I have a few questions for the president supporters.

The US is where the minority has a say more than the majority....the result is a lying clown as a president.
The results are exactly why the founding fathers instituted the Electoral College. I don't want California and NY deciding our President every election. Maybe Democrats should think about nominating a better candidate who tries to find common ground with middle America instead of insulting them.
Founding fathers fucked up on that one. Now the crazy minority is dragging the majority to the unknown this isnt democracy, even iran has a better system than here.
Iran ? With that statement my days of not taking people like you seriously is definitely coming to a middle.
Yeap...iran the majority decides...not in the US. The hillbillies are running the country.
The US is where the minority has a say more than the majority....the result is a lying clown as a president.
The results are exactly why the founding fathers instituted the Electoral College. I don't want California and NY deciding our President every election. Maybe Democrats should think about nominating a better candidate who tries to find common ground with middle America instead of insulting them.
Founding fathers fucked up on that one. Now the crazy minority is dragging the majority to the unknown this isnt democracy, even iran has a better system than here.
Iran ? With that statement my days of not taking people like you seriously is definitely coming to a middle.
Yeap...iran the majority decides...not in the US. The hillbillies are running the country.
------------------------------------------- yep , he is 'pro iran' and anti gun and anti CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS . A good example of why i am against third world immigration into the USA . How is this guy going to vote next time there is a 'hilary or obama ' running for American President .
Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.

Why do I support this president? Because the alternative was Hillary.

Nuff said.

Why bother trying to reason with the subhuman abominations known as Trump supporters (that are mostly old and dying, by the way)? Just let them rage, rage, rage into their early graves. Make fun of them. That's all they deserve.

^^^ I love this keep telling us who you really are libs keeping telling the world what you really think, come out of the closet. :eusa_clap:

Well, I didn't used to think this way until I started trying to communicate with Trump supporters, and ... well, that's the impression y'all give. Sorry.

Translation: I don't ever think. Clinton said they are deplorable so that's who I copied. Sorry...

No, I just started coming on here. Thanks to you guys, it didn't take long for me to realize that ALL OF THIS is basically just a proxy war fought by scared white people who are terrified that they are going to be replaced, or even worse, persecuted for being white.

That's what Trumpism boils down to. I'd feel sorry for y'all if your fear didn't turn you into savages.

Savages? Well then, you should be able to link me to all the killings, lynchings, and riots.

Founding fathers fucked up on that one. Now the crazy minority is dragging the majority to the unknown this isnt democracy, even iran has a better system than here.

There would never have been the United States of America had it not been for the brilliant concept of the Electoral College.
Low information voters

of course, you are speaking of these HIGH INFORMATION VOTERS! :D

Why don’t blacks listen to people with solutions and NOT to race baiters? What if the Rev. Al Sharpton's and Jesse Jackson's were preaching just the opposite of what they do today?

Donald Trump saved us from H. Clinton
LOL LOL Yeah he really cleaned out the swamp and saved us from Hillary How does it feel now,being up to your chin in his cesspool??

Pretty great!

The US economy suddenly looks like it's unstoppable
  • Friday's economic data provided evidence the U.S. economy is heading into the second half of 2018 with strong momentum.
  • Nonfarm payrolls beat expectations while manufacturing and construction indexes both showed accelerated growth.
  • Economists are slowly ratcheting up expectations for growth through the end of the year, with widely followed measures putting the second quarter at between 3.6 percent and 4.8 percent.
Jeff Cox | @JeffCoxCNBCcom
Published 12:33 PM ET Fri, 1 June 2018 Updated 4:56 PM ET Fri, 1 June 2018

The US economy suddenly looks like it's unstoppable
I think this is a great example of blind support , it is definitely worth reading, he tell the truth and he do and Scum Bag isn't full of hate the only hate is from the left against Scum Bag. Good God , alternate reality , blind hateful make believe world of the right wing .


your OP is the perfect example of lunatic filled hatred and blind delusion

give me examples of his hatred or racism

take all the time you need
Those raping mexicans, white supremacist are good people ,
He attacked Muslim Gold Star parents, Scum bag said a judge was biosed because he was a Mexican, he has been sued twice for racial discrimination and found guilty,
he New Jersey Casino Control Commission fined the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino $200,000 in 1992 because managers would remove African-American card dealers at the request of a certain big-spending gambler. A state appeals court upheld the fine. Trump disparaged his black casino employees as “lazy” in vividly bigoted terms, according to a 1991 book by John O’Donnell, a former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino. Birtherism as only scum bag can. blanket ban on Muslims entering the country, This man is worse then slime , he is a criminal and everyone knows it, the right will except him and support him, no matter if he killed 100 children. He is the ultimate low life and the best idea for his followers are that we should chip them and watch them until they die so they don't get another chance at destroying this country.
From Newsweek, Jan 2018:

Fox News—far above of The New York Times, CNN, and the BBC—is the most objective source, according to 24 percent Americans surveyed for the study. Although that percentage is low, the other outlets scored much lower. Fox News' rating is largely due to the network’s dominant position among Republicans (60 percent of whom say it is objective) and their near complete distrust of other sources.

This is from a survey of more than 19,000 American adults for a new Gallup/Knight Foundation study.

I wouldn't say that Newsweek or the Gallup/Knight foundation are fake alt right media.
Lets put this into perspective here. Same study 67% of very liberal Can Think of an Objective News Source, by Ideology. and 52% of ultra conservative Can Think of an Objective News Source, by Ideology.
By the only really study that counts by accuracy, Fox crap news is by far the bottom of the pack and that says all that needs to be said about the right wing Fox Crap news supporters.
---------------------------- polls are useless JBander and they mean nothing . FOX and others simply report current info on current events . FOX and others let people know about a story or event or happening and then its up to the listener to check things out for themselves JBander .
Your a hoot.
more dislike of The TRUMP is all it is eh JBander ?? TRUMP is doing fine , i wish that he would do more in his unique American Presidential style JBander , ----------------- you sound like YOU are getting Frantc , having a break down or going cwazy JBander . ----------- [here , let me Help ya] GO Trump JBander !! :afro:
When we get our chance you will be chipped and watched for the rest of your life, Your this country's biggest enemy by far.
more dislike of The TRUMP is all it is eh JBander ?? TRUMP is doing fine , i wish that he would do more in his unique American Presidential style JBander , ----------------- you sound like YOU are getting Frantc , having a break down or going cwazy JBander . ----------- [here , let me Help ya] GO Trump JBander !! :afro:
When we get our chance you will be chipped and watched for the rest of your life, Your this country's biggest enemy by far.
In Nazi Germany they kissed Hitlers ass too as he hauled the Jews away Now it's trumps ass repubs kiss
more dislike of The TRUMP is all it is eh JBander ?? TRUMP is doing fine , i wish that he would do more in his unique American Presidential style JBander , ----------------- you sound like YOU are getting Frantc , having a break down or going cwazy JBander . ----------- [here , let me Help ya] GO Trump JBander !! :afro:
When we get our chance you will be chipped and watched for the rest of your life, Your this country's biggest enemy by far.
----------------------------- [chuckle] thanks JBander . But its like i say all the time , i'm an old guy , one of the last REAL Americans and that ain't a bad place to be JBander .
more dislike of The TRUMP is all it is eh JBander ?? TRUMP is doing fine , i wish that he would do more in his unique American Presidential style JBander , ----------------- you sound like YOU are getting Frantc , having a break down or going cwazy JBander . ----------- [here , let me Help ya] GO Trump JBander !! :afro:
When we get our chance you will be chipped and watched for the rest of your life, Your this country's biggest enemy by far.
In Nazi Germany they kissed Hitlers ass too as he hauled the Jews away Now it's trumps ass repubs kiss
-------------------------------------------- TRUMP is a good guy and President , best i've seen since i started paying attention to politcs maybe 25 years ago due to the flooding of the USA with third worlders Edward .
more dislike of The TRUMP is all it is eh JBander ?? TRUMP is doing fine , i wish that he would do more in his unique American Presidential style JBander , ----------------- you sound like YOU are getting Frantc , having a break down or going cwazy JBander . ----------- [here , let me Help ya] GO Trump JBander !! :afro:
When we get our chance you will be chipped and watched for the rest of your life, Your this country's biggest enemy by far.
In Nazi Germany they kissed Hitlers ass too as he hauled the Jews away Now it's trumps ass repubs kiss
-------------------------------------------- TRUMP is a good guy and President , best i've seen since i started paying attention to politcs maybe 25 years ago due to the flooding of the USA with third worlders Edward .
Attilia the Hun was a good guy too,,I'm a New Yorker and know of Trump being a scumbag for as long as I can remember
Is this what you wanted for this country when you voted for him. Do you think it is OK that the president lies non stop dailly on every subject he is confronted with or do you think he is telling the truth. Is this man what you want as a example for your children. If your a evangelical, how do you overlook this mans ungodly faults or is he your type of christian. Also are the issues that he pursues and the way he acts show any level of christianity. Do you support his hatred and attacks of all the institutions of this country or are these something you think should be changed so you support him. What has he done to improve this country. Do you care one way or the other on how much influence that other countries seemingly had in deciding the last election. Do you think that all of your presidents people having all these meeting with russian agents is just nothing to worry about or do you not care how The president got into office. Do you think that Your presidents actions would be found to be acceptable , if it wasn't for the media. Do you think the media is as critical or more critical then any other period of time during the last few decades. Do you perceive that you and your president is treated unfairly and how. Just hoping that maybe some of you right wingers would explain this support of the president or is it simply blind support. I am a progressive but I really want to know why you support your president.
What was needed for this nation was a presidential candidate that was AGAINST THE FOLLOWING:
A policy of no borders.
People sneaking into the nation without being properly vetted to ensure they weren't members of a drug cartel, murderers, thieves, rapists, molesters, or terrorists.
Unfair trade practices between other nations whereby they have the advantage.
Higher taxes.
The stifling of business creation and incentives.
Supreme Court Justices that were making decisions from a "feelings" standpoint rather than the strict interpretation of the US Constitution and its Amendments.
Too much civilian interference with military targets and strategy.
Not putting our citizens first ahead of the rest of the world.

Now, on to lying: Please oh please, point out to politicians that don't lie. They all do. If they didn't they wouldn't get elected. As for your assertion that he lies non-stop, that happens to be a load of BS.
Christians/Evangelicals? I can only speak for myself as an Atheist. I don't give a crap for what they think of him. Religion has been the bane of humanity since its inception and responsible for many wars, torture and murder, especially under Islam.
His attacks on some of our institutions are valid. When he was running for president, members of the FBI were vehemently against him and were looking for ways to get rid of him as a candidate, as proven by various e-mails.
Really? What has he done to improve this nation:
Even your precious Democrat led New York Times has acknowledged that he has done wonders for our economy. It's been so significant that even they couldn't ignore it.
Companies have been coming back to the US, admitting that it was because of his tax lowering and deregulation policies.
Black unemployment has dropped to an all time low and blacks are dropping the Democratic party.
More and more nations are coming around to his stance.
Russia ONLY publicly outed the DNC for screwing over Bernie Sanders (Russia's preferred candidate). Russia's then preferred candidate was Hilary Clinton. They really didn't believe that the bombastic Trump would win. Our nation's ELECTORAL COLLEGE voted Trump in. Russia had no influence on that. The Electoral College members individually entered their votes, signed them and they were handed over to the Speaker-of-the-House, who read them off, one at a time. No Russia there.
Do I think he has been treated unfairly? Yes. It was determined that CNN reports negatively on Trump 91% of the time.
Having said all that, allow me to elaborate where I stood on the issue:
I found both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to be crap as candidates, in Trump's case, it was because he was crude, lacked any degree of eloquence (he makes George Bush, the lessor, seem to be a genius at speaking). and appears to judge women by their looks, rather than how good they are at their jobs.
I found Clinton to be far more disgusting. Anyone that is pro-New World Order (One World Government) with no borders to control who comes in, will absolutely NOT get my vote. Such a policy effectively ends the sovereignty of the US a nation and opens us up to laws being implemented by foreign entities and no longer allows our own people to have a nation, per se. That plus the idea of millions of Muslims being flooded into here is absurd. You just have to look at Germany and France, as because of their migrant acceptance it has been determined that in the not too distant future, they will become Islamic states and thus goes women's freedoms and freedom in general. So, allowing millions of them in here would only do the same, quicker.
My favorite president was: Theodore Roosevelt. He was very pro-business, but at the same time, he saw the destruction of our forests and wildlife and thus created our National Parks and National Forests. He was also responsible for the creation of the Panama Canal (which we have stupidly given away) and believed in a strong military.
We haven't had one to match him .
Last edited:
little i know of him he is a good guy and i know nothing about him except for his good works as President Edward .
Donald Trump saved us from H. Clinton
LOL LOL Yeah he really cleaned out the swamp and saved us from Hillary How does it feel now,being up to your chin in his cesspool??

Pretty great!

The US economy suddenly looks like it's unstoppable
  • Friday's economic data provided evidence the U.S. economy is heading into the second half of 2018 with strong momentum.
  • Nonfarm payrolls beat expectations while manufacturing and construction indexes both showed accelerated growth.
  • Economists are slowly ratcheting up expectations for growth through the end of the year, with widely followed measures putting the second quarter at between 3.6 percent and 4.8 percent.
Jeff Cox | @JeffCoxCNBCcom
Published 12:33 PM ET Fri, 1 June 2018 Updated 4:56 PM ET Fri, 1 June 2018

The US economy suddenly looks like it's unstoppable
Funny show us the" all of a sudden" in jobs and stock market where Scum bag took over and changed the business numbers to the good. I can see that he did anything can you.

more dislike of The TRUMP is all it is eh JBander ?? TRUMP is doing fine , i wish that he would do more in his unique American Presidential style JBander , ----------------- you sound like YOU are getting Frantc , having a break down or going cwazy JBander . ----------- [here , let me Help ya] GO Trump JBander !! :afro:
When we get our chance you will be chipped and watched for the rest of your life, Your this country's biggest enemy by far.
----------------------------- [chuckle] thanks JBander . But its like i say all the time , i'm an old guy , one of the last REAL Americans and that ain't a bad place to be JBander .
Sorry buddy,There is no real Americans that voted for Scum Bag
i voted TRUMP because as the campaign went on i knew i wasn't going to ever vote for any of the [repub rinos] . And then lo and behold i decided i liked The TRUMP and would vote for him . Otherwise i woulda probably stayed home Edward . .
Here's another example show us when scum bag came into office and changed anything in the economy
BTW, damn near every pol lies quite often, even lib/dems
Every time I see someone say "but all politicians lie" it makes me crazy. WHY is this accepted and acceptable? Would or should anyone be okay with their attorney lying to them? How about their doctor? Your boss, your kid's teacher, the officer officer who stopped and ticketed you? What about your auto mechanic - "no those brakes should be good for another 12 months" and then 3 months later they fail causing an accident).

Why are the people who are supposed to represent us in government held to a lesser standard instead of an equal or higher standard?

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