I have a few questions for the president supporters.

I didn't vote for Trump because I felt he was going to be just another big government Liberal.

He is a big government Liberal but given that he has done a very good job.

I like that he understands how destructive to this country those Illegals and Muslims are.

I like that he has made substantial reductions in regulations.

The tax cuts were rinky dink but a step in the right direction. Much better than Crooked Hillary' idea to raise taxes.

He understands that he was elected President of Pittsburgh and not Paris.

He knows how to put American interest first and that is a good thing.

I like that everyday he pisses off the pinky pussy hat Moon Bats.

He is making the country more prosperous and stronger.

The Moon Bats hate him because that shows what idiots they were to elect that Obama failure who increased poverty, decreased family income, ran up the debt, increased income disparity and had dismal economic growth.

Are you auditioning for a spot on Hannity? Lol.

Are you looking for a spot on Rachael Maddow?

Do I get paid?
Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him.


Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth.

name one politician in your lifetime that has kept as many campaign promises - you did not give a fuck when Obama lied or when Hillary lied

MOST of the examples I have seen given about his "lies" are bullshit and partisan twisting of words

Is this man what you want as a example for your children.

someone who works hard and is successful? yes

If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian.

I believe in forgiveness and redemption; and I was not looking to elect a Pope or religious leader

and the hypocrisy from the left and their sycophants in the media over Trump after what we saw with Slick Willie is nothing short of hilarious...

Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity.

see my last answer

Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him.

hatred - more fallacious bullshit

we have not seen hatred from Trump, we have seen hatred directed at Trump

What has he done to improve this country.


Paris accord
tax cuts
creating a less hostile environment for business to flourish

the list is way too extensive to be addressed here; I will stop at that for the moment

Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election.

we interfere in other countries elections; other countries try to interfere in ours

we still have ZERO evidence that even one vote was changed because of foreign interference

but to answer your question; I am all for doing whatever we need to do to preserve the integrity of our elections

and be careful what you wish for, because doing that won't end well for your side

Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office.

ZERO evidence that Trump or his team colluded with Russia

LOTS of evidence that Hillary and dems colluded with foreigners to bring Trump down (fake dossier that was used for FISA warrant for one)

it is hilarious that the democrats tried to steal this election and cheated like they did and still lost

Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media.

the media has lost credibility; people know they have an agenda to bring Trump, and conservative in general, down

they are making themselves irrelevant

Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades.

they are far more critical of Trump - is this really a question?

Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how.

2 scoops


12 diet cokes

crying on TV when he got elected

lying about him constantly -

their credibility is gone with everyone except the sky screamers

I really want to know why you support your president.

no you don't

you want to troll and make fallacious assertions

but I answered your ridiculous questions anyway



You are a gift to conservatives and Trump supporters, keep talking my new friend. :eusa_dance:

Are Trump supporters capable of real friendship? I don't think they have a developed enough frontal lobe.

Does the left even have room for a frontal lobe with that 4 inches of Neandertal skull bone?

You should march onto a college campus and start asking that question with a megaphone. Make sure you record. Would be hilarious.

The libs would cry and run home to their momma's with hurt feelings, no the lib professors not the students.

Do it, then.

I'll get right on that.
This is how our President got elected: 2016 Presidential Election

View attachment 196317

If all you can focus on is hate and contempt, you won't be able to understand that the people of this country let their voices be heard by voting for the candidate they wanted in office. There were more electoral votes for Trump than the other parties. It's time to stop trying to divide the country and start supporting who is in office. If you want someone else in come next election, you won't get results by attacking the party that is in office now.

Funny how Republicans weren't saying this during Obama's time in office.
I didn't vote for Trump because I felt he was going to be just another big government Liberal.

He is a big government Liberal but given that he has done a very good job.

I like that he understands how destructive to this country those Illegals and Muslims are.

I like that he has made substantial reductions in regulations.

The tax cuts were rinky dink but a step in the right direction. Much better than Crooked Hillary' idea to raise taxes.

He understands that he was elected President of Pittsburgh and not Paris.

He knows how to put American interest first and that is a good thing.

I like that everyday he pisses off the pinky pussy hat Moon Bats.

He is making the country more prosperous and stronger.

The Moon Bats hate him because that shows what idiots they were to elect that Obama failure who increased poverty, decreased family income, ran up the debt, increased income disparity and had dismal economic growth.

Are you auditioning for a spot on Hannity? Lol.

Are you looking for a spot on Rachael Maddow?

President Trump is-to the best of my knowledge- doing exactly what I hoped and elected him to do.
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Total Bullshit. Everybody is entitled to their opinion Jake, even you. But just because a couple of progressive lib/dems say it doesn't make it true.
From Newsweek, Jan 2018:

Fox News—far above of The New York Times, CNN, and the BBC—is the most objective source, according to 24 percent Americans surveyed for the study. Although that percentage is low, the other outlets scored much lower. Fox News' rating is largely due to the network’s dominant position among Republicans (60 percent of whom say it is objective) and their near complete distrust of other sources.

This is from a survey of more than 19,000 American adults for a new Gallup/Knight Foundation study.

I wouldn't say that Newsweek or the Gallup/Knight foundation are fake alt right media.

That has little to do with FOX's credibility and much to do with the perception of its viewership that it is credible. Even in the small excerpt you posted, that was made clear as day.

Sure, John. Forget what the viewers say, what do they know.

People who watch FOX regularly know less than someone who watches no news at all. At least, I remember hearing that somewhere. Not entirely surprising, if so.

Total unadulterated bullshit. You probably heard it on CNN or MSNBC. You know, their competition. This is really lame, John, right there with Jake.
OP, you're not really asking questions or looking for a discussion. What you've posted is just another liberal rant.
From Newsweek, Jan 2018:

Fox News—far above of The New York Times, CNN, and the BBC—is the most objective source, according to 24 percent Americans surveyed for the study. Although that percentage is low, the other outlets scored much lower. Fox News' rating is largely due to the network’s dominant position among Republicans (60 percent of whom say it is objective) and their near complete distrust of other sources.

This is from a survey of more than 19,000 American adults for a new Gallup/Knight Foundation study.

I wouldn't say that Newsweek or the Gallup/Knight foundation are fake alt right media.

That has little to do with FOX's credibility and much to do with the perception of its viewership that it is credible. Even in the small excerpt you posted, that was made clear as day.

Sure, John. Forget what the viewers say, what do they know.

People who watch FOX regularly know less than someone who watches no news at all. At least, I remember hearing that somewhere. Not entirely surprising, if so.

Total unadulterated bullshit. You probably heard it on CNN or MSNBC. You know, their competition. This is really lame, John, right there with Jake.

I don't watch either station. Or listen. So that seems unlikely.
This is how our President got elected: 2016 Presidential Election

View attachment 196317

If all you can focus on is hate and contempt, you won't be able to understand that the people of this country let their voices be heard by voting for the candidate they wanted in office. There were more electoral votes for Trump than the other parties. It's time to stop trying to divide the country and start supporting who is in office. If you want someone else in come next election, you won't get results by attacking the party that is in office now.

Well now, a big surprise, a lie by omission ^^^ posted by a trump supporter (sarcasm, not a surprise).

Q. Why do I call it a lie by omission

A. Because the final vote left trump 3 million votes, + or -, shy of the total votes cast.

Attacking Trump&Co., and The Congress, won't get the change we need, in that you are correct.
The US is where the minority has a say more than the majority....the result is a lying clown as a president.
The results are exactly why the founding fathers instituted the Electoral College. I don't want California and NY deciding our President every election. Maybe Democrats should think about nominating a better candidate who tries to find common ground with middle America instead of insulting them.
Founding fathers fucked up on that one. Now the crazy minority is dragging the majority to the unknown this isnt democracy, even iran has a better system than here.
I didn't vote for Trump because I felt he was going to be just another big government Liberal.

He is a big government Liberal but given that he has done a very good job.

I like that he understands how destructive to this country those Illegals and Muslims are.

I like that he has made substantial reductions in regulations.

The tax cuts were rinky dink but a step in the right direction. Much better than Crooked Hillary' idea to raise taxes.

He understands that he was elected President of Pittsburgh and not Paris.

He knows how to put American interest first and that is a good thing.

I like that everyday he pisses off the pinky pussy hat Moon Bats.

He is making the country more prosperous and stronger.

The Moon Bats hate him because that shows what idiots they were to elect that Obama failure who increased poverty, decreased family income, ran up the debt, increased income disparity and had dismal economic growth.

Are you auditioning for a spot on Hannity? Lol.

Are you looking for a spot on Rachael Maddow?

These Moon Bats are delusional because they usually get most of their news from Democratunderground, Rachael Maddow and Comedy Central. They think far Left assholes like Ensign Crusher and Samantha Bee are credible. We all saw how delusional Ensign Crusher was wrong with smug little predictions, didn't we?
The US is where the minority has a say more than the majority....the result is a lying clown as a president.

You in the USA? We'd improve as a nation if you'd leave.
---------------------------------------- yeah , he is just off the boat from the mid east and also an anti gunner to boot Dude .
American and I do pay taxes ****.
---------------------------------------- big deal , taxes go to government but you work against AMERICANS RIGHTs . Its my goal to use YOU and others like YOU to illustrate the dangers of letting your types into America 'isis' ,

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