I have a practice date tomorrow

Practice date? Never heard that before. Meaning that you will ask for a date when everything fail...oh well I tried.

Practice Date: "Going out with someone who is not your type"

Why would I ( or a man ) ask a woman for a date if she is not my type? Unless you are desperate.

I am desperate, I need affection because I am human. Why wouldn't I be desperate?
Yeah, dude, now you are making me sad. Hang in there. One day you will meet someone and marry her. Then you will get divorced and hate her.

Let me show you something, dude. November 16, 2006. Do you know what day that is? It is the day the judge signed my divorce decree. It is filed away in my mind along with other important dates, like my son's birthday, my birthday, and 9/11.

But I get it. You cannot appreciate being single until you have been imprisoned in a loveless marriage. Plus, there is no way to quell that feeling you are missing something in your life. So, you know, you probably need to hook up and cohabitate.

2 points to consider before self pity guides you to put a bullet in your brain.

First, you are into your 30s now. I assume that you have been on your own for awhile. This means that you probably like and are most comfortable being alone. I got married in my 20s. When I look back and remember all of the women that came and went, chicks that wanted to fuck me and I turned away because I wanted to be a good little husband, it makes me sick. If I were you I would have fun while you can. The whole love and marriage bullshit will come soon enough. It's like cancer - just about everyone gets it sooner or later.

Secondly, you really do not have much perspective on this. Divorce has made me happy. Others go on and get married a second or third time. Lots of times these subsequent marriages are more successful and enjoyable than the prior ones due to maturity and knowing what you really want and need in a relationship. For example, I know what I need. I need to not be in a committed relationship with a woman. Women today are fucking crazy, but that is another topic.

My point is that you are just hyper focused on this shit. You need a life, something to fill your time other than football. Get a fucking hobby or something. I will tell you something here. I never got more pussy than when I was younger and just did not give a shit about it. I had a life happening, was young and successful, and confident. I had to beat the pussy off of me with a stick. The point being that I had something going on. I was not sitting around in my "drawls" watching football and eating Cheetos. I also had heat in my apartment when I lived in one as a young single man. I still look back at my bachelor pad fondly. A 2 bedroom flat in a nice community. I fucked in every square inch of that place. The last chick I fucked there ended up becoming my wife, and the dream ended.

You need to get a life. You will be much more attractive to women. Even if you have to fake it. Also, get out of your fucking house and go be around other human beings!
Dude, you are constantly looking for excuses as to your love life not working out. You sabotage your life. You really do not want anyone and you are lying to yourself, or you are such a slave to you insecurities that you need professional help.

I have no clue what the fuck you are talking about. That dumb bitch starting playing games when she sent the first text asking to push it back to 6:30
You are always making excuses.

That dumb bitch probably never left her house

Why would you ask a woman to come to your place on a first date? She could be thinking...... am I safe, going to get rape, murder? Especially when you look like......god knows.
^ that

Seriously, this kid is just coming up w/ his own ideas in a vacuum thus sabotaging himself.
Then again, fuck it, kid. Just do yourself in. I suggest a slow burn on alcohol, as that will be most punishing. That is what you are after, right? Self-punishment?
Practice date? Never heard that before. Meaning that you will ask for a date when everything fail...oh well I tried.

Practice Date: "Going out with someone who is not your type"

Why would I ( or a man ) ask a woman for a date if she is not my type? Unless you are desperate.

I am desperate, I need affection because I am human. Why wouldn't I be desperate?
Yeah, dude, now you are making me sad. Hang in there. One day you will meet someone and marry her. Then you will get divorced and hate her.

Let me show you something, dude. November 16, 2006. Do you know what day that is? It is the day the judge signed my divorce decree. It is filed away in my mind along with other important dates, like my son's birthday, my birthday, and 9/11.

But I get it. You cannot appreciate being single until you have been imprisoned in a loveless marriage. Plus, there is no way to quell that feeling you are missing something in your life. So, you know, you probably need to hook up and cohabitate.

2 points to consider before self pity guides you to put a bullet in your brain.

First, you are into your 30s now. I assume that you have been on your own for awhile. This means that you probably like and are most comfortable being alone. I got married in my 20s. When I look back and remember all of the women that came and went, chicks that wanted to fuck me and I turned away because I wanted to be a good little husband, it makes me sick. If I were you I would have fun while you can. The whole love and marriage bullshit will come soon enough. It's like cancer - just about everyone gets it sooner or later.

Secondly, you really do not have much perspective on this. Divorce has made me happy. Others go on and get married a second or third time. Lots of times these subsequent marriages are more successful and enjoyable than the prior ones due to maturity and knowing what you really want and need in a relationship. For example, I know what I need. I need to not be in a committed relationship with a woman. Women today are fucking crazy, but that is another topic.

My point is that you are just hyper focused on this shit. You need a life, something to fill your time other than football. Get a fucking hobby or something. I will tell you something here. I never got more pussy than when I was younger and just did not give a shit about it. I had a life happening, was young and successful, and confident. I had to beat the pussy off of me with a stick. The point being that I had something going on. I was not sitting around in my "drawls" watching football and eating Cheetos. I also had heat in my apartment when I lived in one as a young single man. I still look back at my bachelor pad fondly. A 2 bedroom flat in a nice community. I fucked in every square inch of that place. The last chick I fucked there ended up becoming my wife, and the dream ended.

You need to get a life. You will be much more attractive to women. Even if you have to fake it. Also, get out of your fucking house and go be around other human beings!
Good points.
I'm in a good mood because the cowboys won
Practice date? Never heard that before. Meaning that you will ask for a date when everything fail...oh well I tried.

Practice Date: "Going out with someone who is not your type"

Why would I ( or a man ) ask a woman for a date if she is not my type? Unless you are desperate.

I am desperate, I need affection because I am human. Why wouldn't I be desperate?
Yeah, dude, now you are making me sad. Hang in there. One day you will meet someone and marry her. Then you will get divorced and hate her.

Let me show you something, dude. November 16, 2006. Do you know what day that is? It is the day the judge signed my divorce decree. It is filed away in my mind along with other important dates, like my son's birthday, my birthday, and 9/11.

But I get it. You cannot appreciate being single until you have been imprisoned in a loveless marriage. Plus, there is no way to quell that feeling you are missing something in your life. So, you know, you probably need to hook up and cohabitate.

2 points to consider before self pity guides you to put a bullet in your brain.

First, you are into your 30s now. I assume that you have been on your own for awhile. This means that you probably like and are most comfortable being alone. I got married in my 20s. When I look back and remember all of the women that came and went, chicks that wanted to fuck me and I turned away because I wanted to be a good little husband, it makes me sick. If I were you I would have fun while you can. The whole love and marriage bullshit will come soon enough. It's like cancer - just about everyone gets it sooner or later.

Secondly, you really do not have much perspective on this. Divorce has made me happy. Others go on and get married a second or third time. Lots of times these subsequent marriages are more successful and enjoyable than the prior ones due to maturity and knowing what you really want and need in a relationship. For example, I know what I need. I need to not be in a committed relationship with a woman. Women today are fucking crazy, but that is another topic.

My point is that you are just hyper focused on this shit. You need a life, something to fill your time other than football. Get a fucking hobby or something. I will tell you something here. I never got more pussy than when I was younger and just did not give a shit about it. I had a life happening, was young and successful, and confident. I had to beat the pussy off of me with a stick. The point being that I had something going on. I was not sitting around in my "drawls" watching football and eating Cheetos. I also had heat in my apartment when I lived in one as a young single man. I still look back at my bachelor pad fondly. A 2 bedroom flat in a nice community. I fucked in every square inch of that place. The last chick I fucked there ended up becoming my wife, and the dream ended.

You need to get a life. You will be much more attractive to women. Even if you have to fake it. Also, get out of your fucking house and go be around other human beings!

Darn... Look at this time you invested with this virgin.
Practice date? Never heard that before. Meaning that you will ask for a date when everything fail...oh well I tried.

Practice Date: "Going out with someone who is not your type"

Why would I ( or a man ) ask a woman for a date if she is not my type? Unless you are desperate.

I am desperate, I need affection because I am human. Why wouldn't I be desperate?
Yeah, dude, now you are making me sad. Hang in there. One day you will meet someone and marry her. Then you will get divorced and hate her.

Let me show you something, dude. November 16, 2006. Do you know what day that is? It is the day the judge signed my divorce decree. It is filed away in my mind along with other important dates, like my son's birthday, my birthday, and 9/11.

But I get it. You cannot appreciate being single until you have been imprisoned in a loveless marriage. Plus, there is no way to quell that feeling you are missing something in your life. So, you know, you probably need to hook up and cohabitate.

2 points to consider before self pity guides you to put a bullet in your brain.

First, you are into your 30s now. I assume that you have been on your own for awhile. This means that you probably like and are most comfortable being alone. I got married in my 20s. When I look back and remember all of the women that came and went, chicks that wanted to fuck me and I turned away because I wanted to be a good little husband, it makes me sick. If I were you I would have fun while you can. The whole love and marriage bullshit will come soon enough. It's like cancer - just about everyone gets it sooner or later.

Secondly, you really do not have much perspective on this. Divorce has made me happy. Others go on and get married a second or third time. Lots of times these subsequent marriages are more successful and enjoyable than the prior ones due to maturity and knowing what you really want and need in a relationship. For example, I know what I need. I need to not be in a committed relationship with a woman. Women today are fucking crazy, but that is another topic.

My point is that you are just hyper focused on this shit. You need a life, something to fill your time other than football. Get a fucking hobby or something. I will tell you something here. I never got more pussy than when I was younger and just did not give a shit about it. I had a life happening, was young and successful, and confident. I had to beat the pussy off of me with a stick. The point being that I had something going on. I was not sitting around in my "drawls" watching football and eating Cheetos. I also had heat in my apartment when I lived in one as a young single man. I still look back at my bachelor pad fondly. A 2 bedroom flat in a nice community. I fucked in every square inch of that place. The last chick I fucked there ended up becoming my wife, and the dream ended.

You need to get a life. You will be much more attractive to women. Even if you have to fake it. Also, get out of your fucking house and go be around other human beings!

Darn... Look at this time you invested with this virgin.
I know, I know. What is it about this loser that makes me bother?
You are always making excuses.

That dumb bitch probably never left her house

Why would you ask a woman to come to your place on a first date? She could be thinking...... am I safe, going to get rape, murder? Especially when you look like......god knows.
Have you never had a one night stand?

It turns out, though, that it does not even matter. FBJ does not need to take a woman to his place because it is apparently a dump. Last night he revealed that he has no heat. Plus, since he sits around in his "drawls" all weekend eating junk food and watching football there is no telling what kind of rancid smell there is in there, or what kind of disarray his place is in. He does not strike me as a very neat person.

Yes I have but I am not a fan of them
No, I was asking Charina, rhetorically. I know you have had one. If not for the drunken one-night stand you would still be a virgin.

Charwin here..... Meat Head. Give me time to remove my helmet and my body armor. Just came back from west coast front line battlefield section of Current Events.
Actually yes I have lots of one night stand. But I only did once in my house and it was a disaster. The sex was awesome. I was even thinking I'm going to keep her but when I woke up...she is gone... no notes. Look for her all over the house thought maybe she is cooking breakfast. Garage was open my Italian car was gone. I ran upstairs to get dressed... My wallet and my watch was also gone. Called my buddies that are cops and it happened that I also know the club owner so they were able to tracked her the same morning. After that no more one night stand in my house only hotel or in my car. That was when I was single.
Still have those on going quicky sex even I'm older but very very careful. Because my wife caught me once. She almost killed my mistress. If we have guns at home maybe she could have shot both of us.
That dumb bitch probably never left her house

Why would you ask a woman to come to your place on a first date? She could be thinking...... am I safe, going to get rape, murder? Especially when you look like......god knows.
Have you never had a one night stand?

It turns out, though, that it does not even matter. FBJ does not need to take a woman to his place because it is apparently a dump. Last night he revealed that he has no heat. Plus, since he sits around in his "drawls" all weekend eating junk food and watching football there is no telling what kind of rancid smell there is in there, or what kind of disarray his place is in. He does not strike me as a very neat person.

Yes I have but I am not a fan of them
No, I was asking Charina, rhetorically. I know you have had one. If not for the drunken one-night stand you would still be a virgin.

Charwin here..... Meat Head. Give me time to remove my helmet and my body armor. Just came back from west coast front line battlefield section of Current Events.
Actually yes I have lots of one night stand. But I only did once in my house and it was a disaster. The sex was awesome. I was even thinking I'm going to keep her but when I woke up...she is gone... no notes. Look for her all over the house thought maybe she is cooking breakfast. Garage was open my Italian car was gone. I ran upstairs to get dressed... My wallet and my watch was also gone. Called my buddies that are cops and it happened that I also know the club owner so they were able to tracked her the same morning. After that no more one night stand in my house only hotel or in my car. That was when I was single.
Still have those on going quicky sex even I'm older but very very careful. Because my wife caught me once. She almost killed my mistress. If we have guns at home maybe she could have shot both of us.
Dude, that sucks. I will admit that I will not sleep in order to keep an eye out for shenanigans. Fortunately I have never been ripped of. I try to keep these things to a minimum at home, as I really did not want them to know where I live. But from time to time I will take one home anyway. I do keep a second phone for dating. That way the chick can call me without having access to my primary phone.
Why would you ask a woman to come to your place on a first date? She could be thinking...... am I safe, going to get rape, murder? Especially when you look like......god knows.
Have you never had a one night stand?

It turns out, though, that it does not even matter. FBJ does not need to take a woman to his place because it is apparently a dump. Last night he revealed that he has no heat. Plus, since he sits around in his "drawls" all weekend eating junk food and watching football there is no telling what kind of rancid smell there is in there, or what kind of disarray his place is in. He does not strike me as a very neat person.

Yes I have but I am not a fan of them
No, I was asking Charina, rhetorically. I know you have had one. If not for the drunken one-night stand you would still be a virgin.

Charwin here..... Meat Head. Give me time to remove my helmet and my body armor. Just came back from west coast front line battlefield section of Current Events.
Actually yes I have lots of one night stand. But I only did once in my house and it was a disaster. The sex was awesome. I was even thinking I'm going to keep her but when I woke up...she is gone... no notes. Look for her all over the house thought maybe she is cooking breakfast. Garage was open my Italian car was gone. I ran upstairs to get dressed... My wallet and my watch was also gone. Called my buddies that are cops and it happened that I also know the club owner so they were able to tracked her the same morning. After that no more one night stand in my house only hotel or in my car. That was when I was single.
Still have those on going quicky sex even I'm older but very very careful. Because my wife caught me once. She almost killed my mistress. If we have guns at home maybe she could have shot both of us.
Dude, that sucks. I will admit that I will not sleep in order to keep an eye out for shenanigans. Fortunately I have never been ripped of. I try to keep these things to a minimum at home, as I really did not want them to know where I live. But from time to time I will take one home anyway. I do keep a second phone for dating. That way the chick can call me without having access to my primary phone.

I just noticed I called you meathead.... My apologies.
It kind of sucks because we talked on the phone all week and I was looking forward to meeting her and then nothing

So for now on I will only have two phone conversatios before meeting

The first one to break the ice.30 mins

The second one to set up the date...15 mins

Effective 11/23

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