I have a few questions for the president supporters.

..I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.

There's a very simple explanation for all your questions...


Or you can blame the Russians instead if you want to stay in the denial phase

The US is where the minority has a say more than the majority....the result is a lying clown as a president.
The results are exactly why the founding fathers instituted the Electoral College. I don't want California and NY deciding our President every election. Maybe Democrats should think about nominating a better candidate who tries to find common ground with middle America instead of insulting them.
Founding fathers fucked up on that one. Now the crazy minority is dragging the majority to the unknown this isnt democracy, even iran has a better system than here.
-------------------------------------- and as i say , this fifth columnist is just off the boat from some third world sh1thole . No AMERICAN that values the RIGHTS and FREEDOMS of America should take these 'fifth columnists' lightly .
Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.

We support President Trump because he stands against progressive globalist pigs.

As long as idiots like you whine about him, we know he’s doing a good job.
Why bother trying to reason with the subhuman abominations known as Trump supporters (that are mostly old and dying, by the way)? Just let them rage, rage, rage into their early graves. Make fun of them. That's all they deserve.
Why would we be raging exactly. We won! And guess what, WINNING is fun!. Maybe you all should create a trump lies thread hourly. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Why bother trying to reason with the subhuman abominations known as Trump supporters (that are mostly old and dying, by the way)? Just let them rage, rage, rage into their early graves. Make fun of them. That's all they deserve.

^^^ I love this keep telling us who you really are libs keeping telling the world what you really think, come out of the closet. :eusa_clap:

Well, I didn't used to think this way until I started trying to communicate with Trump supporters, and ... well, that's the impression y'all give. Sorry.

Translation: I don't ever think. Clinton said they are deplorable so that's who I copied. Sorry...

No, I just started coming on here. Thanks to you guys, it didn't take long for me to realize that ALL OF THIS is basically just a proxy war fought by scared white people who are terrified that they are going to be replaced, or even worse, persecuted for being white.

That's what Trumpism boils down to. I'd feel sorry for y'all if your fear didn't turn you into savages.
Can’t make this up :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Why bother trying to reason with the subhuman abominations known as Trump supporters (that are mostly old and dying, by the way)? Just let them rage, rage, rage into their early graves. Make fun of them. That's all they deserve.

^^^ I love this keep telling us who you really are libs keeping telling the world what you really think, come out of the closet. :eusa_clap:

Well, I didn't used to think this way until I started trying to communicate with Trump supporters, and ... well, that's the impression y'all give. Sorry.

Translation: I don't ever think. Clinton said they are deplorable so that's who I copied. Sorry...

No, I just started coming on here. Thanks to you guys, it didn't take long for me to realize that ALL OF THIS is basically just a proxy war fought by scared white people who are terrified that they are going to be replaced, or even worse, persecuted for being white.

That's what Trumpism boils down to. I'd feel sorry for y'all if your fear didn't turn you into savages.

You are a bigot....
Right, lets examine the labels you just used to describe over 60 million Americans who voted for Trump...subhuman, abominations, old, dying, mock them, die early, they deserve it yeah irrational people like you should be in charge. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Oh God no. I wouldn't vote for me. I would vote for a philosopher king (or queen). I am not that. I'm someone who has a pretty good imagination, and above average intelligence, though nothing amazing. I know exactly what I am. Great leadership skills are not my thing.

Of course, I never claimed that I would make a good president. That is you, for some reason disputing my ability to lead despite my having never claimed to be capable of great leadership in the first place.

All that aside, I tend to just troll on here because no one on the right or left are willing to have a real conversation anyway, and the right is much more prevalent on here than the left, so y'all get more flak from me in my quest to entertain myself during the slow hours. That's just how it goes.

Look the occasional insult is fine, but when I see someone string half a dozen insults together in an eruption of intolerance and venom I have to wonder if the poster is all there mentally.

Got a pretty funny reaction from you though, didn't it?

You are a gift to conservatives and Trump supporters, keep talking my new friend. :eusa_dance:

Are Trump supporters capable of real friendship? I don't think they have a developed enough frontal lobe.

Rave on you idiot...
Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.

That was 12 questions, not a few. Start with one question, and you might get a constructive reply.
Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.

This is the biggest crock of shit I've ever read. Liberals are corrupt, vulgar and miserable in every way possible and I'm supposed to care what you think now? Liberals are pissed because Republicans finally have someone on their side not taking any of their shit. The economy is vastly improved, stocks are way up, record low black and Hispanic unemployment, the border is much more secure, the President backs our law enforcement and puts Americans first. President Trump is doing a GREAT job!
Why bother trying to reason with the subhuman abominations known as Trump supporters (that are mostly old and dying, by the way)? Just let them rage, rage, rage into their early graves. Make fun of them. That's all they deserve.

^^^ I love this keep telling us who you really are libs keeping telling the world what you really think, come out of the closet. :eusa_clap:

Well, I didn't used to think this way until I started trying to communicate with Trump supporters, and ... well, that's the impression y'all give. Sorry.

Translation: I don't ever think. Clinton said they are deplorable so that's who I copied. Sorry...

No, I just started coming on here. Thanks to you guys, it didn't take long for me to realize that ALL OF THIS is basically just a proxy war fought by scared white people who are terrified that they are going to be replaced, or even worse, persecuted for being white.

That's what Trumpism boils down to. I'd feel sorry for y'all if your fear didn't turn you into savages.
Can’t make this up :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

And I didn't. I came on here and learned from the Trump supporters themselves.
The US is where the minority has a say more than the majority....the result is a lying clown as a president.

You in the USA? We'd improve as a nation if you'd leave.
---------------------------------------- yeah , he is just off the boat from the mid east and also an anti gunner to boot Dude .
American and I do pay taxes ****.
---------------------------------------- big deal , taxes go to government but you work against AMERICANS RIGHTs . Its my goal to use YOU and others like YOU to illustrate the dangers of letting your types into America 'isis' ,
Shut up KKK fuck face. I'm here to stay you csnt do shit about it.
I have a question for the right here, why can't you even try to answer the questions, maybe because the questions aren't part of your talking points. So your afraid to respond to these real simple questions, I just have to ask right across the board you all have shown contempt for me and anything that isn't white bread. Why even respond just to tell me you don't like me and simply call me names and spew a good amount of hatred. Since this is all you have , why would you think I would care about your hatred of me.
You didn't have to respond unless you just couldn't miss a opportunity to tell us what drives you, anyone does it look like anything other then just plain hatred that drives them. I guess you people have answered my question and it was pretty much what I was thinking all the time, but I really wanted to know if I was missing something that would explain support of this character. I wasn't.

Again the irony of the far left religious nuts is amazing!

Then we know that far left is irony impaired!

What they support in their own religious cult, they will not support outside their religion.
anyone with a clue what he means
Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.

I do not think it's ok to watch CNN all day. It can result in walls of confused text.
The people watching CNN all day are already brain dead, or mentally 5 years old, or both
How do you respond to the multiple studies that say your channel is the one that strays from the truth more then any other.

And yet:

What happened to the rise of MSNBC? After showing historic growth--and a few months in 2017 when Rachel Maddow took the title of most-watched host in all of cable news, beating Fox News Channel's Sean Hannity--the just-released results of the May ratings period look very familiar: Fox News won--everything.

In ratings data released Wednesday by Nielsen Media Research, FNC extended its run of consecutive months at number one to a staggering 197, while building hitting another impressive milestone: Fox News Channel has now beaten every other network in basic cable for 23 months straight, based on total day ratings, with an average total day audience in May of 1.4 million viewers.

In prime time, Fox News destroyed its competition, with an average total audience of 2.381 million viewers, compared to MSNBC's 1.384 million and CNN's 835,000. Among viewers 25-54, the group most coveted by advertisers, FNC shook off a challenge in recent months from MSNBC to claim a clear victory: 461,000 viewers, well ahead of MSNBC (329,000) and CNN (265,000).

Fox News had 10 of the top 15 shows in cable news, with Sean Hannity taking the title of highest-rated host in cable news. In fact, aside from ESPN and the NBA Playoffs on TNT, Hannityoutpaced every other show in basic cable. Hannity had an average total audience of 3.261 million, followed by MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show (2.627 million), and FNC's Tucker Carlson Tonight (2.617 million), The Ingraham Angle (2.617 million) and The Five (2.153 million).

That must be so galling for you.
And it simply shows how blind this group is, by all standards and studies , it is the worst channel as far as dealing with the truth. telling the truth only 1/3 of the time. So what does it say about their audience then. Whip it out buddy everyone lies except Fox Crap news right?
The US is where the minority has a say more than the majority....the result is a lying clown as a president.

You in the USA? We'd improve as a nation if you'd leave.
---------------------------------------- yeah , he is just off the boat from the mid east and also an anti gunner to boot Dude .
American and I do pay taxes ****.
---------------------------------------- big deal , taxes go to government but you work against AMERICANS RIGHTs . Its my goal to use YOU and others like YOU to illustrate the dangers of letting your types into America 'isis' ,
Shut up KKK fuck face. I'm here to stay you csnt do shit about it.
--------------------------------------------- [chuckle] YOU are simply the 'fifth columnist' type that i like pointing out , an imported muslim working to remove and change the RIGHTS and FREEDOMS of Americans You are an excellent example of imported problems to point out 'ISIS' , thankyou !!
From Newsweek, Jan 2018:

Fox News—far above of The New York Times, CNN, and the BBC—is the most objective source, according to 24 percent Americans surveyed for the study. Although that percentage is low, the other outlets scored much lower. Fox News' rating is largely due to the network’s dominant position among Republicans (60 percent of whom say it is objective) and their near complete distrust of other sources.

This is from a survey of more than 19,000 American adults for a new Gallup/Knight Foundation study.

I wouldn't say that Newsweek or the Gallup/Knight foundation are fake alt right media.
The hell you wouldn't, if it ever goes against your hate party then it is fake news and totally left wing propaganda , you people are clowns.
From Newsweek, Jan 2018:

Fox News—far above of The New York Times, CNN, and the BBC—is the most objective source, according to 24 percent Americans surveyed for the study. Although that percentage is low, the other outlets scored much lower. Fox News' rating is largely due to the network’s dominant position among Republicans (60 percent of whom say it is objective) and their near complete distrust of other sources.

This is from a survey of more than 19,000 American adults for a new Gallup/Knight Foundation study.

I wouldn't say that Newsweek or the Gallup/Knight foundation are fake alt right media.

That has little to do with FOX's credibility and much to do with the perception of its viewership that it is credible. Even in the small excerpt you posted, that was made clear as day.

Sure, John. Forget what the viewers say, what do they know.

People who watch FOX regularly know less than someone who watches no news at all. At least, I remember hearing that somewhere. Not entirely surprising, if so.
That would be correct, you heard it right.
You in the USA? We'd improve as a nation if you'd leave.
---------------------------------------- yeah , he is just off the boat from the mid east and also an anti gunner to boot Dude .
American and I do pay taxes ****.
---------------------------------------- big deal , taxes go to government but you work against AMERICANS RIGHTs . Its my goal to use YOU and others like YOU to illustrate the dangers of letting your types into America 'isis' ,
Shut up KKK fuck face. I'm here to stay you csnt do shit about it.
--------------------------------------------- [chuckle] YOU are simply the 'fifth columnist' type that i like pointing out , an imported muslim working to remove and change the RIGHTS and FREEDOMS of Americans You are an excellent example of imported problems to point out 'ISIS' , thankyou !!
This type of mental disorder is weaved throughout the right wing.
This is how our President got elected: 2016 Presidential Election

View attachment 196317

If all you can focus on is hate and contempt, you won't be able to understand that the people of this country let their voices be heard by voting for the candidate they wanted in office. There were more electoral votes for Trump than the other parties. It's time to stop trying to divide the country and start supporting who is in office. If you want someone else in come next election, you won't get results by attacking the party that is in office now.
Low information voters
From Newsweek, Jan 2018:

Fox News—far above of The New York Times, CNN, and the BBC—is the most objective source, according to 24 percent Americans surveyed for the study. Although that percentage is low, the other outlets scored much lower. Fox News' rating is largely due to the network’s dominant position among Republicans (60 percent of whom say it is objective) and their near complete distrust of other sources.

This is from a survey of more than 19,000 American adults for a new Gallup/Knight Foundation study.

I wouldn't say that Newsweek or the Gallup/Knight foundation are fake alt right media.
Lets put this into perspective here. Same study 67% of very liberal Can Think of an Objective News Source, by Ideology. and 52% of ultra conservative Can Think of an Objective News Source, by Ideology.
By the only really study that counts by accuracy, Fox crap news is by far the bottom of the pack and that says all that needs to be said about the right wing Fox Crap news supporters.

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