I have a few questions for the president supporters.

Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.

I don't care as long as he keeps improving America. After Obama, there is nothing which could cause us to crash lower. We hit rock bottom under that goober, its only up from there

I love it when they make it easy showing their hatred carried on their sleeve

The big difference at least between you and me is I deal with facts. Not hyperbole. Not exaggeration.

A) You wrote... A president that lies non-stop on every subject."
So you are telling me that EVERYTHING TRUMP says EVERYDAY is a LIE?

B) You wrote "mans ungodly faults" What then are "Godly faults"? See your hyperbole catches up with you and shows what a lack of rational thinking on your part. Makes no sense.

C)You wrote "hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country"... Again what hatred and attacks? Give me specific examples not hyperbole because I see many actions that are
upholding American institutions simple things like oh say honoring those that gave their lives for USA by STANDING for the anthem and Flag. That's attacking the institution?

Or how about the simple fact me and over 90 million people are either relatives or are "LEGAL" immigrants. GEEZ idiot! Trump's married to a LEGAL immigrant! So where does he
"HATE and ATTACK" LEGAL immigrants?
Finally when was the last time a president donated his entire salary? Name it because Trump who according to you "HATES" America donates his salary!

Finally here is why I support Trump.

See I'm not as provincial as you are i.e. I worked with people in NY from Queens that had a lot of Trump's characteristics: Loud. Boisterous. Braggadocious. Obnoxious.
All truly Trump's characteristics.
YET LIKE Trump... they loved America.
They LOVED to help their fellow man!
Some of the citizens of Queens like Trump are truly generous with their money but more so with their time! All the while like Trump given the appearance of a loudmouth, etc.

But those of us that are NOT provincial and have a more worldly view KNOW that they LIKE Trump and millions of us have been truly tired of politics as usual.
To me Trump is a businessman who has brought the sense of urgency, the sense of let's get it done to the presidency and political correctness.. BE DAMNED!
Let's get the country going which HE HAS!
Lowest unemployment in 18 years! The unemployment rate was 3.9 percent, the lowest rate since 2000 and a sign that the job market has become even more competitive.

The past (Obama) administration was the first administration that never had a whole year of 3 percent growth."
Did Obama never have a whole year of 3% economic growth?

Trump economy's sustained growth pace unlike anything seen in 13 years
Trump economy's sustained growth pace unlike anything seen in 13 years
Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.


He's not like you. The End. :)
Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.

I doubt you'll get too many straight answers from a Trump supporter. Many are just a little too embarassed to answer. Many won't even admit they voted for Trump.

I think many thought that others would be able to control him once in office, or that he would suddenly change and "act" Presidential. As Michelle Obama stated, the Presidency doesn't change who you are, it REVEALS who you are. That statement could not be proven more true with Trump sitting in the Oval office.

What you're seeing on this board today is the last of a dying breed of Trump supporters, whom don't give a rats ass what he says, tweets or does. These people could care less if Vladimir Putin moved his desk into the Oval office. They're not Patriots of this country. They are infatuated with his stardom, and don't have a clue they have been taken in by a T.V. Reality star conman. These are the voters that thought they could turn Trump into what they wanted him to be.


The Dunning-Kruger Effect:

Some believe that many of those who support Donald Trump do so because of ignorance — basically they are under-informed or misinformed about the issues at hand. When Trump tells them that crime is skyrocketing in the United States, or that the economy is the worst it’s ever been, they simply take his word for it.The seemingly obvious solution would be to try to reach those people through political ads, expert opinions, and logical arguments that educate with facts. Except none of those things seem to be swaying any Trump supporters from his side, despite great efforts to deliver this information to them directly.The Dunning-Kruger effect explains that the problem isn’t just that they are misinformed; it’s that they are completely unaware that they are misinformed. This creates a double burden.Studies have shown that people who lack expertise in some area of knowledge often have a cognitive bias that prevents them from realizing that they lack expertise. As psychologist David Dunning puts it in an op-ed for Politico, “The knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task — and if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at the task. This includes political judgment.” Essentially, they’re not smart enough to realize they’re dumb. And if one is under the illusion that they have sufficient or even superior knowledge, then they have no reason to defer to anyone else’s judgment. This helps explain why even nonpartisan experts — like military generals and Independent former Mayor of New York/billionaire CEO Michael Bloomberg — as well as some respected Republican politicians, don’t seem to be able to say anything that can change the minds of loyal Trump followers. Out of immense frustration, some of us may feel the urge to shake a Trump supporter and say, “Hey! Don’t you realize that he’s an idiot?!” No. They don’t. That may be hard to fathom, but that’s the nature of the Dunning-Kruger effect — one’s ignorance is completely invisible to them.
Neuroscientist Reveals What’s Wrong with Trump Supporters’ Brains

Why do they feel they have superior political intelligence? Because they have lived in a right wing media bubble for the last 20 years, getting 3 or moye daily hours of right wing hyperbole, have truths, all out lies, misconceptions and have been filled with enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling. The only watch right wing news, they only read right wing websites, and they only listen to right wing talk show hosts.

An article everyone should spend the next 20 minutes actually reading.

Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Then another article:
It is not entirely true that Trump engineered a “hostile takeover” of the GOP, provided that the party is defined more broadly than elected officials and party insiders. As Conor Friedersdorf wrote last year in the Atlantic: “the elements of the party that sent pro-Trump’ signals to primary voters—Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly, Rudi Guiliani, Jeff Sessions, Michael Flynn, Rick Scott, Jan Brewer, Joe Arpaio, Sarah Palin, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Breitbart.com, The Drudge Report, The New York Post, are simply more powerful, relative to National Review, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and other ‘Trump is unacceptable’ forces, than previously thought.”
The GOP That Failed

Now the blowback. Coming this November to a Republican seat near you. Go this link on this board to see the results of all these special elections over the last year, comparison to 2016 with links and pictures.

Blue wave coming this November 2018
Damn...U mean I've been duped... Here I was all excited about all the changes I've seen over the last year and a half and the whole dang time it's just his 'stardom' that has been bedazzling me... I'm mean are U sure?
- placing certain countries on a temporary no fly list
- nominating a conservative justice to the SCOTUS
- re-upping funding for our military (albeit signing a horribly bloated budget bill)
- bitching to NATO about paying their dues
- nixing the Paris Accord
- approving the two pipelines
- blowing up ridiculously one sided trade deals
- tackling illegal immigration at the borders with Nat Guard and much more....
O why bother going on & on as I'm apt to do here... all is for naught... this whole time it was just the celebrity induced trance I was in. I have to say your news is down right crushing!

You see that's where you have been conned.
1. It is a temporary ban on certain countries that didn't do business with Trump. Saudi Arabia--where the 9/11 attackers came from are not banned from entering this country, and several other countries where terrorists actually come from.
President Trump's Muslim ban excludes countries linked to his sprawling business empire - NY Daily News

2. You didn't get a conservative SCOTUS. You got Niel Gorsuch who stated during the confrimation hearing that Roe v Wade is precedent in the constitution. Meaning set in stone to you. It might also interest you to know that Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton voted for Niel Gorsuch back in 2006 as a G.W. Bush appointee to the 10th Distrct court of appeals, at time when they owned the Senate and could have easily rejected him. The only reason democrats tried to block him is because they were pissed off that Republicans didn't give Obama's last nominee, Merrick Garland and up or down vote, and then decided to campaign on the SCOTUS. These are the Democrats that confirmed Gorsuch in 2006
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'


3. Yes Trump has started a trade war with allies. A Trade war has never created a single job in this country, but they're well known for job loss's. The offended country will always return tariff's on American goods, driving the cost up to American consumers. American consumers will cut back on spending then the job loss's roll through the economy in all sectors.

The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’


4. Immigration. There was no need to send the National Guard down to the border, illegal crossings have dropped to a 40 year low.
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

As far as Trump's WALL you might want to think about the 240 tunnels they have found in the San Diego region alone, and they know there's more they haven't found.

The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

Now what you clearly haven't been paying any attention to is this Russian investigation, that Mueller has accumulated 19 Federal Grand Jury indictments, 5 guilty pleas, and another 90 Federal Grand Jury criminal charges that are certain to produce more. To read one article, watch 2 FOX NEWS videos and another of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.

Go to this link on this board and scroll down to post # 56.
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

After you get through that a good book to read which will prepare you for the open public hearings and testimony that will begin in January 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress. At that point no one is going to be able to protect Trump, and the impeachment proceedings will begin.


Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me
Republicans warn Trump could be impeached if Democrats win the midterm elections

Nothing like admitting guilt in those statements :auiqs.jpg:

Most people on this forum recognize a TROLL paid for by a Soros funded progressive/democratic party with the sole purpose to destroy America who most likely spends entire day getting paid to present a view like the above.
"There is no such thing as an intelligent troll, sir. That's a contradiction, an oxymoron, an impossibility."
How to Identify and Defeat an Internet Troll
Just a slight mental problem.

Someone who doesn't pay attention to what is going on, should not be voting. Just voting for a candidate because they are giving you "ear" candy is going to result in these kind of disasters.

Trump was never a Conservative.

1. No conservative campaigns on single payer health care.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy | Breitbart
2. No conservative would bragg they are the king of debt and loves debt.
Why Donald Trump has crowned himself the 'king of debt'
3. No conservative would have proposed another Obamacare type program, called child care subsidies.
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies
4. No conservative would say he loves and used Emminent domain.
Donald Trump's eminent domain love nearly cost a widow her house | David Boaz

So this is what you voted for:


Hillary Clinton is actually more conservative than Trump. Then enter Steve Bannon into the Trump campaign and with Trump's ability to act, he made you believe he was a Nationalist, going to protect American jobs. No one could be a Nationalist and own as many foreign properties as he does. Golf courses, Hotels and Casino's including in some of those Muslims nations like Dubai. You bought into his bullshit and swallowed it hook, line & sinker. Trumps only desire to run for President, along with several of his cohurts was to expand their own personal business interests, especially business interests in Russia.
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president


You have literally elected a man that can be held hostage by several different foreign countries on U.S. policy decisions. He is most certainly in violation of the Emoluments clause in the Constitution, another reason for impeachment. Which is why he is the first candidate in the last 40 years that has refused to release any income tax returns.

If Republicans didn't hold both houses right now, he would have been gone already.

You have effectively killed the Republican party by electing Trump. You were warned a 1000 times over and you ignored all those warnings. I don't feel a bit sorry for you.
Blue wave coming this November 2018
Last edited:
Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.

I don't care as long as he keeps improving America. After Obama, there is nothing which could cause us to crash lower. We hit rock bottom under that goober, its only up from there

I love it when they make it easy showing their hatred carried on their sleeve

The big difference at least between you and me is I deal with facts. Not hyperbole. Not exaggeration.

A) You wrote... A president that lies non-stop on every subject."
So you are telling me that EVERYTHING TRUMP says EVERYDAY is a LIE?

B) You wrote "mans ungodly faults" What then are "Godly faults"? See your hyperbole catches up with you and shows what a lack of rational thinking on your part. Makes no sense.

C)You wrote "hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country"... Again what hatred and attacks? Give me specific examples not hyperbole because I see many actions that are
upholding American institutions simple things like oh say honoring those that gave their lives for USA by STANDING for the anthem and Flag. That's attacking the institution?

Or how about the simple fact me and over 90 million people are either relatives or are "LEGAL" immigrants. GEEZ idiot! Trump's married to a LEGAL immigrant! So where does he
"HATE and ATTACK" LEGAL immigrants?
Finally when was the last time a president donated his entire salary? Name it because Trump who according to you "HATES" America donates his salary!

Finally here is why I support Trump.

See I'm not as provincial as you are i.e. I worked with people in NY from Queens that had a lot of Trump's characteristics: Loud. Boisterous. Braggadocious. Obnoxious.
All truly Trump's characteristics.
YET LIKE Trump... they loved America.
They LOVED to help their fellow man!
Some of the citizens of Queens like Trump are truly generous with their money but more so with their time! All the while like Trump given the appearance of a loudmouth, etc.

But those of us that are NOT provincial and have a more worldly view KNOW that they LIKE Trump and millions of us have been truly tired of politics as usual.
To me Trump is a businessman who has brought the sense of urgency, the sense of let's get it done to the presidency and political correctness.. BE DAMNED!
Let's get the country going which HE HAS!
Lowest unemployment in 18 years! The unemployment rate was 3.9 percent, the lowest rate since 2000 and a sign that the job market has become even more competitive.

The past (Obama) administration was the first administration that never had a whole year of 3 percent growth."
Did Obama never have a whole year of 3% economic growth?

Trump economy's sustained growth pace unlike anything seen in 13 years
Trump economy's sustained growth pace unlike anything seen in 13 years
A. This will put it a little closer to defining scum bag and his lies , He can make it through a sentence sometimes without lying but never a extended paragraph.
B. Show me where I said anything about mans ungodly faults as you say I did.
C Hell, I don't even know where you found this nor do I really care,
,How about Mexicans being rapists and criminals.
ON the institutions to this country Be attacked by scum bag, There is 16 Dept for this countries government. The heads that he appointed are picked because in past history they have said they want to destroy those dept. OR turn them over to big business and change them so much that they would be ineffective.
Scum Bag is by far the lowest form of humanity , he is less then pond scum. No one has ever lied to this degree , been more hateful, evil, ugly twisted then the low life called scum bag.
Want I'm working for as soon as your party collapses , I want all people who voted for Scum bag chipped and watched for the rest of their lives so they never get another chance to destroy this country, He is your scum bag , he is my total complete enemy of my country.
I doubt you'll get too many straight answers from a Trump supporter. Many are just a little too embarassed to answer. Many won't even admit they voted for Trump.

I think many thought that others would be able to control him once in office, or that he would suddenly change and "act" Presidential. As Michelle Obama stated, the Presidency doesn't change who you are, it REVEALS who you are. That statement could not be proven more true with Trump sitting in the Oval office.

What you're seeing on this board today is the last of a dying breed of Trump supporters, whom don't give a rats ass what he says, tweets or does. These people could care less if Vladimir Putin moved his desk into the Oval office. They're not Patriots of this country. They are infatuated with his stardom, and don't have a clue they have been taken in by a T.V. Reality star conman. These are the voters that thought they could turn Trump into what they wanted him to be.


The Dunning-Kruger Effect:

Neuroscientist Reveals What’s Wrong with Trump Supporters’ Brains

Why do they feel they have superior political intelligence? Because they have lived in a right wing media bubble for the last 20 years, getting 3 or moye daily hours of right wing hyperbole, have truths, all out lies, misconceptions and have been filled with enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling. The only watch right wing news, they only read right wing websites, and they only listen to right wing talk show hosts.

An article everyone should spend the next 20 minutes actually reading.

Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Then another article:

The GOP That Failed

Now the blowback. Coming this November to a Republican seat near you. Go this link on this board to see the results of all these special elections over the last year, comparison to 2016 with links and pictures.

Blue wave coming this November 2018
Damn...U mean I've been duped... Here I was all excited about all the changes I've seen over the last year and a half and the whole dang time it's just his 'stardom' that has been bedazzling me... I'm mean are U sure?
- placing certain countries on a temporary no fly list
- nominating a conservative justice to the SCOTUS
- re-upping funding for our military (albeit signing a horribly bloated budget bill)
- bitching to NATO about paying their dues
- nixing the Paris Accord
- approving the two pipelines
- blowing up ridiculously one sided trade deals
- tackling illegal immigration at the borders with Nat Guard and much more....
O why bother going on & on as I'm apt to do here... all is for naught... this whole time it was just the celebrity induced trance I was in. I have to say your news is down right crushing!

You see that's where you have been conned.
1. It is a temporary ban on certain countries that didn't do business with Trump. Saudi Arabia--where the 9/11 attackers came from are not banned from entering this country, and several other countries where terrorists actually come from.
President Trump's Muslim ban excludes countries linked to his sprawling business empire - NY Daily News

2. You didn't get a conservative SCOTUS. You got Niel Gorsuch who stated during the confrimation hearing that Roe v Wade is precedent in the constitution. Meaning set in stone to you. It might also interest you to know that Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton voted for Niel Gorsuch back in 2006 as a G.W. Bush appointee to the 10th Distrct court of appeals, at time when they owned the Senate and could have easily rejected him. The only reason democrats tried to block him is because they were pissed off that Republicans didn't give Obama's last nominee, Merrick Garland and up or down vote, and then decided to campaign on the SCOTUS. These are the Democrats that confirmed Gorsuch in 2006
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'


3. Yes Trump has started a trade war with allies. A Trade war has never created a single job in this country, but they're well known for job loss's. The offended country will always return tariff's on American goods, driving the cost up to American consumers. American consumers will cut back on spending then the job loss's roll through the economy in all sectors.

The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’


4. Immigration. There was no need to send the National Guard down to the border, illegal crossings have dropped to a 40 year low.
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

As far as Trump's WALL you might want to think about the 240 tunnels they have found in the San Diego region alone, and they know there's more they haven't found.

The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

Now what you clearly haven't been paying any attention to is this Russian investigation, that Mueller has accumulated 19 Federal Grand Jury indictments, 5 guilty pleas, and another 90 Federal Grand Jury criminal charges that are certain to produce more. To read one article, watch 2 FOX NEWS videos and another of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.

Go to this link on this board and scroll down to post # 56.
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

After you get through that a good book to read which will prepare you for the open public hearings and testimony that will begin in January 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress. At that point no one is going to be able to protect Trump, and the impeachment proceedings will begin.


Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me
Republicans warn Trump could be impeached if Democrats win the midterm elections

Nothing like admitting guilt in those statements :auiqs.jpg:

Most people on this forum recognize a TROLL paid for by a Soros funded progressive/democratic party with the sole purpose to destroy America who most likely spends entire day getting paid to present a view like the above.
"There is no such thing as an intelligent troll, sir. That's a contradiction, an oxymoron, an impossibility."
How to Identify and Defeat an Internet Troll
Just a slight mental problem.

Someone who doesn't pay attention to what is going on, should not be voting. Just voting for a candidate because they are giving you "ear" candy is going to result in these kind of disasters.

Trump was never a Conservative.

1. No conservative campaigns on single payer health care.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy | Breitbart
2. No conservative would bragg they are the king of debt and loves debt.
Why Donald Trump has crowned himself the 'king of debt'
3. No conservative would have proposed another Obamacare type program, called child care subsidies.
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies
4. No conservative would say he loves and used Emminent domain.
Donald Trump's eminent domain love nearly cost a widow her house | David Boaz

So this is what you voted for:


Hillary Clinton is actually more conservative than Trump. Then enter Steve Bannon into the Trump campaign and with Trump's ability to act, he made you believe he was a Nationalist, going to protect American jobs. No one could be a Nationalist and own as many foreign properties as he does. Golf courses, Hotels and Casino's including in some of those Muslims nations like Dubai. You bought into his bullshit and swallowed it hook, line & sinker. Trumps only desire to run for President, along with several of his cohurts was to expand their own personal business interests, especially business interests in Russia.
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president


You have literally elected a man that can be held hostage by several different foreign countries on U.S. policy decisions. He is most certainly in violation of the Emoluments clause in the Constitution, another reason for impeachment. Which is why he is the first candidate in the last 40 years that has refused to release any income tax returns.

If Republicans didn't hold both houses right now, he would have been gone already.

You have effectively killed the Republican party by electing Trump. You were warned a 1000 times over and you ignored all those warnings. I don't feel a bit sorry for you.
Blue wave coming this November 2018
So do you like get paid by the talking point or by the pic? What Soros funded entity have you signed on with... lol this is unreal content they scramble for you!
Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.

I don't care as long as he keeps improving America. After Obama, there is nothing which could cause us to crash lower. We hit rock bottom under that goober, its only up from there

I love it when they make it easy showing their hatred carried on their sleeve

The big difference at least between you and me is I deal with facts. Not hyperbole. Not exaggeration.

A) You wrote... A president that lies non-stop on every subject."
So you are telling me that EVERYTHING TRUMP says EVERYDAY is a LIE?

B) You wrote "mans ungodly faults" What then are "Godly faults"? See your hyperbole catches up with you and shows what a lack of rational thinking on your part. Makes no sense.

C)You wrote "hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country"... Again what hatred and attacks? Give me specific examples not hyperbole because I see many actions that are
upholding American institutions simple things like oh say honoring those that gave their lives for USA by STANDING for the anthem and Flag. That's attacking the institution?

Or how about the simple fact me and over 90 million people are either relatives or are "LEGAL" immigrants. GEEZ idiot! Trump's married to a LEGAL immigrant! So where does he
"HATE and ATTACK" LEGAL immigrants?
Finally when was the last time a president donated his entire salary? Name it because Trump who according to you "HATES" America donates his salary!

Finally here is why I support Trump.

See I'm not as provincial as you are i.e. I worked with people in NY from Queens that had a lot of Trump's characteristics: Loud. Boisterous. Braggadocious. Obnoxious.
All truly Trump's characteristics.
YET LIKE Trump... they loved America.
They LOVED to help their fellow man!
Some of the citizens of Queens like Trump are truly generous with their money but more so with their time! All the while like Trump given the appearance of a loudmouth, etc.

But those of us that are NOT provincial and have a more worldly view KNOW that they LIKE Trump and millions of us have been truly tired of politics as usual.
To me Trump is a businessman who has brought the sense of urgency, the sense of let's get it done to the presidency and political correctness.. BE DAMNED!
Let's get the country going which HE HAS!
Lowest unemployment in 18 years! The unemployment rate was 3.9 percent, the lowest rate since 2000 and a sign that the job market has become even more competitive.

The past (Obama) administration was the first administration that never had a whole year of 3 percent growth."
Did Obama never have a whole year of 3% economic growth?

Trump economy's sustained growth pace unlike anything seen in 13 years
Trump economy's sustained growth pace unlike anything seen in 13 years
A. This will put it a little closer to defining scum bag and his lies , He can make it through a sentence sometimes without lying but never a extended paragraph.
B. Show me where I said anything about mans ungodly faults as you say I did.
C Hell, I don't even know where you found this nor do I really care,
,How about Mexicans being rapists and criminals.
ON the institutions to this country Be attacked by scum bag, There is 16 Dept for this countries government. The heads that he appointed are picked because in past history they have said they want to destroy those dept. OR turn them over to big business and change them so much that they would be ineffective.
Scum Bag is by far the lowest form of humanity , he is less then pond scum. No one has ever lied to this degree , been more hateful, evil, ugly twisted then the low life called scum bag.
Want I'm working for as soon as your party collapses , I want all people who voted for Scum bag chipped and watched for the rest of their lives so they never get another chance to destroy this country, He is your scum bag , he is my total complete enemy of my country.

OH I'm very happy to point out YOUR OWN WORDS!!!

A) So NOW you are backing off your hyperbolic exaggeration of "Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject" You now say he can make it
through a sentence... WOW what an accurate factual statement. Don't you understand that when people like you make really dumb ass exaggerated statements like "lies non-stop"
most people like me write off what you are writing as just pure crazy comments?

B) SHOW YOU????You WROTE: If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian.
And my point is how do you know God has faults? You said "man's "ungodly faults"... meaning God has faults?

C) YOU WROTE: "hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country"...once again I asked you where did you every come up with that truly exaggerated, hyperbolic statement?
Geez Trump just had a White House ceremony honoring the military, our flag(maybe not yours!!) and sang national anthem! And hates IMMIGRANTS??? How can he hate
his "LEGAL immigrant" WIFE?? See your gross exaggerations and way out of bounds statements really turn off people who watch the truth!
And are you DENYING that some illegal Mexicans are rapists?
FACTS dummy!
Illegal immigrant charged with molesting and raping 7-year-old girl and her mother
Illegal immigrant charged with molesting and raping 7-year-old girl and her mother
That's an Illegal Mexican that raped a 7 year old girl... and you have the idiocy to call Trump a liar about events like this?
A Mexican man living in the US illegally used his job as an Uber driver to target intoxicated young women and was charged Monday with raping, assaulting and robbing four victims, California prosecutors said.

For the second time in less than a week, Border Patrol agents assigned to the Nogales Station arrested an
illegal alien Samuel Nungaray-Cons, a 35-year-old Mexican man, previously deported following a rape conviction in the United States.
Agents Arrest Another Illegal Alien Convicted of Rape | U.S. Customs and Border Protection


Damn...U mean I've been duped... Here I was all excited about all the changes I've seen over the last year and a half and the whole dang time it's just his 'stardom' that has been bedazzling me... I'm mean are U sure?
- placing certain countries on a temporary no fly list
- nominating a conservative justice to the SCOTUS
- re-upping funding for our military (albeit signing a horribly bloated budget bill)
- bitching to NATO about paying their dues
- nixing the Paris Accord
- approving the two pipelines
- blowing up ridiculously one sided trade deals
- tackling illegal immigration at the borders with Nat Guard and much more....
O why bother going on & on as I'm apt to do here... all is for naught... this whole time it was just the celebrity induced trance I was in. I have to say your news is down right crushing!

You see that's where you have been conned.
1. It is a temporary ban on certain countries that didn't do business with Trump. Saudi Arabia--where the 9/11 attackers came from are not banned from entering this country, and several other countries where terrorists actually come from.
President Trump's Muslim ban excludes countries linked to his sprawling business empire - NY Daily News

2. You didn't get a conservative SCOTUS. You got Niel Gorsuch who stated during the confrimation hearing that Roe v Wade is precedent in the constitution. Meaning set in stone to you. It might also interest you to know that Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton voted for Niel Gorsuch back in 2006 as a G.W. Bush appointee to the 10th Distrct court of appeals, at time when they owned the Senate and could have easily rejected him. The only reason democrats tried to block him is because they were pissed off that Republicans didn't give Obama's last nominee, Merrick Garland and up or down vote, and then decided to campaign on the SCOTUS. These are the Democrats that confirmed Gorsuch in 2006
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'


3. Yes Trump has started a trade war with allies. A Trade war has never created a single job in this country, but they're well known for job loss's. The offended country will always return tariff's on American goods, driving the cost up to American consumers. American consumers will cut back on spending then the job loss's roll through the economy in all sectors.

The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’


4. Immigration. There was no need to send the National Guard down to the border, illegal crossings have dropped to a 40 year low.
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

As far as Trump's WALL you might want to think about the 240 tunnels they have found in the San Diego region alone, and they know there's more they haven't found.

The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

Now what you clearly haven't been paying any attention to is this Russian investigation, that Mueller has accumulated 19 Federal Grand Jury indictments, 5 guilty pleas, and another 90 Federal Grand Jury criminal charges that are certain to produce more. To read one article, watch 2 FOX NEWS videos and another of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.

Go to this link on this board and scroll down to post # 56.
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

After you get through that a good book to read which will prepare you for the open public hearings and testimony that will begin in January 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress. At that point no one is going to be able to protect Trump, and the impeachment proceedings will begin.


Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me
Republicans warn Trump could be impeached if Democrats win the midterm elections

Nothing like admitting guilt in those statements :auiqs.jpg:

Most people on this forum recognize a TROLL paid for by a Soros funded progressive/democratic party with the sole purpose to destroy America who most likely spends entire day getting paid to present a view like the above.
"There is no such thing as an intelligent troll, sir. That's a contradiction, an oxymoron, an impossibility."
How to Identify and Defeat an Internet Troll
Just a slight mental problem.

Someone who doesn't pay attention to what is going on, should not be voting. Just voting for a candidate because they are giving you "ear" candy is going to result in these kind of disasters.

Trump was never a Conservative.

1. No conservative campaigns on single payer health care.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy | Breitbart
2. No conservative would bragg they are the king of debt and loves debt.
Why Donald Trump has crowned himself the 'king of debt'
3. No conservative would have proposed another Obamacare type program, called child care subsidies.
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies
4. No conservative would say he loves and used Emminent domain.
Donald Trump's eminent domain love nearly cost a widow her house | David Boaz

So this is what you voted for:


Hillary Clinton is actually more conservative than Trump. Then enter Steve Bannon into the Trump campaign and with Trump's ability to act, he made you believe he was a Nationalist, going to protect American jobs. No one could be a Nationalist and own as many foreign properties as he does. Golf courses, Hotels and Casino's including in some of those Muslims nations like Dubai. You bought into his bullshit and swallowed it hook, line & sinker. Trumps only desire to run for President, along with several of his cohurts was to expand their own personal business interests, especially business interests in Russia.
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president


You have literally elected a man that can be held hostage by several different foreign countries on U.S. policy decisions. He is most certainly in violation of the Emoluments clause in the Constitution, another reason for impeachment. Which is why he is the first candidate in the last 40 years that has refused to release any income tax returns.

If Republicans didn't hold both houses right now, he would have been gone already.

You have effectively killed the Republican party by electing Trump. You were warned a 1000 times over and you ignored all those warnings. I don't feel a bit sorry for you.
Blue wave coming this November 2018
So do you like get paid by the talking point or by the pic? What Soros funded entity have you signed on with... lol this is unreal content they scramble for you!

You probably should get your crayons and coloring books and go sit in the corner. You're really not good at this.

You see that's where you have been conned.
1. It is a temporary ban on certain countries that didn't do business with Trump. Saudi Arabia--where the 9/11 attackers came from are not banned from entering this country, and several other countries where terrorists actually come from.
President Trump's Muslim ban excludes countries linked to his sprawling business empire - NY Daily News

2. You didn't get a conservative SCOTUS. You got Niel Gorsuch who stated during the confrimation hearing that Roe v Wade is precedent in the constitution. Meaning set in stone to you. It might also interest you to know that Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton voted for Niel Gorsuch back in 2006 as a G.W. Bush appointee to the 10th Distrct court of appeals, at time when they owned the Senate and could have easily rejected him. The only reason democrats tried to block him is because they were pissed off that Republicans didn't give Obama's last nominee, Merrick Garland and up or down vote, and then decided to campaign on the SCOTUS. These are the Democrats that confirmed Gorsuch in 2006
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'


3. Yes Trump has started a trade war with allies. A Trade war has never created a single job in this country, but they're well known for job loss's. The offended country will always return tariff's on American goods, driving the cost up to American consumers. American consumers will cut back on spending then the job loss's roll through the economy in all sectors.

The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’


4. Immigration. There was no need to send the National Guard down to the border, illegal crossings have dropped to a 40 year low.
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

As far as Trump's WALL you might want to think about the 240 tunnels they have found in the San Diego region alone, and they know there's more they haven't found.

The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

Now what you clearly haven't been paying any attention to is this Russian investigation, that Mueller has accumulated 19 Federal Grand Jury indictments, 5 guilty pleas, and another 90 Federal Grand Jury criminal charges that are certain to produce more. To read one article, watch 2 FOX NEWS videos and another of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.

Go to this link on this board and scroll down to post # 56.
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

After you get through that a good book to read which will prepare you for the open public hearings and testimony that will begin in January 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress. At that point no one is going to be able to protect Trump, and the impeachment proceedings will begin.


Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me
Republicans warn Trump could be impeached if Democrats win the midterm elections

Nothing like admitting guilt in those statements :auiqs.jpg:

Most people on this forum recognize a TROLL paid for by a Soros funded progressive/democratic party with the sole purpose to destroy America who most likely spends entire day getting paid to present a view like the above.
"There is no such thing as an intelligent troll, sir. That's a contradiction, an oxymoron, an impossibility."
How to Identify and Defeat an Internet Troll
Just a slight mental problem.

Someone who doesn't pay attention to what is going on, should not be voting. Just voting for a candidate because they are giving you "ear" candy is going to result in these kind of disasters.

Trump was never a Conservative.

1. No conservative campaigns on single payer health care.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy | Breitbart
2. No conservative would bragg they are the king of debt and loves debt.
Why Donald Trump has crowned himself the 'king of debt'
3. No conservative would have proposed another Obamacare type program, called child care subsidies.
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies
4. No conservative would say he loves and used Emminent domain.
Donald Trump's eminent domain love nearly cost a widow her house | David Boaz

So this is what you voted for:


Hillary Clinton is actually more conservative than Trump. Then enter Steve Bannon into the Trump campaign and with Trump's ability to act, he made you believe he was a Nationalist, going to protect American jobs. No one could be a Nationalist and own as many foreign properties as he does. Golf courses, Hotels and Casino's including in some of those Muslims nations like Dubai. You bought into his bullshit and swallowed it hook, line & sinker. Trumps only desire to run for President, along with several of his cohurts was to expand their own personal business interests, especially business interests in Russia.
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president


You have literally elected a man that can be held hostage by several different foreign countries on U.S. policy decisions. He is most certainly in violation of the Emoluments clause in the Constitution, another reason for impeachment. Which is why he is the first candidate in the last 40 years that has refused to release any income tax returns.

If Republicans didn't hold both houses right now, he would have been gone already.

You have effectively killed the Republican party by electing Trump. You were warned a 1000 times over and you ignored all those warnings. I don't feel a bit sorry for you.
Blue wave coming this November 2018
So do you like get paid by the talking point or by the pic? What Soros funded entity have you signed on with... lol this is unreal content they scramble for you!

You probably should get your crayons and coloring books and go sit in the corner. You're really not good at this.

Wahh, Wahh... your putting me on 'timeout' already? Fine with me... later lackey :)
Donald Trump saved us from H. Clinton
LOL LOL Yeah he really cleaned out the swamp and saved us from Hillary How does it feel now,being up to your chin in his cesspool??

Pretty great!

The US economy suddenly looks like it's unstoppable
  • Friday's economic data provided evidence the U.S. economy is heading into the second half of 2018 with strong momentum.
  • Nonfarm payrolls beat expectations while manufacturing and construction indexes both showed accelerated growth.
  • Economists are slowly ratcheting up expectations for growth through the end of the year, with widely followed measures putting the second quarter at between 3.6 percent and 4.8 percent.
Jeff Cox | @JeffCoxCNBCcom
Published 12:33 PM ET Fri, 1 June 2018 Updated 4:56 PM ET Fri, 1 June 2018

The US economy suddenly looks like it's unstoppable

Show us on these charts where scum bags great influence did anything at all for the economy of this country.

If you think this shows anything about what scum bag has done for this country, your nuts. All he is is scum from the lowest level of humanity, worse then pond scum.

unemployment chart.png
corporat profits.png
Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.

Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.

I love what he's doing

He doesn't lie, most of the stuff you call lies is exaggeration like crowd size at the inauguration.
Obama lied on policy
He blamed Ben Ghazi on a video, not terrorists or his horrible Libya plan
He doesn't have hatred....to a lefty like you, any disagreement is hatred
He has shown compassion by pardoning people and will continue to do so, not make them wait til the end of his Presidency
He has improved the economy, brought back mfg jobs and the economy is humming along
He has made the US a major force internationally by making people reevaluate our relationships and to be more fair to our country
He has brought NKorea to the table and softened the NK and SK conflict.
He has removed vicious illegals from our country and is working to prevent them from reentering.
I mean there is so much he's done....way more than any President I know....way more.
Donald Trump saved us from H. Clinton
LOL LOL Yeah he really cleaned out the swamp and saved us from Hillary How does it feel now,being up to your chin in his cesspool??

Pretty great!

The US economy suddenly looks like it's unstoppable
  • Friday's economic data provided evidence the U.S. economy is heading into the second half of 2018 with strong momentum.
  • Nonfarm payrolls beat expectations while manufacturing and construction indexes both showed accelerated growth.
  • Economists are slowly ratcheting up expectations for growth through the end of the year, with widely followed measures putting the second quarter at between 3.6 percent and 4.8 percent.
Jeff Cox | @JeffCoxCNBCcom
Published 12:33 PM ET Fri, 1 June 2018 Updated 4:56 PM ET Fri, 1 June 2018

The US economy suddenly looks like it's unstoppable

Show us on these charts where scum bags great influence did anything at all for the economy of this country.

If you think this shows anything about what scum bag has done for this country, your nuts. All he is is scum from the lowest level of humanity, worse then pond scum.

View attachment 197364 View attachment 197365 View attachment 197367

The first chart shows 16 years and older unemployment DOWN from Obama's Jan 2010 when it was 10% UNEMPLOYED Jan 2018 3.8% UNEMPLOYED.
So tell me what is wrong with that chart? Don't you want more people working? Means more tax revenue, more consumer goods/services/ LESS government outlays?
What is wrong with that?

What is wrong with corporate profits going up? Do you understand what happens to "corporate profits"???
Did you know that if a corporation makes a profit...GUESS WHAT? They pay taxes?
Did you know if a corporation makes a profit and they pay out dividends...GUESS WHAT? The people that receive dividends HAVE TO PAY TAXES!
Did you know if a corporation makes a profit... most of the time that profit is put back into the business to build new facilities, replace worn out equipment hire new people.
Are you against all of the above actions???
Donald Trump saved us from H. Clinton
LOL LOL Yeah he really cleaned out the swamp and saved us from Hillary How does it feel now,being up to your chin in his cesspool??

Pretty great!

The US economy suddenly looks like it's unstoppable
  • Friday's economic data provided evidence the U.S. economy is heading into the second half of 2018 with strong momentum.
  • Nonfarm payrolls beat expectations while manufacturing and construction indexes both showed accelerated growth.
  • Economists are slowly ratcheting up expectations for growth through the end of the year, with widely followed measures putting the second quarter at between 3.6 percent and 4.8 percent.
Jeff Cox | @JeffCoxCNBCcom
Published 12:33 PM ET Fri, 1 June 2018 Updated 4:56 PM ET Fri, 1 June 2018

The US economy suddenly looks like it's unstoppable

Show us on these charts where scum bags great influence did anything at all for the economy of this country.

If you think this shows anything about what scum bag has done for this country, your nuts. All he is is scum from the lowest level of humanity, worse then pond scum.

View attachment 197364 View attachment 197365 View attachment 197367

The first chart shows 16 years and older unemployment DOWN from Obama's Jan 2010 when it was 10% UNEMPLOYED Jan 2018 3.8% UNEMPLOYED.
So tell me what is wrong with that chart? Don't you want more people working? Means more tax revenue, more consumer goods/services/ LESS government outlays?
What is wrong with that?

What is wrong with corporate profits going up? Do you understand what happens to "corporate profits"???
Did you know that if a corporation makes a profit...GUESS WHAT? They pay taxes?
Did you know if a corporation makes a profit and they pay out dividends...GUESS WHAT? The people that receive dividends HAVE TO PAY TAXES!
Did you know if a corporation makes a profit... most of the time that profit is put back into the business to build new facilities, replace worn out equipment hire new people.
Are you against all of the above actions???
I'm heavily into the market So as corporations go I go Does that mean I have to like the slime in our WH now? The guy in bed with Putin?
Donald Trump saved us from H. Clinton
LOL LOL Yeah he really cleaned out the swamp and saved us from Hillary How does it feel now,being up to your chin in his cesspool??

Pretty great!

The US economy suddenly looks like it's unstoppable
  • Friday's economic data provided evidence the U.S. economy is heading into the second half of 2018 with strong momentum.
  • Nonfarm payrolls beat expectations while manufacturing and construction indexes both showed accelerated growth.
  • Economists are slowly ratcheting up expectations for growth through the end of the year, with widely followed measures putting the second quarter at between 3.6 percent and 4.8 percent.
Jeff Cox | @JeffCoxCNBCcom
Published 12:33 PM ET Fri, 1 June 2018 Updated 4:56 PM ET Fri, 1 June 2018

The US economy suddenly looks like it's unstoppable

Show us on these charts where scum bags great influence did anything at all for the economy of this country.

If you think this shows anything about what scum bag has done for this country, your nuts. All he is is scum from the lowest level of humanity, worse then pond scum.

View attachment 197364 View attachment 197365 View attachment 197367

The first chart shows 16 years and older unemployment DOWN from Obama's Jan 2010 when it was 10% UNEMPLOYED Jan 2018 3.8% UNEMPLOYED.
So tell me what is wrong with that chart? Don't you want more people working? Means more tax revenue, more consumer goods/services/ LESS government outlays?
What is wrong with that?

What is wrong with corporate profits going up? Do you understand what happens to "corporate profits"???
Did you know that if a corporation makes a profit...GUESS WHAT? They pay taxes?
Did you know if a corporation makes a profit and they pay out dividends...GUESS WHAT? The people that receive dividends HAVE TO PAY TAXES!
Did you know if a corporation makes a profit... most of the time that profit is put back into the business to build new facilities, replace worn out equipment hire new people.
Are you against all of the above actions???
I'm heavily into the market So as corporations go I go Does that mean I have to like the slime in our WH now? The guy in bed with Putin?

you know I don't think you've been out of your state. Because if you knew New Yorkers, especially ones from Queens like Trump maybe you'd understand somethings about him.

Yes. He is loud.
A loudmouth for sure.
Yes he is a braggart. No question.
Is he obnoxious? Of course he is! He's from Queens and if you knew as I did having worked with people in Queens several years ago especially around the time Trump was starting out... the Queens community leaders were like that.
I worked with supermarkets, drug chains, etc. and one day a president of a small supermarket chain told me... "hey if you have a problem dealing with local ordinances... let me know... I've got some friends."

Now this guy like Trump was bragging.
Do you think I would take him up on that? NO! But I knew that this was just the type of personality that gets things done...his way!

Just like Trump! So what makes Trump special to people like me that knew people like Trump...i.e. people from Queens?

While the vast majority of them like Trump were as I'm repeating, obnoxious, loud, sometimes crude, definitely opinionated they like Trump love America.
They love law and order. They love the military and the police.
Some have had run-ins with the law for sure. But are they like Trump truly patriotic America first types? YES!

And that's what most of us have been responding to as the antithesis to what Obama was...apologetic, bowing to world leaders, constantly criticizing the police, authorities etc and
Trump and people like him from Queens would NEVER do those things! Never.

So coupled with personal experiences with people like Trump AND a very good awareness that the MSM truly hates Trump much less understand him millions of people like me
support President Trump. He is getting things done and many times not the politically correct way! Thank goodness!

This is an excerpt that shows what I was describing!

Gwenda Blair, author of “The Trumps: Three Generations That Built an Empire,” said the president's persona still reveals his Queens roots.
“People don’t see him as an elitist snob,” she said. “He’s like a regular guy from Queens -- a regular guy who happens to have a lot of money.”

And it’s true that Queens is where it all began for Trump, who was born in the borough on June 14, 1946.
It’s where he learned his first lessons from his father about working hard, and it’s where he aspired to be powerful and wealthy.
"Fred and Mary Trump made sure their children knew something about the value of a dollar," she wrote in "The Trumps." "Sometimes it seemed that life's highest priorities were to remember to turn out all the lights, to eat every single mouthful on their plates, and to be ever mindful of all the poor, starving children all over the world."
They were also taught early on the importance of having a job. Trump and his brothers delivered papers in the neighborhood.
Tour Trump's NY, from his Queens roots to his Manhattan skyscrapers

And it is the above characteristics THAT I identify with as do millions of other Americans.. "Turn out the lights" "Clean your plate ... remember starving children in China"!

Simple, plain admonishing from our parents as Trump's parents stick with us to this day... "Turn out the lights"...Clean your plate"...!
I owned a business in Astoria Queens foe 40 years and know all about about the yellow pos trump who got rich ripping off the middle class,,,,started on 3rd base and thinks he hit a triple

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