much manure in your thread / post that you could fertilize a garden the size of a football field 6 inches deep!

After 8 years of a criminal, treasonous administration run by a communist mentored, socialist studying / quoting, hate-spewing racist anti-American pastor-mentored criminal /traitor who lied his ass off to the Americans he was illegally spying on and victimizing with a weaponized IRS while aiding and abetting terrorists - all of which you completely ignored - you want to focus on the current President by looking through the used-up paper towel roll....


This is great for ignoring everything else - all other reality - than the one tiny bit you hypocritically want to focus on.

EVIDENCE shows Obama and his administration knew about and hid Russian crimes as far back as Uranium One, aided and abetted them, enabled them in successfully carrying out their crimes and agenda.

EVIDENCE shows Hillary, Bill, Obama, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey facilitated Russian crimes, psyops programs that divided the US and spread racial division and violence, the attempted hacking of Sr Federal Politicians, etc.....

EVUIDENCE shows for 8 years Barry financed, supplied, supported, protected, trained, and defended terrorists, Mexican Drug cartels, Hezbollah drug operations, ISIS Black market oil production, the Russians, Hamas, the Iranians, etc.....

...yet you still push the BULLSHIT proven false narrative that Trump and his team illegally colluded with the Russians to attempt to effect the 2016 election?!


The Russians did not do one thing that changed one single vote in the 2016 election...while the Democrats UNDENIABLY changed the outcome of the 2016 election-

By rigging the primaries, by cheating in debates, by engaging in election fraud during the primaries, by protecting Hillary Clinton through Obstruction and media support, by staccking the deck and stealing the DNC nomination from Sanders (who was kicking Hillary's ass), by refusing to force Hillary out of the election due to multiple FBI investigations of crimes she DID commit...

...the Democrats successfully effected the 2016 election by giving their nomination to a candidate who should NEVER have been on the ballot on election day...

...and indications showed Sanders probably would have beaten Trump.

Democrats killed themselves by picking a FELON who could not even win her party's nomination as their candidate
---------------------------------------- big deal , taxes go to government but you work against AMERICANS RIGHTs . Its my goal to use YOU and others like YOU to illustrate the dangers of letting your types into America 'isis' ,
Shut up KKK fuck face. I'm here to stay you csnt do shit about it.
--------------------------------------------- [chuckle] YOU are simply the 'fifth columnist' type that i like pointing out , an imported muslim working to remove and change the RIGHTS and FREEDOMS of Americans You are an excellent example of imported problems to point out 'ISIS' , thankyou !!
Eat your heart hater. You wake up every morning to hate, its miserable to be you.
--------------------------------------------- you work for Gun Control in the USA after importation policy stupidly let yer type into the USA 'isis' .
Gun control ? You mean gun ban so your kids and my kids dont get shot at school. I want you to live like a human and not a savage.
Gun ban, finally a Liberal states what they all really want. Instead of taking away millions of people's Constitutional rights put some armed guards in those schools and I bet the shootings will stop.Some Veterns would likely volunteer their time and they won't hide if there is a situation .

By the way a gun ban will not work in this country.
Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.
Trump is giving the gop establishment what he promised: judges to the right of W's and he signed a tax cut for the 1%.

Trump is giving the Trumpbots what he promised. An racial agenda for evangelical Christians and whites who feel they've been socially or economically discriminated against, a pro-Zionist for policy, and rejection of alliances requiring us to defend others.
You're a true testament to how far a large portion of the populace has devolved over the past few decades.
Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.
Trump is giving the gop establishment what he promised: judges to the right of W's and he signed a tax cut for the 1%.

Trump is giving the Trumpbots what he promised. An racial agenda for evangelical Christians and whites who feel they've been socially or economically discriminated against, a pro-Zionist for policy, and rejection of alliances requiring us to defend others.
--------------------------------- WELL depending on Who we are required to defend . Its a lot cheaper to not defend wankers like the Western Euros . Maybe we should be allying with Eastern Europeans that may be more reliable as allies Bendog .
more dislike of The TRUMP is all it is eh JBander ?? TRUMP is doing fine , i wish that he would do more in his unique American Presidential style JBander , ----------------- you sound like YOU are getting Frantc , having a break down or going cwazy JBander . ----------- [here , let me Help ya] GO Trump JBander !! :afro:
When we get our chance you will be chipped and watched for the rest of your life, Your this country's biggest enemy by far.
In Nazi Germany they kissed Hitlers ass too as he hauled the Jews away Now it's trumps ass repubs kiss
So who is Trump going to have hauled away ? Comparing Trump to Hitler makes you historically retarded.
Exact same scum bag level. They both are low life's. They both are at the level of pond scum.
Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.
Your litany of lies isn't worthy of a substantive response. You're a lying douchebag. That's all that needs to be said.
All 100% true, He is a douchbag , he's pond scum.
Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.
Trump is giving the gop establishment what he promised: judges to the right of W's and he signed a tax cut for the 1%.

Trump is giving the Trumpbots what he promised. An racial agenda for evangelical Christians and whites who feel they've been socially or economically discriminated against, a pro-Zionist for policy, and rejection of alliances requiring us to defend others.
--------------------------------- WELL depending on Who we are required to defend . Its a lot cheaper to not defend wankers like the Western Euros . Maybe we should be allying with Eastern Europeans that may be more reliable as allies Bendog .
We are required to defend any country that has a joint treaty with us. The right aligning itself with Russia is not surprising . They don't give a dam about any of that as long as they keep the power. They have across the board sold out this country already.
Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.

You know I totally understand how you feel.

I just want you to think though think .... on what have you based your opinion regarding Trump? I mean what are your sources?

Let's take one of your opinions about Trump that the "president lies non-stop daily"...

Let's look at that statement. Do you believe Trump tells lies ONCE and only once and he does that non-stop daily? In other words he LIES once and to you that counts as a lie?

OR do you know that the "lies" Trump is accused of i.e. according Washington Post..

In the 466 days since he took the oath of office, President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims, according to The Fact Checker’s database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement uttered by the president. That’s an average of nearly 6.5 claims a day.

Washington Post found Trump repeated 113 untrue claims at least three times apiece.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

So if you use that same formula i.e. Trump repeats a "LIE" at least 3 times apiece... would you agree?

So what then is your position on a President that repeated at least 36 times a well known lie that was chosen by Politifact.org as the LIE of the year?
If that is the criterion i.e. repeating a lie then is it true a person who repeats a lie is lying in the above case 36 times?

If a Presidential LIE repeated 36 times that is chosen as the LIE of the year where was the MSM with the same fervor and angst as was expressed by the above?
Anyone have a clue on this.
Founding fathers fucked up on that one. Now the crazy minority is dragging the majority to the unknown this isnt democracy, even iran has a better system than here.
Iran ? With that statement my days of not taking people like you seriously is definitely coming to a middle.
Yeap...iran the majority decides...not in the US. The hillbillies are running the country.
------------------------------------------- yep , he is 'pro iran' and anti gun and anti CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS . A good example of why i am against third world immigration into the USA . How is this guy going to vote next time there is a 'hilary or obama ' running for American President .
I'd have any third worlder as a neighbor ahead of you sorry sucker.
------------------------------ and you are going to get that JBander and when that happens my curse on YOU People and your kids comes true as you get what you deserve . Heck , these imported third worlders want you disarmed and they love an 'iran' type government and they say so themselves in plain English JBander .
This shit is so funny, I put a big spark in their ass when I wrote this thread. I've got my moneys worth that's for sure. God these haters are brain dead.
i voted TRUMP because as the campaign went on i knew i wasn't going to ever vote for any of the [repub rinos] . And then lo and behold i decided i liked The TRUMP and would vote for him . Otherwise i woulda probably stayed home Edward . .
Pismoe I can understand some one not liking Hillary and not voting for her What I don't get is the admiration shown this trump pos in our WH now He screwed 1000's before getting there and now he's making more money illegally ,turning our allies against us and in the long run will hurt those who voted for him
-------------------------- Morning Edward . ---------- what gets to me is the talk about LIES . heck , lefties were complaining about LIES a day or 2 ago when TRUMP said that he read or didn't read a 'nork' letter or that he would read the letter later . Its all foolishness , As far as screwing thousands , well , he is not in jail and has never been jailed as far as i know and their are hugely rich people in jail . I figure that TRUMP has not been PROVED in a Court of Law to have screwed anyone . -------------- Turning allies into enemies , well good . I don't care about allies unless perhaps in war but even in War these allies act as independents needing goading and pleading so what good are they to me and the USA ?? [feck them] -------------- making more money illegally , aw Prove it in a Court . Seems to me that most complaining about The TRUMP are pushing inuendo , BS , rumors and lefty Opinion and Propaganda Edward .
Not in jail because of teams of lawyers It's a family of crooks
------------------------------------ thats the AMERICAN System . Lawyers are guaranteed to an accused person and are given to even the accused and destitute and are paid for by taxpayers to represent those accused of crimes . Of course , there is always accusation and then hanging like happened to Judge Roy Moore Edward .
I think I found the clown of this thread.

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