I have a few questions for the president supporters.

--------------------------------------------- you work for Gun Control in the USA after importation policy stupidly let yer type into the USA 'isis' .
Gun control ? You mean gun ban so your kids and my kids dont get shot at school. I want you to live like a human and not a savage.
Gun ban, finally a Liberal states what they all really want. Instead of taking away millions of people's Constitutional rights put some armed guards in those schools and I bet the shootings will stop.Some Veterns would likely volunteer their time and they won't hide if there is a situation .

By the way a gun ban will not work in this country.
Ok mr clever. So we put armed guys in every school....and how about work places ?
Freeways , malls, airports,parks, gatherings, churches, synagogues, personal homes? Because in all those places people are getting shot....unlike most countries. What's your solution Einstein?
Certainly not taking away a Constitutional right. Every one of those places you described are targets because they are gun free zones. Institute a nation wide concealed carry for anyone qualified and the majority of these mass shootings won't happen.
Ya give every one a gun so they can protect themselves from guns. Brain dead.
------------------------------------- all kindsa guns where i live , no one is ever shot because someone use a gun in a stupid manner . A home invader of which there are few that are native . Maybe a criminal from the big city might get shot though as he travels through and decides that the liquor store looks like an easy target JBander ,
--------------------------------------------- you work for Gun Control in the USA after importation policy stupidly let yer type into the USA 'isis' .
Gun control ? You mean gun ban so your kids and my kids dont get shot at school. I want you to live like a human and not a savage.
Gun ban, finally a Liberal states what they all really want. Instead of taking away millions of people's Constitutional rights put some armed guards in those schools and I bet the shootings will stop.Some Veterns would likely volunteer their time and they won't hide if there is a situation .

By the way a gun ban will not work in this country.
Ok mr clever. So we put armed guys in every school....and how about work places ?
Freeways , malls, airports,parks, gatherings, churches, synagogues, personal homes? Because in all those places people are getting shot....unlike most countries. What's your solution Einstein?
Certainly not taking away a Constitutional right. Every one of those places you described are targets because they are gun free zones. Institute a nation wide concealed carry for anyone qualified and the majority of these mass shootings won't happen.
Ya give every one a gun so they can protect themselves from guns. Brain dead.
Everyone gets a gun but you dumass.
and schools are taxpayer paid entity's so should be protected by government . But Chuch's , Synagogues and Private homes are private entity's , well let them buy a gun and protect themselves . Any American would know that 'isis' .
Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.

You know I totally understand how you feel.

I just want you to think though think .... on what have you based your opinion regarding Trump? I mean what are your sources?

Let's take one of your opinions about Trump that the "president lies non-stop daily"...

Let's look at that statement. Do you believe Trump tells lies ONCE and only once and he does that non-stop daily? In other words he LIES once and to you that counts as a lie?

OR do you know that the "lies" Trump is accused of i.e. according Washington Post..

In the 466 days since he took the oath of office, President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims, according to The Fact Checker’s database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement uttered by the president. That’s an average of nearly 6.5 claims a day.

Washington Post found Trump repeated 113 untrue claims at least three times apiece.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

So if you use that same formula i.e. Trump repeats a "LIE" at least 3 times apiece... would you agree?

So what then is your position on a President that repeated at least 36 times a well known lie that was chosen by Politifact.org as the LIE of the year?
If that is the criterion i.e. repeating a lie then is it true a person who repeats a lie is lying in the above case 36 times?

If a Presidential LIE repeated 36 times that is chosen as the LIE of the year where was the MSM with the same fervor and angst as was expressed by the above?
The Washington Compost is fake news leftist garbage. And being you are a leftist traitor, you fell for it.

Don't disagree regarding the Bezos owned Post which he bought solely to bias politicians so Amazon can continue NOT to collect sales tax from 34 states.
My point was entirely that Wapo puts out the "fact" Repeated at least 3 times... When they to my knowledge have never admitted that Obama was known to have
repeated 36 times alone "If you like your plan you can keep it"...which was worthy of the LIE of the year from Politifact.org.
But were there any stories keeping track of Obama's thousands repeated LIES like they've done with Trump? Of COURSE NOT!!!
After all In 2008 85% of media donated money to Democrats! 1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

My point in stating that the original OP doesn't seem to comprehend the pervasive influence ON the OP from the extremely biased MSM, i.e. Wapo, NYT, etc.!
And as such the OP's really uninformed opinion based on the biased MSM should be totally ignored.
Love it , this clown is trying to justify what scum bag does by what Obama did, doesn't work that way. The people in the media know whats going on in this country more then anyone else , they are watching this for a story non stop. So of course they support the democrats over your hate group.
it's not the medias job to support a particular view.
Tell that to breitbart et al
You know I totally understand how you feel.

I just want you to think though think .... on what have you based your opinion regarding Trump? I mean what are your sources?

Let's take one of your opinions about Trump that the "president lies non-stop daily"...

Let's look at that statement. Do you believe Trump tells lies ONCE and only once and he does that non-stop daily? In other words he LIES once and to you that counts as a lie?

OR do you know that the "lies" Trump is accused of i.e. according Washington Post..

In the 466 days since he took the oath of office, President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims, according to The Fact Checker’s database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement uttered by the president. That’s an average of nearly 6.5 claims a day.

Washington Post found Trump repeated 113 untrue claims at least three times apiece.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

So if you use that same formula i.e. Trump repeats a "LIE" at least 3 times apiece... would you agree?

So what then is your position on a President that repeated at least 36 times a well known lie that was chosen by Politifact.org as the LIE of the year?
If that is the criterion i.e. repeating a lie then is it true a person who repeats a lie is lying in the above case 36 times?

If a Presidential LIE repeated 36 times that is chosen as the LIE of the year where was the MSM with the same fervor and angst as was expressed by the above?
The Washington Compost is fake news leftist garbage. And being you are a leftist traitor, you fell for it.

Don't disagree regarding the Bezos owned Post which he bought solely to bias politicians so Amazon can continue NOT to collect sales tax from 34 states.
My point was entirely that Wapo puts out the "fact" Repeated at least 3 times... When they to my knowledge have never admitted that Obama was known to have
repeated 36 times alone "If you like your plan you can keep it"...which was worthy of the LIE of the year from Politifact.org.
But were there any stories keeping track of Obama's thousands repeated LIES like they've done with Trump? Of COURSE NOT!!!
After all In 2008 85% of media donated money to Democrats! 1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

My point in stating that the original OP doesn't seem to comprehend the pervasive influence ON the OP from the extremely biased MSM, i.e. Wapo, NYT, etc.!
And as such the OP's really uninformed opinion based on the biased MSM should be totally ignored.
Love it , this clown is trying to justify what scum bag does by what Obama did, doesn't work that way. The people in the media know whats going on in this country more then anyone else , they are watching this for a story non stop. So of course they support the democrats over your hate group.
it's not the medias job to support a particular view.
Tell that to breitbart et al

Hey you are right about Breitbart, CBS,FOX,ABC,etc. et.al. The major difference between Breitbart, Fox and the rest of the MSM is they represent an alternative to
the BIASED Anti-American, Anti-deplorables (like me),anti-LEGAL immigrants, anti-Christian people that do watch Breitbart & Fox and the entire rest of the MSM!
ABC,CBS,NBC,NYT,Washington Post, almost all major news sources, AP/UPI,etc. actually donated more Money to Obama/Hillary then GOP. That has written more
negative stories about Trump, millions of people like me that believe America is exceptional. That believe in LEGAL immigrants(I have a relative that is one!). The millions
of us including Trump believe that the MSM/entertainment community has presented White Americans as Nazis. White Americans as racists. And millions of us
are not only tired of this grossly biased and inaccurate assessment of us but WE the ones that really make America work, i.e. truck drivers, factory workers, i.e. those
deplorable "blue collars" that may not have college degrees are shown by POLLS that less than 8% of Americans believe the MSM. That means the VAST VAST majority
of people don't believe the MSM whatever they produce.

So when you want your food to be delivered, cars made, remember who is doing that...not for sure the MSM/"journalists"/news anchors/movie stars..etc.
The Washington Compost is fake news leftist garbage. And being you are a leftist traitor, you fell for it.

Don't disagree regarding the Bezos owned Post which he bought solely to bias politicians so Amazon can continue NOT to collect sales tax from 34 states.
My point was entirely that Wapo puts out the "fact" Repeated at least 3 times... When they to my knowledge have never admitted that Obama was known to have
repeated 36 times alone "If you like your plan you can keep it"...which was worthy of the LIE of the year from Politifact.org.
But were there any stories keeping track of Obama's thousands repeated LIES like they've done with Trump? Of COURSE NOT!!!
After all In 2008 85% of media donated money to Democrats! 1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

My point in stating that the original OP doesn't seem to comprehend the pervasive influence ON the OP from the extremely biased MSM, i.e. Wapo, NYT, etc.!
And as such the OP's really uninformed opinion based on the biased MSM should be totally ignored.
Love it , this clown is trying to justify what scum bag does by what Obama did, doesn't work that way. The people in the media know whats going on in this country more then anyone else , they are watching this for a story non stop. So of course they support the democrats over your hate group.
it's not the medias job to support a particular view.
Tell that to breitbart et al

Hey you are right about Breitbart, CBS,FOX,ABC,etc. et.al. The major difference between Breitbart, Fox and the rest of the MSM is they represent an alternative to
the BIASED Anti-American, Anti-deplorables (like me),anti-LEGAL immigrants, anti-Christian people that do watch Breitbart & Fox and the entire rest of the MSM!
ABC,CBS,NBC,NYT,Washington Post, almost all major news sources, AP/UPI,etc. actually donated more Money to Obama/Hillary then GOP. That has written more
negative stories about Trump, millions of people like me that believe America is exceptional. That believe in LEGAL immigrants(I have a relative that is one!). The millions
of us including Trump believe that the MSM/entertainment community has presented White Americans as Nazis. White Americans as racists. And millions of us
are not only tired of this grossly biased and inaccurate assessment of us but WE the ones that really make America work, i.e. truck drivers, factory workers, i.e. those
deplorable "blue collars" that may not have college degrees are shown by POLLS that less than 8% of Americans believe the MSM. That means the VAST VAST majority
of people don't believe the MSM whatever they produce.

So when you want your food to be delivered, cars made, remember who is doing that...not for sure the MSM/"journalists"/news anchors/movie stars..etc.
To idiot leftists, presenting any news other than left is bias. Fox presenting both is bias
healthmyths states that, "The major difference between Breitbart, Fox and the rest of the MSM is they represent an alternative to the BIASED Anti-American, Anti-deplorables (like me),anti-LEGAL immigrants, anti-Christian people that do watch Breitbart & Fox and the entire rest of the MSM!" [#245 above]

Yep, the Fake Alt Right Media's alternative IS TO LIE AND MAKE UP FAKE NEWS AND ALT FAKES.


One of those lies is to infer that millions of right wing White Americans are described "as Nazis". The fact is that actually millions of white right wing Americans are indeed neo-fascist, nationalistic, ethnocentric, nativistic, racialist, antidemocracy, and truly do not like Americans of color. They overwhelm the millions of right White Americans who are none of those things.

We see the FARM messages daily on all of the political message boards.

This fall we will see just how effective is the continued lying of the neo-fascist Fake Alt Right Media platforms.
Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.
Trump is giving the gop establishment what he promised: judges to the right of W's and he signed a tax cut for the 1%.

Trump is giving the Trumpbots what he promised. An racial agenda for evangelical Christians and whites who feel they've been socially or economically discriminated against, a pro-Zionist for policy, and rejection of alliances requiring us to defend others.
--------------------------------- WELL depending on Who we are required to defend . Its a lot cheaper to not defend wankers like the Western Euros . Maybe we should be allying with Eastern Europeans that may be more reliable as allies Bendog .
We are required to defend any country that has a joint treaty with us. The right aligning itself with Russia is not surprising . They don't give a dam about any of that as long as they keep the power. They have across the board sold out this country already.

The right hasn't aligned itself with Russia. Do you ever post anything that isn't a blatant sleazy lie?
They will support anything that keeps them in power and the money rolling in to themselves. The right has already sold out this country, your leader has done just that and you support the scum bag.
Another post. Another lie

healthmyths states that, "The major difference between Breitbart, Fox and the rest of the MSM is they represent an alternative to the BIASED Anti-American, Anti-deplorables (like me),anti-LEGAL immigrants, anti-Christian people that do watch Breitbart & Fox and the entire rest of the MSM!" [#245 above]

Yep, the Fake Alt Right Media's alternative IS TO LIE AND MAKE UP FAKE NEWS AND ALT FAKES.


One of those lies is to infer that millions of right wing White Americans are described "as Nazis". The fact is that actually millions of white right wing Americans are indeed neo-fascist, nationalistic, ethnocentric, nativistic, racialist, antidemocracy, and truly do not like Americans of color. They overwhelm the millions of right White Americans who are none of those things.

We see the FARM messages daily on all of the political message boards.

This fall we will see just how effective is the continued lying of the neo-fascist Fake Alt Right Media platforms.

See this is the very very obvious DIFFERENCE between you JakeStarkweather and me.

Evidently you have time and inclination to check "all of the political message boards."
See most intelligent thinking people would never state so emphatically (meaning to you Starkweather,) with emphasis... "ALL"... see that's a very pompous declaration!
YOU see ALL political message boards? ALL?????
When low level thinking people use the word "ALL" or "All the time" , or probably you do that with your parents right now..."sniff..sniff... ALL the kids do it why can't I?"
That to me and other thinking people is a gigantic warning flag! "ALL"??
No, OP, you don't have any questions. You're simply here to spew your demonic, bleary-eyed, sputtering, semi-literate hysteria every time you do here because you haven't the brains to behave in a civilized manner.

Jesus Christ on a bicycle, you're in your SEVENTIES and you write like an ADHD 8-year-old having a baby tantrum. You silly little old man, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. I have a question of my own: why don't you grow up and learn how to act like a man for the first time in your 3/4 OF A CENTURY?? See, old fool, I know how to use question marks, unlike your hissy fit OP.
Eat your heart hater. You wake up every morning to hate, its miserable to be you.
--------------------------------------------- you work for Gun Control in the USA after importation policy stupidly let yer type into the USA 'isis' .
Gun control ? You mean gun ban so your kids and my kids dont get shot at school. I want you to live like a human and not a savage.
Gun ban, finally a Liberal states what they all really want. Instead of taking away millions of people's Constitutional rights put some armed guards in those schools and I bet the shootings will stop.Some Veterns would likely volunteer their time and they won't hide if there is a situation .

By the way a gun ban will not work in this country.
Ok mr clever. So we put armed guys in every school....and how about work places ?
Freeways , malls, airports,parks, gatherings, churches, synagogues, personal homes? Because in all those places people are getting shot....unlike most countries. What's your solution Einstein?
Certainly not taking away a Constitutional right. Every one of those places you described are targets because they are gun free zones. Institute a nation wide concealed carry for anyone qualified and the majority of these mass shootings won't happen.

Dumb statement....ever been outside the US? gun shooting is the least most of the world have to worry about....and you want everyone to carry a gun and be on guard like a fucking western movie? pathetic breed you guys are that grow up around guns, violence and paranoia.
--------------------------------------------- you work for Gun Control in the USA after importation policy stupidly let yer type into the USA 'isis' .
Gun control ? You mean gun ban so your kids and my kids dont get shot at school. I want you to live like a human and not a savage.
Gun ban, finally a Liberal states what they all really want. Instead of taking away millions of people's Constitutional rights put some armed guards in those schools and I bet the shootings will stop.Some Veterns would likely volunteer their time and they won't hide if there is a situation .

By the way a gun ban will not work in this country.
Ok mr clever. So we put armed guys in every school....and how about work places ?
Freeways , malls, airports,parks, gatherings, churches, synagogues, personal homes? Because in all those places people are getting shot....unlike most countries. What's your solution Einstein?
Certainly not taking away a Constitutional right. Every one of those places you described are targets because they are gun free zones. Institute a nation wide concealed carry for anyone qualified and the majority of these mass shootings won't happen.

Dumb statement....ever been outside the US? gun shooting is the least most of the world have to worry about....and you want everyone to carry a gun and be on guard like a fucking western movie? pathetic breed you guys are that grow up around guns, violence and paranoia.
---------------------------------------------------- see what i mean about imported people Dear board readers .
he grew up as a foreigner , all he has is foreign thoughts. Pus he left his homeland as part of the 'fifth column' doing 'mohamads' works through immigration , Its called 'hirage' and he aims to change the USA . And , he has the VOTE in the USA to change the USA Kaz .
  • Thanks
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Gun control ? You mean gun ban so your kids and my kids dont get shot at school. I want you to live like a human and not a savage.
Gun ban, finally a Liberal states what they all really want. Instead of taking away millions of people's Constitutional rights put some armed guards in those schools and I bet the shootings will stop.Some Veterns would likely volunteer their time and they won't hide if there is a situation .

By the way a gun ban will not work in this country.
Ok mr clever. So we put armed guys in every school....and how about work places ?
Freeways , malls, airports,parks, gatherings, churches, synagogues, personal homes? Because in all those places people are getting shot....unlike most countries. What's your solution Einstein?
Certainly not taking away a Constitutional right. Every one of those places you described are targets because they are gun free zones. Institute a nation wide concealed carry for anyone qualified and the majority of these mass shootings won't happen.
Ya give every one a gun so they can protect themselves from guns. Brain dead.
------------------------------------- all kindsa guns where i live , no one is ever shot because someone use a gun in a stupid manner . A home invader of which there are few that are native . Maybe a criminal from the big city might get shot though as he travels through and decides that the liquor store looks like an easy target JBander ,
Gun Bubbas always come up with the stuff that is the most humorous and bullshit,
Gun control ? You mean gun ban so your kids and my kids dont get shot at school. I want you to live like a human and not a savage.
Gun ban, finally a Liberal states what they all really want. Instead of taking away millions of people's Constitutional rights put some armed guards in those schools and I bet the shootings will stop.Some Veterns would likely volunteer their time and they won't hide if there is a situation .

By the way a gun ban will not work in this country.
Ok mr clever. So we put armed guys in every school....and how about work places ?
Freeways , malls, airports,parks, gatherings, churches, synagogues, personal homes? Because in all those places people are getting shot....unlike most countries. What's your solution Einstein?
Certainly not taking away a Constitutional right. Every one of those places you described are targets because they are gun free zones. Institute a nation wide concealed carry for anyone qualified and the majority of these mass shootings won't happen.
Ya give every one a gun so they can protect themselves from guns. Brain dead.
Everyone gets a gun but you dumass.
Either you start to contribute here or your gone, your a total waste here,
No, OP, you don't have any questions. You're simply here to spew your demonic, bleary-eyed, sputtering, semi-literate hysteria every time you do here because you haven't the brains to behave in a civilized manner.

Jesus Christ on a bicycle, you're in your SEVENTIES and you write like an ADHD 8-year-old having a baby tantrum. You silly little old man, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. I have a question of my own: why don't you grow up and learn how to act like a man for the first time in your 3/4 OF A CENTURY?? See, old fool, I know how to use question marks, unlike your hissy fit OP.
No, OP, you don't have any questions. You're simply here to spew your demonic, bleary-eyed, sputtering, semi-literate hysteria every time you do here because you haven't the brains to behave in a civilized manner.

Jesus Christ on a bicycle, you're in your SEVENTIES and you write like an ADHD 8-year-old having a baby tantrum. You silly little old man, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. I have a question of my own: why don't you grow up and learn how to act like a man for the first time in your 3/4 OF A CENTURY?? See, old fool, I know how to use question marks, unlike your hissy fit OP.
Ok you either stat contributing here or your gone, you choose.
i think its funny , USA is importing gun banning third worlders . Third worlders get the RIGHT to vote and they'll take away your Freedoms like your guns . Also , keep in mind that they don't like our American Freedom of Speech either . Heck , some of these third worlders will kill you if you draw a cartoon of 'mohamad' . [chuckle]
Last edited:
and conquest by 'immigration' is called 'jihad by immigration' and is known as HIJRAH . Sorry , i called it HIRAGE so i made a mistake and no third worlder stepped in to correct me , --- so sorry !!

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